Organous Crisis 9


12:30 a.m. Sounds off!
Ranma 1/2
Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing
Iria: Zieram the animaton
Armitage III
Cowboy Bebop
Tenchi Universe Season II
Organous Crisis 1
Organous Crisis 2
Organus Crisis 3
Organous Crisis 4
Organous Crisis 5
Organous Crisis 6
Organous Crisis 7
Organous Crisis 8
Organous Crisis 9
Organous conclusion
Anime K..C.. oh damn it that okie stuff where you sing

Enter subhead content here

<Koichi and Shado circle each other. Koichi has already called apon the Battle Spear and he holds it flat out infront of him, defensivly.>

Koichi: You know what Shado, I've been thinkin'.

Shado: Oh yeah?

Koichi: Yeah. You see, I don't wanna kill you, and I know you don't wanna kill me. <Shado sticks Koichi with an angry glare.> Ok, maybe you wanna kill me, but trust me, I've got something even better!

Shado: I'm listening...

Koichi: Right, so we fight, like Lock said.

Shado: I intend to.

Koichi: Right, and then, after I beat you, I'll help you save that Manda chick.

Shado: <thinks for a moment> Correction: After I beat you, I'll help you save your brother.

<Both men smile.>

Koichi: The crowd's getting restless.

Shado: And there's a bunch of people just dying for fights of their own.

Koichi: Let's make it a good show.

Shado: Good luck, Bounty Hunter.

Koichi: Good luck, Hero.

<Koichi and Shado run at each other. The fight's begun.>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Zero and Ninja-clan run to the upper stands of the stadium, trying to catch up to Kensuke.
Zero-Common Clan, pick up those feet!!

Kensuke halts them.

Kensuke-Wait! I have to face him alone, he's my problem!!
Ninja:Clan-Screw that!! There's no telling what he's gonna do with the stadium!!
Kensuke-Get Lockheart and try to find a mic around here so you guys can warn Koichi and Shado. I'll take care of Worm..
Zero-No, we can't!
Kensuke-Goddammit, just do it!! We're wasting time!!
Zero-....Let's go Clan

Ninja-Clan makes his way down, Zero turns to Kensuke.

Zero-Don't get yer ass splattered, we still need you...
Kensuke-Just go, i'll be fine....

And with that, Zero part after Clan while Kensuke climbs the metal bars. Worm sees him, and smirks..
Come to me my prey.....

Worm stands there, high above the crowd. Down below, cheers and jeers erupt as Shado and Koichi battle.
Behind him, Worm sees Kensuke climbing up to meet him. Very well, it needs to be done.
Worm turns to face Kensuke.
Worm: So, Kensuke, we meet once again. How much old times change.
Kensuke: Yes, how much. Now, I'm afraid, I'm going to have to stop you.

Kensuke draws his Spirit Sword, assuming a defensive position.
Worm :(Laughs a small laugh)Heh, you think you can stop me? Very well. You first, then Koichi.

Worm draws his sword, the very opposite of Koichi's white Spirit Sword. Worm strikes a stance, and the silver dragon glows red, like blood.
Worm: Now, the begining of the final act. Dark Strike!

Worm thrusts his sword, projecting a shadow towards Kensuke. Kensuke blocks the attack, and is pushed back from the force of the attack.

Kensuke looks up after the sudden attack. Worm has turned and is running towards the ring. Kensuke starts after him.

Meanwhile, Zero and NC were pushing their way through the crowd.
Zero: Damn it, I can't believe we can't use the mike.
NC: Stop complaining and hurry. I can see them up there, and it's doesn't look too good.
Zero: Right. NC, go get Lockheart and Blu. Tell them to get to the ring. And hurry!
NC: Same to you.

The two split up and head towards their respective goals. Time was running out.

Above them, Kensuke was catching up to Worm. With a last burst of energy, Kensuke leaped towards Worm and tackled him. Kensuke had forgotten one thing: They were on a narrow beam, and he had tackled Worm at a slight angle. The two fell off the rafter and began their descent back to the arena floor. Kensuke managed to twist himself over Worm, causing Worm to take the brunt of the impact as they hit the ground.

Kensuke stood up. He was dazed and aching. Nothing seemed to be broken. Worm lay near him. Kensuke looked towards the ring and realized they were still a good distance away. Not many people were over in this section. The few that were ignored the two men who just fell from the sky and focused on the fight.
Kensuke walked over to where Worm lay. Worm looked like he had been knocked out from the fall. Kensuke bent down to see if Worm was breathing or not.
Suddenly, Worm's knee shot into Kensuke's gut. Worm opened his eyes and smirked. Kensuke felt Worm punch him and knock him a few yards over.

Worm: Never trust your enemies, Kensuke. Even if they look like they're dead.

Kensuke picked himself up painfully from the ground. His head was spinning and his stomach wanted to turn inside out. Through blurry eyes, he saw Worm approach.

Kensuke: Why Worm, why do you want to kill Koichi and me?

Worm stopped and looked at Kensuke.
Worm: Why? Because I have to. All of my life, I've had to kill. My life is death. My death brought second life. Now, my second life is death. Koichi is just one person I have to deal with. You are too.
With that, Worm slashed at Kensuke with his sword. Kensuke closed his eyes as he felt his flesh being sliced by the edge. But the wound wasn't deep. Why hadn't Worm run him through?

