Organous Crisis 6


12:30 a.m. Sounds off!
Ranma 1/2
Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing
Iria: Zieram the animaton
Armitage III
Cowboy Bebop
Tenchi Universe Season II
Organous Crisis 1
Organous Crisis 2
Organus Crisis 3
Organous Crisis 4
Organous Crisis 5
Organous Crisis 6
Organous Crisis 7
Organous Crisis 8
Organous Crisis 9
Organous conclusion
Anime K..C.. oh damn it that okie stuff where you sing

I am not a hentai midget in a tin can!!!!

Grey sat in his office with his three most important staff members Blue, Green, and MiracleMan. Grey is somewhat peeved at the recent turn of events that has taken place.

Grey: MiracleMan, what has gone on in the past few days since I left for the temple in Calcutta?

Miracle: Well sir, it seems Indy commandeered the your flying base Avalon in an effort to wipe not only his cousin and the traitor Ninja-Chan but also in an effort to kill our target, the one called Shado, which we are now referring to as Black. Also my brother, MarvelMan, temporary head of Green has also defected to aid Black and I have taken over his post.

I have also been able to get the previously uncontrollable Diamond to work with us using the promise that she can kill her father as soon as we can find him. Seeing as how Indy has become a loose cannon in the past months killing several of our agents as well as report from Gold saying that he has cost over $500 million dollars in property and equipment losses, I felt that this was appropriate.

We have also been unable to locate Black since the destruction of Avalon. His forces are quite clever and with addition of MarvelMan they will now know about you in full.

Grey: We need to find both Ninja-Chan and MarvelMan and destroy them. They are liabilities to my future plans and could ruin any chances of catching Black before we find him. Who is that standing behind you MiracleMan?

Miracle: This our newest agent, Dark Kimiko. She is a clone of my weakling niece that is ten times stronger and completely loyal to our forces. One more thing that I forgot to mention is that Black used some of his power.

Grey: What? He displayed some of that potential he has been squandering for some time?

Miracle: Yes he has sir. In order to defeat Agent Steel, he needed to use some of his power to do so. We have a full analysis of his abilities but no complete readout on his magic potential. We think that he may have possibly a higher level than you do sir.

Grey: Interesting. MiracleMan, keep a lookout for him and tell me when you find him. I am reassigining you to now head up Operation Black. Green I want you to assemble my forces. We are going to begin a full assault on the target once he shows up. Blue lend full assistance to MiracleMan if he needs it and have your men dig up any background information they can on the target. Gentlemen I want this done yesterday. Dismissed.

Everyone leaves the room except Grey.


Meanwhile back in Dee's ship.

BluBeetle is trying to get Ninja-Chan out of her family's armor.

Blu: Well the jaws-of-life I constructed for cursed armors sure hasn't worked yet.

Zero: Blu I thought that you said you could get this off of her! What's the problem?

Blu: Well I thought I could get it off of her too but well it seems to be stuck on her.

[MarvelMan enters the room.]

Marvel: Still trying to get that suit off her BluBullet?

Blu: For the last time my name is BluBeetle! Not BluCheese! Not BluBalls! Not BluGun! Its BluBeetle! And no I have not been able to get it off of her!

Marvel: Long time no see Ninja-Chan. It is good to see you again.

NC: You as well sensei.

Zero and Blu: Sensei?!

NC: Yes, when I first went to join up with my cousin I needed to go through training. MarvelMan taught me most everything that I know.

Zero: That's why you and Shado fight so similarly.

NC: What did you say?

Zero: When you and Shado were fighting each other I noticed that you had very similar fighting styles. Shado worked for or with MarvelMan when they were with STRYFE.

NC: Oh

Marvel: Do you know the exact curse on this thing Chan?

NC: Well, all I know is that the armor attaches to whoever is near it and with my bloodline. The only two ways for me to get this off is to either die or give it to someone else and I don't want to do either one.

Marvel: Maybe we should go to MollTree and possibly some Wizard could help you.

NC: That seems like a good idea as any is likely to come our way.

Zero: I'm game.

Blu: Fine that sounds ok by me.

Marvel: Ok then, BluBowlingBall tell the little demon to head there and well get that thing off of you yet Chan.

Gray and Angel (my new name for her) walked down the corridors for a long time, then stopped at one that said "Spirit Containment Unit."
Angel: "Why have you brought me here, my love?"
Gray: "I'd rather not lie to you, Angel, my angel, I brought you here to contain you until my plans have beared fruit."
Angel: "What?! But I thought we had something special!"
(I won't get into detail about what followed. I'm pressing fast-forward to the end of this.)
Angel: "If that must be, then could I at least make love to you, one last time?"
Gray: "Sure, doll. I'll give you the most fantastic spear you can take!"
(If you think I'm pervurted enough to write about that encounter, you're out of your mind. If this becomes an actual movie or series, that's up to the producers.)
Gray carried Angel's unconscious light body to the SCU.
Gray: "Everyone in there, put on your Angel glasses."
Gray opened the door and gave it to one of the technicians.
Gray: "Here she is. You know what to do. Don't make me repeat it."
Technician: "Yes, sir."
Gray stepped out and headed back to his office. A single tear drips down from his left eye.
(Odd, I had something else in my mind when I started. I have the wrong picture above.)
Dee's ship has reached Molltree.
Dee: Alright, I'm gonna land here, that way we can get in without being caught with technology.
Blu: You'll need a disguise again. Here, ya go.
Dee is now a blue devil once again.
Shado: We can't all go in. otherwise we'll be caught.
Dee: Alright, I'll take NC and Zero with me, I know my way around.
Dee, Zero and NC head off into the city. But unbeknownst to them, they are being watched by Indy.
Indy: It's time I finish these fools off once and for all...
meanwhile in the lab...
BB:Magic heh..barely used the stuff..I'll show that Marvel guy...He'll get my name right yet!And I will get that armor off of Chan...

Sets down his bottomless backpack and begins to pull stuff out.

BB:Can opener?No not good enough..Heat laser?No....


BB:Balogna book no...How in the hell did I fit an Oldsmobile in here!?!

And so it goes...

Shado and Gemini walk out of his room to see Marvel with a tear in his eye.
Shado "hello Marvel......."

Marvel "Hi Shado.....Neo Manda....."

