Tenchi Universe Season II


12:30 a.m. Sounds off!
Ranma 1/2
Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing
Iria: Zieram the animaton
Armitage III
Cowboy Bebop
Tenchi Universe Season II
Organous Crisis 1
Organous Crisis 2
Organus Crisis 3
Organous Crisis 4
Organous Crisis 5
Organous Crisis 6
Organous Crisis 7
Organous Crisis 8
Organous Crisis 9
Organous conclusion
Anime K..C.. oh damn it that okie stuff where you sing

(Lets face it the last episode was a perfect set up as a seaon finale not a series so here we go,Season II...And don't worry Worm it will make it too TMFFA.)
Tenchi Universe Season II
Episode One: No need for returns
Tenchi lays in his bed asleep as Ryoko tip toes towards him.
Ryoko (half whispering): Tenchi? Tenchi my sweet...
Ryo-oki sleeps at the foot of his bed a carrot in her paws as we watch it slips and rolls across the floor under Ryoko's feet... We close up on a startled Ryoko as she screams and falls through Tenchi's bed.
Tenchi (jumping up): What the hell!?!
Behind him we see Ryoko rising through the floor as Tenchi lies back in bed she drapes an arm over him. Tenchi yawns and closes his eyes for a few seconds then opens them and looks at the arm closes them again and finally jumps up.
Tenchi:Ryoko what are you doing!?!
Ryoko: Shhh.. come on Tenchi it's just us...
Tenchi: Get out of my bed!!!!
Ryoko:Why do you think the couch might be more comfurtable?
Tenchi carries Ryoko out like a groom carrying his bride across the threshold.Then he ruins the image by dumping her on her butt.
Tenchi: Now let me sleep!!!
Tenchi climbs back into bed and there is a sudden shreaking hiss...
Tenchi:Yahhhhhhhh!!! What the!!!!
Tenchi jumps out of bed only to see he had sat on Ryo-oki. He sighs and climbs back in carefully.
We close up on the door to Washuu's lab there are flashing light coming from the other side soon followed by screams.
Tenchi has a pillow wrapped around his ears and is smacking his head repeatedly on the headboard.
Ryoko's voice drifts down the hall as she floats through the walls in a crisscross checking each room.
She floats through the living room and glances towards the door.
She finds him outside a hand shading his brow has he studies a familiar gleam in the upper atmosphere. It's evident from the pallet behind him that he ended up camping outside last night.
Ryoko (sounding very ****ed and hissing it under her breath):Ayeka.
Tenchi:You were right Ryoko they are coming back. First you then Washuu and now Ayeka. She probably has Sasami and the guardians with her too...
Ryoko (whisper) Dammit Ayeka, He's mine go home to Jurai and leave Tenchi for me.
The ship hits the lake sending water everywhere Tenchi flys back on the tidal wave as Ryoko floats there red faced with anger and soaked to the bone. Tenchi drifts around like driftwood as the sudden flood recedes.Slowly the ship opens.
Sasami:Tenchi!!!! Ryoko!!! Oh Ryoko we thought you were dead!
Sasami runs form the ship and jumps into Tenchi's arms. In the background the Guardians and the Knights climb out.
Tenchi hugs the girl tight.
Tenchi:Where's Ayeka?
Sasami:S...she's not here? (Getting worried)She left Jurai first...
Tenchi:No she isn't here.

Sasami:Then where is she?
Ryoko,Tenchi,Sasami,The Guardians, and The Knights are standing in Washuu's lab. Washuu is hunced over a computer screen typing on keys.
Washuu:According to my calculations she should have arrived at least a week ago...
Sasami: Please Washuu find my sister.
Washuu: I'm trying... Please I need my concentration here everyone outside!
Everyone is pacing around. Knight Kamidaki playing a gameboy. We show them pacing, eating, and finally sleeping. Through all of this Kamidaki plays his gameboy and Ryoko hangs on Tenchi.
Washuu bursts in as everyone is sleeping.
Washuu (yelling):I've done it!!!
Washuu puppets A and B: You're the greatest Washuu!!!
Sasami (rubbing sleep from her eyes): Huh..did you find Ayeka?
Washuu: Well not exactly... but I did locate her ships trail and my computer has traced the point where her ship came to a stop...and there is some bad news...we detected Ken-oki in the area.
Ryo-oki's ears perk up. Ryoko shakes a fist.
Tenchi: Nagi... We have to save her.
Washuu: It will take a few days to search an entire universe for her Tenchi. Get some sleep.
Tenchi: But...
Washuu: We can't do anything else yet. Rest.
Sasami runs up stairs crying and all both Azaka'a and Kamidaki's follow after her.
Ryoko: Tenchi she might be dead... we can't face Nagi again not now.
Tenchi:Put someone else ahead of yourself Ryoko we need to save her.
