Organous Crisis 1


12:30 a.m. Sounds off!
Ranma 1/2
Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing
Iria: Zieram the animaton
Armitage III
Cowboy Bebop
Tenchi Universe Season II
Organous Crisis 1
Organous Crisis 2
Organus Crisis 3
Organous Crisis 4
Organous Crisis 5
Organous Crisis 6
Organous Crisis 7
Organous Crisis 8
Organous Crisis 9
Organous conclusion
Anime K..C.. oh damn it that okie stuff where you sing

The Organous Crisis was an anime inspires text rpg on WizardWorld's AGD board.

CHAPTER 1 it begins
Deep in echo....a sound...of a tormented soul laughs and screams at the same time. Visions of pain and happienes fill the vaccum............


*the sound of an alarm can be heard in the back ground. Shado opens his eye.
"that was one hell of a dream.....I need to stop playing thos damn games."


*Shado rolls out of bead. and starts to get dressed. putting ont a red T-shirt on, black jeans with a white stripe on the sides,his black Lugz, Black weight lifting gloves,his black Trench coat and sunglasses on.*

"Time to go out"

IT IS ABOUT 10:30pm and Shado walks down the busy street with people not even notcing him.
Then he pauses. He hears something......a is muffled.

Shado vanishes down a ally to see a human sized monster with a mouth in his torso ready to eat a little girl.

"Hey did they run outta' food at the all you can eat?"

The monster turns around "RRRAAAAAHHHHH.......FOOOOOOOD!" the monster opens his mouth to bite the childs head off when Shado runs at the beast and uses a flying kick to make the monster hit the ground.

"......." Shado stares at the monster as it stands on it's feet. Shado sees an old broken hocky stick on the ground and picks it up.

"C'mon!" The monster lunges at Shado, Shado procedes to beat it with a fury of attacks.
Then finaly pushing the stick through the mouth in it's torso turning thr monster to dust.
"Hmmmmm" Shado looks for the little girl.
"Are you alright?" the girl just cries.
"Hey let's get something to eat...." Shado picks up the little girl and procedes to a diner.
Shado walks into the diner and he knows this place well. Everybody recognizes Shado in this is his second home.

Shado sits down in a both with the little girl. She has a tear running down her eye.
"Do you want anything?" the girl nods.
"Hotcoco sound good?" the little girl looks up. The little girl responds,"al...alright."

The server walks over,"hey Shado, who is the lil' girl?"

Shado "She is my friend."
Server "hey hon, do ya' want anything"
Girl "......"
Shado "she'll have some Coco"
the girl cracks a smile
Server " any thing for you?"
Shado "NAH"

"Hey how's it going? A young little yellow devil said to the two.
"My's names Dee, I just moved here yesterday." Says the yellow one.
You don't mind if I sit here, do You?
*Shado looks at the little Devil.
Shado "wha'd you say your name was again?"
Dee "My name is Dee."
Shado "Ask my Friend, she is the guest of honor tonight."

*The little Girl Giggles.....
Shado "I think that means yes. I'm Shadoboxxer, my Friends call me Shado. What brings you here Dee?"
Dee "Just loking for a place to chill. Well I lived in a small town called MollTree. While I was there I met many misfortunes. Bartender get me OJ w/JD!"
Bartender gives Dee the drink.

Dee "Thanks B.T.!!! Damn that s#it is strong. Anyways, one of the predominate reasons were the towns people."

Shado "What happened?"

Dee "Well the towns people of MollTree didn't like the idea of a devil living in their mists. So I was force to move.

Shado "That's unforunate... well your luck is about to change."

the little girl looks at Dee with a smile.

Dee "What are you saying I can hang with you and your friend? By the way what is your name oh lovely one?"
*the little girl looks at Dee, then looks at Shado.
Shado "it is okay,I'd like to know the name of the little princess that i just saved too."

Little Girl "M...M....Manda"

Dee "aw, hi manda nice to meet you."

Manda "thank you, you too"

Dee "what happened to her, you said that you saved her?"

Shado "yeah i did, it was a monster that i never saw before. I don't want to go into detail around her.....but I don't know if she has a family or not. So Dee, your luck is going to change, you can show that your home town that you are only a devil in appearence and not heart by helping me find out where she is from. Sound good?"
Dee "I'm in! If I get to hang out with a badass dude like Shado, hell ya I'll do it.
Also I would be honored to help the lovely lady out."
Shado "Good. Where shall we start?"

Manda "We can start by going where I was attacked to find clues."

Shado "That sounds like a start, let's get the hell outta here!"