Gemini "Sorry to tell you this Marvel, but i'm Gemini now.......I am diffrent, a new person."

Marvel nods in aggrement......

Shado "It is Kimiko isn't it? I know a way that we can honor her one last time Marvel."

Marvel "And how is that Shado?"

Shado, Marvel, and Gemini walk down to the lower decks of Ship to the Cold storage room.
Inside the room is Kimiko's body. Blue and Dee had built her a glass casket.....

Marvel and Shado look at her and start to remember her life...

Shado "we need to bury her,we need to honor her, by us keeping her here we dishonor her."

Marvel "alright Shado, lets go"

Shado and Marvel carry her casket to Shado's car as Gemini follows them. They place the Casket in the Back seat of the car and the three of them sit in the front bench seat of thr Celibrity.

Car "Shado, are we going to the spot?"

Shado ".....yes...."

The Car starts up as the Airship Lowers them to the ground and they Start there treck to the CEMITARY.......The only sound that can be heard is rumble of the engine as the red tail lights vanish in the horizon.....

Gray enters his office, and finds Gold sitting in his chair without permission. He wasn't even allowed access.
Gold: "Sorry, sir, but this is an urgent matter and cannot wait."
Gray: "Why didn't you at least call for me?"
Gold: "Uh, er, I mean,..."
Gray: "You disgrace me, Gold!"
Gold: "Humble apologies, sir. Anyway, I have the latest report on our budget."
Gray: "Let's see it."
Gray takes the sheet and starts to read the income and costs.
Gray: "Let's see, 'negotiations', good profit there. Salaries, maintenence, rep-REPAIRS! How could this much damage have taken place?!"
Gold: "It's on account of Shadoboxxer and Indy. Shado's hit a lot of the army, and Indy's taken many resources."
Gray: "Ever the blunt one, eh? Well, this can't keep going. Now I know why Darth wanted him killed. I'd better put a price on Indy's head, too.
"Gold, fire Indystar and make the public aware of the bounty."
Gold: "With pleasure! I have just one question."
Gray: "What might that be?"
Gold: "Why will you allow Shado to be killed? Doesn't he have some hidden power?"
Gray: "Well, it's not so hidden anymore, but we can still get him even if his body becomes worthless. Rather, I, and I alone, can get him."
Gold wanted to inquire further, but the tone in Gray's voice had a note of finality in it. Gray: "Gold, one more thing. I have a great event planned! Start a street fighting tournament in the Parthenon. Sell tickets to it at a price that would rebuild our finances. Make sure it's sold out, but do not let any of us get in on it."
Gold: "That sounds rather unfair, sir. Wouldn't we get first crack at it?"
Gray: "Normally, yes. I want to make sure they are out of danger, though. Shadoboxxer could not resist such a tournament, and I plan to become the final contestant. I will fight the winner, and the winner will be SHADO!"
Gray couldn't hold back. He laughed maniacally and with such volume, the building and surrounding buildings trembled from the sound.
Newscaster (on someone else's TV set): "There is no cause for alarm. That, ahem, minor vibration, was simply the result of a severe thunderstorm near here."
Gray: "We need a good excuse to keep us out of the game. Say that our people will not attend because it is most unholy, and we aim for balance."
As Zero, Cha, and Dee walk around the city as they have been for hours, They still have had no luck with the removal of Chan's armor.
Zero: Dee, come on there's got to be more wizards around.
Dee: Sorry man, we've tried the best and still found no luck.
Chan: It is alright Zero, this armor will probably help me in the upcoming battle.
Zero: Yeah, I know but I don't want you stuck in there.
Dee: Hey, cheer up! I know a good restaurant around here, it's not to far.
Zero: Sweet, food is good.
As they walk to the resaurant, they hear two guards talking.
G1: Ya, that tournament will be sweet, I am so gonna win!
G2: Not if I don't whup ya in the first round! HAHA!
G1: Hey, well atleast we'll have a chance with no corporate soldiers allowed to enter.
Chan: Did you hear that?
Zero: Ya, but it's no big deal, right?
Chan: Wrong, that tournement will be in Grey's city, we're gonna enter that tournament!
Dee: We are?
Meanwhile from a distance, Indy watches our heroes.
Indy:A tournament, looks like I can give Grey some more headaches to deal with, and I'll get revenge on Ninja-Chan, this is all to perfect.
Indy laughs to himself, as he walks away.
News of the tournament spread right back to the main base, and though most everyone doesn't seem interested, some just can't wait. (All dialogue is in different places)
Green: "Oh, yeah! Time for me to kick some blue, devilish..."
But wait, there's more!
Darth: "This tournament is not like Gray. I'd better get in and investigate."
???: "First a bounty, then a second one, now a fighter tournament?! Oh, I'm in heaven!"
Gray: "We have not had many participants. Less then 50. Better have Glass recreate the old fighters. I'd love to see how Ryu is doing. Maybe Terry Bogard, too. Oh, I'll leave the possibilities up to him."
BB:A streetfighting tourney? Cool! (Goes off on a Rocky like flurry of punches...that barely shake the chair he was punching)
Chan watches amused as Blu and Dee debate who will win if they fight with each demonstrating their mighty power...resulting in one dented styrofoam cup and a paper cut.

Zero:Well we don't even know if Shado will like this idea...

They all turn around to watch Shado, still pacing.
Shado: (thought) "Why would this occur so quickly after we destroyed their air base? Are they actually so overcome with joy that they would celebrate with a tournament?"
Zero: "Shado?"
Shado's train of thought is interrupted.
BB: "You gonna enter the tournament?" (thought: "Please say no. I want to win")
Shado: "I don't know. So many things have happened that this could have been made for any reason. It could be to celebrate a new weapon or it could be to draw us in."
Chan: "Oh, don't be such a coward. Even if it is a trap, we'd all be able to escape easily."
A shadow rises from the scenery.
Indy: "Let me solve your problem for you."
All: "Indy!!!"
Indy: "You're not going to even enter. I'm taking you out right now!"
(Until further notice, all is thought.)
Shado: "He tried to kill us before. He sent that beast after Manda."
Chan: "You cursed me with such horrid armor."
BB: "You sent spiders after Chan. Because of that, Zero was made the hero. I'll win her over yet."
Chan: "You've got a lot to learn about how to treat a lady, punk."
Dee: "You attacked my airship. You totally messed up the decor!"
Marvel: "I won't let anyone take out my friends."
(Not thought)
Gemini: "Don't you dare touch my MAN!!!"
All got into their fighting positions.
Zero got out his board.
BB took out a can of beatles.
Chan drew her poison sword.
Gemini got ready to charge.
Dee changed to a violent red.
Marvel got into a front stance.
Shado summoned great energy, then he was on three planes once again. When he spoke, it was like three people in near chorus.
Shado: "Your time ends now."