Ryoko (thought): I have been putting someone before me Tenchi.. you... I told you it would be a fair fight between Ayeka and I but now... it's too tempting. Tenchi please come to your senses what do we need that princess for anyway? Stay here with me..
Tenchi is examining a picture of the group we close up on Ayeka in the back yelling at Ryoko.
Ayeka (voice only in flashback): I won't be there to see you off.
Tenchi (thought): I'll find you Ayeka it isn't the same without you.
Ryoko's head comes through the wall and looks on for a moment silently drifting away.
<False commercial before we return to show>
Announcer (who sounds suspiciously like Kagato): Troubled by bothersome kid's ruining your plans?
We see Tenchi killing Kagato
Announcer: Pesky flesh wounds becoming a problem? Then you need this!
Screen spins and from the spiral (Batman 60's style) comes a laminated card.
Announcer: The Anime Villians Club membership entititles you the ability to come from the dead up to five times...
He's interrupted by that guy who looks like the Riddler's demented cousin (You know Mr. Blacksuit with the question marks all over it)
RDC (jumping around like he is having an epileptic seisure):And if you get the platinum package you can come back infinite times! Think about it!!! You'll never die!
Cut to Kagato.
Kagato:I hope you don't have that plan...
Kagato blasts the Riddler's demented cousin.
Kagato:Remember the Anime Villians Club.
Discalimer at bottom of screen: Not responsible for space ships,cities, uniforms,mecha,or anything destroyed during your 'death'.
Kagato: It's only $500.00 a week.
Soft morning light comes through the huddled form of Sasami on her bed. She is clutching her pillow and by the redness around her eyes it is obvious that she has cried herself to sleep last night.
Drifting back we pull through the wall...
The guardians and the Knights rest outside Sasami's door.
We keep going...
Ryoko is merrily eating breakfast.
Still we move on...
A large computer monitor dominates the screen. Washuu sits below it with a sodering iron messing with something which we recognise as the arm to Mecha Washuu.
Washuu spins around in her chair throwing the arm and the iron aside she begins tapping keys.
Washuu: Hmm this can't be correct...wait of course..she's still has a score to settle... Nagi is on her way here...
Kiyone and Mihoshi open the door and walk in to sit in front of a large desk.
Kiyone: Yes sir?
Officer (okay I don't know Police ranks): The Princess's of Jurai have gone missing.
Mihoshi (sounding worried): Ayeka? Sasami?
Kiyone (all buisness): Kidnapping?
Officer: No runaway... given your past relations with the two it was thought you two were best suited for the job. You will find the princess's and talk them into returning to Jurai before the media finds out they have left. Understood?
Kiyone: Yes sir!
Mihoshi is busy playing with a cube she picked up off the desk, Kiyone elbows her and she drops it. The cube flashes red and somewhere in the distance we hear an explosion.
Mihoshi: Uhm yes sir understood!
Fade to black
Next Episode....
Tenchi: Nagi is on her way to Earth with Ayeka as her prisoner.
Ryoko: Next Episode is 'No need for hostages'
Sasami: It's unquestionably dramatic.
____________________________________________________________Tenchi Universe Season II
Episode Two:No need for hostages
Ayeka lies in the corner on a small pallet huddled into the corner shackled. Nagi is sitting in the pilot seat working at her computer.
Nagi (thought): I'm coming Ryoko and now I have the best bait I could get...
Nagi smirks, and looks at Ayeka.
Nagi:Well Princess we are almost there...
Ayeka:Let me go... monster
Nagi:No no princess, that wasn't part of the deal.
Ayeka :Deal?
Nagi:Ryoko never told you did she? You thought I helped you out of the kindness of my heart?
Nagi gets up laughing leaving Ayeka on her own.
Nagi walks into a small bedroom area of the ship thowing her cloak aside she gazes out the porthole.
Nagi (thought): The day of reckoning is here Ryoko. I'll have you and the Juraian royal family in the palm of my hand.
Ryoko paces outside Tenchi's door. Tenchi opens the door between the first and second sentence.
Ryoko:Tenchi I... no grrr why can't I just come out and say it! Why can't I just say Tenchi I made a deal with Nagi!?!
Tenchi: You what!?!
Washuu: And so she has taken Ayeka to asure that Ryoko fufills her side of the bargain...interesting.
Tenchi: When she said she had made a deal I thought...
Washuu: You thought she had traded Ayeka?
Tenchi (sheepishly): Well yes...
Washyuu: They may not show it Tenchi but they care for one another..all of us are almost like... (long pause we hear something that may almost be the chocking back of a tear from Washuu) like a family. That is why we have all come back Tenchi this is our home and these people are our family (breaking out in a smile) besides no one will notice a galaxy destroying deathray all the way out here!
Tenchi gets a big sweatdrop on his forehead and faints momentarily.
??? BLACKNESS, ????
We see only the dark but we hear Washuu's voice slightly destorted.
Washuu: Tenchi? Tenchi? Oh no... I've really done it this time...