Kensuke opened his eyes to see Lockheart standing above him. Somehow, Kensuke fell. By Lockheart was Zero, NC, and Gemini. Lockheart was healing Kensuke and and muttering softly.
Lockheart: Come on, we have to get you away from here.
Kensuke: Where's Worm?
NC: Blu's taking care of him. Right now, we have to get you away from the fight.
Zero: You're one lucky bastard, you know that? I swore you were a goner if the lovely lady here hadn't saved your ass.
Kensuke: Thanks, Lockheart.
Lockheart: Thanks to you too, Kensuke, but wrong lovely lady. Zero meant Kaitlyn.
Kensuke looked around Lockheart to see Kaitlyn standing there, with a rifle of some sort. Hitome stood behind her mother, peeking out from behind her mother.
Kensuke: Do you carry that in your purse all the time?
Kaitlyn: Only on special occasions. Now then, I suggest moving your smart-ass away from here. Things could get.....
A sudden explosion interrupted Kaitlyn. Worm had just thrown a grenade at Blu, and Blu was smoking some yards away. Kaitlyn paled and ran towards the fighting.
Kaitlyn: Everyone, get to safety! Lockheart, keep an eye on Hitome!
Kaitlyn ran towards the Blu and Worm, intending to stop this fight.
While the Blu and Worm fought, the main event was still raging......
<Koichi and Shado are still going at it strongly. Shado's Shadoskill and Koichi's Key attacks are a good match and neither of the combatants have landed a solid hit yet. Neither seem too worn out, but they slow down for a moment when they hear the grenade go off. They look up into the crowd where Worm is fighting the others and the entire crowd follows their gaze.>

Koichi: Hey! They're stealin' our audience!

Shado: That Worm guys really in for it. He doesn't stand a chance.

Koichi: Is Ken up there? That idiots gonna get himself killed.

Shado: Don't worry, Lockhearts up there, too. She'll take care of him.

Koichi: We might as well wait for them to finish.

Shado: Of cource. Good luck guys!

<The two men pull themselves up onto a rock that was pushed up during the Indy/Raiden bout and watch.>

* * * * *

<Grey watches the latest events unfold from his box seat.>

Grey: Dammit! What are they doing? <flipping a com switch> Security! Whats going on out there.

Head Guard Malloy: Well, sir. A fights broken out in the crowd. It's Worm and Blu and Kensuke and...

Grey: I see. Malloy, I want you to go watch the fight.

Malloy: On it sir. I'll do.... did you just say watch!?

Grey: Don't question me, Malloy. I said what I said. I want you to watch the fight and tell me exactly whats going on. I can't see them from here, so you'll be my eyes, got it? I want every detail.

Malloy: Yes sir. Well, Kensuke's already been hurt...

<Malloy starts to explain whats going on with the group battle Worm. Grey smilies wickedly.>

Grey: (thinking) This is acceptable. If Koichi and Shado won't kill each other, atleast this Worm fellow can do some damage. <Grey looks out the window at Koichi and Shado. They look up, see him, and wave casually.> Cocky little punks. They think they've cheated me. They'll see. I'll have all their heads before the end of the day.

<Grey starts to laugh maniacly.>

Malloy: Sir?

Grey: <gathers himself> Yes, continue.

Malloy: Right, well, Blu's on the ground again....

Blu stands in the ring the smoke form the explosion whipping around him,we can see the grenade was knocked away by his gauntleted wrists he stares coldy for a moment and never taking his eyes off of Worm says to Shado and Koichi...

Blu:Sorry about this guys but it will only take about three seconds...

Worm:Yes and then they can cart you away.

Blu:You sound confidant Worm perhaps you have forgotten who built those guns of yours.Or maybe you don't care...Here's something to care about every weapon I build has an overide command that won't allow it to harm me.

Worm:I knew that...I also knew how to remove it.

Blu looks dumbstruck for a moment and Worm reraches for his guns.Blu reaches for his hammer...and then jumping out of the stands Kaitlyn appears cocking her rifle.

Kaitlyn:Back off Worm I don't know the hel it is between you and Kai..

Worm's guns go off and Kaitlyn falls at Blu's feet gasping the ground stained red.

In the stands Hitmomi screams at the top of her lungs trying to pull away from Lockheart.

Blu gasps and drops to his knees pulling Kaitlyn up a smoking hole through each lung.

Kaitlyn:Kai take good care of Hitomi...

Blu:Noooooooo!!!!Goddamit No!!!

He reaches down tears running down his cheeks and closes her eyes,then he stands and looks at Worm.

Blu:You bastard...I'll kill you for that.And if you come back this time I'll kill you again...and everytime after that if it comes down to it.I'll personally make each of your lives a living hell.

Worm stares back with eyes deadened of emotions.

Worm:Then go ahead and try.

Blu screams a gutteral war cry and leaps at his opponent...

(side: Since Crow is MIA, I'll take over for the moment to be sure his character isn't ignored)
Draven can't believe what he is seeing on the battlefield.
Draven: "Ladies and gentlemen, I can't believe what I'm seeing on the battlefield! It started with Shadoboxxer and Koichi going at it, then it turned to Kensuke and Worm doing their own unofficial fight, then it shifts to Blubeetle and Worm, and the two official contestants are sitting down watching the chaos!"
Draven turns to his cohost, Ryan Styles (Whose Line is it Anyway?).
Draven: "Ryan, should we allow this?"
Ryan: "Well, everyone here is being acting shamefully. The official fighters might as well have a cup of tea, there's a deathmatch going on, and an innocent woman has been killed. If they were Canadians, I'd have them all disqualified and have security come and bash them up good. But, they aren't from Canada, so they can't make us look bad. I'll allow it."
Draven: "Well, folks, it looks like you are certainly getting your money's worth and more here. It is reminicent of the old days of Smackdown, yet with an actual plot."
Ryan: "What plot?"
Draven: "Did I say there was a plot? I did not say there was a plot. There is no plot involved here. These guys are just smacking each other around and have no cause whatsoever. That's it."
(side: Sorry, guys, had to get that out of my system.
<Lockheart holds back the screaming girl>

<in hysterics,struggles incohearently against Lockheart's grasp>

It's OK,as soon as your dad takes care of Worm,I'll see if I can heal her.
I don't need you getting hurt now,just let Blu take care of it.