**In the shadows someone is watching them as they proceed to leave the bar. Shado notices but doesn't say anything, believing it's in the parties best interest.**
As the group exits, the shadowy figure remains motionless, but his mind is running like an overexcited cheetah.
??? (thought): "So, someone was finally able to defeat my scout. It deserved it, anyway, since it robbed the treasury yesterday. I need to buy a new pair of Reeboks, so I'm glad it's gone.
"Still, S#it O'Boggzher was able to defeat it easily with a basic weapon. I know my minions aren't too powerful, but they should have enough power to defeat a mere human."
His thoughts were cut short by a sudden bar brawl among two punks hopelessly drunk.
??? (thought): "I'd better get out of here. With this much evil energy, I might either get into some trouble I don't want or sleep with some ugly chick."
With that, he used the distraction of the fight to sneak his way out of the bar. He knew that it would be easier to create a small portal, but the possibility of someone accidentally stepping into a world they would get hopelessly lost in was just too much for him to bear.

*The three walk down the street to see where the battel took place.
Shado "This is the place."

Manda "I hate this place, but something is scary here."

Dee "huh? what is it."

Shado "hey Manda how old are you anyhow?"

Manda "I'm 11.Why?"

Shado "i just wanted to find out why a little girl like you would be out here at night."

Dee "yeah that's true, little lady. what happend?"

Manda drops her head and starts to cry.....
and tells what she knows....

Manda "Well it is like this.....i can't really remember....iremember running and ring a scream....was about to eat me. Then Shado came and saved me."

Dee "You have been through a lot huh?"

Manda "yeah i have but i know that you and Shado will help me."

*Shado hears a sound........"Guys ready something is coming" Shado picks up a trash can lid and the same stick that he defeated the monster with.

Shado "Manda take this lid and hide behind me and Dee."
*As Dee and Shado prepare to battle,they hear laughter sarrounding them*
???:Found anything? I guess not,who ever sent that monster has already left,you may find his finger prints somewhere but thats all
Shado:Who are you?
*The 3 are hit with a blast of wind,Manda is lifted into the air*
Dee:Manda? Who are you?!
*A bolt of lightning hits,they see now a man wearing a 3x3 Eyes T-shirt, Jeans and a black leather Jacket*
Indy:Im Indy,I have a challange,I win the girl lives but you lose your money,You win the girl lives and Ill help you find who ever sent the monster,agreed?
While shadoboxer and indystar are in the midst of their challenge. They fail to recognize a tiny patch of black in the night sky.
Looking down at the 4 of them, a man stands in the sky. But how is that possible? Why no human could ever be able to master the limitations of gravity...well, no human indeed.

The dark sky shrouds the entity's identity and appearence, all that could be seen is his eyes. Dark and deep blue eyes, that have a certain glint to them...and a certain look. It is the same gaze that Socartes, Plato, and many other great philosophers held when they were pondering the feats and limitations of man. Yet, the look in the eyes of this man, contain a glint of evil... much could be said of a man, just by staring into his eyes...

The entity starts to chuckle, and that chuckle soon erupts into a roarous laugh...

Dee "Cherry Blosome Cyclony? That sounds like a cake found in the dariy section."
CBC "so you are trying to mock me now,huh?"

Manda "Shado,Dee help me."

*Shado looks around sensing something else. He knows that he is not the real threat. Shado ignors it and attends to the problem at hand.

Shado "Cherry, this girl has been through too much today. There is no reason to fight....don't force my hand."

CBC "what are you yellow?"

Dee "Hey, I'm rellow and i represent that remark! Put Manda down now!"

CBC "We"

With the speed of the wind Cherry swings at Shado, and Shado counters and Dodges all of his movements.

Shado "I'm not going to Fight you!"

Manda "Help!"

Dee "Shado do something!"

CBC "c'mon shado....."

Shado "Dee jump up there and grab her. I'll keep this joker busy."

Dee jumps into the air and brings Manda safely to the ground.
"thanks Dee"
"noproblem little lady"

*Shado advances on Cherry an he retaliates with a fury of fists and perrys the strikes.

CBC "not bad"

*Just as Cherry punches again Shado grabs his arm,spins him around and puts him against the wall.......Staring Deep into his eyes.....
He see great potiential but something else that he can't put his finger on.

CBC "Looks like you win Shado."

*Shado knows that It was a test.

Shado "Don't ever mess with her again. She has been through enough. Look if you know something you better let me know."

Manda "Shado i don't trust him after that stunt he pulled.....I may be young but he seems bad!"

CBC "Hardley little one, I know what the beast was that attacked you and I saw the whole thing happen."

Dee "and you didn't help her! Thats it I'm going to murdelize you!"

Shado looks at Dee and Manda Holds him closer.

Shado "Fine, we could use your help but why didn't you help her?"

"I had to see what kind of intent was in you. If you could defeat something of that evil."

Shado looks around and feels a chill.....he looks up and sees a black essence vanish. He knows that something more is going on, but decides to trust Cherry.

