Organous Crisis 2


12:30 a.m. Sounds off!
Ranma 1/2
Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing
Iria: Zieram the animaton
Armitage III
Cowboy Bebop
Tenchi Universe Season II
Organous Crisis 1
Organous Crisis 2
Organus Crisis 3
Organous Crisis 4
Organous Crisis 5
Organous Crisis 6
Organous Crisis 7
Organous Crisis 8
Organous Crisis 9
Organous conclusion
Anime K..C.. oh damn it that okie stuff where you sing

The introduction of BluBeetle!!!

Back at that Shado,Manda,and Dee were at, ZERO gets finished with his meal of late night all you can eat Breakfast bar.

Server "did you enjoy your meal?"

Zero "Yes i was great! So how have you been?"

Server "Great,Shado was in here just a little bit ago and decided to bring a friend."

Zero "Oh you mean the guy that wears his sunglasses at night?"

Server "Yup! he leaes good tips."

Zero "are you implying something?"

Server "Well..........His yellow friend left a nice one for the Bartender."

Zero "WHAT DID YOU SAY....YELLOW? was he a yellow devil by any chance?"

Server "Yeah he was yellow,nice tipper too!"

*Zero grabs his board and leaves a 20 for the server. He thinks to himself i'm going to prove my boss, that i am the best!

Server "Bye ZERO! is about time he left a good tip."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**Shado, Indy, Manda, and Dee enter an electronic store.**
Manda "So are going to tell us what your looking for now?"

Dee "Yes. And I shall also tell you some other reasons I was banished from MollTree. As you all know MollTree is a Magic base society, and Technology is forbidden there. I was caught creating an airship that can travel thru other dimensions."

**They all look at Dee stunned**

Shado "How did they find out. I bet you kept it a secret from the town."

Dee "Yes well I am a devil you know and they always follow me around suspecting I would do something."

Manda "What were the conseqeunces?"

Dee "Banishment."

Indy "Why would you build such a thing?"

Dee "In a book I own there is something written about an all powerful being living in another Dimension. I was planning on becoming a hero and stopping him with my knowledge."

**Indy looked at Dee and started laughing**

Indy "You stop an all powerful demon? Short stuff, that's a riot? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

Shado "So what else do you need to complete the ship?"

Dee" Well there was lots of metal in MollTree, that's why I choose there. But there were no chips for the ship so I have to purchase some computer chips."

**Indy still laughing.**

Indy "You, save the world!?!? Ever thought about doing a comedy show?"
*At the electronic section Indy is checking out the wrestling movie section*
WWF:TLC-got it,WWF:Stone Cold 4 pack-Got it,WWF:Kurt Angle,Its True Its true-Need it
*Puts the tape in his basket*
WWF:Break the Wall Down-Got it,OOOOHHHH ECW Tape set feturing Quana Malamaya stripping on top of the ECW Arena-NEED IT BAD!
*Indy puts in the tape set in the basket,See's the Anime section*
*Indy gets the Those Who Hunt Elves box set,The EVA box set and the Key:Metal Idol Box set*

Chashier:That will be 100.00 please

*Indy pays and calls the others*


Shado:Impatiant wart!
Dee " I got what I needed now. You need anything Manda? Like a good looking Devil prehaps?"
Indy " Yeah she needs you to wipe her ass **** boy."

Shado " Knock it off, the both of you! We have pressing matters to attend, like who attacked Manda?"

** As they leave the store a Shadowy figure with a large board walks thur the door.**

Dee " Isn't that the same guy we say flying the other night."

The figured replied "And I'm the same guy thats gonna bring you in!"

**So a battle ensues within the large store.**
Slowly a small man (almost eye level with Dee)walks into the store pushing a shopping cart he can't see over.
BluBeetle:Lets see...Choclate chips...turtle wax for my armor...Oil for the squeaky hinge...

A large microwave fliesover head.