<lays off the struggeling,and just lets the tears flow>You promise that you'll help?

<smiles kindly and embraces the child>
I'll do my best,don't worry.

<Lockheart peers over Hitome's shoulder at the arena.She is constantly thinking over the possible outcomes of the battle.As she realizes there are greater problems at hand,she tries to abandon the frightening images from her mind.She would need her head to be clear so she could focus on reviving Kaitlyn.Enchatments are nearly impossible when you are full of worry.>

<sniff>Thank you Ms.Lockheart,please help my mother.

I will,it'll be alright.
<thinking>I have no choice,I'll deal with thier battle later.First thing's first.
Blu leapt at Worm, swinging his hammer. Worm jumped back, avoiding Blu's frenzied swinging.
Damn, thought Worm, His rage is making him quite a formidable fighter...
Worm kept hopping back, avoiding each of Blu's attacks by mere inches. Finally, Blu swung at Worm and caught him off guard, sending the hunter flying into a wall.
Worm picked himself up and stared at Blu. Blu was getting ready for another assualt. Worm put his hand on the spot where he had been hit. Blood? It can't be. But it was. Worm was bleeding. Worm then saw a guard standing at the edge of the brawl. Damn, there's going to be security here any miunte. I may be Worm, but I'm not a one man army.......
Worm turned around and placed a detenator against the wall. Stepping back, he presseed the trigger and blew a hole in the wall.
Worm: Damn all of you. I will return someday, and I will finish what has been started.
Worm then threw one of his cards, a silver one, at the fighters. Turning, he then drew his gun.....
Officer Malloy: Yes sir, there's a lady dead, two injured, Worm's been hurt and oh s***......
Malloy heard the gunshot, then felt nothing. He was dead before he hit the ground.

Blu watched as Worm fled. After standing there for a minute, he sat down and cryed.....

Shado looks at the mess and can feel Lockheart's pain. This time Lockheart needs Shado. Shado remembers that feeling a long time ago and knows that this is no joke.
Shado turns to Koichi "Koich I don't care about this damn fight somethings are more important then damn money, even if it is to save somebody."
Shado pulls out a small cloth bag tied with a string. in the bag is a small Egyptian Gold Cat.
"This should cover any ransome in the world. It was a gift from a i'm giving it to you. If you want to fight after this then fine.....Lets see how good you realy are and go beat the hell outta Worm!"

Shado stands up ::SHADOVANISH:: shado dissapears from the ring to be at Lockheart's side.

Lockheart is sitting there holding Kathern.
Tears swell in her eyes. The a hand appears on Lockheart's sholder. She turns and looks up.

Shado "I'm here sister."

Lockheart "I was waiting to see when you'd be back."

Shado "Yeah i know....I think it is time we save a life for once, what do you think?"

Lockheart wipes her tears "It is about time Shado.....lets do this."

Lockheart and Shado lift there staffs into the air and cross them. The stars on her staff starts to glow with a heavenly brilliance.
The energy from the light flows into Shado and Lockheart. At the same time they summon Lockheart's one true healing Summon....

"GEMINI REBIRTH!" in a pillar of white light Two Angelic figuers lower themselves down as they touch the pierced skin of Katheren, her skin rebuilds itself. the light dissapates as Katheren starts to open her eyes.

Hitome is happy and hugs her and hlods her tight.

Lockheart "Shado go back to the ring....finish that fight. It is written in the plane.:

Shado "I know i saw it too...I will..but i don't want to. Are you going to be alright? that was very strong summon we cast there."

Lockheart "I'll be fine...go."

Shado "Alright.....::SHADOVANISH::"

Lockheart collapsis from exaustion and falls near Hitome as Katheren holds on to as well.



Shado appears in the ring beside Koichi.

Shado "Alright Koichi, lets finish this bout. I don't want to hurt you but wee will see how this fight will go, No magic, No chi, no weapons......just us and our moves."

Shado takes off his trench coat and his tee shirt, he removes his mask, he swipes his foot into a curcle infront of him and stands silent..........

<Lockheart sat there trying to calm Hitomi when a young boy walks up to her.>

???- Are you Lockheart, a student of my sensei the Apparition?

Lockheart- Yes, I studied with the Apparition, why do you ask and how did you know my name?

???- My name is Akira and I am here to finish my learning with you. I am also here with your sister Neptune. <Neptune steps out of shadows> She said that she wanted to help.

Lockheart- Your Marvel's son?<Thinks to herself Is he the one that will change the future for our side?>
---------Meanwhile in the Afterlife----------
<The Councils of Earth, a group of the Earth's deities is meeting. MarvelMan stands before them.>

Council member: OniRaiden also known as MarvelMan, your trial on Earth has ended. We have decided that we cannot make you the Lord of Thunder but instead because you fought valiantly against the dark evil known as Indystar you will become what we call the Guardian of Earth. You will remain at this post watching over the planet and giving the greatest champions guidance but under NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE TO INTERFERE IN THEIR AFFAIRS! Do you accept your position?