<Dee jumps on Indy>
Dee: Get out of the way guys I am going to do the only attack I know!


<Everyone gets in behind of Gemini who throws up a shield in the nick of time. Large Explosion occurs and there is lots of smoke.>

Zero: I think that the smoke is clearing and I see-oh s**t Indy's still alive!

Indy: All that stupid demon did was shred my armor a little. Which fool wants to kill themselves next?

Marvel: Prepare to meet your maker a$$hole! You killed my daughter without remorse, the men on that airship without a second thought for their safety, and that demon did one of the most honorable things that I have ever seen in my life and you insult his memory. Time that I show you the one move that wil stop you. Shado you get everyone out of here now and make sure that Grey pays for ordering Kimiko cloned.

Shado: But we can all-

Marvel: No, this is my fight and you know what I am going to use. Ninja-Chan I will need to do something for me.

NC: What sensei? Name it and I will do it.

Marvel: Help Shado to bury my daughter and give your cousin that armor!


Indy: What-NO?!

<The armor that was on Ninja-Chan flys off of her (and yep boys she is NAKED!) and goes onto Indy>

Indy: Ninja-Chan I am going to-
<Gets hit the stomach with Superman level punch by MarvelMan as some kind ofstorm starts to brew. Shado knows that MArvel is building up for his mighty RAIDEN HADUKKEN a move form which there is no survival even for the one who does it.>

Marvel: Shado, find my son and Kimiko's little brother Akira. He will know a way to bring both me and Dee back from the dead! He may even be of some assistance. See all of you guys soon even you BluCockroach!

Blu: THAT'S BLUBEETLE!<Everyone gets into Dee's airship as Zero pilots it>
Indy: How could you put this on me? I am going to kill you with this- what where is the sword?

Marvel: It got broken when your cousin tried to kill Steel. Now where were we?

<Marvel rips off the helmet for the armor and pulls Indy in close to him.>

Marvel: You won't be needing this where we're going.

<Storm starts building to it's maximum intensity. MarvelMan starts to cackle with lightning. Indy starts to realize what is happening.>

Indy: You are nuts. You won't survive this anymore than I would. You'll destroy this entire town!

Marvel: If that is what it takes to kill you then fine. Goodbye Kimiko, Shado. Find my son, Akira


<Lightning streams into MarvelMan and he punches Indy in the face. Both of them die instantly and the entire town of Molltree is destroyed and everything thing in a twenty mile radius outside of that is as well.>
<Everyone is on Dee's airship as Marvel is fighting Indy>

NC: Shado is he going to do what I think he is?

Shado: Yes it looks like the RAIDEN HADUKKEN and I think that is the only way for anything to beat Indy. The only trick is for Marvel to hit Indy in the head since that is the only exposed part of his body.

Zero: What is this RAIDEN HADUKKEN you two are talking about?

Shado: As you know Marvel can manipulate lightning and this attack is the strongest on the planet. The only problem is no one and I mean NO ONE has ever survived using it.
<Shado senses Marvel's attack go off and thinks Goodbye Sensei. I hope you find the innerpeace that you looked for so long ago and that you see your daughter once again. You truly were the better man than I. The ship is at a safe distance so it is not hit when the attack goes off. Ninja-Chan also realizes that MarvelMan is also gone now but says nothing to Shado.>

Zero: Oh so who or what is Akira?

Shado: I don't know and Marvel must have thought I did. I didn't know that Kimiko even had a brother!

(Well, that was one quick end. I expected something longer in respect for him. Oh, well. Might as well gloat.)
About 1 hour later, there is total ruin. The city is burnt, skeletons litter it, and the sky is red with black clouds.
Amid all of this, one figure walks up to where the great sacrifice was made. Only his shadow is seen, due to the smoke, dust, and clouds.
He looks at where the explosion occured. All he sees is the upper half of a skeleton about Indy's size. One arm is stretched out, as if to ask for help. The man understands this, and grinds the hand up with his foot. He gets a superior grin on his face.
Man: "Such is the end of sinners."
Man: (thought) "Group Shadoboxxer was talking about entering the tournament. Now it is clear. Now that he has made light, he wishes to extinguish another light. The tournament is nothing but a ploy to draw Shadoboxxer in so that he can kill him. This one is not worthy of such a death. I will enter and finish him off myself."
The man simply walks away, leaving Indy to his sad end.
<a few hours later, at the same scene. The sound of a motorcycle is heard in the distance. The cycle plows over, under, around, and through the ruins of the fallen city. It skids to a stop. ??? gets off the bike and takes off his helmet. He's standing just a few inches from where another stranger stood just hours ago.>
???: Well, ****. That's deffinatly Indy. <kicks the dirt at his feet>

Voice: Koichi, what are we going to do now?

Koichi: Pff. Looks like we're trailing Shado again. Too bad, Indy would have made a more interesting opponent.

Voice: How do you mean?

Koichi: Shado's the hero type; he's so predictable it makes me sick. Indy on the other hand is completely chaotic.

Voice: Sorta like you.

Koichi: Ha ha ha. <gets back on the bike> Yea, sorta like me.

<Koichi starts up his motorcycle and drives off. A few seconds later, Koichi flips a switch on the right handle, and a metallic, air tight armor encloses the cycle. Wings slide out from the side and two massive machine guns appear above them. The armor is painted with a raging fire design, with the word MIDMARE in blue on one side. The Midmare takes off, hot on the trail of Dee's air ship.

Staring at Kichi and watching him go out of view, the stranger walks away. Trails of dust gather and Indy get buried, forever lost in the sands of time.
The stranger steps up and his face is revealed from the shadows.

Kensuke- Now the real fun begins.....