BB:Hmm I wonder if I get a discount on that if its damaged?
*Shado walks up to Zero and looks him in the eye.
Shado "Hey don't i know you?"

Zero "not really i saw you a few times and the Server told me that you had this little criminal behind you, with you."

Dee "I take it you heard about the airship too. Well your not takin' me in."

*Indy thinks to himself I can't let this joke Zero take in Dee he has something that i could bend to my will. I'll have to stop him.

Indy "I can't let you take him in he is with me!"

Dee and Shado look at each other "........"

Zero "what are you going to do about it?"

Indy runs at Zero swing his leg at Zero's crotch aiming for his goods when you hear KLANG! Indy yeals in pain.

Zero "What you think that i'm going to ride a board and not protect my boys!"

*Indy launches a Tv set at Zero, he dodges it and starts throwing plates at Indy. Manda is laughing at Indy Dee picks up some trash cans and throws them at Zero to!

Zero is boarding through the stor to avoid the barage of Household items. Shado looks at Manda, "I guess we should stop them"

Then a little Bule guys walks buy "Hmmmm....damaged 50% off for broken goods...
can you guys go by the DVD players by anychance"

Manda smiles at the little bule guy picking up the Tv that Indy threw.

Shado "See something in him Manda?"
she just nods.

Dee- "Well it's nice to see someone my own height."
Manda- "Shado he looks like he can help us out. Do you think you can help us mister."

BluBeetle- "Sure I'll help you all out. First thing I will do is stop those two from wreaking the store. But I'll wait til after they hit the video game section."

**With in an instant BluBeetle flies of the second floor in what looked to be an attempt that could have stopped Zero. Manda, Shado, and Dee looked in amazment. But to their dissapointment Blu landed three feet away from Zero, on his face.**

Indy- "Not another midget bozo. What you guys can't come in any regular colors?"

Zero- "Don't turn yourself away from me! We're not finished yet."

**While Zero and Indy duke it out, Blu remains knocked out on the floor. Dee, Manda, and Shado think of an idea.**

Shado- "Indy hit his board!"

**Indy flings a 19 inch T.V. at Zero's Board and nails it.**

Shado- "Dee cover his eyes."

**Dee jumps on Zero's eyes blinding.**

Zero- "Get the hell off me you little mook."

Shado- "Manda, DEE NOW!!!"

**As Dee falls off of Zero's face all Zero sees next is his own borad smacking in his face, before becoming unconscience.**
"Clean up in Isal 5" cna be heard as the massive stor battel rages on.
*suddenly a cleark says "I'm Gonna have to ask you to leave the store"

Indy "Who the hell are you?"

Cleark "Nash, Housewears!"

Indy "I'm gonna kick you in the balls!"

Nash "Come get some."

Indy stops looks at him and starts to laugh.
Nash rethinks what he just said and decides to unload his gun on Indy! Indy is able to move outta the way as the blast hist a blender and toaster.

BuleB wakes up "hey 53% of shotgun blasts" he picks up the Items puts them in his cart and makes his way to the register."I'll be right back i gotta cash in on these deals!"

Indy "hey, stop firing that gun!"
Nash "Good, Bad, I'm the one with the gun!"

*manda and shado make it to that area of the store to see Nash squaring off with Indy.

*Shado Grabs a role of Duct tape raps It around Nash then Indy grabs a Trashcan and jams it on Nash's head. Manda pushes him over.

"Dee, lets get outta here!"

Every body meets outside to see BlueBetl loading his car with damaged goods.

*Shado pauses and goes back in and Grabs Zero.

Indy "what the hell are you doing?"
Shado "He is a good guy i can't leave him in there......Trust me!"
Dee sees something in Beetle's car!
Dee "those are the chips that i was looking for! Can i get them off ya' buddy?"

The two little guys negioate for a little.

Dee "Yes i got 'em! and for only 5bucks!"

BB "yeah the package was damaged in the battel! 90%off!"

Dee "BONUS!"
Suddenly BB's car explodes....
BB:Awww man so much for the damaged nitro....