Marvel: Yes I do

Counil member:Then go forth and protect the planet from your lookout

<Marvel is sent to Top of the World, where he forever watch as ther guardian of mankind.>
(Ok, no interruptions this time!!!)
Koichi: Alright. But you didn't have to come back. <Koichi recalls his spear into Key form and hangs it around his neck. He hooks the artifact thingy Shado gave him to the chain around his neck and the two items hang together.> Looks like you get a vacation.

Voice: And a roommate. Meeeeeow!

Koichi: Ha ha ha ha. Just like me... <turning back to Shado> Why did you come back, anyway?

Shado: Let's just say... this is something I have to do.

Koichi: Alright, well, thanks. I won't let you down.

<Koichi and Shado circle each other. The little bout they had before barely fased them, but this will be a true test of power.>

Shado: Let's go!!!

<Shado almost dives at Koichi, fists forward, but Koichi springs to the side. Shado lands on his hands next to Koichi and one of his legs shoots out to the side. Just as Koichi lands from his quick hop he sees the second attack and does a backflip out of the way. Shado springs back to his feet as Koichi lands again.>

Koichi: Not bad.

Shado: Forgot how fast you were.

<Now Koichi charges at Shado. He pulls back for a punch and Shado covers his chest with his arms, but Koichi never throws the punch. He jumps straight up at the last second and his heel sticks out, catching Shado in the face.>

<In lockheart's weakened state of conciousness,she is automatically located in the astral to recouperate.She is welcoming travelers as her strength is restoring.
However her mind doesn't leave the battle that's taking place on the mortal plane.>
<thinking>I have to go back and see them.I
can't take not knowing like this.
<<notices her aura is still weak>>
I guess I have no choice,they should know what to do.I shouldn't worry so much,I need to concentrate on my strength.

Aren't you supposed to welcome me?

<snapping out of her daze>
Oh,I'm sorry....welcome would you like some assitance in your....Chibi?

That's right,I've gotten better at traveling haven't I.I was practicing since you left.

Indeed you did,I'm so glad to see your aura so strong.

Thank you,but why is your's so weak?

I used gemini rebirth.

You're lucky you're not dead.
Who died?

A friend,it's kind of a long story.

I've got time..

<fills chibi in on the battle>

Wow,you've been busy.You know that I'm going with you,right?


I always wanted to meet Koichi and you know I can help in a tight spot.

Fine,but you're gonna have to wait till I'm better.Then I'll take you with me.

Sure,but I hope they sell rice there.I haven't eaten yet.


Akira, sorry about this but my cousin and I (along with several people) have discussed my entrance. When you posted it was... out of sequence. (Oh ya.. could you at least like edit your post because this is how it was supposed to be)
Anyways... My first contribution:

<Lockheart and Chibi sit in akward silence their absence from each other has led to the decline of an informative conversational topic dying to say something Chibi suddenly burts out>

So you know I have been working on my powers a lot lately... need some help?

Well, recovering w/o assistance would take a long time... show me what you got!

<Chibi performs a healing spell to the best of her ability.. with all her heart she chants in the tongue of her native race, she doesn't know it fluently so she says whatever Lockheart had the time to teach her in the past however her will makes up for her lack of knowledge>

<notices the solidity of her aura and is greatly impressed by her younger sibling's power> I guess you have been working on your powers Chibi! Now let's go so you can put that into action. <gives big hug> Hold my hand and I'll take you there..

<they travel to the arena where Chibi feels sickened by the amusement of violence>

So, where's Koichi? He is after all one of my saviors right?

<points to the center of attention> He's over there fighting with Shado...

Cool... WHAT?! Aren't you worried about how the battle will turn out? Shado is you're brother and Koichi is.. well your love no?

The people I truely love will deffintely overcome the situation and make the just choice

Okay... but where are the rice stands?! <pulls out chopsticks> I am soooo ready for this!

YOU BRING CHOPSTICKS TO THE ASTRAL?! Well you're a bit preoccupied aren't ya?

Well at least I am not whinning about to guys all the time!

Hey! Shut up! <gives Chibi a noogie> Come on I'll go introduce you to a couple of my friends

*Now that's the sisterly love I knew and missed for so long* Hey! What about my rice?!


<Koichi's attention is taken for a second as Lockheart returns to the stands, with her Chibi along side her.>
Koichi: Chibi...
Shado taps Koichi on the shoulder and waves.
Shado "Hi there" he smiles.

Koichi "huh?"

Shado points his two fingers together and jabs Koichi straight into the center of his chest! His eyes open wide as he gasps for air. Shado strikes with palm punches in vital spots on his arms, shoulders, and legs.

Koichi is parillized......
Shado "You have annoyed me since i first meet you Koichi, But i know why. Your a good guy"

Koichi starts to move and swings at Shado Shado sways out of the way.

Shado "I slowed down your reflexs...i hit you in your bodies weak points. That way you will be less trouble."

Koichi tries to move in for a SIDE AX KICK. Shado moves in with a VIPER FANG PUNCH and grips onto his Shoulder. He lifts and pulls up on his sholder making Koichi's body go limp.

Koichi "looks like you win....just do me a favor Punk."

Shado "What?"

Koichi "Kick Gray's sorry ass and get some of that money that he has....." Koichi grins.

Shado "Alright...i guess we could use the money."

Koichi "WE?!"

Shado turns around as the Croud still boos and hisses then they start to spit but it can't reach the ring.


Gemini runs into the ring. "SHADO!"
Shado turns around and Smiles at Gemini.
they hug each other.

Gemini "You did Koichi alright too?"

Koichi "Yeah i'm alright. Lets get that bastard Gray!"

<A medical team comes by to help Koichi out of the arena. Kensuke, Lockheart, and Chibi are standing by. The medics reach for him but he pushes them away.>
Koichi: Get offa me! Hey, Ken, wanna give me a hand?

