Organous Crisis 8


12:30 a.m. Sounds off!
Ranma 1/2
Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing
Iria: Zieram the animaton
Armitage III
Cowboy Bebop
Tenchi Universe Season II
Organous Crisis 1
Organous Crisis 2
Organus Crisis 3
Organous Crisis 4
Organous Crisis 5
Organous Crisis 6
Organous Crisis 7
Organous Crisis 8
Organous Crisis 9
Organous conclusion
Anime K..C.. oh damn it that okie stuff where you sing

Enter subhead content here

<Zero once again sneezes and transforms into OniRaiden>
Oni: Soemthing occur while I was gone?

Blu: The Worm isn't dead

Oni: Oh my. We are screwed if he finds Koichi. That man is an undead-

<Oni sneezes turning back into Zero>

Zero: We are screwed--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-Thoughts are collected, Kensuke leans back on his passenger seat.Suddenly, a flash sense comes to him...-
Kensuke(thought)-What the....

-He gets up and looks at Koichi. He turns to Kensuke-

Koichi- What?

Kensuke-Didja sense that?

Koichi- Hell no, if I did, that voice will tell me.


Koichi-Quit bothering me, that tournament is still on my mind. You should'nt have gotten yer ass out on that planet..

Kensuke-Well, you were the one who wanted me out. Not my fault that Nova smashed my head against a tree and midgets nearly killing me....I guess I owe you one..

Koichi-Damn right you do, and you call yourself a Ninja. Ninja of Light my ass, when the hell are you gonna become useful?

-Kensuke Shrugs-


Koichi- Huh?

Voice- Don't look now, but there's trouble ahead....
<Koichi looks ahead and sees a man standing on a roof top quite a ways infront of them. He's holding a very large gun and has it pointed straight at the Midmare.>
Koichi: Who the **** does he think...?

Kensuke: It's Worm.

Koichi: Who?

<A shot from the gun hits the Midmare. Its power can't penetrate the hull, but it does shake the small ship violently.>

Koichi: Oh you did not!

<Koichi unleashed a volley of machine gun fire at the roof top. A section of the building is completely destroyed. Dust and rubble fly everywhere. Koichi flies the Midmare straight through the flying debries, clearing the cloud of dust. But Worm isn't there anymore.>

Kensuke: Open the sheild! Let me out! I've got to...

Koichi: Sit the **** down!

Kensuke: But that was...

Koichi: I know, I know. Snail or Slug or Catepiller or somethin'.

Kensuke: WORM! His name is Worm and he's very dangerous.

Koichi: Well so am I! If he wants a fight he can come to the tourny and get it!

Kensuke: Let me!

Koichi: What?

Kensuke: You've got that fight with Shado, right? If Worm shows up, let me take him.

Koichi: Fine. I've never even heard of him. He's probably after you, anyway.

Voice: Actually, Koichi...

Koichi: Shuddup. It seems like whenever you start talking we get farther away from the tourney. Let's get going, ok? NO MORE INTERRUPTIONS!!!

<The Midmare continues on the tournement center. Koichi and Kensuke are now there, waiting......>

Kensuke(thought)-Worm....Why did you come back?...

Worm stood there among the rubble, watching the Midmare speed away towards the north.
Worm: (Thinking) Of course, the Parthenon. They're heading to the tournament. What better place for a tournament to be held? No innocents to be hurt, no police to interfere, no property to be destroyed. Obviously, the participants are very consciencous.

I had a conscience once, but alas, I seem to have forgotten where I put it.

With a low chuckle, Worm turned and walked out of what remained of the building. Night was coming, and the tournament was still far away.

Sleep well, Kensuke and Koichi. Rest assured, your time draws nigh.

Worm drove off, taking a different route.
Meanwhile back at the ship in Blu's room...
Blu is pacing back and forth as Kaitlyn enters the room...

Kaitlyn:Is something wrong? You look really worried...

Blu(yelling):Of course something is wrong!
You spring all this on me and now the worm is back...and I have no idea hwat the hell is going on anymore!!!

He stops for a second and looks up at her.

Blu(normal speaking voice):I don't want to be Kai Hiro again...I'm begining to remember him.He was an ass, a pompous arrogant ass.

Kaitlyn:Yes but when we first met he was like you...That was the Kai I loved and married.It was STRYFE that changed him,stoking his ego,praising him as a genuis..and in the end it was STRYFE that turned him back into you...

The following takes place between after MarvelMan inhabits Zero and Shado and Lockheart go the Astral plane
-Somewhere in Tibet-
<Akira meditating in the courtyard as usual, he has a vision of the future. In this vision he sees the Parthenon, he sees a large Shadowy figure, a figure that looks like priestess, a small armored man crying, a dead demon, and out of nowhere he sees his father. His father is radiant and has white hair but is soon overshadowed by a huge demonic figure. Soon his father is crying out Akira, why have you not come?. Akira comes out of his meditation. His teacher, the monk known as the Apparition (an elemental of the wind as well) comes to him.>

Apparition: Akira what have you seen?

Akira: Master, I have seen that I need to leave immediately. I had a vision of my father and he was in great pain against a very evil force. He needs me now. Where is this tournament, master?

Apparition: It is in Greece, at the Parthenon, a source of great magical energy. You need to be wary as you travel there for there may be many obstacles that prevent you from getting to your father as quickly as possible. Take of yourself as you travel and do not forget the teachings that you have learned while you have been here.

Akira: In my visions I have also seen a priestess that dresses much like we do. Do you know who this person might be master?

Apparition: It may be a student that drifted in here for a very short time before leaving, in fact she came right before you were brought here. Her name is Lockheart and she will be the one that continues your training. Heed her advice well my student for she is far greater a master than I am.