Manda:You can ride with us Blue

BluBeetle looks at the small girl (to whom he is eye level).


BB grabs everything that was saalvvagable and forces it all into his everpresent backpack.
*As the 6 walk down the street Indy feels a familiar presence*
Indy:I got to check something out,Ill meet you 5 in an hour when we leave

Shado:Well can you take Dee with you?Want to make sure your safe

Indy:<sigh> ok,Come on kid

*Indy and Dee go on the roof of a building,Both of them see a guy who looks like Indy only with a Limp Bizkit T-shirt*

Indystar: Darkstar

Darkstar:Indystar,who's the kid?

Indy:Forget about it,What does Blue want?

Dark:A fee for knocking off 1 of his spies,and Im here under green's command,You one dead duck Indy

*Dark Summersault-kicks Indy,Pins Indy to the wall of the fire escape with peices of metal and heads for Dee,Dark grabs Dee and lifts him over the edge of the building*

Dark:Come any closer or the Devil drops,and If im not mistaken its a 60ft drop!

Shado "Hey BB tell us about your self, Oh and don't worry I have a mean machine at home we can use for transportation!"
Manda giggles at seeing BlueBeatle smiles,
and he nods back.
*Zero starts to wake up back at Shado's grage. Manda walks over to him and pokes him in the cheek.
Manda "sorry about that but you were going to hurt Dee."

Zero "looks like i'm the one who is sorry now, a little girl clobered me with my freakin' board. HEY WHERE IS DEE!"

Shado walks over to Zero, "hey look just leave him alone. I could have left you at the store with that demented clerk. But i brought you here. Your some type of agent right?"

Zero "well look we need some help, ya see Manda here, well she was attacked by a strange beast lastnight and we need to find her parents. She is not sure where she lives and doesen't know her parent's names."

Zero looks into the girls eyes, and sees that Shado is telling the truth. Manda smiles at Zero and he smiles back.

Manda "puh-leaze don't take Dee in he helped me too, now you can take Indy he is scary."

Zero "fine, just cause your a little sweetheart and i wouldn't want you to hit me again with my board."

Manda hugs Zero "thanks Zero"

Shado "The kid kinda grows on ya', I wonder what is taking Dee and that jerk Indy so long?"

BB "maybe there is a sale on junk at that store!"
*Indy removes the pieces of metal that are holding him down*
Indy:Why are theses pieces not inserted into the wall?
*Indy spears Dark,Dee grabs the ledge,bits of stone hit Shado in the head*
*Indy and Dark are fighting,Dark grabs Indy's leg*
Dark:GOT YA!
Indy:NO,got you!
*Indy jumps up and uses the other leg to kick Dark in the side of he head,goes to help Dee*
Indy:Better watch out next time
*Indy is pushed off the building and is now clinging for dear life with Dee in the other hand*
Dark:OOOHHHHH 2 birds with 1 stone,I like that!
*Shado sees the tow of them hanging by there two fingers.
Shado "BlueB,watch Manda and keep Zero outta' trouble. I gotta help Dee and Indy!"

*Shado runs at the building and climbs the side of the building. "Hang on!"

Indy "what do you think i'm doing!"

*Shado makes it up to Indy and Dee. Shado grabs Indy and Dee and tells them to hang on to his back.

Shado "don't worry i can stick to these walls. It is a trade secrete i learned from my Ninja Friends."

*Shado Indy and Dee make it to the roof Right in front of Darkstar's Face. Shado stares into Darkstar's eyes......."I know you from somewhere......hmmmm...I guess not."

Shado "you guys all right? Good I'm taking this joker down before he kills somebody!"

Dstar "you think that you can take me puny human?"

Shado "there ain't anybody else here that look like there going to catch an ass whupin'!"

Darkstar attacks Shado with some well placed kicks. Shado has a hard time blocking them in time, and a few make it through.

