Organous conclusion


12:30 a.m. Sounds off!
Ranma 1/2
Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing
Iria: Zieram the animaton
Armitage III
Cowboy Bebop
Tenchi Universe Season II
Organous Crisis 1
Organous Crisis 2
Organus Crisis 3
Organous Crisis 4
Organous Crisis 5
Organous Crisis 6
Organous Crisis 7
Organous Crisis 8
Organous Crisis 9
Organous conclusion
Anime K..C.. oh damn it that okie stuff where you sing

And what a fine, ending, too. Good work, everyone. This was quite a ride.

<The three airtakers are arriving outside Grey's ship. It is high tech and ENORMOUS. Yet, it seems strangly abandoned. The bikes land on a landing pad on top and the seven passengers get off.>
Blu: Kait, are you sure you and Hitome will be alright?

Kaitlyn: I'll be fine. Besides, someone has to watch the bikes.

Blu: I could stay with you.

Hitome: Daddy.

Blu: Yes?

Hitome: <points at Zero, Chibi, Chan, and Koi.> They need you more.

Blu: Alright, but you two be careful.

<The five of them start to walk towards the entrance. As they approach the door, Chibi starts to hold her head.>

Koi: What is it?

Chan: Chibi, what's wrong?

Chibi: It's.. sis.

Koi: Lockheart? What's wrong?

Chibi: I'm not sure. Something happened to Shado.

Koi: Ha ha ha. Don't worry, kid. Hero can take care of himself. And I'm sure Lock'll be ok, too. The only one I'd worry about is Ken, and I'm sure if anything too dangerous pops up he'll find a nice whole to curl up in. They'll be fine, Chibi, ok?

Chibi: <shakes her head, like she were trying to shake some feeling.> Right, <smile> let's go.

Zero: Right! Let's go find Grey and kick his ass!

Chan: Yea! Let's go!

<Zero and Chan charge through the door. Chibi, Koi, and Blu walk cautiosly in behind them.>

Zero and Chan charge thru the door to find themselves falling down a large air shaft.
Koichi: No!
Chibi: We have go after them!
Blu: I've got it!
Blu pulls out a rope that extends forever.
Koichi: Nice toy.
Blu: It took me 6 hours to build the Never-Ending Rope!
Chibi: Well, let's go!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kaitlyn and Hitome stand with the bikes. Kaitlyn has her rifle out, with a small shield generator sitting nearby. Hitome sits on the cold metal of the landing platform, playing with a small doll she brought along. Wind blows both of the ladies' hair around. It's quiet.
Kaitlyn watches her daughter with motherly love. Nothing can harm her, Kait thinks. I won't let anything hurt her.
With dread, Kait feels a prescence. She whirls around to find Worm standing there, gun aimed at her.
Worm: Hello again. Fancy meeting you here.
Kaitlyn: Hitome, get down!
Hitome: Mommy?...
Kaitlyn: NOW!
The shield generator Blu built activates in .001 of a second. It takes Worm .5 of a second to fire a shot at Kait. It takes Kait .56 of a second to fire a shot at Worm. Kait's shot from her rifle travels faster than one of Worm's bullets from his gun. Her shot hits him in his chest, with enough force to penetrate through a lightly armored man five feet away and travel another twenty or so feet.
Worm's armor isn't very light.
The shot hits him and falls to the cold metal of the landing platform.
While Kait's shot is traveling through the air towards Worm, Worm's bullet is speeding towards Kait. After about two and a half feet, Worm's bullet makes contact with Blu's shield. The sheild is powerful enough to stop a nuclear explosion, at full power. Worm's bullet would be disintergrate when making contact with the sheild.
It didn't.
Worm's specially made bullet breaks through the sheild, hurtles towards Kait, and pentrates her heart.
Hitome runs to her mother, crying.

Hitome: MOMMY!!!!
Kait: (weakly) Hitome, run. Run away, and know that I love you. I love you and daddy. You two will always be with me, and I with you...
With that, Kait brushes her daughter hair, closes her eyes, and breathes her last breath.
Hitome sits where she is, crying. She never notices Worm walking over to her. Hitome is still crying when Worm hits her in the back of her head, knocking her unconcious.

The heroes are making their way through the entrance of Grey's base. Already, a few guards had to be disposed of. The group had a feeling that more would follow suit.

As they walked down a corridor, Chibi suddenly stopped and stiffened. She looked like she had heard some noise, a noise that chilled her to the bone.

Koichi: Chibi, what's wrong?
Chibi: I....sense something. Something awful. I sense....
I sense death.

Blu jerked his head toward Chibi. He had turned pale, and looked as if he aged twenty years.

Blu: What do you mean, you sense death?
Chibi: A sense a death, and death walking somewhere.
Blu: You don't mean....
Chibi:......I'm sorry Blu.

Blu turns and runs out of the base, towards the airbikes. Chibi starts after him, but Koichi places a hand on her shoulder, a gentle restraint. Blu needs to be alone for this.

Blu's bike whips through the sky.
Blu: Dammit! I knew this was too good to be true I knew Worm wasn't finished

Blu rides off, the sky turns to a faded blue and red. Koichi turns to the ship and kicks it while Chibi sits on the dust and hides her face.
Chibi- I'm sorry Blu.....
Ken rides off the side, pushing an enormous amount of dust in the process. He looks up to the faded sky, the color of the dead.

Lockheart-What is up with Shado?
Ken-Dunno, think he went psycho.
Lockheart-Think we should go after him?
Ken-He's a big boy, he knows where to find us. We should concentrate on Blu and the others. You DO miss your sis right?

Kimiko hovers above the two, Diamond follows.

Kimiko-Stupid kids, don't know what's gonna hit 'em.....
Blu finds Kaitlyn's corpse.
Blu: No... not again dammit...please I know you're not dead.*shaking the body trying to give her mouth to mouth* no!!! dammit no! *He pounds his fist on the pavement crying and then looks up his face registering suprise he whispers* Hitomi...
<Lockheart and Ken are both unaware of the impending attack>
Lockheart:That's weird...



<she is cut off as she soon notices three powerful force blasts are aimed at her and Ken.She quickly forms a shield around the two of them.The shield is made from her aura so she absorbs most of the blow,but is still forced down to the ground.>

Ken:What the hell?!

Lockheart:<recovering>That's why I sensed Koichi is approaching.Grey is here...

Ken:Where?<looks around>

Lockheart:<points to the three attackers floating above them>There.

Ken:Oh,well I guess we should hold them off till he gets here,eh?

Lockheart:I see no reason not to.
<They both get in battle positions and await the oncoming assault.>

<Back on the ship, Chibi and Koichi have wandered into a control room.>
Chibi: Where IS everyone? I thought there was gonna be fighting!

Koichi: There will be! Settle down, Mini-Chick.

Chibi: Hmph! <Chibi throws herself down into a seat. She pouts and stares at the moniters.>

Koichi: There's gotta be something around here to tell us where Grey is. <Koichi starts examining knobs and switches.>

Chibi: Umm... Koichi.

Koichi: Not now.

Chibi: Koiiiiichi.

Koichi: Not now!

Chibi: KOICHI!

Koichi: What!?

Chibi: <pointing at a moniter> We're moving.

<Koichi looks at the moniter Chibi's pointing to. It's an external view of the ship hovering over the city. Slowly, the city scape passes beneath them. In the far distance, straight ahead, there is a small energy blast.>

Koichi: What was that?

Chibi: <Holding her head> Sis...

Zero slowly wakes up to find himself strapped down to an operating table.
Zero: Where am I!
"An operating room, Lt.Rowanoke. We plan on extracting the Tech Element within you for our own purposes.
Zero: Grey!
Grey: Actually a hologram with AI programmed into it.
Zero: Fine, learn this, my name is Zero! And where is Chan!
Grey: Being reprogrammed as we speak. I'll enjoy having my assasin back in my ranks.
Zero: You Bastard! I'll kill you!
Grey: No, you won't actually. You see, the extraction is going to kill you.
Zero: !!!
The wall directly infront of Zero and Grey begins to twist as a vortex begins to form.
Grey: What is this?
Zero: This can't be good...
<back in the ops room>
Koichi: Well, c'mon. Wr gotta go fing the controls.

Chibi: No, wait! <Chibi points to another moniter, which shows Zero strapped to a table. Grey is hovering over him.>

Koichi: It's him!

Chibi: But I thought he was outside. <pointing to the first moniter agian.>

Koichi: Well, they can't both be him.

Chibi: Let's split up.