Kensuke: Sure thing, Koichi.

<Kensuke helps Koichi up.>

Chibi: So, you're Koichi?

Koichi: Yeah, kid. That's me. Glad to see you're safe and sound.

Lockheart: Koichi...

Koichi: Not right now, Lock. Let's get back into the stands. 'Our Hero' has a match to fight.

As Worm runs down the corridor, he is suddenly smashed into a wall. Worm quickly turns around to be facing a katana to his throat held by Zero.
Zero: Your madness ends here Worm.
Zero's left hand holds another katana, he hands it to Worm.
Zero: We're gonna settle this Old-School Style.
Zero and Worm take their fighting stances, and begin to spar. After a few minutes the two begin to realize they're evenly matched, when suddenly Zero pulls off the Shurkine Slice Attack, taught to him by Ninja-Chan. Worm's katana is sent flying.
Worm: I don't believe it.
Zero: Believe it or Not, you're finished.
Worm: No, I'm not. Worm pulls out a small handgun and shoots Zero in the chest.
Zero puts his hand to his chest, sees the blood, and then collapses.
Worm: You weren't a target of mine but, you got in my way.
Worm then runs down the corridor. Moments later Ninja-Chan finds Zero's body.
NC: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Shado kicks one of the daggers off the ground into his hand.>

Shado: I guess I shouldn't have expexted a clean fight from you.

Draven: Ha ha ha. Of cource not. Maybe you haven't noticed, but you're the hero! And that makes me the villian. And the villian always wins! He gets to do all those mean, nasty things that are too low for a hero like you to do. You've got you're girl Gemini up there in the stands. You wouldn't want here to see her hero fall down to my level, now would you? Of cource not. Now, all that's left is to kill you. I'll probably stab you in the back or something low like that. And, in typical hero style, you'll never see it coming. I'll win, you'll be dead, and Grey will promote me even higher than him!

Shado: One problem.

Draven: Hmm, what's that?

Shado: You talk too much.

<By now Shado has picked up all the daggers off the ground. He leaps off the ground and when he's at the peak of his jump he lets the daggers fly. One by one they stab into Draven. The last one stickes into his throat. He falls, and Shado lands. Draven is gasping for breath.>

Draven: <Barely getting the words out.> But... you're the... the...

Shado: Hero. I know. People keep telling me that. Doesn't mean I can't play dirty, too. I've got a girl to save.

Draven: I can't... be... beaten... created... the best...

Shado: Don't you ever shut up?

Draven: No... not... really...

<Shado steps forward and steps on one of the daggers in Draven's chest. He pushes it deeper in and grinds with his heel.>

Shado: You should be proud. The last big mouth I fought ended up with half a hockey stick down his throat*. You were much more of a hassle to kill.

Draven: Thank... you...

<Draven's head falls to the ground and his chest stops heaving. He's dead.>

*See chapter 1 for this reference!

Shado looks down at the bloody mess that he made. As he steps back from the corps he see that the body starts to melt away and burst into flames. The blood on his feet start to set fire and as he turns and walks away the ground ignights around him.
Shado "I'm getting sick of these stupid demons." Then Shado remembers that Lockheart was down. As he turns around he sees that Gemini has entered the ring she walks toward Shado and touches his face.

Gemini "Shado i'm so proud of you. You did a good job. You know how i feel about you right?"

Shado "Yeah i kinda do. It has been a while since i felt this way about anybody else before but then again it is not like you are the average girl next door." Shado smiles a little.

Gemini "That makes me feel happy Shado. I'm so glad to see you feel the same way."

Just as the two are about to kiss, the crowd start to get get silent, or more like Shado zones them out and he senses something familiar.

Shado speaks very softly "gemini move back about three steps"

Gemini looks into his eyes and then moves back......

Shado reaches under his Trench to grab his BLACK ONYX STAFF, and blocks a sword stroke just before it hit him in the face.

As he looks into the face of his attacker he sees it is a familiar face.

??? "Nice to know that only a few days cold and you already found somebody else....How touching."

He pushes the cloaked woman back with his staff.....

Shado "There is no way it is you... your dead! I refuse to belive it is you!"

Gemini "Who is it shado, who?"

Shado "How can it be you KIMIKO?! I saw you die in my arms not once but two times!"

Dark Kimiko "Let's just say that i have friends in low places....... Now why don't you dump that reject of life and come be with your true love?" She holds out her arms as Shado looks at her familiar face.

Just as he gets ready to look into her eyes he hears and feels a slient wind rush by.

D.Kimiko "Looks like MOM is in the house to see how her little girls is."

SHado "HUH?!"

Diamond appears again! She garabs ahold of Gemini and looks her in the face.

Diamond "Mommy number 2 is here to see how strong you have become..... Looks like not strong enough that you need to depend on that weak little Shado to help you."

Shado looks at both the women......

Zero and Miracleman's fight contiunes as Shado is confronted with Diamond.
Zero and Miracleman have been fighting for only a few minutes, but MM has gained the upperhand in the fight, due to his powers being more deveoped.
Zero: AH!
Zero crumples to the ground as MM starts throwing large and sharp icicles at Zero.
Ninja-Chan: No! You're mine!
NC chrges and cathces MM in the stomach. Just as MM is about to launch a fury of punches on NC, he is sent flying by a sonic blast.
Blu: Man, Zero these new abilities of yours, definately come in handy!
Zero: Yeah...
Koichi then charges and does an uppercut to MM. An enraged MM gets up, and prepares for round two.