Dee "Is that your real name?"
You calling me CHERRY!?
*Indy kicks Shado in the balls,walks away*
*Dee and Manda have to drag the weakened Shadoboxxer*
The setting, a small office, there are two men, named Boss and ZERO.
ZERO: So boss, got me a case yet, huh huh?
Boss: (thinks to self: I've got to get rid of him, he driving me nuts! I've got it I'll assign him that Molltree case, some devil named Dee, should be a needle in a haystack to find, even if he's in this city.) Yup, I got's you a case, here's the briefing.
Boss hands ZERO a piece of paper
ZERO: Got it, I'll find this supervillain and bring him to justice!
ZERO takes out his skateboard and flies down the road.
ZERO: (thinks to self I could use some food first.
Shado "Hey, i think that you got some aggresion problems! Iasked what your bloody name was and you said Cherry bloosome Cyclone! So in turn i thought that was your nam I thought it was weird too. I'll let you on this one."
Dee wispers to Shado "hey ya now i think that i remember him from some where before. The funny thing is I look like a devil and he acts like one."

Manda "yeah...he seems very mean."

Shado nods in aggrement......"well lets keep an eye on him,it seems like he has his own agenda.

Indy "so ya comin or what?"

Then Shado wonders why he felt an evil pressence and it left as soon as Indy and the group teamed up...... he figuers he'll find out later.
As the four of them leave the ally the see a
Gut on a skateboard pass them......"MAN AM I HUNGRY"
*the group just looks at him.

Dee "he is pretty good with that board"

Tey walk down the other direction of the street.
*As the 4 exit the town Dee tapped Indy's shoulder*
Dee:Hey,you didn't answer our question,why didn't you save Manda if you saw everything?

Indy:I was going to but Mr.knight without shinning kup here came to the rescue and I had a phone call.

Dee:You expect to beleive we would actually take that as truth?

Indy on't have to,now lets go on, The nights are no place for a devil, a girl and Kupless here.

*Dee and Manda have to hold back Shado as they walk on*
A ghostly figure floats aside the other one. Their conversation is masked by a rumbling noise.
New???: "Please, calm yourself. You will have your time to shine, but I want to see if my warrior can really prove himself to me. The rookie was allowed this privilege because he looked like he had good potential, but that would all be spoiled if you make yourself known now"
???1: "How dare you tell me to stay hidden! You know this wimp can't handle my job! I could crush anyone by myself!"
???2: "That is why I don't want you to interfere. This human was able to defeat a scout, and though that would be an insignificant measure for us, few of his kind were able to pull it off, and even less with such ease. If all goes well, the leader of the new government will easily take the fall and our victory will be sealed."
???1: "Hmm... Warui's death would be great for our cause, since he has already eliminated some of our key soldiers, but are you sure that our little street punk will both fall for it AND defeat him?"
???2: "For truth, no. However, in all my study of religion, the only risk is in not taking risks, and..."
???1: "Alright, alright! Save your speech"
Inside, the first one wonders how he got such an idiot for a boss, then remembers the promise made to him when ???2 was a young boy in a trance.
Meanwhile, a meeting is going on in a highly secured room under a TV station. The lights are dimmed, and little but the top of a table is visible. There is a model of a metallic planet with a very large moon orbiting it.
Head Speaker: "Glass, how is my digital training planet construction proceeding?"
Glass: "Grey, sir, understand that creating both the program and technology for replicating an entire planet from a simple moon is very difficult to achieve."
Grey: "HOW IS IT GOING, or do I have a new toy for Fluffy?"
Glass: "We seem to be 50% complete, sir."
Grey: "hmmm... Gold, what's our financial loss from the last attack?"
Gold: "The cost was around $45 billion."
Grey: "Be sure nothing like that happens again, Green."
Green: "We already have 10 new squeadrons of recruits ready for action, sir."
Grey: "Blue, what's the latest news from our spies?"
Blue: "There has not been much significant news from our spies on Warui. A routine bathroom update with Indy shows us that Shado is with him, but things are a bit iffy and we think he is wondering about betraying us, instead."
Grey: "We can deal with that. Any other news?"
???: "Our latest and most beneficial attack has been on Warui and his small band. Only Warui is left, sir."
Grey: "Excellent, Red. Glass, get that planet made. Blue, put more spies around Indy. Green, take the best shot of your men and make him my assasin to follow Indy. Gold, get another legal battle against someone rich to bring our funds up. That concludes this meeting."
All rise from the table and the screen fades to black.
*As Shado,Manda,and Dee sleep Indy feels a energy source,Indy jabs into a bush to find Blue's Spy*
Indy:I thought I told Blue that I would get the f*cking job done!

b.Spy:They say that your status in the Company is a bit iffy,You were hired when you tried to embezzaled the company for millions.

Indy:Well tell Blue,Glass,Red,Gold, and the other brown-nosed,tight assed idiots that Ill do the f*cking job,but your not telling them on a phone...Your telling them in a body bag!

*Indy breaks the guy's neck and throws him about 10 miles away*

Indy:I need a plan....
Dee asks Indy "What was that noise?
Indy replies "Some rat."

**The Heroes wake up to see another bright city day.**

Dee "Let's view the city, I need to look around."

**Everyone is looking at Dee with a puzzled look."

Shado "What are you looking for?"

Dee "I'll explain on the way."

Next Chapter: The introduction of the smartest midget pervert in the galaxy... yours truely.