Akira: I will master and I promise not to forget my training

Apparition: I do not doubt that you will my student.

<Apparition looks on as Akira goes to prepare to leave the monastery for the outside world. The master looks on at his student and realizes that a great destiny is meant for this one>

<End Interlude>
At the Parthenon
<In the temporary headquarters that Grey has set up for the tournament, Indy waits in a secret getting stronger by the moment. Being at the source of a magical focal point for the world has helped him to recover his strength. He sits plotting to escape his cell and fulfill his mission on Earth but Grey comes in ending this thought.>

Indy (thinks to himself) I must not have any thoughts of escape in my head in his presence. He may send me back to the underworld before my mission is completed if he hears these kind of thoughts. Failure is not acceptable in this mission
Grey: Hello Indy keep yourself busy with thoughts of escape from here? Dont worry about returning to the underworld or in failing that mission of yours, you are too valuable to my plans to throw out. <Indy looks stunned that Grey has an inkling of what he really has become> I dont know if your new powers allow you to sense arrivals or departures from the real of the afterlife but a friend of yours has come back. You might be inclined to stay once you learn that he has decided to enter my little tournament. You see the individual I talk about is your old friend MarvelMan!

<At the sound of this name, Indy gets extremely angry. This sets off a transformation that begins to turn into something far more malevolent than the outward appearance he had before.>

Grey: Settle down. I dont need you turning into that just yet. The Demon Lord of Destruction doesnt need to make his appearance in here. You will only waste power that way. <Indy returns to a more human form> Good, if I were you I would use this time train yourself so that you can defeat that useless traitor. I need to contact my other generals so please feel free to train yourself in the training room.

<Grey goes to the office that has been built here. Of course this is only an astral projection of the man named Grey, the real one is still on the far off planet overseeing the building of a new more powerful base of operations while another is testing Shado on the astral plane>

Grey: Gentlemen report. Blue, status of intelligence?

Blue: Sir we have found that Shados air ship is heading straight for here as of 0800 and 30 hours. They should be at the tournament location in approximately five hours.

Grey: Good, Gold how are finances for this tournament?

Gold: Sir financial report is as follows. We have sold exclusive rights for televising the fight to Pay-Per-View and HBO for 30 million each. Reserve tickets sales are near 40 million with nearly 50,000 tickets left for those who show up when the tournament begins. Finally, we expect revenue of over at least 200 million from advertisers in the ring. This tournament has paid for itself sir.

Grey: Excellent that something that I want to hear. Green and Glass2 how go the enhancements to my two soldiers at the Beijing Secured Laboratory?

Green: Draven, will be ready for the tournament. The enhancements to him have made him into a formidable opponent.

Glass: MiracleMan on the other hand seems to be rejecting every thing that we give him. He is one that seems to not want to accept the fact that he has incredible magic potential. We will need to make him susceptible to this kind of procedure. We need your authorization for the mental reprogramming. He will not be ready for the tournament due to this.

Grey: Fine authorization has been given for mental re-education. I want him ready for a later time. The tournament is on in a few days so make preparations now.
------Meanwhile on Dees airship------
<Zero goes up to Lockheart who has returned from the astral plane.>
Zero: Lockheart, uh, could you help me find out what kind of elemental I am?

Lockheart: Yes, I will help you; however, you will need to do this on the astral plane since the type of elemental that you are, is locked deep within your mind. Also I must warn you that with the age you are at this kind of unlocking will take much time. Finally we dont have the time to train you in the ways of what ever type of elemental you are once we find out.

Zero: Ill do anything so that I can help us out in the tournament. Im ready.

Worm sat on his bed in the inn. He had no idea where he was, and it didn't matter. To Worm, national borders were nothing. The world was simply the world, not a collection of nations.
It was raining outside. Slowly, Worm could remember. Funny, he thought, looks like I'm human after all.....
It was raining when he first woke up. He was in Chicago, or what was formely known as Chicago. He laid there, underneath a highway overpass, with a bag beside him. He had no idea how he got there, or even who he was. Looking around, Worm's eyes started to focus. He notcied the bag, and a note pinned to the bag. Worm snatched the note, and read it:
To the good Doctor Worm,
If you're reading this, I'll assume you've woken up. Good. Inside this bag is some weaponry which you may find useful. Also, there is a briefcase. The briefcase can not be opened until you've been through Hell. Even then, after opening the briefcase, you'll go through Hell again....
Good bye, and good luck, Doctor.
It wasn't signed. Worm looked in the bag, and found guns of unknown make. It was then that he started training on his path, the path of the hunter........

A knock on the door pulled Worm out of his memories. The manager, thought Worm, probably wondering why have I stayed here so long. Guess I'd better let him know......

Worm walked up to the door and opened it. Standing on the other side, the manager was demaning to know why Worm had stayd there two nights without paying. Worm said nothing, but pulled out his gun and shot the manager between the eyes. Calmly, Worm walked out of the inn. Lighting a cigarette, he strode towards his motorcycle and drove off. After he had gone about fifty yards, the inn exploded, obliviated by one of Worm's detenators.