Koichi: No way. Your sis'll kill me if I let you out of my sight. C'mon. We'll check out the one with Zero. Let's go.

<Koichi and Chibi dash out the door.>


As Zero and Grey watch the figure come out of the vortex, Zero instantly recognizes him.
Zero: Nova!
Grey: Him again!?
Nova: I think its time I finish up the loose ends of my life.
Nova raises his arm and blasts the Grey hologram destroying it. He then begins taking out the other scientists.
Zero: Why'd you help me?
Nova: Why? I just never liked Grey. That good enough for ya?
Zero: Yup.
Nova: I think I'm gonna trash this place, so I suggest you find that ninja chick fast.
Zero: Gotcha.
Zero runs down a corridor in search of Chan.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Entering the ship and running right into Zero.
Blu:Worm has Hitomi!

Zero:Grey has Chan!
<Koichi and Chibi are running down the hall. They think they see Blu down a side hallway, but he's running in the other direction.>

Chibi: Blu!

<Zero pops out from behind a corner and runs into Koichi at full speed. The two hit the floor.>

Koichi: God damned kid!

Zero: No time, gotta save...

Chibi: Did we just see Blu?

Zero: Yeah, he thinks Worm came back here or something. But I gotta...

Koichi: So how's Kaitlyn?

Zero: I don't know, I think...

Chibi: What about Hitome?

Zero: I think Worm had her, but I don't have...

Koichi: Wait, where's Chan?

Zero: Dammit! That's what I was trying to say!!!!!!

<Zero dashes off down the hallway.>

Chibi: Who do we follow?

Koichi: Damn, I forgot to ask him about Grey.

Chibi: Do you see Grey here?

Koichi: <looking around.> No, what's you're point? Oh, I get it. Zero's alive. Musta been a fake Grey.

Chibi: <smile> See! I don't need magic to be helpful, I'm smart, too.

Koichi: I'm sure. Now let's go help your sis, ok, kid?

Chibi: Why is it always about my sister? Why can't you ever save me?

Koichi: Dammit, kid.

<The two run down a hallway, trying to find their way back to the bikes.>

As Shado keeps walking he can feel that there is troubble..... but he is still injured from the attack and the loss of life. It seems as if everything that he has fought for the last few days is going down the drain.... he knows that his freinde need his help... but he is so weak now...... his feet grow heavy and the impressions in the dirt and sand get deeper.
The hot air blows against his face as sweat pours from his brow.. the salty sting hits his eyes as he starts to stumble.... he slowly looks up to see what looks like little MANDA!

Shado "I'm sorry Manda..... I'm sorry."

As he gets closer to he he falls to the ground and sees black as he passes out and hits the ground with a heavy crash....

A foot walks close to him as he is lifted on his side and his head is placed on her lap...

???? "Just rest Shado.... your about to get a wake up call very soon...from you sister Lockheart."

<<Lockheart is holding up the shield around herself and Kensuke.It has withstanded the blows so far but she can't hold it up for much longer.>>
Ken:Come on,let's fight back already.

Lockheart:Fighting isn't wise at this time.
Trust me,we don't stand a chance.

Ken:I thought you were Shado's equal?He wouldn't give up.

Lockheart:I'm not giving up and I am his equal.I would be fighting them off,but when they caught us off guard I had to channel most of my energy into this shield.

Ken:Then what should we do,how long can you hold up?

Lockheart:About two more blows<<she absorbs another blow>>,make that one more.Don't worry about that,just hold my hand.


Lockheart:Hold my hand,hurry up.

<<Ken grabs hold of Lockheart's hand and they are instantly transported to the astral
plane.Lockheart heals her aura to the best of her ability.>>

Ken:That's a nice trick,where do we go from here?

Lockheart:I'm gonna get Shado,do you want to come?

Ken:<<Watches as his surroundings constantly change>>Naw,I'll wait for you here.

Lockheart:Ok,I'll be back soon.

<<She meditates on Shado's location and soon appears at his side.She uses her power reserved in her staff to heal him.He's still in bain,but it's more bearable.>>

Shado:<opening his eyes>Lockheart?

Lockheart:The one and only.

Shado:I'm sorry I couldn't help.

Lockheart:Well,you didn't miss your chance yet.Kensuke and I retreated the fight.

Shado:You never did take too many risks when others were involved.

Lockheart:I guess I'll never change.Anyway,once you're fully healed we have a fight on our hands.

Shado:Off to the astral again?

Lockheart:Yep,let's go.<<she grabs his hand then teleports to Kensuke's location on the astral.She waves her hand and a fountain appears.After taking a drink she seems less weak.She signal's for Shado to have a sip.>>

Ken:Back so soon?

Lockheart:I try to be quick.

Shado:<rejuvenated from the drink>What is this?

Lockheart:It's a shallow healing well.It makes you feel better,but doesn't actually repair injuries.

Shado:It's a good thing you fixed my injuries already.I'm set to go now,are we ready?

Ken:Sure as hell.

Lockheart:Yeah,they haven't moved yet.I'll take us to the same spot,this time we can get them off guard while they're looking for us.Koi and the others are almost there as well,so this fight ought to be over quickly.

Shado:Precognition sure comes in handy doesn't it.

Lockheart:Sometimes,k let's go.

<<The three leave the astral mentally preparing for the oncoming battle.>>

DEE watches on as he looks in disgrace at what he has become.
DEE: I sure wish I could help them. Oh well.

Three scientists are walking down a hallway carrying a small wooden box with intricate carvings.
S1: I can't beleive this was the only thing that survived the crash of that ship before the tourney.
S2: Yes.
S3: Yup. Hey, who's that guy running down the hall about to hit us?
S1 and S2: WHA!!!!!!??????
Zero colides with the three scinetists and the box hits the ground and opens. A bright flash of light appears and Dee is standing next to the box.
Zero ee?!
Dee: I'm alive again. Sweet!
Zero: Well come on! We've got to find Chan!
Dee: Gotcha!

Blu is running down the hallway.
Blu: Damn! Where is Shado!?! Between he and Lockheart they should be able to find out where Worm and Hitome are!!!!
<Koichi and Chibi are running down the hallway, nearing the landing pad where the Airtaker's wait.>
Koichi: C'mon, we're almost... wait a sec!

Chibi: <almost running past Koichi, who has unexpectedly stopped.> What is it?

Koichi: I can't beleive it... my ship!!!

<Koichi runs into a storage room. Inside is a small clearing between boxes, and in that small space is the Midmare, it's flame paint job still gleaming.>

Chibi: That's yours?

Koichi: Oh baby, is it ever. She's the Midmare, and I trust her more than I trust myself.

Chibi: Do you love her?

Koichi: Bet your ass I do.

Chibi: <sniff>

Koichi: Ah, christ. Just get on, kid, ok?

Chibi: <sniff> ok.

Koichi: <sigh> Just like your sis when she was little.

<Koichi and Chibi get onto the Midmare, and Koichi deploys the armor and machine guns.>

Chibi: We're gonna ride this out through the launch pad?

Koichi: Something like that.

<Koichi pulls both triggers and the machine guns fire at the hull infront of them. Boxes are cut down like Bonny and Clyde and the hull is soon weakened. Koichi slams the gas and the Midmare cuts through the hull and flies out into the sky.>

Chibi: Whoa.

Koichi: Now, we gotta find your sis.

Chibi: Just go in the direction the airships going. We can get there before the ship does, right?

Koichi: You insult me.

<Koichi flips a switch marked NITRO and the engines roar. The Midmare slashes through the sky towards Shado, Lockheart, Ken, and thier enemies.>
Shado, Lockheart, and Kensuke arrive at the last place where the two left from. There enemise are a little confused at what has happened.
Shado looks up at is enemies.

Shado "shhhhhhhhh."
Shado's frends nod in agreement. They sneek around them and grab 3 of them from behind.
<Ken and Lockheart are having no trouble holding down Dark Kimoko and Diamond. Shado, however, is having some trouble with the monstrous Judge.>
Judge: You've been throwing off the balance since the day you were born, you pest!

Shado: What?

<Shado is tossed aside. Judge stands tall in the center of the road. Shado slowly gets up.>

Judge: I will destroy you. I can't complete it until you are gone.

Shado: Complete what?

Ken: Forget it, Shado, he's crazy!

Kimoko: Yeah, <laughter> crazy! <Ken knocks her out with the hilt of his sword.>

Lockheart: There may be something to it, Shado. Hear him out!