Shado stands in the middle of the ring as Diamond stands behind Gemini and holds he by the neck so if she so much as moves she'll snap her neck.....
Diamond "Looks like you are not as much like me as Indy thought you what do they call you now PROTOMANDA? ...."

Shado turs his back on Kimiko "Her name is GEMINI!"

Diamond "Awww ain't that sweet.....hee hee hee... the little Shado is sticking up for his little girlfriend."

Shado starts to get mad at the sight of Gemini's Torment. As he starts to move close to Diamond she tightens the grip on Gemini's neck.....

Diamond "Back off Shado....or i'll kill her right in front of you..... like what happened to your little Kimiko before."

Dark Kimiko "That is right My Love... you don't want her to die like i did do you Shado..... I can stop Diamond from doing that to her..... i will make all of your pain stop my love.....just come her to me."

Shado looks into Gemini's eyes as he turns to Kimiko.... He walks close to her as her as she reaches out her arms.

Dark Kimiko "That is right my love come be with the one that truly loves you."

Shado looks up into Kimiko's eyes as a tear rolls down his own eye.....

She hugs Shado holding him close to her....
Shado lifts his lisp to her ear as he saya what is in his heart......

Shado "Kimiko.... my love. I have always missed you since that first night i lost you... if there was only a way that i could have saved you......i would have."

D.Kimiko "Yes Shado... i kown....."


Shado ignores Gemini's plea for sanity but shado seems as if he can't hear....

Shado "I have always loved you..."

D.Kimiko "I know my little Shado."
As shadp talks her nail grows longer into almost a blade point as she moves it towards the back of his neak to kill him with an injection of poison.

Shado "That is why i must say good bye to this final part of you Kimiko....."

Shado's eyes start to Glow red.....
Kimiko freezes in place as Shado jams his knee right into her groin!and he grabs her by the neck.......

Shado "your not the woman i onced evil spawn!"

D.Kimiko "But it is me Shado! I'm here!"

Shado "You died that night i found you in the lab at gray's air base... when you gave me a i will releas you from your mortal coil! SPAWN!"

Shado throws her by her neck right toward Gemini and Diamond.....

Gemini's eyes start to glow with a spectrim of light as she breaks free of Diamond's Grip and throws her over her sholder right at the incoming Dark Kimiko.
Kensuke-Well this is interesting. Shado managed to beat down his evil cloned girlfriend or something, now look at the action now.
Sure enough, Diamond and the Dark Kimiko get smashed in each other's heads and see stars. Shado dusts off his hands and looks towards the crowd, cheering at his efforts. Kensuke get a big box of Popcorn.

Kensuke- I tell ya, noone does better entertainment than Shado.CRUNCH! SMACK! This sh!t is good. What's gonna happen next anyway Lockheart?

Lockheart- Why do I bother listening to you anyway? Your interuppting the fight!

Kensuke- ...Well Excuuuuuuuuse me!! On with the next match!!

Miracleman Mega punches Zero, causing him to fly to the bottom of the arena, with a rough landing. Gasps and cries from the crowd echo in the arena, the others, including Shado and Gemini, watch at the 2 ego-maniacs cuase another illegal fight.
Zero-SONOVABITCH!!!! My back!!!!
Miracleman-Quit crying, get up and fight like a man.

Zero gets up, barly, and tries to make an intimidating pose. MM jumps from the high stands down below to the arena, where Shado and Gemini are.

Gemini-What are those idiots doing?
Shado-This is like Zero, so don't worry about it.
Zero-Shut up,Shado!! Turns to MM I'm taking you on freak!!!
MM-I'd like to see that....

The arena fills up with guards, Kensuke and Lockheart run the the railing. Snipers take on the higher ground while the ones rifles take the lower one.A guard takes the mic from the announcer.

Guard-Gimmie that perky.....Alright, you are preforming an illegal unregistered fight! Surrender now and we'll leave you with a warning! Fail to coroperate and you'll be leaving this galaxy in pieces!

MM smirks, and takes his hand out wher the guard stands. A powerful blast disinegrates not only the guard, but the people around the area. The crowd shreeks and screams, and tries to evacuate. All that's left are Zero,MM,Shado,Lockheart,Clan,Blu,Kensuke,Koichi, and a whole sh!t full of guards.

Kensuke-Aw god, I hope he doesn't mean us.

Guns click and point at him and Lockheart.

Lockheart-Now is a good time to run Ken!!
Kensuke-Good suggestion!!!

They run and take cover, Shado looks up at them.

Shado-Can it get any worse than this?

An explosion rocks the arena, collapsing a wall. Out of the smoke and rubble, a figure emerges.....
Shado: Me and my big mouth.....

Out of the smoke, Worm emerges. He stands there, rifle in one hand, handgun in the other. Guards take notice of him and start to fire.
Worm's armor absorbs the shots, preventing any harm. With a look of almost apathy, Worm pulls out a grenade and throws it at the guards. Many scatter, some don't make it. Snipers attempt to take out the armored man. Worm calmly takes aim with his rifle and picks them off, one by one.
Meanwhile, the left-over combatants are fighting their own fight against the guards. Koichi notices that some guards are turning away and fighting someone else.
Koichi: (Above the noises of the fighting) What are the guards turning away for?
Kensuke: I don't know, but whoever it is, I'll take his help anytime.
Kensuke glances up towards the new fighter and pales. He recognizes Worm and the cold calculation of his shots.
Kensuke: Koichi! It's Worm!
Koichi: Right now, I couldn't care if it was my mother, he's helping us out. Watch your own back right now, and take care of the bugger later.
Kensuke resumes fighting the guards, while Worm helps without meaing to....