Tonight's going to be a long night, thought Worm. I only wish I could rest for once in my life.
Somwhere by a lake, The gliscening of the moon shines brightly as there are few raindrops on the ground a cloaked figure walks down to the lake. As the lake vibrates with dark colors of night hence forth the figure puts his hands into the water creating gentle waves. He then takes the hood off revealing the his white hair which is now shortly formed into dreadlocks. Nova once again puts hands in the water and splashes the water on his face as if to wake himself up. Nova looks slowly into his reflection memories of how Indy and the rest of them killed his wife and children pounder into his mind and how he now inhabits this slowly aging body which he only looks at 17 years of age and everything hes done. "Memories.." He says. He slowly looks up at the moon. He slowly takes off his cloak reviewling some of his regular cloths. They are ragged and the jeans are cut. He drys his face off. He then puts the cloak back on.
"Looks like there is nothing else..." he said softly

He slowly stands up. As the air gets colder and raindrops are seen falling upon the ground withe the pitter patting sound.

Nova keeps speaking softly "No there is..."

He begins to walk towards something black.

"Its time..."

As it can be seen Nova shortly is engulfed into a black hole of some sort. A warphole...

Lockheart: Zero, let's got to the Astral Plane.
Zero: Alright.
Oni: I must seperate from you now. I will take the body, and you can be on the plane.
Zero: Gotcha.
Zero: So, this is the Astral Plane, huh?
Lockheart: Yes, Go that way.
The Arch opens.
Zero enters.
He is in NEPTUNE's old underwater base. Three men are walking away from the Mobile suits under repairs.
Worm: That mission was easy, What do you think we'll have to do next?
Kensuke: Who cares? I'm ready for some R&R!
Zechs, a clean cut soldier, thinks to himself." Worm and Kensuke are polar opposites, how am I supposed to command these two?"
Zero: Man, I was so different back then...But what does any of this have to do with my magic skills..?
Koichi: It's simple really.
Zero: Excuse me!? <Zero looks up to see Koichi sitting on top of the Mobile Suit.> What the hell are you doing here?

Koichi: Ahh, I'm not really here. I'm a symbol or some crap like that. I'm your guide to the astral plane.

Zero: How are you my guide? I'm trying to find out what kind of elemental I am.

Koichi: I know. Well, thing is, I represent your elemental power.

Zero: I don't understand.

Koichi: Well I can't just spell it out for you! Try to figure it out, kid.

Zero: Let's see.... so Koichi represents my elemetal power? Oh, you've got that key thing. I must be a fire elemental!

Koichi: Ha ha ha. You think it'd be that easy?

Zero: I always thought my astral guide would be more... helpful.

Koichi: Hey! I'll turn this vision right around! Keep thinking. What do you think about me?

Zero: Well, you're an enemy... I guess. But you and Lockheart seemed pretty friendly... I guess you're not really a friend, but I don't consider you an enemy. Sort of the way I feel about NEPTUNE.

Koichi: And he makes a breakthrough!

Zero: What? You mean, NEPTUNE has something to do with my elemental power.

Lockheart: It's not natural.

Zero: Lockheart?

Lockheart: If NEPTUNE is responsible for your being an elemental...

Zero: Then I wasn't born with this power? But I thought...

Lockheart: NEPTUNE must have found a way.

Koichi: But NEPTUNE couldn't make just any old elementals.

Lockheart: If they did it, they maust have had a need for some new kind of elemental.

Zero: Maybe to pilot the suits...

Lockheart: What?

Zero: They put us through this proceduer to help us pilot the mobile suits. They must have done it then.

Koichi: And I'm sure you know what that means.

Zero: The new type of elemental.

Lockheart: A tech elemental.

Zero: That means Kensuke and Worm...

Koichi: Nope. It's just you. You're one of a kind, Zero.

Lockheart: Hey, Zero. Why don't you head back. I'll meet you there.

Zero: Alright. <Zero exits the astral plane.>

Lockheart: Thanks for the help, Koi.

Koichi: Anything <jumping down from the Mobile Suit as the vision fades away.> for you, babe.

Lockheart: I'll be seeing you, Koi. But I've got to ask, how did you know all this?

Koichi: <smile> You know, that Key thing of mine is pretty smart. Hey, it isn't illegal to impersonate an astral guide, is it?

Lockheart: Since when are you worried about laws?

Koichi: C'mon, Lock. Cops I can handle. But Gods? That would be a bit of a challenge.

Lockheart: Good bye, Koi.

Koichi: It's never goodbye, hun. <wink>

<The two exit the astral plane, returning to their bodies. The airship has almost arrived at the Parthanon.>
Worm roared through the countryside on his motorcycle. The tournament was drawing near.

After all this time, he thought, I can see my old "comrades" once again. Heh, wonder if they'll be very hospitable. Doesn't matter. All that matters now is revenge.......
Worm's mind started to wander. Back to a time when he was still in NEPTUNE......

"Unit Panzer, report in."
Zechs' voice crackled in over the radio. Worm was on patrol, and had been for the past four hours. Monotony was begining to set in.
"Panzer here. Nothing to report."
"Alright, carry on."
It was like this everyday. Patrol, no hostiles, return to base, lounge. Maybe get reassigned every once in awhile, but that's it. It was sickening Worm. Here he was, a fighter, wasting away in a Mobile suit eternally on patrol. Maybe something would happen........
Suddenly, Zechs voice came on the radio again. "All units, report to Sector 3. Large explosion, confirmed gunfire, Mobile suits said to be there."
Worm was puzzled. Rebels? With Mobile suits? No time to think. Sector 3 had the base in it. How some rebel group found the base was beyond him.
As Worm approached the battle, he looked closely at the insignia on the Mobile suits. What he saw shocked him. Then he knew, NEPTUNE's end was near. Worm turned his suit around and flew away. When one can not win, one flees. And he knew, he would be going towards destiny......

How long ago was that battle? Three, four years? He couldn't remember. Oh well.
Worm was still speeding along the road. At this rate, he estimated he would get to the Parthenon by nightfall. Tommorow, tommorow was when it all came together.


i hate to break this to you but LOKKHEART AND I WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE IN THE ASTRAL PLANE........