Diamond: Yes Shado! <laughter> Waste what little time you have! <Lockheart casts a simple sleep spell on her.>

Judge: Well, Shado? Want to know what all this has been for? Or do you want to die a hero's death, quick and pointless? Ha ha ha... arrr! <Judge is pelted with machine gun fire. The Midmare races by.> Grrrraa! You fool!

Koichi: <Landing the Midmare behind the others and getting out.> Well, that did a lot of good!

Chibi: Sis!

Lockheart: Stay back!

Shado: Where's Zero and Blu? Chan, Hitome, Kaitlyn?

Koichi: Long story. I don't think they'll be joining us, though. Kaitlyn's dead.

Shado: Damn.

Judge: Rrrra! You're all tipping the balance!!!

<Judge begins to gather energy. His body glows red and blue.>

Ken: What the hell's he doing?

Shado: Lockheart, get a sheild ready.
Shado, Koichi, Kensuke, Lockheart, Chibi, stand in the presense of Judge.... Gray's true form. They all can feel his true power. He is very strong.
Judge "Ahhhh Shado. It is good to meet you again. You are the Ultimate Prize. The one almost the same as i am. You have your darkness and light.
You are the essense of a true warrior only worthy to serve as my equal. These others are worthless..... well most of them are. Most of you lie on the line too far into good or a little too far
into the evil. However i do have a use for you.... as i did with Manda."
Shado's eyes open wide as he hears her name. "You still have her! She is not yours to toy around with."
Judge "So you think Shado. However she is very important in my battle against the Light and Darkness.... I must bring them together so that there is no black and whithe but only
a constant GRAY!"

Koichi stops and see what is going on as he starts to relize what is happening.
Koichi "So this guy is nutral? That is the biggest bunch of crap i have ever heard."
Key "Yes i agree too..... however by his power it does seem possible"
Koichi "Looks like we agree on something."

Lockheart can feel the power that ripples through this beasts body. He is truly unatural. His Balance and mind set could destroy everything in exestance.
Kensuke "Lockheart are you alright?"
Lockheart "Yeah as fine as could be."
Shado "Lockheart we need to do something about him..... we need our other friends to. We need Zero, Blue Bettel, and Dee Ninja Chan."
Koichi "Those guys are useless..... They have been nothing but a distraction from are final goal of defeating this bastard."
Shado "Look Koi those guys were the first to help me in stoping this mess and saving Manda... we all feel responsible for her loss."
lockheart "I know Shado i can feel you disapointment that you have not been able to help her, But we should be able to now."

Judge moves close to the group of heroes.
Judge "You are comming with me little adventuers... for you last adventuer. Smile you are starting the new order in this world."

Koichi "I'm not going to let it end like this Judge! I'm gonna stop you."
Judge "It is not your place little man."
Koichi "so says you."

Koichi powers up his Key into a Spear and charges.

Judge "FOOL!"

Judge lifts his hands far in the ait as a white light covers the entire area. The heroes are blinded by the brillience of the light.......

About an hour passes as Koichi Awaks in some kind of temple... Chained against massive pillars. He looks up and see the others chained to the pillars.
Koichi "looks like he did not get Bule, Zero, Chan, or Dee. Can they be our only hope?"
<<Lockheart wakes up in a daze to see the ground over 100 feet below her.She is stunned at first,but snaps back into reality.
She notices the blood flowing through her eyes,blurring her vision.Then she remembers the battle all too well.
Koichi charged as Judge prepared to use his speed as leverage to blow him away.Lockheart remembered teaching the technique of using your enemies advantages against them to Chibi.She saw the recognition of the attack in Chibi's eyes and felt her sister's fear.
Lockheart knew that Koichi had the skill to avoid the technique,but Chibi didn't.
Her worst fears came into play when Cibi ran in Koichi's way,trying to stop him.Before she realized what she was doing she was infront of both Chibi and Koi taking the full force of the attack as she was forced into Judge's reach.The pain was unbearable,but before she blacked out she saw her sister's tearful face and her Koi distrought with confusion.The pain of fear came over her and she yelled with all she could muster down to the ever distant ground.>>

<<as some of the blood cleared from her vision she saw the bound forms of her friends.She quickly tried to teleport,but the chains also bound her astral body.She was immersed in helplessness and doubt.
Being unable to help the people she loves is her worst fear.>>

Judge : (he is unseen,but his voice is very recognizable)
You won't be able to teleport away Priestess.
Why don't you just enjoy your stay?

<<Lockheart is about to reply,but suddenly falls limp aginst her chains.She knows a sleeping spell is being used on her,but is too weak to counter it.>>


Blu was closing in fast. Worm might have armor like his, but it was old, and not quite as advanced.

Worm knew that a fight was inevitable. Worm also knew that Blu would protect the girl, though, and therefore wasn't anticipating any sort of projectile attack. Not at this height, not while he held the girl.

Suddenly, Worm stopped. Blu had to veer to one side to avoid slamming into him. Worm turned to Blu, and began to address him.

Worm: So, Blu, how does it feel to be helpless?
Blu: Let her go you sonovabitch.
Worm: Now, now. Temper, temper. Wouldn't want anything to happen to her, now would you?
(Blu grits his teeth)
Worm: I believe that your daughter is the least of your problems right now. As I speak, I can sense that your friends are in quite a predicament.
Blu: What? Who could you......
Worm: Sense that? Hell is a useful place, Blu. And right now, its not a too happy place. (But was it ever?) Your friends are up against a force even Hell doesn't like.
Blu: They need me, don't they? And you're going to take Hitome with you after telling me where they are, aren't you?
Worm: Very good. Looks like you are smarter than you look. Do we have a deal?
Blu:............ Damnit. Fine. Where are they?
Worm: Actually, I can't tell you. But I can show you.
(Worm motions with his free hand, making a portal appear.)
Worm: Through here, you'll find your friends. Now then, if you'll excuse me, I need to be moving. Portals can be tracked by those I don't want tracking me........

(Worm flies off, leaving Blu before the portal)

Blu: I'm sorry Hitome......

(Blu steps through the portal.)

<<Chibi awakens at the sound of her sisters voice. She starts opening her eyes and sees where she is. It is hard for her to make out the figures around her but she can feel Koi and Lockheart's presence and remebers what happened. She gathers all the strength that she can muster.>>
Chibi: KOI?! lOCKHEART?! Where are you?

Judge: Why should you matter to them? You are probably the weakest person in your little brigade, you're always the one that needs to be saved! i don't think that they care about you anymore. They are sick of always trying to save you!

<<Chibi thinks about that for a minute and then hears her sisters voice>>

Lockheart: (communicating in thought) Don't listen to him Chib! He is only trying to ruin you!

Chibi: It's true you know... You guys always have to save me. I am always putting you in danger. Maybe I should just go back and try to find Mom and Dad...

Lockheart: We save you because you mean something to us! Mom and Dad didn't care about you at all!! We do! We can't give up on this... we're going to survive!

Chibi: Ok, but once we get out can I get like a really big bowl of rice?

Lockheart: Sure...


<Koichi struggles against the chains.>
Koi: Dammit! Grrrrraaa! Can't take this!!!

Lock: Koi, settle down!

<Shado and Ken slowly start to wake up.>

Ken: Who's yelling? Keep it down.

Koi: Rrrrrrrrraaaa!!!!

Chibi: Koichi...

Koi: And you! Stupid kid! Why'd you try to stop me? I coulda taken him! Damn bull ****! That's what this is! BULL****!!!

<chibi starts to cry.>

Lock: Dammit, Koichi, settle down.

Shado: What the hell is that lunatic screaming about?

Koi: You! Hero! Mr. f'n big shot! Where were you when these two bitches stood in my way? huh?

Lock: Koi!

Shado: Stop, you psycho! Calm down!

Ken: Koichi, what the hells going on?

Koichi: Ha! Wouldn't you like to know, you little ****? Why are you always folling me, huh? And how come that kid Zero knew about you? I don't even know where the **** you come from! Are you a Tech Elemental, too?

Ken: I...

Lock: Please, Koichi, settle down!

Koichi: I can't! I had him! I ****ing had him! I...

<Koichi's body seems to tighten up. He pulls and pushes against the chains. Suddenly, his body is engulfed in flame. He tries to burn away at the chains, but they are unbrakeable.>

Lock: No, Koichi, stop it!

Shado: What the hell's he doing?

Lock: It's his elemental ability.

Ken: Koi's an elemental?!?! Christ, am I the only one who isn't?