The stranger grabs on to the bike already in flight.
S: "So, where's our next bounty?"
Koichi: "I've got him on my radar. He's straight up ahead."
S: "Huh?"
At that time, the bike drove through the clouds and they could see Dee's airship moving through the sky.
Koichi: "That's one hulkin' rig!"
S: "Shall we take it for ourselves?"
Koichi: "I wouldn't have it any other way."
The Midmare raced toward the airship, machine guns blazing.
Koichi: Y'know, I've got an idea.
Kensuke: Yeah, what's that?

Koichi: You go first!

<Koichi send the Midmare into a spin, sending the unprotected Kensuke flying from the hull.>

Kensuke: I get the feeling you don't appreciate my help!!!

<Kensuke lands with a dull thud on the top of Dee's airship. He starts to slide down the side, but grabs onto a gaping hole left by a concentration of machine gun shots.>

Koichi: Go ahead, Ken! I'm right behing you!

Kensuke: ****! <Kensuke crawls into the hole and prepares for battle.>

Koichi: Stupid ****. Maybe this time he'll get killed and I'll stop having to split bounties with him. Not like I ask him to keep showing up like this.

Voice: Well, he has helped you.

Koichi: Once! He helped me one ****ing time!

Voice: Hmm, you know, I think you might want to concetrate on flying.

Koichi: Oh yeah? Why's that? ****!!!

<The Midmare goes into a stale dive, narrowly avoiding slamming straight into Dee's airship.>

Voice: You really should listen to me more often.

Koichi: Shuddup! Stupid ****ing key.

As the ship is rammed, everyone falls and gets up wondering what's happening, Zero reports bad news.
Zero: This is not good, we are under attack!
Shado: From who!
Zero: I don't know, it doesn't look like any of Gray's ships.
Blu: Well, activate the weapons already!
Zero: I don't know how.
Blu: Get out of there then, Blu takes control and starts firing on Kensuke.
Dee is sitting at the waystation in the afterlife quite frustrated.>
Dee: Damn, my self destruct attack did not work real well. I will have to learn some new attacks.

<MarvelMan enters station sits next to Dee.>

Marvel: At least your attack did not destroy a whole town as a by-product.

Dee: Hey, Marvel! Indy kill you too?

Marvel: No, I killed Indy along with myself and the rest of Molltree with my Raiden Hadukken attack.

Dee: Oh, well at least I'll be back soon. Since I am a devil, I can go back to earth as soon as I am cleared for it. Of course someone is going to need to open my box.

Marvel: Box?

Dee: Every demon has his or her own entry item into the world. Mine is black wooden box on my airship. Maybe I can get Blubeetle to open with a message from the dead. Where are you headed?

Marvel: I don't know. You said demon's can never really die?

Dee: Well yes that is correct as long as their entry point is never destroyed otherwise they can never return. Why do you-you can't be thinking what I think that you are thinking MarvelMan! No human soul can be turned into a demon.

Marvel: Oh, well I need to find a way to get back to Earth. I heard that there was a tournament of some sort and I want to fight for Shado.

Dee: Well, I did say that humans can't be turned into demons but humans can be turned into Demi-Gods.

Marvel: What?

Dee: It is a sort of minor deity that humans can take over another demi-god has died. I hear that there may be an opening for thunder god but you would have to have- Oh what am I saying, you destroyed that jerk Indy with the most powerful thunder attack ever. Let's head to the Department of Employment and see what we can do for you!

Marvel: Sounds like a plan!
Back on earth

<Gemini goes into Shado's room. Shado is looking out the window.>

Gemini: What's bothering you Shado?

Shado: I can't honor my former Sensei's last wish. I feel that I am disrespecting his memort and honor this way.

Gemini: What was his last wish Shado?

Shado: He wanted me to find his son Akira and bring him and Dee back from the dead. I didn't even know he had a son. He never mentioned a son back in STRYFE and Kimiko never mentioned a little brother of any kind. I don't know what to do Gemini.

<Ninja Chan runs in out of breath.>

NC: We are under attack. We need you top side right now!

Shado: Ok I'll be right there. Wait a minute, I remember an old friend of mine who used magic and taught me alot of what I know named Lockheart, she's some kind of sorceress now. She knew a lot about elementals which is what MarvelMan was and might know something about this Akira kid. Lockheart lived in Old Tokyo I think.

Gemini: That's a start but if we don't start helping our friends we won't be able start anything!

Shado: We better go help our friends then!

Shado thinks to himself about Marvels last words. "FIND MY SON".......

Shado, Gemini, and Chan run down the the upper decks to see the gaping hole in the hull of the ship.

Shado "Alright guys lets pull it together! Zero, Chan you guys get on the sides of the hole and as soon as The attackers enter NAIL EM! Gemini you and i will stand in front of the hole and move back. We'll bate them in.

Shado starts to think to himself. I know a way to draw out Marvel's son. I'll enter this Touniment as Marvel and Take his Brother down in the process.....

The Spirti Realm
Marvel "Dee we need to hury i got the felling, a bad one. I think that Shado is going to pretend to be me and enter the Fight.........

Dee "and what so bad about that?"

Marvel"I have to stop Shado from getting in this fight"

As Shado starts to Get ready for Battle he sences the Power of a friend.......Half a country away......he thinks to himself.....
LOCKHEART? I can feel you......i need your me old friend--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Spirit Realm
<Dee and MarvelMan make it to the Department for Deity Employment.>
Clerk 1: (Nasally voice [think Gilbert Godfried]) Hello and welcome to the Department for Deity Employment. How can we help you today?

Marvel: I am here to see about the position of thunder god.

Clerk 1: Yes, it seems that the last was killed yesterday when some mortal fool performed a Raiden Hadukken and destroyed a village. <MarvelMan looks at the cieling whistling a tune.> We are in current need of a thunder god. It seems that you are the mortal that performed that move so it looks like you are going to have to take over that position.

Marvel: That seems to be a stroke of luck for us Dee!

<Dee nods his head in agreement.>

Clerk 1: No that is just the Department of Universal Balance doing its job though in a few months they may be out of a job with that Organous character walking around.

Dee: Who?

Marvel: Yeah, who are you talking about?

Clerk 1: You will find out soon enough when you get back to Earth. Now you are going to need to fill out the following forms and take this drug test-

Marvel: Wait a second, I'm dead. Why do you need a drug test if I no longer can put an illegal substance in my system?