So i hat to break it to you all but Lockheart and Shado were in the middle of dodging an energy shot. I was going to add to that but it looks like nobody paid attention to what was going on......Akira you need to chill a little. I know you want Akria in this story bad...but relax a little.....just make sure you read all the was on page 7.
so guys you might have to edit the story a little.

Don't worry, Shado. Yes, they need to be patient, but when everything is all rearranged, the battle will be separate from what's being put up. The door's open for your next post on the battle, Shado. Think of all kinds of evil attacks and those are what the thing will have.

Setano's Energy shot closes in on Lockheart and Shado. The two look at each other as it moves with each second. Shado and Lockheart reach out to each other as they do there hands glow white.

Shado and Lockheart "HADO-REPPA!" a blast of energy from both of there hands pushes each other out of the way of the attack. But the force of Setano's energy pushes the two apart spliting them up.

Setano "Oh how nice....the two of you seem to have used a little team work. hahahaha."

Shado and Lockheart land on what is the grassy field of the astral plane. They both look up to see Setano floating in the sky laughing at them.

Lockheart "Shado are you sure you are up for this?"
Shado nods his head looking Lockheart deep in her eyes. He sees that she is a little worried about him.

She can see that he needs to prove to himself that he is ready too.
Lockheart "then lets do this Shado."

They both jumpinto the air to Face Setano as he moves towards them too. Setano goes in with a fruy of palm strikes each one blocked by Shado but the hit are rard and Shado feels the strength in his attack.

Lockheart comes up behind Setano with a Overhead AXE KICK and knocks his sholder down.
Shado delivers a double palm punch to Setano's chest sending him down to the ground.
As he falls Lockheart and Shado follow him down.

Setano "Very nice there....too bad your not that strong right now Shado."

The three of them land on the ground....
Setano's finger tip glows red. He touches the ground with it then yells "DEMON WALL!"
A wall of Angel and Demon skelotons rises from the ground and the many boned limbs grab Shado and Lockheart as they try to move out of the way.

As the two are being held against the wall Lockheart and Shado close there eyes.
Setano moves in closer.

Setano "HA! look at you two patheatic excuses for MASTERS of THE HIDDEN ARTS."
he pulls out two Bone swords, and starts to slash at Lockheart and Shado, some of the cuts are deep and others are on the surface...The DEMON WALL tightens it's grip on the two.
"What you two are't making any noise?" he moves in closer and sees that there cuts arehealing again. "huh? how can?"
Setano goes into a rage and impales the two........."Just DIE!"

"GEMINI GOLEM!" a large Rock Golem that glows White falls from the sky and lands on the DEMONWALL. Shattering it to bits. The broken bodies of Lockheart and Shado sem to vanish.

"You want to try and do a summon? Well i'm the master here!" Lockheart appears out of thin air behind Setano and kicks him in the back.

The Golem picks him up and in his hand and starts to squeez Setano.

A red hot Explosion overwhelms the Golem and shatters him.
Lockheart starts to stager.....she was slightly weakened buy that summon...but not much.
Setano looks at Lockheart Dead on his eyes ablaze at her site. "I'll take your soul wench!"

lockheart "WENCH?! alright demon i played i'm serious."
Lockheart pulls out her staff, the Cresent moon on the end Glows as the stars shine brightly in the center of the moon. She spins it behind her back and and poses. Then she waves her hand "Come on".

Setano charges he starts to close in he thinks <where is Shado? well i'll deal with her first>

As he gets closer the pounding of his fast moving legs rushes towards Lockheart. She stands there in a solid attack pose not twiching a bit. The as he is about 9 feet from Lockheart....
SHADO appears in front of him! Grabbing him and doing a role back toss....throwing him straight at lockheart.

Lockheart hits him with an upward strike launching him in the air......Lockheart and Shado jumpin the air as Shado pulls out his Staff.

"SHADO VANISH!" shado dissapears and reappears behind Setano and strikes him in the back and he fall toward the ground Lockheart is moving upwards in the ait she passes him and Strikes him down too.