Lock: He can't control it, though. It's why he never uses it. It takes too much out of him. He can use it in small spurts, but the last time he tried something like this he almost died. He won't be able to stop it!


Judge: Ha ha ha. This is beautiful. Seems I'll have one of you pre-cremated! Gwa ha ha ha ha ha!!!

<<Chibi hears all of this going on. She is worried that Koi will kill himself therefore never giving herself a chance to apologize to him for the offense that she has brought upon the group, especially Koi>>
Chibi: (quietly, almost whispering to herself) Judge, if you can hear me just make him stop! Put him to sleep or something... just make him stop! I can't stand to see people in pain like this, just make him stop!!

Lockheart: Koi! Calm down! You're gonna hurt yourself badly!!!

<<Koi's flame are starting to burn out slowly as his screams lessen. Chains are rapped around Chibi and Lockheart's throats..>>

Judge: Enough with you two! I am sick of hearing your sentimental sh**!!! (Only to Chibi) A life for a life!

The chains begin to tighten but sudeenly loosen as a sledgehammer slams into the side of the Judge's head.
Blu:Let them go!

He raises a gauntleted fist and the sledge comes flying back.

Judge:You think you can stop me with toys!?!

Blu:I can try!

Blu leaps at the Judge as the hammer begins to charge...
Judge looks at Blue and sees that he is coming in at full force at him. Bules's Hammer humms with power as
Its energy heat up the molocules in the air.......
Bulu's hits hammer at the Judge's deformed body as shreaks of pain come from his body.
Blue "You have cause too much troubble to live in this plane of existance! Go back to the void that you came from!"
Koichi "... hmmm... looks like he is doing a better job then i thought he could....."
Blue hammers away at the monstrous Judge...... But out of the shadows another Judge walks out.
Everybody tries to yell to Blue but he is distracted by the beating he is giving to the other Judge.
The other Judge grabs Blue and throws him towards the Pillar that Shado is bound to. As he fly toward that Pillar Shado vanishes and the chains that
held him there grab Blue instead.
In the place that The two Judges stand. The Judge that took the massive beating Fades away to see that it was really Shado Chained to the Pillar.
He took the attack that Blue gave.

Blue "NO....SHADO! I'm sorry!"
Shado lifts his head a little as blood flows from his mouth.
"I know Blue.......... judge i'll get you.......I'll make you pay."
Judge "Now Shado don't talk like that or I'll have to hurt little Manda."

Judge waves his hand and he and on the other side of the HALL OF PILLARS he see them all........
Shado "MANDA."

All the forms of manda are places hanging against the wall.
Dark Manda, Light Manda, Gemini, are floating in the air. Standing beside them are Diamond and Dark Kimiko.
Dark Kimiko moves close to Shado and lifts his blood soaked head. and looks into his eyes. As she does she sees his eyes.
The eyes are the window to the soul. Shado's eyes open wide as his eyes change from a dark green to a bright light green.
Then kimiko feels his look. He is looking into her soul and looks to see if there is anything in there of his lost love..... even an atom
of he. He does........ The he lets that part of her know what it must to......
Dark Kimiko starts to burn....
She starts to burn alive on the spot as she turns to ash!
Shado "Goodnight my love...... I'll see you again one day."

Judge "No you won't Shado.... none of you will. I'm am taking place of the ruler of this reality... of all of them.
I was forged by the battel of heaven and hell... i am what was left in the wake of the great divide. Like the flower that grown after a volcano. the
one that finds the last stand... i am that. nothing more nothing less. There will be no heaven no hell...... JUST ME!!!!!!!

In the Shado's a little Yello devil shows up....... It is DEE! He moves close to Blue.
Dee "I'll get you out."
Blue "How?"
Dee "I'm a little devil..." he pulls out a little skull key that is a magice key that fits all locks.
Blue "good lets free every body else....wait where is Zero and Chan?"
Dee "He grins.. they are onthere way."
Blue "Good caus ewe gotta help all our friends now."
Dee "Yeah we do."
Judge is using numerous energy blasts at our heroes when a large ki blast directly hits in the back of the head.
Judge: Who dares!
Zero: We dare.
Zero,Ninja-Chan, and Nova stand facing Judge.
Shado: Nova!?
Nova: Hello friends, its been awhile.
Nova charges up all his power and flies at Judge. "This for experimenting on me!" He screams as began attacking Judge with a flurry of energized fists. Judge falters, but returns Nov's attack with a large energy shot from his mouth. Nova's body is flung to the side.
Dee: Talk about bad breath...
Zero: Judge! You're mine!
Zero unleashes for the first time his tech power at full potential. Zero is now covered in a full cybernetic armor. Zero then takes one of Chan's swords and transforms it into an electrically charged blade. Zero dashes towards Judge and does a cross-slash technique (Think Cloud's from FF7). Judge uppercuts Zero, who is sent back towards Chan.
Chan: Zero?!
Zero: I'm not dead yet...But you're about to be Judge!
Judge: Pathetic fool, you actualy beleive that yoo insignifgant weaklings are going to stop me?! MWAHAHA!!!!!
Shado: I will.
Judge: Is that so? I think its time you meet your dead girlfirend in Hell!
Shado: This ends now.
Judge: Yes, yes it does...
Dee makes it to all the others unlocking all the chains that bind them... the last one to free is Shado. But Dee is stopped by Diamond
Diamond "So little devil you think that i'm gonna let you get buy me?"
Dee backs up a little as Diamond gets closer to Dee.....
????? "Your not getting any closer to my little friend bitch!"
It is NINJA CHAN! She uses her Tome noge cutter.... and slashes Diamonds arm.
NC "It is time that i put you to rest agong side of my cousion Indystar."
Diamond " you never had that kind of power. You are nothing more then a waist of human flesh."
NC "and you are nothing more then a Test tube baby... and a waist os science."
Chan uses her familys secrete tehqunique... "MUSHASHI FIRE SCROLL!"
Her body turns into a dancing flame... as she flyes towards Diamond.....
NC "A diamond is born in the heart of fire..... the Volcano... it is nothing more then a pretty piece of coal...
now it is time you go back to your home. To the Nothing ness which Indy created you from."
Dee Grabs a hold of Diamond before she can escape and hols her neck.
Diamond "GET of me devil!"
Dee "You think an INFERNO IS GONNA HURT ME?!"
The fire ingulfs Diamond as she crystilizes into a solid mass of actuall diamond as she falls like a rock to the ground.
NC "Indy's leagsy is now dead."
Dee "The key is destroyed..... how will we free shado?"
Lockheart , Chibi, Koichi and Blue move near Dee, Chan , Zero, and NOVA.
Lockheart "There is something that i need to tell you guys.... something about Shado."
Koichi "what this time? you got another crush on him?"
She turns to him making her eye color change.. he gets the pictuer.
Lockheart "Shado is unlike any of you other fighters... he is even diffrent then I. I have always known this. He is not bound by magic, good, or evil. Shado has the essence of all energy. We all have that.. but he is more. We were all made of the same things as the stars, the earth and space. we all have that bit of energy in us... Shado however is able to controll that energy. He does not need magic.... his summon.. his Master summon is based on his thoughts. His fighting skill is nothing more then the limits of his mind. He can controll the energy on an sub atomic level."

Blue "But that is impossible!"
Lockheart "No caus ehe has Divine power..... much like the powers i use to cast my summons. You see Shado and I are alike in the fact that we controll The same kind of energy... liek how we can use the Astral plane. and cast our summons. That is another reason that we haev such a close bond. So Dee don't don't worry about the chains.... cause he can break thim because he is not limmither by elements.. he is more like OMINI!"

Ken-Ummmm....HEllllllllOOOOOO!!! I'm still chained here guys.
Dee-I thought I let you go...

Ken-Well, it's like this....

Nova-Ah, leave the prick. He's got nothing useful to us anyway.

Ken-Hey! Wait! Common, I gatta have SOME sort of power.

Nova-Shut up, we have a REAL problem here.

Ken(thought)-I have to have some sort of power.....I'm a ninja of light, what does that mean? ARRRGH!!! Think ken, WHAT DOES IT MEAN???!!!

Koi: Try light, you idiot!
Ken: Oh, ha, yea, I guess.

<chibi runs over to Koi.>

Chibi: You're alive!

Koi: Yea, everyone is, for now.

Chibi: But, you are, and...

Koi: Christ, kid. You almost got yourself killed before the rest of us. I don't want my last sight to be your dead body hanging from a pillar. You're just lucky Blu distracted Judge after you made that deal with him.

Chibi: I...