Clerk 1: Don't ask me I just work here. Now after you take the drug test, you are going to have to go to my friend who will check your paper work to see if you are worthy to hold the mantle of thunder god.

Dee: Gee, who would have thought there was so much red tape to go through to become a god.

<MarvelMan and Dee go to the next window.>

Clerk 2: <Talks like Woody Allen.> Okay MarvelMan. It seems that you were born a lightning elemental and that physically qualifies you for being a thunder god. Your record of mortal actions shows you to be a somewhat tempermental guy but that deep dow nyou are good person. We put you through god training and pretty soon we will have a new OniRaiden!

Marvel: Great I have to go through training. How long should that take?

Clerk 2: Well here it should take you a month.

Marvel: Great the tournament is starting pretty soon. Dee if you get back before me, tell the others that I will be back soon.

Clerk 2: Ah sir I am not sure if you are aware of this but you can't go back to the earth unless someone summons you.

Marvel: That is just perfect. Dee mention that as well if you get back.

Dee: Oh no, it seems like someone has opened my box and it looks like I am going back. Heh nothing is happening I don't- oh yeah, I just remembered I haven't been cleared to go back yet! I might as well-

Marvel: Hurry up get cleared and go back! Shado and Ninja-Chan need the information that we just learned.

Dee: Right!
Earth Realm
<Everyone is fighting Kensuke aand Koichi.>

Kensuke: I thought that these guys were supposed to be tough? <gets hit in the face by Zero's board>

Koichi: Shut up and fight them you moron.

Kensuke: Right boss!

<<A girl is staff training against faceless opponents.She wields her staff with great dexterity.Just as she places a final blow on one of the figures,she falls to her knees in pain.All the figures return to her body.>> has to be.
I know his aura,but this one seems different.
<<a jolting pain occurs inside her head>>
He needs me,don't worry I'm coming.

<<She closes her eyes and begins to chant in the lost language of her race.The stars on her staff blink brighter and begin to turn into lines.The lines lengthen and wrap around Lockheart,her chanting continues.
When she is entirely enveloped in the light of her symbol,the staff lifts above her head and slowly merges with the light.the chanting stops and she dissappears.>>

Lockheart:<on the astral plane>I'm on my way old friend,now I just have to find you.
<Koichi flies the Midmare by the hole Kensuke climbed into. He sees Kensuke hiding in the space between the hull and the compartment with Shado and the others in it.>
Koichi: That damned fool won't even go inside.

Voice: Have you noticed their not firing on us.

Koichi: Actually, I had. I ain't completely blind.

Voice: Ten points says the guy at the controls doesn't know how to use the weapons.

Koichi: ..... Yer on!

Voice: Oh, Koichi.

Koichi: What? **** **** **** ****! <Koichi once again has to swerve to avoid hitting the ship.>

Voice: Why don't you try flying for once.

Koichi: Shuddup! I'm through with these fly-bys, anyway. A real fight is much more fun. Let's go!

Voice: Yer the boss.

<Koichi flips the switch back off and the armor falls away from the Midmare. He flips on auto-pilot and jumps in through the hole Kensuke is hiding in. Grabbing Kensuke by the collar on his way through, Koichi lands in the room with Shado and the others in it. Kensuke lands in a heap on the floor.>

Koichi: You must be Shado. Nice to meet you. My name's Koichi. I'm here to kill you and collect some well needed cash. Shall we get right to it, then?

<Koichi grabs a small item that's clipped to the back of his belt. It's a small orange rod and he twirls it as he brings it infront of him.>

Koichi: Key of Fire! BATTLE SPEAR!!!

<The small object quickly grows into a long spear, who's blade burns a deep-white flame.>

Voice: Ah! Be gentle this time, Koichi. You nearly broke me last time.

Koichi: Do you ever shut up?
<<Just as Koichi utters his last line,an angelic figure materializes in front of Shado.>>
Koichi:<in shock>What the...

<<The figure is revealed to be a girl in a hooded kimono,her eyes open as she reaches for her levitating staff.She looks around at the shocked spectators and smiles kindly at Shado.>>

Lockheart:I found you...

Koichi:Excuse me,but..
<<He stops mid-sentence as Lockheart turns to
face him.Her eyes are kind and full of various shades of yellow and green,they seem to glow with compassion.Koichi is taken back
a bit by their original apperance and warmth.
His wits return shortly.>>

Koichi:I don't know who you are,but could you move.I have to kill the guy behind you now.

<<Koichi shivers slightly as the eyes that were just filled with warmth turn cold.They threaten to engulf him with their vast emptyness.The eerie,spine-tingeling stare is cut short as she flips back her hood and gets in her battle stance.>>

Lockheart:You may want to think over your plans.I can't allow you to kill my only friend.

Blu is sitting at the gunnery bubble looking confused when suddenly a look of familiarity comes over his eyes and his hands move a blur as he hts buttons and toggles switches.
BB (in a voice lacking its usual mirth):An original Hiro 50,000k bell switch system....I haven't even seen one of these in years...

The guns begin blaring firing a path between Lockheart and Koichi.Shado runs into the gunnery bubble smacking Blu in the head.

Shado:Hold fire dammit stop this thing!!!

Blu (back to himself):I...I can't...

Shado looks back at his friend........Lockheart.
She found me she said that she would be back when we needed each other the most.....maybe i need her more then i thought, but she is always welcomed.
Shado "Koich, you really don't know who you are messing with do just want mone for my head."

Koichi "That is right! Gray is offering a nice round number for the captuer of your sorry butt."

Lockheart looks at Koichi with an ice cold look and the air almost dorps in temptuer by 30 degrees.....
Steam pours out of Koichi's mouth as he breaths.

??? she is kinda strong.

Koichi "I know but keep it down...we are going to test Shado out for now."

Lockheart Turns to Shado to see him starting to heat up. Lockheart sees that he wants to fight this head hunter. Her eyes turn Back to there ireadecent color when looking at Shado as if they are talking to each other and they both nod. Shado grins..........

Lockheart jumps straight in the air doing a 10ft Vertical as Shado rushes in right in Koichi's Face.

Shado "So you had a few words you wanted to exchange with me?"

Koichi's eyes light up with shock.
Koichi "So are you ready to fight, i'll give you a sporting cahnce to get ready."