The Airship.
Blu and Dee are giving Zero a physical, with Ninja-Chan smirking in the background.
Zero: Guys, listen! I am human! Got it, I'm not some robot!
Blu: No, you're not, but you're genetics are quite interesting...
Dee: Definately, hey Blu, I've got Nova's gene scan like you asked.
Zero: Why do you have a gene scan of Nova?
Blu: I remember looking at his, and it looks similar to yours, well, let's see if I was right..?
Zero: Well..?
Blu: I don't believe it! Your DNA and Nova's is almost identical. If I'm right, Nova's current body, is a clone of you!
-----------------------Setano: "So, you want me to fall, huh? Very well."
Setano accellerated downward to the ground, using all of his energy.
Setano: "By my sacrifice, you shall join me in death!"
Lockheart summoned masssive waves of fairies to stop Setano. The brought a giant net with them, and got prepared to recieve the demon.
Shado summoned a magical anchor. With a wave of his hands, it was attached to Setano. At first, he was pulled forward with intense power, but he began to resist and Setano started to slow down.
The fairies tried to wrap him up with the net, but he became totally berserk. None of them could come close without being smacked out of existence.
Lockheart took their net and used it to bring up Setano. Though slower, he still rocketed down. Lockheart used all of her own energy to psychically signal her own guardian angel. It embraced her and held her up.
Shadoboxxer created a rainbow around him, and a pair of wings sprouted from him, constantly changing color (that's a wing of a different color ). Shado's face started to show immense pain, trying to stop Setano from killing them both with a burst of energy and barrage of boulders. Neither of them looked like they could keep this up much longer, until...
Setano stopped. All of his energy was being used to move forward, but no progress was made. He was just hanging there. Shado and Lockheart managed to get a peek on this and it gave them a renewed spirit.
Lockheart: "Shado, keep him where he is and hold my net for me."
Shado: "Are you kidding?!"
Lockheart: "Just trust me, I have an idea."
Shado: "...urgh... Fine, but not for long, okay? I have a hard enough time just holding him with my anchor."
Lockheart handed him the magical net, then put her staff in front of her. She looked around for any sign of the moon, but it was too cloudy for it.
(It may sound like this to some, but I'm not trying to steal from Sailor Moon.)
Lockheart: "Power of the moon, reveal yourself to me."
A portion of the clouds cleared, and the full moon shone in all its radiant glory. Lockheart put her staff up and the moon's light shone directly into it.
Lockheart: "Here's my idea. If this thing is really all evil as it has shown to be, then it will not be able to stand light."
Shado: "That's great, but HURRY UP!!!!!"
Shado started to lose his grip on the net and Setano got a little bit farther, now extremely close to the ground.
Lockheart: "Open this jar and send him afar. Moonbeam!"
A spark came from the moon on her staff and the moon's light was magnified ten fold. She focused it into a small stream and aimed it at Setano.
Her idea was confirmed. Setano indeed could not stand the light. As the light made contact, every little particle of him started to disappear, until he was no more.
With the release of all that weight, Shado was knocked back very far. So far, that it ended up with a little light at the end (like anime sometimes does).
Lockheart: (laughing) "Shado, you have changed. I guess we should return to Earth now, especially after that attack."
Lockheart teleported out of there.

Gray: "Well, I think that makes a successful test. Don't anyone talk to me on my way out. I need to keep my mind clear."
Gray stepped on up, gathered enough flight energy, and sped toward Earth.
Finally, he was here. Worm made it to the Parthenon. Time to get things finished.....
Worm stepped off his motorcycle and checked his weaponry. Pistol: Check. Sword: Check. Energy shield: Check. Multi-function rifle: Check. Detenators: Check. Spartan, but enough. He wasn't here to destroy a building, but to tie up some loose ends from his past.
I've been through Hell, thought Worm. I've fought my way out, gaining respect from Death himself. There's no way I'm about to go back. No way in....well, Hell.
Worm started towards the Parthenon and stopped. Something amiss........
Of course, the shadow. It was a large shadow, cast by someting high overhead. Looking up, Worm saw the airship, the one that he boarded some time ago.
What are they doing here?, Worm thought. This isn't their fight. They'll only get in my way.
Worm pulled out his rifle. It was a rifle in the same way the Grand Canyon was a ditch. It should be sufficent in dealing with the airship.
Worm charged up the rifle. Energy began to gather, flowing into the barrel. The rifle started to shake violently. After a short while, Worm pulled the trigger and fired off a powerful energy beam towards the overhead airship.
The resulting explosion was a testament to the rifle's incredible power. The subsequent stopping of the airship's engines was a testament to Worm's aim. Tilting, the airship began to fall towards earth......
<Koichi and Kensuke are sitting against the outside of the Parthenon. Kensuke looks locked in thought, but Koichi is looking up at the Airship as it flies overhead.>
Koichi: Well, they're here.

Kensuke: <looking up> ...oh.

<Both of them seem changed men. Maybe the events of the past few weeks have been catching up with them. Suddenly, a bolt of energy rams through the airship. It starts to explode, sliding down towards the earth.>

Koichi: LOCKHEART!!!

<Koichi gets up and breaks into a run. The ship is fallinf fast, and he can see forms falling from the broken hull. He picks out the body he's looking for. It doesn't look like he'll make it in time.>

Koichi: Crap. I didn't wanna do this. Rrrrra!!!!

<Koichi's whole body seems to catch on fire as he speeds down the road. His speed more than triples. He makes it to a spot under the slowly decending ship and leaps into the air. He grabs hold of Lockheart.>

Lockheart: Koi!

Koichi: Hey, I'm always here for ya', babe.

Lockheart: The others!

Koichi: Chirst, I can't save everyone!

<Koichi and Lockheart land, softened by the fire surrounding them. Trunks and Chan land emracing each other, safe landing thanks to Oni-Raiden's power. Shado lands near Koi and Lockheart, softening his landing with his shadoskill. Blu lands farther away, holding his wife and child in his arms.>

Blu: Sometimes I'm thankful for this armor.

Kaitlyn: Me too, now.

Shado: What about Dee?

Lockheart: He's still in the ship!!!

<The ship crashes a few yards away. Dee dies in flames, along with his ship.>

Chan: Deeeeeee!!!

Trunks: But he can't be!

Blu: No...

Lockheart: I... I can't sense his life signal.

Shado: So Dee is dead?

Trunks: Worm! Only worm has firepower like that!

Kensuke: <runs up the scene, panting heavily> Oh.... ****...

Trunks: Ken, we've gotta get that bastard, Worm.

Kensuke: He did this? I knew he was gonna be trouble.

Trunks: C'mon, let's go!

Shado: Wait! Save it for the tournament. You can take him out then.

<Kensuke looks over to Koichi. He nods.>

Kensuke: Fine. C'mon, we better sign in.