Koi: Yea, I heard what he said to you. I figured you'd just let me die. But you didn't. You almost got yourself killed to save me.

Chibi: Koi?

Lock: Yea, umm, are you actually getting sentimental over this?

Koi: Shuddup! Just, don't do it again, ok, kid?

Chibi: <smile> Ok!

<Chibi jumps into Koichi's arms, and kisses him!>

Koi: Dammit! C'mon, not now! Shado can use our help.


Zero continues to fight Judge. NC and Nova wait to the side to tend to the others.
Dee: "Shado long time no see man."
Shado: "The same to you little one. Now how the hell am I gonna get out of here?"
Dee: "Didn't you hear what Lockheart said. You are beyond all of us. We would have strived to be at the same level your at but your different. Ever since I met you at that bar you never ever had to double think yourself because you knew what you were doing. You had a sixth sense about everything and everyone. I am just glad to have you as one of my friends."
Shado: "Thanks Dee but how is that gonna help me, we still don't have a key. And I don't know how to use this power."

As Shado and Dee talk, the battle between Zero and Judge continues.

Judge: "This is pathetic fight like a true warrior!"
Zero: "You want real than take this!"

Zero puts all of his power behind his punch right at Judge's face. The punch had massive power, but was to slow to make the true impact it deseverd. Judge caught the punch with his hand after being moved back several yards. Judge with Zero's fist in his hand kicks Zero through the ceiling towards Shado and Dee. Both NC and Nova stare in shock, Dee moves from Shado to catch Zero. While NC and Nova are about to turn around Judge does a hurricane kick to both of them sending them flying into the walls.

Judge: "Now to get rid of you Shado!"
Dee: "Not if I have anything to say about it."
Judge: "Get out of my way you pest!"

Judge fires a blast at Dee that leaves him almost dead. As Shado looks on he sees the majority of his comrades laying either powerless or unconscience. The only ones left are Lockheart, Koi, Chibi, and Ken. Shado looks around at his fallen friends.

Shado: "Damn you!!!!"

At that moment the floor starts to rumble. And Shado screams and a blue aura glows around him. Suddenly Shado breaks his binding chains. Everyone even LockHeart who predicted this would happen stared in amazement.

Shado: "Dee thank you for your kind words. The rest of you get out now!"
Ken: "But we can help!"
Shado: "Pick up the others and Leave!!"
Lockheart "You better do as he says. Good Luck Shado. And Shado I love you, but I know you care for Manda as well. Save her for all of us."
Shado: "I will. Now leave!"
Judge: "You look like a glow stick!"
Shado: " Well it's time to light up the place!"

Shado and Judge are poised for action! Lockheart and the others gathered everyone and left. Judge rushes at Shado.

Judge: "Let's finish this!!!!"
Shado Stands there as Judge stands before him.
Judge "good to see that you can break those puny chains..... But now i'll break you down Shado."
Shado "No more of this I'm taking you down. You are no longer a threat to me."

judge "I may not be... but they are."

Manda, Gemini, Light Manda, and Dark Manda, move into Shado's path. "Hello Shado" they all respond at the same time. "We must not let you stop him till he is finished."

Shado "Snap out of this!"

Judge "They can't Shado. they are under my controll..... the forces of heaven and hell controll them.....and now they will bind you!"

Judge casts a spell that turns all of Manda's forms into chains. Which forces Shado against two pillars and binds his hands and feet.

Judge "Oh and Shado i know that you don't want to break those chans because if you do you will destroy Manda's Sprit!"


judge "maybe if you and your fiends stayed together then they would have been able to stop me... but now that i ahve you..... This world is mine!"

Judge's Bone and feathered wings expand as his body glows with a black and white radiance....

Judge "I'm going to absorb you into me so that i will have all the power of Omini in me! Heaven and hell will be littered with the fallen angels.... then i will take God's seat!"

Shado looks deep into judges twisted face.
Shado "I have read about a rant like that before. Do you think that you can beat GOD? Are you stupid? he is a close friend of mine. and i know that no matter what troubble i'm in that he will help!"

Judge "then pray for your life because your sould is mine!"

Koichi blasts in with the Midmaire as he lets loose with his cannons..... distracting Judge.
Key "Alright there is the koichi that i remember!"
Koichi "Thats right... I can't let Shado have all the fun!"

Blue Bettel "neither can I!" Blue busts out his hammer "BLUE HAMMER" the attack sends judge flying high into the air.

Lockheart "We felt like you could use a little help." "Starlight Screamer!" a mulit colored light burns into judge's chest.

Dee "yeah we just can't let it all to you we started this together and we are ending it together." "Yellow Storm!" yellow burning hail falls from the syk onto judge beating him down wards.

Zero "Thats right friends till the end."
Chan "Forever together" Chan and Zero hold hands. "X TECH SLASHER" Chan and Zero preform the dreaded X SLASH MOVE!

Ken "I know what i can do now....." "SUPER LIGHT STAR!" A large light throwing star is created as it flys cutting his body.

NOVA "now is the time that i reclaim who i am and what i stand for!" "SUPER NOVA!" Nova's body burs with the power of a star as he uppercuts Judge in the chest Burning a nuckel slash across his chest!

Chibi "i may be young... but i am a student of the mighty Lockheart!" "20 Penguine Free For All!" Chibi uses her attack summon of Attack Penguines that attack judge causing massive stab wounds from there sharp beaks."

Koichi "Penguines?"
Chibi "Attack Penguines."
Koichi "right......."

Judge falls to the ground with almost a sonic force. He slowly gets up from the Smoke creater.

Shado feels something deep in the back of his head as he sees his friends fighting for all there might!

????? "Shado....."
Shado "huh?"
????? "Shado."
Shado "Is that... that ... you?"
????? "Yes Shado it is me."
Shado "Manda.... where are you?"
Manda "I am inside you Shado."
Shado "how?"
Manda "You are the reason i was born Shado. my whole past was made up. I may have been a little 9 year old in the ally that you saved before. then i cahaged each time into something diffrent..... Shado i'm not hwta you think."
Shado "then what are you?"
Manda "The reason why i was Attacked back then was because i am nothing more then a weapon Shado. Judge made me from the powers of the earth to defeat the forces of heaven and hell. I was made for that reason alone. I did not even know that for a while. I had the mentality of a 9year old."
Shado "the you grew?"
Manda "Yes i did. judge decided to use me as bate after he saw your innerstrength... he decided that he can use you as his weapon instead. So i was just a pawn. Shado you are like a big battery. I am in you right now.... feeding your power. the chains that bind you are me. you can feed off my power. because all the versions of me are connected to you i am able to become my true self in your mind.
just don't break my cahins and you can still attack. I am now your weapon.

Shado's eyes glow as he starts to pull on the chains... instead of breaking them hepulls so that the pillars snap!
Shado comes straight down to the ground With the chains still bound to the massive blocks of stone.... as he moves closer to the Judge, he drags the large rocks, that are held by the chains of manda's body.

Koichi "About time you get off your ass Shado. give us a hand in stomping this waist of energy."

Shado leaps at judge bringing all the massive rocks with him! As he lands attacks on judge the Rocks hit him with tripple the impact!

Judge starts to bleed......

Lockheart "we need to do all this together as Shado distracts him. give me your hands! it is time for my Ultimate Summon!"

Blu joins hands with Lockheart.
Blu:Let's kill this freak.
Shado and Judge continue to lockhorns.
Judge "This is my time."
Shado "No it is not... i'll see you crumbel.. my friends will help me. I have friends. You have nothing!"

Judge strikes back Slashing Shado in the chest with his bone wing.

Shado gets up and looks at Judge.....
Shado goes for the weak spots in his anotomy.
The knees, ankels, wrist, spine, and back of the head. The pieces of rock shatter as they strike the beast.....
Dee takes Lockheart's other hand.
Dee: "We are with you till the end Shado. I hope you burn in hell Judge."
<<all the heors except for Shado join hands in a circle.Lockheart begins to go into deep
meditation.She seems so deep in meditation that at first the heros stare at her intensity.Koichi remembers when she learned the attack so he begins to instruct the others.>>
Koichi : Don't just stare everybody.For the attack to work we all have to concentrate on transferring our power to her.She can pull it off without our power,but she'll die.

Chibi:Get meditating everyone,if she dies I'll be really angry.

Blu:I owe her one,I'll be glad to help.
<<He begins to meditate and his aura can be seen heading in Lockheart's direction.>>

Dee:Well,I guess it works pretty good.