Shado Throws his Trench coat up into the air as His Staff falls from the coat and he puts his hand in the air to catch it and spins it around his back stomps his foot on the ground and taps his toe to signal the fight.

Lockheart watches as her old friend battles she wants to see if his fighting skills have gotten better. "do it me what you have learned"

Shado and Koichi stand there facing each other looking each other in the eyes...sizing each other up..........

The air seems to crackel with power. Koichi seems to be showing his strength, While Shado is going to test his fighting skills...he knows that last time he displayed his power people got hurt that was the second time it has happened in his life.....This fight will be based on his fighting spirit.

Koichi: <violently kicks Kensuke.> Hey! Make sure these guys don't try anything. You know how I love a good one on one fight.
Kensuke: Right! <stands up, ready to pounce on anyone who tries to interrupt the fight.>

Koichi: <content laugh> You seem so f'n confident, Shado. I bet you've kicked plenty of guys like my into the dirt.

Shado: Actually...

Koichi: Not like it matters. I'm not like those wimps. You'll find me to be more than a challenge. I'm going to enjoy collecting the bounty on your head!

<Koichi drops the spear into a stabbing position infront of him and leaps forward. The spear's flaming head is blocked by Shado's staff.>

Shado: (thinking) Christ, he's fast.

Koichi: (thinking) Damn, he couldn't have! No one's quick enough to block me!

Shado: You're pretty good.

Koichi: Not so bad yerself.

<The struggle with the weapons ends as the two combatants leap back and return to fighting stances to go at it again.>
<<Lockheart observes the first strike of the battle.>>
Lockheart:<in thought>shado your speed has improved a bit,but why are you holding back.
This guy seems interesting,he's not a push over.I don't think the strength I sense from him is from his weapon.He must have great skill when he uses it.
Come on Shado,show me what you've learned.
Everyone is standing back as Shado and Koichi fight.
Blu: They're really fast...
NC: yes...
Zero: Kensuke......(I can't believe he's alive after waht happened years ago at the battle.)
Gemini: (This Lockheart better not like Shado, cuz he's mine!)
Lockheart: (Stop holding back Shado....)
Blu:Y'know that girl is pretty cute...
Zero slaps him upside the head.

NC and Gemini:Is that all you think about!?!

Zero:I don't understand how you could be so smart and still act like a three year old.

Blu pouts for a moment.

Blu:It's easy.
Shado and Koichi are back in battle stance slowly moving to each other. Koichi moves in as Shado brings his staff up again to block his attack. There weapons meet.
Koichi "nice block there"

Shado "Thanks i feel special now."

The two push eachother back. Shado moves in with a spining staff strike as Koichi perrys the attack and uses his foot to push the staff away.....then follows up with a left handed swing. Which hits Shado in the forarm....but luckly he has forarm guards on...but he still fells the assult.

Shado(he got a hit in.....this is going to be intresting)

Koichi(he is good but i'll take him in tow moves)

Lockheart looks on as she knows that Shado is holding back.(C'mon Shado....stop playing)

"RAPID STRIKE" Koichi attacks with mulitple blows as Shado converts his staff into two NUNCHAKU blocking all his attacks.

Shado's Nunchaku start to hum at the speed they are spinning....he looks as if he is standing still as his weapons blur at the high speed.

Sparks start to fly off Koichi and Shado's weapons. There weapons almost seem to scream in pain as they hit each other with full force.

The energy from there weapons Cause a massive reaction as each strike creates an "EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION" and then there weapons are thrown back from the power build up as the two are pushed away again from the force of the energy release and they drop there weapons.

Shado "......"

Koichi "Not bad.....but now your going down and i'm chashing in."

Shado " talk too much..."

a bragge of punches fly at Shado's face as he blocks each one ......
Then Shado catches his right hind!


Shado starts to crush Koichi's hand.

Shado "You are not working for the right side....Hunter, gray is an evil man."

Koichi "as long as the money is green i don't care.....MAGNA PUNCH!"

Koichi's fist blasts towards Shado's chest and Slams Shado into the wall leaving his impression in the wall.....

Koichi wasting no time moves in as quickly as possible Grabs Shado by the throat and pushing his thumb right on his adans apple.

Koichi "You can't breath now! if i press alittle more, i can cut off the blood flow to your brain and the flow of oxygen."

Koichi summons his he is squezing his throat.

Lockheart looks at Shado and sees he is looking at her. HE starts to grin......
She nods her head...she knows that he is alright.....and what he is going to do.

As Koichi points his spear at Shado's head SHado starts to LAugh.

Shado "hahahahaaahahahhhhhaaaaa!"

Koichi "how can you breath?"


as soon as Koich jams the blade through Shado's head, he vanishes as if he was smoke.

Koichi "huh...what happened?"

Lockheart "Why do you think that he is called Shadoboxxer?"

Koichi feels a taping on his sholder...he turns his head to just see Shado uppercutting him in the jaw!

Getting Koichi off balance......
Shado "now witness true fighting sprit!"
Shado starts his chain combos of animal based attacks
"Lepord slasher"

With the last attack Shado dogs his hand into Koichi's Sholder and lifts him in the air with one hand........

Shado "You are working for the wrong guy....
getting paid for violance is the wrong me."


Shado turns and throws Koich across the room, towards the gaping hole in the wall as Koichi turns in the air and lands on his feet....but quickly drops to his knees.
Kensuke: Koichi!!!
Kensuke goes to help Koichi, but is stopped by Zero.
Zero: I don't think so.
Kensuke: are alive.
Blu: Zechs?!
NC: (Who are you, Zero?)
Zero: Let's go, right now, right here.
Blu:Okay I knew ya'll were weird but this...this is just creepy when did Shado learn to to turn to smoke!?!
Gemini:Wierd?The little hentai midget in the tincan calls us weird...

NC:Where did Zero go?

Zero and Kensuke are below the floor where Shado and Koichi are fighting.
Kensuke: Didn't think that you were dumb enough to show up in public again lieutenant.

Zero: The same could be said for you. I am here to help these people.

<Zero bumps into a large black box that has strange carvings on it.>

Zero: What is is this thing? Maybe Dee put a weapon of some sort in this thing since it seems I don't have my trusty board with me.