Shado thinks to himself it is time to change fighting styles! Shado uses back hand punches combined with elbow punches to throw off Dark's balance, followed by a Knee to his Stomach and then Shado grabs his head and knee bashes his face with it.

Dark starts realing back. Indy comes up behind a voice that nobody else can here "Now i'm gonna take you out by letting these fools drop you"

Indy "Shado hit him now!"

Shado charges him and hits him with a flying tackel. The two fly off the building and hit a parked car on the way down!

Shado "had enough?"

Dark "........too....strong......."

As Shado gets off Dark Indy appears and Grabs
Darkstar. "Time for a one way flight"
Indy launches him in the air and he vanishes in flash of dark light.

Shado "what the hell did you do that for, and why was he after you?"

Indy "I scratched the paint on his car."

Dee comes up to Shado "Shado...look don't worry about him right now? First we worry about Manda."

Shado nods in agreement.
*In a building near the 6,Grey is reading the reports when a man enters*
Guard:Sir,Green's assassin was killed
Grey:By What?

Guard:Indystar sir,He's already cost us 1 million dollars in damages.

Grey:Prepare "her"

Guard:HU...HU...HER? But sir,Her is in hibernation,not to metion that she's very unstable in the brain

Gey:Just Prepare HER!!!

*As the guard leaves,Grey thinks to himself*
Grey thinking:You may beable to kill off those 2 losers,But you'll never kill your own...Daughter,Indy! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
As they come back in Manda is rolling around on the floor laughing her butt off and even Zero has cracked a smile.
BB:So I look up at him and hes all like 'Grrrrr' (makes an exaggerated scowl and claw gesture) So I just stood there and I go Grr back you know..and then he charges me so I kick him in the balls...

Manda:Okay okay enough hahah

Indy:So whats this?

Manda:Blu was telling us how he won the world martial arts tournament.

BB:Yeah! (Does a cheesy karate chop/kick move before falling backwards onto his over loaded backpack.)Uhhh can some one help me up?

Shado helps him up and then scepticly asks,"You were the world martial arts master?"

Manda:Yeah and he was president of Europe and...

BB chuckles a little and makes a kill gesture at the girl who laughs and shuts up.

Shado:So anyway BB you never told us about yourself...

BB:I didn't? (Scratches his head)I thought I did...Anyway I'm a billionare industrialist from texas who is battaling a government conspiracy!!!

Shadow eyes him scepticly.

BB:Okay okay,I the inventor of a huge super computer/planet smasher device that I keep in my...

Shadow pops him on the back of the head.

BB:Okay i hang out in the garage all day listening to Limp Biscuit and working on my armor are you happy now!?!
*In a Hotel Indy,BB,Zero,and Shado are arguing*

Shado:quiet your self Ind-(feels a strong presence) does anyone else feel that


Shado:Indy feel that

*Shado gets a chill from Indy's face,he looks like he's seen a ghost,suddenly the room explodes but everyones ok*

Shado:Everyone ok?

Zero:Yeah,I guess


Shado:Indy,you know what hit us?