Chib:It isn't hard,just concentrate.

<<With those words all the heros go into deep
concentration.The circle becomes a virtual rainbow pool.Each hero's aura has a different color and they all twist about and mix on their way to lockheart.She glows brightly with apparently thousands of shades
of colors.Then her eyes snap open and she is swiftly raised into the air.>>

Chibi:Wow that's weird,her eyes had no color.
They seemed empty.

Koichi:Then the summon worked.

Dee:I don't see any summoned monster...

Koichi:She is the summon.The ultimate summon is all of her summons combined to form one indestructable being which resides in herself.

Blu:That's awesome,why didn't she use it before?

Koichi:It's a very powerful attack,but it isn't flawless.Lockheart herself is stranded,she's been kicked out of her body.
If the battle doesn't end soon she'll never return to it.Also,any pain that the summon endures is absorbed by her soul.That's why they are nearly impossible to beat.They don't get hurt she does.

Chibi:WHAT?!I wanted to learn this attack,no wonder she wouldn't teach it to me.It's so lethal,how do we get her back?

Koichi:I think the enemy has to be defeated for her to return.

Chibi:She's so dumb,I'm the only one who should make sacrifices.If she dies I'll.......
I'll.....kill her...

Blu:I don't think that would work,since she'd already be dead.

Chibi:<<sticks her toungue out at Blu>>

Koichi:We're all gonna feel pretty weak for a while,so don't get involved in the fight.
Wait untill you recover some of your strength back.


Blu:Koi we can't wait...This is the end of the world as we know it...and for once I don't feel fine...
Zero, Nova, and Chan are watching Blu, Koichi, Chibi and Lockheart doing their summon.
Zero: We've got to help but how?
Nova: Wait, you hear something?
Zero: Yeah, ::turns and sees Worm on his bike:: Worm...
At the mention of Worm's name Blu rushes over.
Blu: Hitomie!
Zero: I have an idea...cover me. 360 GRINDER!
Zero flies up at Worm and grabs onto the bike.
Worm: Zero.
Zero: Worm, it ends here. ::Zero takes control of the bike using his tech elemental powers.
Worm: What are you doing?!
Zero: Killing 2 birds with one stone.
Worm: !
Zero grabs Hitomie and throws her off the bike.
Blu: Hitomie! NO!!!!!!
Nova: I've got her! ::Nova flies up and catches Hitomie and brings her down to Blu.::
Meanwhile, Zero and Worm are on a direct course towards Judge.
Worm: No!
Zero: It ends here, goodbye private Worm.
Worm: Lt. Zechs...
Zero jumps off and Worm crashes into Judge. A large explosion goes off, but Judge is still there.
<Lockheart and Shado stand side by side in front of Judge as the smoke from Worm's explosion clears.>
Shado: Lockheart, you ready?

<Lockheart is silent. The summon has taken over her body. She is simply waiting for the final battle to begin.>

Koi: Hey Shado!

Shado: <looks back> What is it?

Koi: <smile> Good luck.

<Koi and the others retreat to safety. Most are weak from the summon, and even Zero and Nova can see they have no place in this final leg of the journey.>

Judge: This is over now!
Blu rushes over to Hitome, grabbing her in a hug.

Hitome: Daddy!!!

Blu: Oh baby, I've worried so much about you.....

The Heroes(OOS: I refer to the good guys as the Heroes) stood watching as the smoke cleared. Judge stood there, unfazed, with pieces of Worm's bike scattered about.

Judge: Foolish one, thinking he can stop me. And now one of my best men is dead, from the looks of it.

Worm: Not yet, Judge.

Through the last of the smoke, Worm emerges, sword in one hand, gun in the other.

Worm: And now, its time I repay some of my old "friends" a debt I owe them.

The Heros then notice Zero's limp body being dragged by Worm, in the same hand as his sword.

Koichi: Damnit kid.......

Worm: Koichi, I presume?

Koichi: What's it to ya?

Worm: What does the name Silver Dragons mean to you?

Koichi: You don't mean.....

Kensuke: You're working.....

Worm: Correct gentlemen. I've been hired by the leader of the Silver Dragons to stop you two from ever getting your mission compleated. Hitome was part of that mission. I intended to use her as a bargaining chip. Thanks to Lt. Zechs here, it seems like that plan has been scuttled.

Kensuke: But why are you bringing her here?

Worm: I went to the Silver Dragons HQ to find the Boss. I was told he was here.

Koichi: You mean......

Judge: That's right. I have your brother, Kocihi.

The Judge smirks. Kochi stands there, stunned. His face then contorts in anger.


Worm: Been there.

Koichi's anger grows more and more. Suddenly, he lunges forward with a cry, towards Worm and Zero. He transforms the Key into a spear, preparing to impale Worm. Worm readies his sword, dropping Zero to the ground. The Heroes watch on helplessly, as Lockheart's ultimate summon is about to fight Judge, and Koichi and Worm begin a deadly dance.......

Zero: I'm not out yet!
Zero charges at Judge and performs his 360 Grinder but Judge catches him by the throat.
Zero: Gag...
Judge: If you want your pathetic friend to live, stand down.
Zero: Sometimes the ultimate sacrifice must be made to save the day.
Judge: What?
Zero: DIE YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zero charges up all his tech power and creates an EMP Blast that hits Judge in the mouth. As Judge screams in pain he drops Zero's limp body to the ground.
Koichi: No, that fool...
Chan: ZERO!!!!!!!!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Koi: Die you bastard!!!
<Koi runs crazed into Worm. Their sword and spear clash, but Koi doesn't stop running. The two fall to the ground, their weapons sliding off to the side.>

Worm: <trying to get up, but still stunned from the crash> You ****er.

Koi: <trying to recover from the summon> Gotta save... Convoy.

Nova: Who the **** is Convoy?

Ken: His brother. Now c'mon, we gotta get outta here.

Chibi: But, Koi.

Ken: Don't worry. I'm sure he'll find his second wind. The rest of us have to get out of her, though. Zero needs serious attention.

<So Nova and Chan grab Zero's body, and they run out of the temple with Ken and Chibi. Worm and Koi are finnaly getting back to their feet.>


Worm got back on his feet and looked at Kochi. Worm's eye's then turned black, a deep black, reflecting his soul.

Worm: Foolish man, you think you can beat me? I've been to Hell, I've come back, and I will never die.....

Koichi: Even the undead are killable. Its the soul, not the body. Key!

(The Key flies back to Koichi's hand, forming itself back to a spear.)

Koichi: (mummbling) Didn't actually think that'd work..... Oh well.

(Koichi lunges at the unarmed Worm, hoping to spear him. Worm steps to the side, delivering a stunning blow to Koichi as he overextends himself. Koichi stumbles a few stpes, turns around, and preapares to attack again.)

Worm: Have you no honor? Figting an unarmed man? I'm appalled.

Koichi: Honor matters not to me. I just do what's necessary.

Worm: *tsk, tsk* Guess I'll have to use it then.....

(Worm then pulls out a gun, hidden up his sleeve. Koichi's eyes widen at the sight of the weapon. He leaps out of the way of the first shot, and prepares a counterattack.....)

Koichi: <jumping a few steps back> Key! Transform! FIRE RIFLE!
<The Key of Fire turns into a long barreld rifle, and Koichi pulls it close to his shoulder and takes aim.>

Worm: ****!

Key: How'd you know I could do that?

Koi: I didn't. But after that whole return thing worked I figure you did a bunch of stuff I didn't know about.

<Koichi fires the rifle and at the same time Worm shoots of the pistol again.>

Worm: Die! <the shot then hits him in the shoulder. He drops the gun.>

Koi: Key! BATTLE SHIELD! <Koi get's shot in the shoulder as well. He drops the Key still a rifle.>

Key: Sorry. No shield.

Koi: ****in' A.

<Koichi and Worm sit silently. Both are bleeding and neither feel much like trying for their weapons.>

Worm: We're going to have to end this eventually.

Koi: Good point. Shado's probably waiting for me to get outta here before he unleashes that god ****.

Worm: Then c'mon. Let's get it over with.

Worm sighs.
Worm: You know, this fight is getting nowhere. Think one thing would work to end this pretty good. Here, catch.
Worm pulls out a detenator from his coat. Koichi's eyes get really wide when he sees it. Worm tosses it over to Koichi, and waits for some sort of reaction.

Worm: Well, good night Koichi. See you in Hell........

Koi: <sly smile> Heh. Key. <the Key returns to Koi's hands.>
Worm: Why are you smiling? I'm the satanic one, remember?