<Opens the box>
Meanwhile back in the Spirit World

Dee: I am cleared to go and it seems that someone was nice enough to open my box MarvelMan. I tell them the news that you need to be summoned to be brought baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaccccccccc-

<Dee dissapears in a flash of light and brimstone.>

Marvel: What an exit!
Back to Earth
<In flash of brimstone and light, Dee returns!>

Zero: Dee?! I thought you were dead!

Kensuke: Who is this joker? The yellow streak?

Dee: My name is Dee, Demon second class in the armies of the afterlife. Thanks for opening my ticket back here Zero and now with my new technique of fireball I'll help you beat this joker. Before I do that though where is Shado? I got to give him a message on how to bring back MarvelMan.

Zero: Upstairs with the rest of the gang. If you are going up there then bring back my board if you come back down, okay?

Dee: Sure, if you need a weapon use that sword behind you to kick this wimp's ass.
<Dee runs up to the level with Koichi, Shado, and the others.>
Dee: Shado, I... Shado?

<But Shado puts up a hand to stop Dee.>

Shado: It can wait.

<Koichi is trying desperatly to stand.>

Koichi: I... <coughs up some blood in to his hand> ****. <stumbles over to Shado> Alright, punk. You caught me off gaurd. <cough cough> Next time I'm gonna kick your ass.

Shado: All you want is cash. You could never defeat a man with a cause, a man like me.

Koichi: <explodes in rage!> I'VE GOT MY CAUSE! You would never understand.

Voice: Koichi, settle down.

Koichi: SHUDDUP!!!

Voice: Are you going to fight or run away, cause this is getting us nowhere.

Koichi: Hmph. <starts to walk to the hole in the wall> This isn't over, Shado. <He steps out the hole and lands on the Midmare, waiting right outside> Nice to see you again, Lockheart.

<Lockheart's face freezes. The armor of the Midmare deploys and Koichi flies away.>

Shado: <trying not to show how out of breath he is> Lockheart, what did he mean by that?

Lockheart: I...

Dee: Wait! I have something important to tell you!

Shado: Oh, right, well, what is it?

Dee: It's Mar...

Blu: SHADO!!!

Shado: What? What is it?

Blu: <sitting at a radar station> Umm, the green dot didn't go away.

Shado: What?

Blu: That green dot, well, I think it's Koichi. It didn't go away. He's still here.

Shado: What!? How close?

<But the question never gets answered. The wall near Shado bursts open with another concentration of michine gun fire. Shado barely gets his nunchaku up in time to deflect the shots that head towards him. Koichi bursts through the hole and tackles Shado. The two fly through the wall on the other side of the room and fall off the side. Shado and Koichi grab onto a rail on the bottom of the ship.>

Koichi: Ha ha ha ha ha! I love an intesting fight! Let's see you use those moves hanging from this ship! You can't even use both hands without falling!

Shado: You're crazy!

Koichi: Hey, <he looks very serious now> I really need this cash, ok? More than you could possibly understand. Oh, and try and block this, punk! KEY OF FIRE! BATTLE STAFF!

<The same familiar rod appears from behind Koichi and transforms into a staff with a glowing red crystal at it's head. Koichi lets go with one hand and grabs the staff from his back. He holds it out infront of him.>


<The crystal glows bright and a barrage of flaming arrows leap from it and fly towards Shado.>
Kensuke and Zero are in a hand-to-hand battle with Zero keeping up.
Kensuke: You finally learned some moves, Zechs.
Zero: Ya, I've got a girlfriend who's a ninja, so I know a few moves now.
Kensuke: Still nothing, loser!
Kensuke whips out a sword and aims for Zero's head, but it is blocked by a board.
Kensuke: WHAT!!!
Dee: Miss me?
Zero: Thanks, Dee.
Kensuke blinded with rage starts attacking Zero with full force, putting Zero on the defense, when suddenly the cieling collapese and Shado and Koichi fall through. Zero and Kensuke are both startled at the arrival of their respective allies.
(ZERO just edit that last one and it will be all good.....I'll take it from here.)
Koichi Releases his blast but it is blocked by Shado's Robot is in Robot mode.

Car "I got you Shado......."

Koichi looks up in amazement at the classic car robot.

Koichi "hey nobody told me he had one of those!"

Shado grabs Koichi, now that the Car has one of his hands, and Throws Koichi to the upper Deck of the ship.....He lands on his feet.
Shado is still hanging by his hand as his Car hols him and pulls him to safty...

Car "blocking that blast....made my circuts over load......and...i losing...."

As the car is talking to Shado......

KOICHI "now is my chance" his staff fires another massive energy blast at the back of the CARBOT, and it falls over on to Shado.

Shado is pinned under the Massive robot and he can barely move........

Koichi walks up to The pinnes Shado.

Koichi "now is my time to collect....but i'm not that much of a jerk that i won't grant you a last request."

Shado looks up at Koichi as the weight of the car starts to crush him........He sends a message to Lockheart via the Astral Plane.

Shado "Lockheart...I'm pinned......I'm in the lowest deck of the ship.......Koichi has me pinned under my Robot......."

Lockheart "I'm on my way friend."

Koichi points his staff at Shado's head.

"looks like you are too tired to do anything else....where is this untapped power of yours?
Why would gray want a worthless fighter like you couldn't even save your self. Your not worthy of the air that you breath. So tell me your last request."

Shado looks up at Koich and a little blood runs from the side of his mouth.

Koichi "whats so funny?"

Shado "You'll....see."
Blu (is yelling out the windows):Hey stop that!!!It took me ten minutes to make that car a robot!!!!
Meanwhile in Tibet
<At monastery, we see a monk talking with a boy who looks to be maybe 10 or 12. The monk has come to tell him news of his father.>

Boy: What is it Brother Li?

Li: Have some grave news brother, your father has died and the evil one we are preparing you to combat has recently aquired some vast well of power.

Boy: This cannot be good. Did father have any last words to say before he went?

Li: He asked that you be found by a great force for good. We have reason to believe that you must leave us to aid this man.

Boy: What is his name and where may I find him?

Li: He is known as Shado and was a good friend to your father. There is a tournament for fighters that Shado might try to enter to defend your father's honor. Akira the choice to enter the world must be your choice and yours alone. Are you ready to make that decision?

Akira: I am not sure let me meditate on this and then I will come with a decision tommorrow.