<Shado, Lockheart, Koichi, Kensuke, Trunks, Ninja-Chan, Blu, Kaitlyn, and the little girl enter the parthanon. Dee's death is an omen of the events about to take place. These next few days will be filled with more loss than any of them are prepared for.>


At the Parthenon, everyone is waiting outside the force field and cops have been trying to maintain peace among all these fighters. Draven is heavily disappointed that things have taken so long and has spent much time looking up at the sky.
Draven: (thought) "Oh, man, my neck's beginnning to hurt. Better hurry up, Gray."
At last, he could see a small sparkle in the sky and the forcefield was removed. All of the police officers were run over by all the people coming in, even though they had to register.
Draven: (thought) "At long last, we can start the fun."
As the audience members take their seats and the fighters get into their waiting areas, Draven steps up into the announcer's box.
Draven: "Yes, people, it has finally happened. This shall determine who is the ultimate fighter of Earth. All of you have been training long and hard, both at home and here during the wait. We apologize for the long delay, but we had to verify one last credit card."
There were a few chuckles, but many groans and shouts of anger.
Draven: "Ahem, well, let's get on with the first match. You know that many others will safe the best for last, but war never does so. We will get right to a battle of gods! Let me introduce one fighter straight from Hell itself. A fighter of pure evil, both in life and death. His very presence brings disgrace to all those who stand for justice: DemonIndy!"
[side: I wanted a clever name for this, but all of my ideas were too feminine]
Many people cheered for joy that this man had come into the ring. Some had even gone so far as to toss him hand weapons (knives, axes, etc.).
Draven: "And his opponent: the mighty god of thunder who destroyed Molltree, the one who has taken out military bases with little assistance, the one who destroyed DemonIndy in life and has come to finish the job, Oniraiden!"
Gasps came from hearing about the death part, but people still booed and threw lit bombs his way. Oniraiden had no problem withstanding the blasts. The rest of the people had cheered with all their might, for the one who represented Hell was soon to die.

Our heroes are watching the battle from a bar.
Zero: It alsmost feels weird not having Raiden fused with me anymore.
Ninja-Chan: Personnaly, I'm kinda releived. Now we can whisper,whisper.
Zero beams and then gets his act back together. Zero goes over to talk to Kensuke.
Zero: We need to talk...
Kensuke: yeah...
(Across the arena)
Worm sat in the bar, sipping a drink. His cigarette burned slowly in a nearby ashtray. All around him, people were whipering, asking friends if that was him, if he was here to fight. Some asked with fear in their voice; others, with contempt. Worm ignored all of it.
Worm: Bartender, another drink.

The bartender filled another glass and set it before Worm. After a sip, Worm picked up his cigarette and started smoking again. Stay focused, Worm thought, keep sharp, and all will be finished...

Worm got up and walked out of the bar. Slowly moving though the crowd, he headed towards the warm-up areas.

(At the warm-up area)

Worm walked over to the sword room and entered. A noticeable hush fell on the fighters practicing there. Even the toughest looking combatants lowered their voice at the sight of the infamous man. Worm kept walking, not acknowledging the sign of his arrival. Worm walked up to one of the training dummies and studied it for a
moment. Suddenly, a quick flick of the wrist, and the dummies head rolled on the floor. In his hands Worm held a blade, fashioned after the katana of the ancient samurai. Its blade was black as night, reflecting the holder's soul. On the blade, a silver dragon, serpentine and fierce, proved that the holder was indeed Doctor Worm. A chill ran through some of the fighters in the room. Others just stared.
Turning, Worm put away his sword and walked out of the room. Mustn't show off, he thought. I know that dummy was supposed to be quite tough to damage, but I had to make sure I was ready. Oh well. Soon....

Shado, Gemini, Lockheart,and Koichi stand together. For the first time they all stand together.
Shado walks up to Koichi "Looks like we see eye to eye now huh?"

Koichi looks at Shado then looks at Lockheart Then looks back at Shado.

Koichi "yeah...i guess we are."

Shado "good."

Shado extends his hand to Koichi as they shake on there new friendship.

Koichi "you know that Gray wanted you and i to fight each other."

Shado "thats what i figuered. That Bastard has a Little friend of mine. Manda......i have to help her there is something about her that he wants her looks like i can save her now."

Gemini walks up to Shado and puts her are around him. "Not just you Shado, i'll be there with you too. She is a part of me."

Shado nods in agreement.

Lockheart "Yeah Shado" elbowing him in the arm "I'm here to help you too."

Shado Grins a little.

lockheart "there is something i need to give left this behind a few years back and said that you'd take it once you were ready again"

Shado " have it after all this time?"

Lockheart "Yeah i had to save it for my big bro."

Lockheart pulls out a glowing object out of her robe. her hand glows with a bright raidance. and places it into Shado's hands.

Shado looks close to his hands as his eyes open wide and he looks to the sky as his body absorbs the energy.

Shado "you saved my Master Summon."

Lockheart "yeah i figguered we'd need it and i know that you are ready....rmrber to use it when you need it. Shado we are now Equals once again."