Koi: Key?

Key: Yes?


<The Key of Fire turns into a... bottle.>

Key: What the? I can do this, but not a shield?

<Koichi calmly places the grenade in the bottle and seels the lid.>

Koi: That was easy.

<There is a muffled explosion sound from inside the bottle.>

Key: Ow! That stung!

Worm: That's... not right.

Koi: Now, where's my brother?

Worm: <sigh> He's outside. You're friends probably already have him.

Koi: Heh. You're pretty stupid for someone who's "been through hell and back". I thought you evil guys were supposed to be smart.

Worm: **** you!

Koi: Well, that's just rude. <Koichi ducks down into a three-point stance. He screams, and his body is once again engulfed in flames.> RECKLESS DASHING FLAME!!!

<Koichi speeds forward, the fire around him exploding. He slams into Worm and passes through him. He stops a few feet away, close to the door that leads outside. Worm stands, somewhat confused and very much on fire.>


Worm stands there, burning quite nicely and putting off a good deal of smoke.

Shado and Lockheart glance over about that time and see the burning man.

Shado and Lockheart: You have no purpose here. You do not belong. Return to whence you came.

Worm: No, no, NEV-

Worm's scream is cut off by a beam shot from Lockheart's staff. The beam pierces through Worm, silencing him. He falls to his knees, and then on his face. His body continues burning as his soul is sent back to Hell.
Darkness. Everywhere there's darkness. And one voice cries out, a soul crying out.


Koi: Well, that's my queue to leave. Sorry we interrupted. Good luck, you two.
<Koichi steps out into the sunlight to reunited with his friends, and his brother!>
Koichi returns to the others to find many of them in pain or anxious to return to the battle. A battered Zero is trying to get up, while Chan is trying to stop him.
Zero: Damn it! We gotta go help Shado and Lockheart!
Koichi: No, we wait till this is over. Its they're fight now.
Zero: Nothing...absolutly nothing we can do. I feel so helpless--
Koichi: You've done enough. Now lets just hope Shado can do what it takes.
Blu hugs Hitomi close and looks back.
Blu:I'm waiting right here... I know Shado will make it out...C'mon Shado...
Shado keeps batteling with the monstrious Judge. His chain bonds that were created from the parts of Manda fuel him as the concrete that was part of the pillars that are conected to the ends of the chains slam Judge into the ground. Shado can feel Lockheart in the air as if she is guiding him in this battel helping him find the correct spots to hit.. almost as if she is guiding his every blow. Her summon gains strength as it feeds of the power of the other adventuers. It almost takes the form of them all... a type of Omni Presense.

Her Summon strikes along with Shado causing Judge pain with every attack.

Judge Thats right Shado you can not defeat me.... hahahahahaha. Come on how me what your made of little man. As Shado attacks he relises something.... he is actully getting a little weaker. as if the more power he attacks with the more is drained. Judge is not fighting back. He is even absorbing the punishment from Lockhearts Ultimate Summon......

Shado I get your game now Judge.... you are trying to take all of the Omni power that you can get.... no matter how i attack you in this form that you are in you only grow stronger...... Your not going to win this.

Judge I already am winning.

Lockhearts Sprit move towards Chibi.
Chibi Lockheart? is that you?

Lockheart yeah it is... you need to attack.... you need to protect Shado.... at all costs. he is the only one that can deliver the final blow.... but he cant right now he needs help from all of his friends.

Chibi I see... so it looks like i get to play the role that i knew that i would have to play.... i knew that one day it would come down to this.

Lockheart But there is anothe rthing.. you need to convince all of the others of this too. They need to fight with their lives and give them up if it is nessary to stop Judge. You must convince them of this.... they and you have to belive that Shado can stop him.. and trust me that i will not let their souls become lost.. i can protect them. But you all have to keep Shado alive.

Chibi looks deep into her own soul and thinks about the tremondus task that has been laid out before her. She know what she must do.
Chibi Alright guys.. we cany just stand here anymore... we have to help Shado.

Koichi But i thought Mr. hero was the one who needs to stop him?

Chibi While that may be true he cant defeat him everytime he absorbs his attacks. Then makes the energy his own... and it looks like he is trying to provoke Shado to attack him now.. If shado does not attack anymopre all he needs to do is to kill him and abosrb all the power of his soul one his body is destroyed..... we have to protect Shado with our lives.

Zero But wont Judge absorb our souls too?

Chibi No there is no way that he can.... we are not Omni and on top of that Lockheart will safe guard our souls.

Blue hmmm....that is a sound theroy

Dee I have no prob with that, Im a devil!

Chan Alright to save the world well have to give up our lives..There is so much i wanted to do.. but if i have to experience it in the after life with Zero then so be it. Shado is honnorable and ill halp him.

Zero nods in agreement

Koichi Fine.. if Lockheart says it can be done.. and if Chibi belives it too...

Kensuke Alright now the light will prevail

Worm lets bring that bastard to his knees!

Judge lifts Shado by his Head, then slams him into the ground
Judge So you wont fight back? then ill have to steal you life the hard way.. your death! I wanted this to be a sport but now it looks like ill have to take your life the way of slaughter.

Shado .....

Koichi You not doing anything! ENERGY SPEAR! Koichi jams his spear right through Judges chest. He sends all of his power through his spear Im putting you down!
Judge yeals in pain but that soon fades as he grabs Koichi next and throws him at Shado but just as he is about to hit Shado Judge builds up an energy shot and lets it loose at them both. DIE HUMAN DOG! The energy that comes from Judges hand rips Koichi apart his body and soul seperat as he dies in Shados hands just before saying to Shado....
Koichi You better make this worth it Shado.. or im gonna kick your as on the other side......

Shado nods as Koichis life slips away.... Shado looks up at judge... NOOOOOO! no more death!

Judge There will... hahahahaha your next little Shado.
Shado stands up to take the attack just when Zero and Chan come together with their dreded X-STRIKE! as they both attack they fly past Judge and stand infront of Shado to block him from being attacked again.
Chan Shado stay back... this is something that we need to do....

Shado No hell kill you!

Zero Trust us Shado... Chan and Is love will see us through.

Blue lets not froget the Blue Beetle. Blue rockets in with his hammer to smite Judge ULTIMATE HAMMER Blue smashes Judge up into the air.... Ive got your back too. Blue lands and stands infront of Chan.

Dee Ill see you guys on the other side! Good luck heroes! Dee flies above The Judge and does his death move DEE EXPLOSION! hee ignights into a ball of yellow flame as the force from the explosion froces Judge into a downward sprial breaking his wings.

Worm hmmm... a worthy battel must always come to an end at some time. Looks like this is going to be the end here. As Judge falls from the air Worm pulls out his biggest guns and fires on judges broken body. His body is riddled with holes as it heads straight towards the ground.

Kensuke attacks at the same time launching a volly of throwing stars at Judge pericing his skin. Die beast.

Chibi DAGGER SUMMON STRIKE Chibi releases the sprit of a heros Dagger as her summon to pierce the hid of Judge and it strikes where his heart should be.

Then from out of the darknes.. now you pay for your crimes demon! Nova flies onto the sceen flying straight towards Judge. NOVA WAVE! He turns into a streaking commet and rams Judge straight through a wall.

The battel field grows Quiet ..... Blue Did we win?

Then a dark laughter fills the room. As Judge walks out from the hole in the wall.... he is holding NOVAs broken body in his hands as he crush all the bones in his body and throws his lifeless body at the group of heros.

Zero Holy crap he killed him and Koichi. It looks like we are going to have to do what we have to....huh?

Judge starts to laugh.. looks like i was able to absorb all of your pathetic skills and gain my true power. with out that blasted little Shado. Now behold my true form.

All the attack wounds that were inflicted by The heros start to emite a dark light. the slashes and holes seem to get larger as they crack and explode... the shell of his former body falls to the ground. Inside that is Judges true form. a being of Dark-Light. He does not speak because he has no use for words he is now the true form of his Omni power. Dark and light...... he moves his hand in one move. BEHOLD THE POWER OF OMINI!

A powerful charge of energy files from his hands as it rips therogh all the heros bloacking shado as they try to resist his power but that all fall one by one giving up their lives just to save Shado.... Shado see his friends fall and instead of them crying out in pain he hears them say for him no to make their deaths in vain........ His friends fall just as Nova, Dee, and Koichi did just before that.....

Judge Now Shado to end this game. You are the final goal and the mud ball is mine, along with all exestance.