Kensuke- Whoa cool looking car dude....what the hell is the brand?
Shado-It's a robot car you dumbass, don't you listen

-Kensuke shruggs-

Shado- baby cost a bundle, but she's worth every penny

-Smirks at remark, Kensuke rolls eyes-

Kensuke- I bet it did

Koichi- Hey Kensucky, shut up.

Kensuke- I don't take orders from hot heads like you

Koichi- HA HA!! Was that an Insult??!! Cheers to Kensuke, his first insult!!! Even though it sucks the big one!!

-Sweat drop on Kensuke's head-

(I know I said I wouldn't write, but I can't help myself right now).
The Parthenon is empty, but there are herds of people coming to witness the world's greatest fighting tournament. Grey flies up to see if Shado is anywhere among them. When he does no see him, he comes back down.
He draws some energy from the land, then releases it around the Parthenon. There is now a forcefield, preventing anyone from entering, even Miracleman and the others. Gray talks, but is not heard by anyone outside the forcefield. A figure is barely made out in the shadows.
Gray: "Our guest of honor has not yet arrived."
???: "This is disappointing. I may not get my chance at him."
Gray: "That is indeed possible, but I am not disappointed. More along the lines of... glad."
???: "!"
Gray: "Since he hasn't shown up, that means there is a worthy bounty hunter out there."
???: "But I wanted a chance to rub him out myself!"
Gray: "QUIT YOUR WHINING! I pulled a lot of strings to get you back, and I won't be able to do it again. As long as you are under my enchantment, you will never pull any of those ridiculous stunts you did in life, and you will stay in my general area, got that?"
The figure dared not respond to this. He never again wished to address him with "yes, sir," but he also feared him now more than ever. Gray was very close to losing his temper, and life, however much a slave, is life, and death was pain, too much pain.
Gray: "If you're not going to talk to me, at least make yourself visible to me."
Of course, no one here really needs me to tell them who ??? is. Yep, it's Indy, but Gray has him on a short leash. He also looks much more grotesque than usual, and he lost his right arm. The other is broken in several places.
Indy: "Do you have any idea how humiliating this is to look like this and not be able to fight back?"
Gray: "Do you have any idea how painful it is to see your greatest tool for advancement be shot up in flames? I still have not yet gotten over this failure, especially since it was someone of such low class, in multiple senses of the phrase. You will be in the first match if this starts. A death match."
Indy: (thought) "Man, he talks a lot."
Gray turned around and did a super-speed roundhouse kick at Indy. Indy miserably falls to the ground and coughs up blood.
Gray: "I don't even want you to think negatively towards me, when you are horrible enough as it is. Your big reason for being allowed to return is so that you can reflect and change, or have you forgotten?"
Indy: "How am I supposed to do that when you're about to kill me?"
Gray: "I'll heal you just before the match, as long as you sincerely think you will change for the better. You're a good fighter, and I hate to lose someone of that power."
<<in an entrance exactly like her first one,
Lockheart appears in front of Koichi.
She is about to meditate on teleporting the robot car,but Koichi puts up his staff to stop her.She makes eye contact with the bounty hunter.Her eyes aren't cold like before,they're filled with warmth again.>>
Koichi,you know that I understand your reasons.However you should understand mine also.This is the one that was always close to me,the one I told you about.
Before you came around he was my only family,
you were his replacement for a while.

<continuing to block her passage.>
Calling me a "replacement" isn't going to let you pass.I like to think of myself as more then that.

I don't want to hurt you.

You know I don't want to either,but for the job I will.

<glances woriedly at shado>
Sorry Koi,you leave me no choice.
<lockheart force-blasts koichi in the abdomen,he flys into the robot car.>

By the power of air by the power of light,
may the strength of my mind bring matter to flight.

<she chants the spell a few times,suddenly the car along with koichi are lifted and fly into the far wall.>

<spits out a little blood as lockheart helps him up.>
How do you know him?!
What do you mean my replacement?

I'll explain later.Now do you want me to heal you,or should I finish the fight?

<Koichi is sitting, leaning against the trashed Robocar and he has his head hung.>
Koichi: <mumble mumble>

Lockheart: He looks pretty broken up.

Shado: C'mon, Lockheart. It's just another of his tricks.

Koichi: <looking up, blood trickling from his forhead, nose, and mouth> Of cource it is you all knowing ****! <a sly smile sneaking across his broken face> But don't you want to know what I was mumbling about?

Shado: <eyeing Koichi> Actually, I think I've heard enough out of you! <He raises his staff to attack, but finds he can't lift his arm past his shoulder. It's broken and bleeding badly. He cringes in pain and let's his arm fall back to his side.>

Lockheart: Shado!

Koichi: Ha ha ha ha. Looks like I did manage to hurt you. And here I thought you were a superman. Well, seeing as my little trap isn't going to fool you again, I might as well tell you. <cough cough> Shado, your head is going to save a life. Not the life of anyone you know, but it is someone your friend Lockheart knows. Someone she once said she cared about. <turning to Lockheart> Seems she doesn't care much about us anymore. <turning back to Shado> So, Shado, know this: When you take my life you also take the life of an innocent. The life of a child who was never supposed to be a part of any of this.

Shado: You're.... you're bluffing. Lockheart, this is some kinda trick, right?

Lockheart: I... <a tear drips down her face>

<Suddenly, the Midmare appears behind Koichi. The armor isn't deployed and Kensuke can be seen at the controls.>

Kensuke: Koichi! Are you comming with me or not?

Koichi: Dammit, Ken! I said never to fly my ship!

Kensuke: C'mon, I thought you'de be used to me saving your ass by now.

Koichi: Don't get all cocky now. I'm still the boss.

Kensuke: Right, Koi. You're the boss.

<Kensuke scoops Koichi up and drops him onto the back of the ship. The armor begins to deploy, but before the airtight hull cuts off the sound between the two bounty hunters inside the ship, Koichi yells out one last thing:>

Koichi: We were your family, Lockheart. You never would of survived without us! Oh, and Shado. I'll see you at the tournament. I'm looking forward to our rematch.

<The armor is completely deployed now, and the Midmare soars off into the clouds.>

Shado: Lockheart, I'd say we have some catching up to do.

<Lockheart turns away. She hoped she'd never have to tell Shado about her history with Koichi and his brother.>

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