<The crowd of guards is slowly dimineshing. Zero and Miracle are fighting in the stands. Ninja Chan is trying to work her way through the guards to help Zero. Blu has grabbed his wife and child and is trying to run them to safety. Shado, Lockheart, Gemini, Kensuke, and Koichi work their way to each other through the battle.>
Shado: There's too many guards, here.

Lockheart: It's not like you to give up!

Shado: I'm not giving up. It's just...

Gemini: ... something's not right.

Koichi: Could it be that? <Koichi points up. All five look up, and then the guards look up, and then Worm, Miracle Man, Ninja Chan, and Zero look up, too. They all follow Koichi's finger pointing up to Grey's observation ship coming out from behind a cloud directly above them!>

(Inside the ship)

<Grey sits alone in a dark control room. He has his fist held over a large, red button.>

Grey: Damn it! Too much chaos. My guards can't mantain order. I've lost the balance!!! No! I'll just start over. I'll just!!!

<Grey slams his fist down angrily on the button.>

A ray of light flashes from the ship to the ground floor of the fighting ring, Grey activated the Total Chaos, a weapon capable of destroying an entire city and anything around it within a 100 mile radius. All look up, everyone's jaws drop.


Zero-Now what do we do? Shado, your the brains here, what do we do?

Shado-We're screwed

Zero-Not the answer I was looking for.....

Tiny spots of energy form around the beam, the clock was ticking. Everyone stays in their position. Inside the ship ,Grey sits on the ground collecting thoughts....

Grey-Heh Heh, all gonna order. I'm not crazy!!! Really!!!

He smashes the side of the control panel, circits and wires fly, and sparks shoot out.
A malfunction sign lights up on the upper left, the beam powers up slowly on the outside. The guys move back as the flashing ray of light appears brighter.

Gemini-It's slowing down!! We have time to get the hell out of here!!

MM-How can we escape? All of our ships are probably taken by the guards, there's no way we can find another ship in time.

Shado and Koichi turn to the arena exit, the look at each other and nod.

Koichi-MM's right, we can't get to a ship in time.....but there is an alternative choice.

Kensuke-......aaaaah, I getcha......but I won't like it.

Koichi-Oh shut up, come on everyone.

Everyone but MM and Worm run towards the exit, Gemini turns and looks at them glaring at her.

Gemini-Come on freaks, wann get out of here in one piece?

MM-I perfer the 3rd choice, stay.

Worm-I don't need to stick around with you kids, I have my own route.

Gemini- Whatever....

With that, she departs them. Heading for the exit to catch up to the others. Shado stops at the end, with the others behind. They stare at the gate with several Airtakers, a more advanced hovering version of the motercycle that has a speed up to 156 mph.

Shado-Pick your cycle and move out, judging the way the beam will activate, it'll be another 10 minutes till the next Big Bang....
Blu: <staring at the five bikes> There aren't enough for all of us!
Shado: There's room for two on a bike, now let's go!

<Shado and Gemini hop on a bike and blast off. Zero and Chibi take another. Blu and Kaitlyn manage to squees their child between them, and they're on thier way.>

Koichi: Well, it's no Midmare, but it'll do.

<Koichi hops on to a bike. He starts to rev it up. The bike bounces for a moment as someone hops on the back.>

Koichi: Can't you get a ride with someone else, Ken... suke...

Kensuke: I did.

<Koichi looks over and sees Lockheart and Kensuke on a bike. Lockheart is frowning at Koichi's passenger.>

Koichi: ??? <looks back to see Chibi sitting gidily on the back of the bike.>

Chibi: Hi, Koi!!! We get to ride together! Sis' said I could!

Koichi: That so? <Koichi looks over as Lockheart and Ken ride away.> Well, if sis' said you could. Hold on.

<Koichi pushes the airtaker into top gear and blasts off after the others, doing a corkscrew as he clears the buildings.>

Blu: That...was just wierd...
He reaches up to wipe sweat from his brow and glances back behind them as Koi carges though on his airbike.

Blu: So what now guys? What happens now I know Worm lived he survived that blast I know it!

Kaitlyn: Kai forget Worm... we lived... Isn't that enough?

Blu smiles for a moment: It would be but it ain't over yet... I know thats not the end of it too many loose ends.

<all five bikes line up in the sky as the survivors talk.>
Shado: Not to mention Organous. I'm going to...

Gemini: Shado, forget him.

Shado: But!

Gemini: Neo Manda was caught in that blast. I'm all that's left of Manda now. I think, slowly, I'll become complete. So we don't have to fight him anymore.

Koichi: Wait, you sayin' this was all just to save you? No way, there's something bigger, here.

Zero: Yeah! Shado, you and Gemini might not have anything left here to do, but I wanna finish this.

Chan: Me too!

Ken: And me.

Shado: I want to finish it, too. But there's no point now. We got what we came for.

Koichi: You got what you came for, Hero! The rest of us were here for our own reasons.

Shado: Fine, the rest of you can go on. Gemini have something to work out. Lockheart, I'm gunna need your help for this.

Lockheart: Alright, good luck you guys.

Chibi: But sis!

Lockheart: Damn!

Koichi: No way, Chibi. We're going up against Grey. There's no way you can come with us. You get over on to Lock's bike.

Lockheart: It's too dangerous! We can't have her jump in mid-air!

Ken: <realizing he's on Lock's bike> What about me?

Shado: You'll come with us. Blu, Zero, Koichi, good luck. We'll meet up with you, soon, I hope.

Blu: Right. Good luck, Shado.

Zero: Ok, let's get moving!

Chan: Yeah!

Koichi: Right, good to see someone beside Hero can take charge. Later, Hero!