As there are happy faces among the people, the two warriors walked in a circle, sizing each other up.
Oni: "This is what you've become?! I'd think they had some mirrors where you came from."
DI: "Oh, they do. Death is the latest style, soon to be worn by you!"
Indy ripped off an arm, then threw it in Akira's direction. Though bulky, it had intense speed as it headed for Oniraiden, but he was able to dodge it with no problem.
Oni: "Is that your best shot? Rain Dance!"
He started flying in a very particular pattern. Quickly, storm clouds emerged, with raging lightning coming down. They all struck him and charged him with enough power to make a human insane.
The arm flew back to Indy like a boomerang, and he reattached it.
DI: "You put up a good light show, but the show is over!"
Indy put up his arms and a vile gas came forth from them. They seeped into the clouds and powerful acid started raining down. Oniraiden took some small damage from it, and saved himself from any more by making a static field around him.
Oniraiden: "Who do you think I am, Captain Planet? Perhaps it's time you experienced the power of Earth."
Oniraiden zapped the ground with enormous lightning bolts. The ground shook and boulders started coming Indy's way. The ground was quickly replaced by small magic. Indy was hit dead-on and his parts were scattered everywhere. It seemed the Oniraiden had won, but from Indy's torso, his whole body regenerated.
Indy: "Interesting move, but you should know that when one is dead, they are very resistant to becoming dead again. Servants, destroy this punk!"
The limbs sprung to life and flew toward Oniraiden. The swerved to avoid the Oni's lightning, but he got them all in the end. Indy used this confusion to make a surprise attack on Oni. He flew in behind him while he was busy with the limbs.
Just as Oni was over, Indy split up into different parts again and they each started pummeling him (except for the torso). Normally, this kind of thing would be easy to handle, but Oni was caught by surprise and fell down to the ground, bleeding all over.
in the bar, watching the match>
Koichi: So this Raiden guy's with you, huh?

Shado: Yeah. He used to be Marvelman, but then...

Koichi: Hey, don't sweat it man. Things change, you just gotta learn to roll with it. Like us. A few days ago we were at each others throats, now we're... friends.

Shado: ... right. <sees Oni take another hit> Damn it! C'mon! <pounds the glass>

Koichi: Shado, you do realize we're gonna have to fight each other.

Shado: <not looking away from the fight> yeah, but you're gonna throw the match, right? I have to get to Grey.

Koichi: I don't think you understand. If I win this tourney, I can use the purse to get my brother. Then I don't have to bounty hunt anymore. You're throwing the match.

Shado: <slowly turns away from the match to look at Koichi.> Some friendship.

Gemini: Shado? You two aren't going to fight again, are you?

Lockheart: Oh no they're not! C'mon Koi, let's... go for a walk or something.

<Lockheart pull Koichi away from his death stare with Shado. The door to the bar slams shut behind them. Shado keeps staring at the door until his attention is brought back to the fight as one of Indy's arms slams against the glass.>


In the arena, Oniraiden looks royally pi$$ed. There is some blood coming from him, but he doesn't seem to care. Energy radiates from him like a lighthouse in a storm. The look on Indy's regenerated face shows slight fear, but joy.
DI: "So, the lightning bug has a stinger, after all."
Oni: " The power does not come from me."
DI: "What? Then what friend did you bring to the party?"
Oniraiden's face shifts to that of Zero.
Zero: "He didn't bring me, I brought him. Ninja-Chan doesn't deserve a punk like you for a cousin. It's time I put you out of business."
DI: "You think you'll put me out of business? Look at me! I'm a power monopoly!"
Zero: "Do you always talk this much?"
Draven: "To all you fans out there, this is not an imposter. The great thunder god of course needs a host to exist, so this guy is allowed under our rules."
Many boos erupted from the stands.
DI: "See that? They love me! Evil is truly the way the world is, and under me, that's how it will stay!"
Gray, high above, could sense the plans for domination, but there was no way Indy could last 3 rounds against him.
Zero: "Are you finished? Let me answer for you: YOU ARE!!!
Indy's energy suddenly surged, and he began to separate and multiply at an obscene rate! He became many small pieces that added to the next form, until he absolutely towered over Zero.
DI: Do you see, you ignorant whelp? This foretells your future! In the war of Davids and Goliaths, it is always the Goliath that wins!"
Zero: "And guess who's the Goliath here." Zero said this with a superior smirk on his face.
Zero: "Energy, Electricity, Power. All are one and you are done!"
So much energy came from Zero that the light from it was almost blinding! He jumped up and punched Indy straight in the heart. Indy's face was filled with surprise and failure. The electricity flowing through both of them stuck them together with the magnetism. Zero's intent was to build up so much power between them that when he would let go, Indy would be launched into space until the force wears out, at which point he would be truly destroyed.
Such a deed was not to succeed, though. Indy got a look of victory in his face.
DI: "Do you really think Hell will be the end of me? Do you really think that I won't be able to work from there?"
Oni: "There won't be enough of you to send if I help."
Zero's face changed back to Oniraiden. The power intensified to the point that the plan may be pulled off.
DI: "You are not the only one able to sacrifice himself to destroy his opponent. Lucky for me, Heaven takes away all contact with Earth when you go back. There's supposed to be some great glory there that only closure can bring. Oh, well, FINAL GLORY!!!!
Gray's face turned to pure fear at the thought that his people would be destroyed. He contacted Draven and the medical crew psychically. Together and with mechanical assistance (magic enhancers), they were able to create a good enough field to contain the future force while letting spectators see.
Indy turned to pure black. Screams of anger, fear, and depression filled the battle area. They all built together, and an explosion occured with enough power to destroy Earth
Blu sits in the corner of the bar with Kaitlyn and their daughter Hitomi.
Kaitlyn o you have to fight? I just got you back and now you are going to get yourself killed...

Blu:I told Shado I would it's the only way to get Manda back.

Kaitlyn:At least take a weapon...

Blu:Like what?The armor has all the weapons I'll need.

Kaitlyn:Not quite.Remember I did help build it.

Kaitlyn reaches into her bag and gets a metallic square about a foot across.

Blu:What's that?

Kaitlyn presses a button and the metal begins changing positions shifting until it forms a long double headed Slegehammer.

Kaitlyn:You can contol it with the gauntlet's in the armor.It also has a few other features you'll find interesting...

Blu:I don't remember making one of these.

Kaitlyn:Hitomi did it.She may only be ten years old but she looks to be a better engineer than either of could ever dream.I want you to use it in the tourney.

Blu looks from Kaitlyn to the sleeping girl in her lap and then back to Kaitlyn.