Tenchi sits up slowly... we see Washuu leaning over him in her nurse uniform with a large thermometer he is lying on a large slab a very scary looking device hanging over him. He is strapped in... on his stomach.
Tenchi: Washuu... Let me up! Washuu I'm fine...
We pull in tight on Tenchi's face.
Washuu (over the snap of rubber gloves) : I just have to do one more test I've gotten everything imporant... now just to check your temperature...
Tenchi's eyes get really big...
Sasami is stacking dishes when she hears Tenchi's scream. She yelps and jumps dropping them. She runs and hides behind knight Kamidaki who is standing in the corner. The scream holds the whole scene.
Kamidaki: Princess... what was that some strange earth monster?
Sasami (clutching his pant leg): I don't know... do you think it is a monster?
Kamadaki: It sounds almost as if it were coming from Lady Washuu's laboratory...
The door opens Sasami faints. Omakasaki's jaw drops.
Kamadaki: By Jurai!!!
Cut back to Washuu as we see her reach off screen to pull Tenchi's boxers back up.
Washuu: All done... you seem to be fine Tenchi.
Tenchi (weakly): Funny I don't feel fine.
Back to Kamadaki still staring with disgust and shock.
Omakasaki: I am scarred for life...
<False commercial>
We see Ayeka in the kitchen boiling tea she picks up the whistling kettle and carry's it back to Yosho who sits at the Musagi's dinner table.
Ayeka: I hope you enjoy this brother...
She hands Yosho the cup and he takes a sip.
Yosho: This is not my usual Herbal tea?
Ayeka: I... I thought we might try the new Lipton teabags brother...
Yosho kicks over the table his teeth gritted in rage he throws the teacup against the wall and kicks the kettle.
Yosho: Goddamit I want my herbal tea!!!
Ayeka screams and puts up a hand as the picture freezes.
Text across screne: Scary scene?
Text fades.
Text: Next time drink refreshing all natural herbal tea. Screw the bagged ****. Brought to you by the comittee for natural herbal tea's...
We slowly pan down to the Musagi house. Ken-oki hovers above it. Suddenly we see a hatch open and Ayeka drops down, tied up and gagged a sign around her neck.
Sasami is pointing out the window.
Sasami: It's Ayeka!!!
Everyone stares open mouthed.
Ryoko floats out and rips the note from around Ayeka's neck she rests a shoulder on Ayeka's forhead as Ayeka turns red and begins screaming into the gag.
Ryoko (reading aloud) : It is time Ryoko. Say your goodbyes and bring the young princess with you. Jurai is very worried about her safety... (ripping the note apart) Dammit you said I had a year Nagi!!! A year!
The ships guns begin to power up Ayeka is shaking and twisting in her bonds.
Tenchi (offscreen ): Ryoko!!! Untie Ayeka!!!
Ryoko: Huh... Ayeka... oh... I forgot.
She rips out Ayeka's gag.
Ayeka: You pig headed, sadistic, man stealing, traitorous piece of space pirate gutter trash!!!
Ryoko shoves the gag back in and cuts the rope sending Ayeka plummeting downward.
Ryoko: Ooops... sorry she slipped.
Ryoko laughs coldly and grabs the rope several inches off the ground. Ayeka has fainted. Ryoko lands and drops Ayeka who hits with a soft 'ooph'.
Everyone runs up to Ayeka and beginss checking on her. Washuu and Ryoko stand there ground watching as Nagi leaps fromt eh ship and drops to the ground looking for all the world like an anime Batman as she rise her cloak wraped around her.
Nagi: Your time is up Ryoko.
Ryoko: No way you said one year!
Nagi: Did I specify an Earth year?
Ryoko falters her face momentarily revealing shock and betrayal as her eyes tear up then her facade comes back up.
Ryoko: You bitch!!!
Ryoko forms an energy sword and charges Nagi, Ken-oki fires and she goes flying back a large crater forming in the ground before Washuu who doesn't so much as blink.
Nagi: Ahh an added bonus... The great Washuu.
Nagi smirks.
Nagi: You know not even overthrowing the false emporer would forgive the destruction you caused at the Science University.
Washuu makes a growling sound.
Nagi: Oh the living computer DOES feel emotion.
Washuu: No one is leaving with you Nagi. Not I, not Ryoko, not Ayeka, and not Sasami.
Nagi: Oh really and what will prevent that?
Washuu: Just you wait ten minutes Nagi you'll see.
Nagi: You don't have ten minutes.
Ryo-oki rises and fly off hastily, Ken-oki gives chase.
Washuu (smuggly): Really?
Fade too black...
Next Episode:
Tenchi: Washuu has played a clever gambit against Nagi but can it work?
Ayeka: The time is drawing near and Nagi wants to take us all back with her and leave poor Tenchi all alone... next episode is... No need for stalling.
Ryoko: It's unquestionably thrilling...

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