Chibi: Byyeeeee sis!

<So three airtakers head up towards Grey ship, while the other two head for a secluded area of woods outside of town. Both have great challenges ahead.>
Worm watched as three bikes speed towards the setting sun. He had taken his motorcycle and driven it to a small plateau some distance away from the arena.
Fools, he thought. This is all planned. They should realize one thing they're forgetting: Worm was still alive. I'm still alive. And now I have my armor. I can feel the power surging through me. But what cost comes this power?....
Whoever this Grey is, he has planned this thing too carefully to allow it to crumble. He knows what the others will do. He's counting on it. And now, now they're walking into his trap.
"Take whoever you want," Worm said aloud, "but leave Koichi to me. I want him, alive. I'm not the only one....."
Worm jumped into the air and activated his armor's jet pack. Time to finish the job.

*while Lockheart is riding behind Ken she suddenly crumples against him in pain.*
Ken:Whoa,I thought you liked Koichi?
I guess my charm does outweigh his.
*He smiles charmingly then realizes that she's in pain*
Are you OK?

*tries to pull herself together*
Something is putting Chibi in danger.....


*regained her composure*
I think it's Worm,I can't be sure.

Ken: Do you want to go help her?

*thinks about it for a moment,then shakes her head*
No she has improved a lot and Koichi will take care of her.She'll be alright.......
....(thinking)I hope....

Ken- Don't worry lock, she's in good hands. I wouldn't know though, never had a brother or a sister.
Lockheart-I just don't feel right on the back of a cycle

Ken-Common, as long as i'm driving nothing will....

Lockheart-Uh, Kensuke?.....


A bunch of guards have the road bloaked, some on cycles. Everyone screeches to a halt.

Guard-Stop!!That's an order!!!

Shado-Sit tight everyone, this ride is going intense now.....

Shado starts to laugh like a nut case..
Leaving all the other in the dust so that the Guards can deal with them.......
Lockheart, "That is not Shado!"

But it is too late......the two vanish into a cloud of smoke and dust....

Kensuke "What the hellll...that was not Shado? the where the hell is he?"

Down the road..Shado and Gemini are on the Bike speeding very fast.......


Gemini"what is it shado?"

Shado"My plan is working out...they will be to late to stop me!"

Shado pushes on the accelerator as the engine reaches its full power. Gemini holds tighter onto 2 other cycles come out of nowere....Bothe figuers are in the shape of women. One has dark black hair... the other has green hair.....IT IS DIAMON and DARK KIMIKO.

Gemini holds tighter onto Shado.


Shado turns around and his eyes golw red. A Black radience surrounds him as their blinding speed continues on. The two evil woman pull up to Shado and Gemini the look at him and her and Kick the bikes in the wheels......

The bike comes to a crashing Hault as it skided across the the ground......Dust and smoke kick up...

Diamond and DKimiko walk towards the the dust settles....Red eyes can be seen a bone wing and a regular one outstreach the dust......

Kimiko and Diamond kneel.....IT IS THE JUDGE.
Grays true form! He stands holding Gemini's knocked out body.

It looks as if Shado's dream has come true..i have awakened the full way...Now that i have all the parts of Manda again i can put them al together..That Fool Koichi thinks that he is the supreme fighter of this world but i know it is not him..given time he might do some damage and if him and shado had teamed up against me..then there might have been a problem...But he thinks nothing of Shado...only if he knew that i was masking as shado in the ring fight! hahahahahahahaha....
When he parted to see Dark Manda.. i took over his mind..he thought he was fighting Koichi...but it was i who did.
That Punk!

Gemini bearly opens her eyes....

Judge "Kimiko go back and Stop Lockheart and the others.....they will only get into the way....Diamond you go help too."

The get on their bikes and head back. the direction that they came.

Judge "Well since you want Gray so'll get him little man!"


Back at the Site of the Explosion....The crumbled remains of the arena ..... silens falls except for the ripping sound of fire and flesh...death surrounds the area.....

A black and red glove emerges from the rubble.


the rubble is pushed up into the air as a loud grunt can be heard.......It is Shado. he is beaten and battered.....but his eyes still are strong..because he never gives up on his friends..he wants to save the world...unlike what some think....he sees that there is good and bad in the world and wants to stop the bad...he is not the pety person Gray made him out to be...he cares....

A few moans can be heard under the rubble...the real Shado looks down in his beaten form....he sees that not everybody died. there were a few survivors.

Shado "I can't belive that we let these people get hurt...what kind of hero lets innocent people die?"

At that moment Shado feels a pain...It is from Lockheart......he feels that something is wrong but can't think....too much suffering around him..lives fading fast...the bomb has taken its tole on the human life around Shado..he feelss there pain too.........

Shado "Is this what Lockheart is feeling? After felling and seeing everything that happened..did Koichi really think that i would stop fighting after the building crashed down? I thought ther was a soul there. I hope there still is. Lockheart i gotta save her from this death run...he doesn't even know what Gray is! I don't even know his full power...but i'll find it..and I'll find Lockheart and Manda again sister is depending on me to!

Shado pulls out of the rubble and he feels the lost souls come to a rest......they seem to understand now what Shado stood for...they give him their blessing...and their strength....Shado's body starts to heal as he lifts himself out of the hole...he senses that Lockheart is in one direction...and that Gemini is in a diffrent one........ He gose off in the direction of his sister knowing that she needs him....he hears Gemini's faint call....and she knows what he must do.

Shado starts to walk down the road that Lockheart went down........the wind picks up as sand and dirt are blown in the air....Shado stands.....and walks.

"I just hope Koichi does not get his butt killed."


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