Suddenly Zero appears.

Zero:Blu Koichi and Shado are about to go at it.

Blu:Huh,damn it Kaitlyn I have to...

Kaitlyn puts a finger to his lips.

Kaitlyn:Go. But be carefull. I'll see you at the tournament.

<Koichi steps into the arena. The ground has been broken by the Indy/Raiden fight. Now huge pillars of rock and deep stone pits dot the land. As he steps into the light, Koichi is greeted with a bombardment of boos.>
Koichi: (thinking) These people don't understand me. I don't want to do this, but I have to. It's the only way I know. It's the only way to save my brother. Shado's can't see that. He can't see what I'm trying to do. And Lockhearts forgotten about me. Some hero's they're turning out to be. But it doesn't matter, because after today, I can stop. I'll take the money, use it to free my brother, and retire. Don't worry Convoy, I'm coming.

<Koichi looks through the crowd. He sees Lockheart and Gemini sitting together. Gemini looks worried, but Lockheart wears a content smile that Koichi can't understand. Closer he sees Kaitlyn and Hitome, and next to them Kensuke, Ninja Chan, and Zero draped in bandages. They seem uneasy.>

Koichi: Alright, enough waiting. C'mon Shado, where are you? I don't want to do this, so let's just get it over with.

Gray floats in the air, disturbed by the delay. He sent a psychic message to Shado.
Gray: "You do not know your importance. You may very well be the best fighter on the planet, and I need you to win for the special prize. Go back, GO BACK!!!"
A sharp electric surge went through Shado's mind. He started walking back to the arena.
DM: "Ssssshhhhhhaaaaddddoooooo, nnooo..."
Shado walked back toward Manda, but the electricity was sent again, more intense than before. This cycle kept repeating until Shado could not bear the signal anymore.
Shado: "I'll come back for you, don't worry."
DM: "Wwwaaaaiiitt."
But it was no use. Shado was practically forced up the stairs.
Shado: (thought) It's not like I want to leave you, but it's quite possible that Gray's prize might be good for us."
As Shado concentrates he feels gray inside his mind trying to control him.
Shado looks into Dark Manda's eyes and sees pure blood lust. The light from her has disapeared......
Shado Thinks <So this is why NeoManda turned into Gemini...The light left her body.> Shado remembers what started this whole adventuer.
Saving the girl...helping her...keeping her safe......STOPING good people from getting hurt.


Shado's mental trainning comes back to him as he breaks free of Grays mind.

Turns to Dark Manda......"I'LL turn you back...i'll keep you safe."

Shado runs back the way he came, Up the stairs, past the guards, entering the doors to the arena.

Gray "hmm....nice to see he came back. this is going to be fun."

Shado stands in the door way seeing Koichi getting booed by the crowd.

Shado thinking <It's funny he is getting booed..yet they blame me for all the deaths at the bases demise...looks like i'm going to take all the attention away from him when i enter>


Shado appears in the ring. The noise from the crowd dies they stop to stair at shado...

In the crowd "It is him...the murrder of our people!"

The crowd screams out obsineties to Shado.
They want him to die.

Koichi turns to Shado "Looks like your fan club here likes me better."

Shado "......"

Koichi "What no quick words for me? Shado i'm taking you down. A life depends on it."

Shado taps his foot on the ground and waves for him to bring it.

The Ref steps into the ring........

Zero,Blu,NC, Lockheart, Kensuke and Gemini are standing in the crowd.
Zero: I don't like this.
Kensuke: Feels like a trap.
NC: Yes, it does.
Blu: C'mon Shado! Win this!
Lockheart is quiet, having trouble on who to help after the match is over.
Gemini: Shado...
Zero turns for a second and sees Worm walking by in the crowd.
Zero: Kensuke, It's Worm, let's get him by surprise now.
Kensuke: Gotcha.
NC: I'm going too.
Zero: It's to dangerous
NC: No, not to me it isn't.
Zero: Fine.
Kensuke makes a whip sound with his mouth and is then punched by Zero.
Zero: Let's go.
Worm picked his way through the hostile crowd. Damn, he thought, I never knew these people hated those two so much. Oh well. Makes no matter.
Worm made his way up to the edge of the whole stadium. After checking around, he leaped into the air and onto the overhead rafters.
No one noticed. They're all too busy with the fight.
Worm was wrong. Down below, Zero, Kensuke, and NC watched as he walked along the metal bars.
Zero: Damn, how are we going to get up there without him seeing us?
Kensuke: We don't. Right now, I'm wondering why he's up there and where he's going....
NC: Perhaps he wants a better view of the fight.
(Kensuke's face paled. It was obvious now.)
Kensuke: Oh my God, we've got to get to the ring, now! We've got to warn Koichi......
The three run back to the ring, where the fight is begining.......
As everybody pumps up watching the battle beginning Nova is sitting right ontop of the ledge of the Staduim lighting watching from above. Watching everything.. "No they cannot go through with this... They should be attacking Grey not each other.. Idiots..." He looks down his green eyes watching everything momentasly. He watches somebody jump on the overhead rafters which are almost empty since all the people are trying to crowd down as close as they can. "That does not look right hmm I guess I better keep as low as a profile but I guess while I am ontop of everything it won't matter" Nova gets a funny looking smile on his face. "Well this is the time of truth... To bad I broke my sword awile ago I could of used it well I got something better now... to bad it isn't my great sword" As he looks down people are running to the ring. "Well I guess the fights about to begin better wait let gray and whoever that guy on the rafters make his move Then I'll deicide mine...." Nova starts to stir in silence as he watches above from the highest point in the staduim.

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