Judge show me your power little human.


on the edeg of the astral plain where Lockheart stands with all of the other adventuers sould who she captured .. they all stand there and watch as Shado starts to gain strengeth. Lockheart, Chibi, Koichi, Blue, Dee, Kensuke, Nove, Worm,Zero, Chan, and even Marvel show up to all watch as Shado starts the final attack to save the world and all extance.

Lockheart Come on Shado... do it.

Two Bloody tears build in Shados eyes as the blood flows down his face. The blood seems to cover his neck as it keeps flowing... it turns black as the bllod comes to life and covers his body and bonds with his skin. The defination in his muscles starts to glow white as his body is balck he stands up infront of one of the Pillars as Giant Steel Angel wings burst from his back and slam into the the pillars. Making them crumble.

SHADO NOW THIS ENDS! as his voice echos with the sound of rolling thunder. He flies straight at Judge. The Judge tries to swing but the attack is blocked. Shado Attacks all the weak spots on he anottomy. The joints, his knees, elbows, wrists, ankels and neck..striking each one with the correct timing. Then followed by a head butt and making his giant Steel wings slash at his chest in an X patters slicing the skin that is like energy as the Judge looks like he is bleading but the energy that fuels him pours out.

Judge You cant kill me... you dont have it in you.

Shado I dont need too kill you.... youll feel the pain of everybody who has died by your hand. Shado lift Judge by his sholders and looks deep into his energy filled eyes as judge tries to close them... Shado shows all the tragdy and pain right to his twisted soul. The hundreds that have died up to this very moment. Judge feels everymoment and final thought of all of them up to Shado own frineds.
Judge screams out in pain.......

Shado and now the final curtain will close... Shado pulls out the first weapon that he had in this battel the old broken hocky stick with the demons dried blood on it.
Koichi What the hell is that broken piece of wood going to do?

Lockheart Shado has the power of good.. on the edge of that stick is the dried remains of an evil... it will act as a conductor... to break the Judge.

Koichi huh?

Chibi just watch\.

Shado forces the broken stick through Judges chest then Shados eyes glow as his power flows from him into the Judge.
Shado You want OMNI!? here is all the OMNI that you can handel!

The room explodes into a bruning white flame spliting the dark and light energy in Judge.. seperating him into his parts... as the demons from hell race to grab that power and take it to hell with thme.....

The angels from above guide the power of light back home.. froever destroying Judge as the flame dies and the doors to heven and hell close. Shado stands there by himself....

Shado It cant end like this ... why do they have to be dead?!
shados body starts to glow with more power.


Chibi um.. Lockheart.. what is he doing now?

Lockheart His Ultimate Summon


Shado cries out with his hands in air. VIRGO REBIRTH!
The virgin appears from the hevens and reaches for Shado... kissing him on the lips. as a soft rain falls from the sky onto the bodies of his fallen friends and Lightning strikes there broken bodies as they start to breath Lockheart, Koichi, Chibi, Dee, Blue, Zero, Chan, Worm, Nova, and Kensuke souls return to their broken bodies... but the soft rain heals all of their wounds.... as they all start to rise from there broken start ina reborn form the virgin vanishes along with the rain. Shado fall from the power that he has used as his battel injuries start to show. he passes out from the pain......


Koichi: **** man! That was seriously kick ass!

Lockheart: Shado!

<Lock runs to Shado's fallen body.>

Chibi: Is he ok?

Koichi: Yeah, is he? I mean... not that I'm worried about 'im or anything... but after all that...

Lockheart: <smiling> He'll be fine. He just needs to rest.

<The heros look around. They stand in the ruins of the temple, with fallen pillars all around them and the sun shining through the broken stone roof.>

Zero: So, where do we go from here?

Blu: Well, there's no reason to stay here.

Koichi: Well I know what I'm doing! I'm gonna go over to the Silver Dragons and kick all their asses till one o' them hands over my brother.

Chibi: Isn't that a little dangerous?

Koichi: Chirst, kid! After all this, I don't even know what danger means anymore.

Lockheart: Like you were so rational before.

Koichi: Heh. Doesn't matter. I'm going back to that states to get my brother. What about the rest of you punks?

Zero stands with Chan, Nova and Dee.
Zero: Jeez, wait till I tell the Boss this...
Nova: It's finally over...What now?
Chan: Zero, what do we do now?
Zero: I say we go to a bar, drink till the sun comes up and enjoy ourselves!
Dee: Yeah!
Nova: Sounds fun...
Kensuke: What about me?
Zero: Ahh...Hell, come on!------------------------------------------
Hours later
Zero: So Nova, where do you go from here?
Nova: I'm going to go find my family, my wife, and try to patch my life back together, you?
Zero: Chan and I, well we're gonna go get married and take a honeymoon, round the world. Right honey?
Chan: Yeah, we'll invite you all to the wedding!
Dee: I don't know where I'm going. I mean, Molltree is gone...
Zero: I guess its time to leave...Godbye, I hope we meet again soon...
One year later in a hospital
Chan is holding a baby in her arms.
Chan: Isn't he beuatiful Zero?
Zero: Yeah...but what are we going to name him?
Chan: How about the name of my father.
Zero: Umm..what was your father's name again?
Chan: ZERO!
Zero: Sorry...
Chan: It was Xenks.
Zero: Xenks, I like it...Hello Xenks.
The baby cooed at the sound of his newly christened name.
Worm's Epilouge:

Worm: It's over. I'm not needed around here anymore. The Heroes have won, and the Judge is dead. I am still damned, but I will now fight for what is right. I may go to Hell, but I won't let anyone else suffer my fate.
Goodbye Heroes, I leave as an ally. Someday, you'll see me again. Perhaps sooner than you think. For now, I leave. Goodbye.
MarvelMan watches as the heroes go their seperate ways. They were good allies and I am glad that I did not enter this fight. He thinks to himself from his watchtower. There were many times that he wanted to aid his former allies in that fight but knew all he could do was watch as was his duty as Guardian of Earth. He was to forever keep a vigilant post while telling the mightiest heroes of earth of the terrors and threats that await it. MarvelMan has a pride that he always has had for his former student, Shado. You did well my student, you did well.
At that point however, MarvelMan think he detects an energy coming to the blue marbel known as Earth. But the feeling soon leaves him. My friends, you won a great victory this day

::Nova smiles thinking of his past on this planet::
::He gives a little laugh::
::He then puts his hands in his pockets and turns around::

::He starts whistling::

::He leaves silently with fond memorys of this place, to never return again::


Blu takes his battered helmet and tosses it aside.
Blu:I won't need this thing again... I hope.

Hitomi:Can we go home now daddy?

Blu:Yes fact...

Blu looks as though he has an idea and begins digging through his bag.

Blu:I know its here...

Hitomi sticks her head in the bag.

Hitomi:Uhhh dad is this it?

She asks struggling to pull forth a spare skycycle.

Blu: You guys look me up sometime...alright? I just had the greatest idea... (to hitomi) You know honey I might just go lowtech for awhile... And I'm definatly trashing this armor it causes far too many problems... Did you see me back there? I ruled..I think I'll open my own dojo...wouldn't that be cool? Blu's tecno dojo...or maybe....

Hitomi looks back sighs and waves as Blu starts the cyle and drives off.

Dee: "So thats when I moved back to the city, children."
Kids: "Daddy tell us again how uncle Shado defeated Judge."

Dee: "Ahh kids, it's time for your bedtime!"

Dee's children go to sleep; as the children sleep Dee takes an oppurtunity to look back on his days with his friends and remembers the good times. Dee looks out of his Penthouse window a wonders what new a gloriuos adventures Shado and the others are in now.

Dee: " Thank you, everyone! Especially you Shado, your kind heart made this world a better place."

Shado walks down the path that he seems to have been chosen for. He walks down the street. Silent again as he was when he first started this whole adventuer. Nobody seems to notice him. He is alone as he looks at the remains of his house. He remembers his friends, the other heroes that helped him in his journy to save the world. As he looks at the ashes of his old house he sees what could have been the end of the world. The he sees the faces of all that helped on the journey.
All that stood in the path of the worlds distruction........ he knows that he did a good job. He knows that he has friends.. but sometimes he wonders why does he feel so lonely. He picks up a few things that he found on the ground that reminded him of this whole adventuer and his past life..... as he puts them into his back pack he walks down the street...... only to hear the night scream its loud silence in his brain.... but this time he is able to answer back.......
And what a fine, ending, too. Good work, everyone. This was quite a ride.

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