Indy:Yeah,And I think Its not friendy

*Manda screams,the 4 run to Manda and Dee's room*

Indy's thoughts<No,It can't be her,Grey you idiot!>
Suddenly, a there are tremors getting steadily stronger. Eventually, people are hit upward from the earth's shake! Just outside, an enormous Nidoqueen soars from below the ground and lands, causing the final quake. Green's voice can be heard in the distance.
Green: "Dee, I know that you were the creator of Pokemon, being the devil you are! Now, the master is giving you a chance to repent by challenging you with the greatest poison type of the old group. Defeat her, and your lives may be spared."
Everyone looks at Dee and they simultaneously kick him in the torso from all sides.
Shado: "You made Pokemon??? You stupid b@$t@rd!"
Dee: "What're you talking about? I only said to Nintendo that we should have more monsters in our games, not create this disgrace!"
Shado: "Well, I'm not going to touch that vile filth! You'd better clean your own mess."
Green: "By the way, I've taught this thing many elemental attacks, so prepare for anything!"
All: "GO! Kill that b!tc#!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
While Dee reluctantly sets out to fight an unworthy opponent, Indy is set in shock when he hears a psychic message from his master.
Head: "I have not heard much from you, and I don't like it. One of my spies has been killed, and it was near your area. Blue said that the monitor showed you doing it. You have a bad temper, that's true, but don't forget that there are much more qualified people to take your job.
"Anyway, for now I want you to be the noble hero, saying that Dee shouldn't suffer alone. Help destroy Nidoqueen and get to business soon. You may be entitled to a promotion if you pull it off."
Indy collapses on the floor, Shado runs to him.
Shado: "You alright?"
Indy mumbles for a bit, then forms words again.
Indy: "Yeah, I just can't stand to see him be punished like this. If you really are his friend, you'll come and help us make a 3-way attack on her.
Shado gives a puzzled look.
Shado: "He can easily take it on."
Indy: "Yeah, but Green seems to think that it is a great power. If it takes 3 to destroy it, he might get too big of a head."
Shado: "He could just be acting."
Indy: "At least Indy's misery will enjoy company."
Shado: "The only people that will see it is us and Green."
BB: "Doesn't anyone think I can take it on?"
Indy: "He won't be so humiliated inside."
Shado wonders how Indy could have gotten so soft, but goes along with it, anyway.
Shado: "BB, you stay here and take care of Mandy. We're going to burn Nidoqueen like a bad contract."
BB: "Why can't I get in the fight? Oh, well, at least I saved a lot from the messed up store."
BB:He thinks I'm useless!
Looks at Manda for a second he kid you want to help me out?


BB:Okay so heres what were gonna do...

(BB begins fishing stuff out of his back pack)
*The evil Pokemon(what Am I saying,they're all evil!)is destroyed with ease*
Indy:Whoo!!! thats it! Man,I thought he thawed out "her"!!
*The 6 hear a evil laughter,Shado reconized it when they met Indy,but Indy is with them.Then out of no where a woman,WHO looks like Indy comes out of know where*
Shado:Indy,who's that?
Indy:Well,all of you know the story Frankenstein?
The others:Yes
Indy:Well my relationship with her is the same,Ladies and Gentlemen....Meet my Daughter!!!
*the others are shocked as both Indy and his daughter start fighting*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
**"The others watch as Indy's getting knocked around by "Her".**
Dee- "What happened to that Cherry Blossom Cyclone thing?????"
Manda- "I don't know but it was a cool ride."
Blu-"Cherry Bloosom wha!?!?! Is some type of food."
Dee- "It's one of Indy's moves."
Blu- "Oh."

**As the others watch the fight, Shado has other things on his mind, as why "Her" would come to attack Indy, and why is every villain in the planet keep finding them.**

**The fight raged on as both bemoth's were hitting each other with tremendous power.**

Her- "You are nothing Indy, once you were supreme but now you are a powerless weakling, for who I will conquer."

**"Her" sends out a blow that knocks Indy thru the wall. The staggered Indy gets up wobbling. Now the others are worried.**

Shado- "I've had enough!"
Indy- "NO, this one is mine!"
**A huge fire ball the size of a semi truck races towards "Her". Shado knowing the damage that it could cause grabbed Dee and Manda to head for cover. Blu hid under his armor.**

**The building they were now in was demolished and now inticed with flames. The heroes get witness to a horrible sight. They see their fellow comrade lying almost life less under the feet of "Her".**

Her- "Who's next?"
*"She" grabs Blue by the neck,She lets go cause Indy threw a fireball at her,she catches it*
Indy:Well Diamond,I can't beleive Grey had the testicals or was stupid enough to thaw you out!

Diamond:P.O.ed BOMB!!!!!!

*Using the energy from the fireball,Diamond throws a ball of hot energy at Indy,Indy catches it before it hits Manda*

Indy:Well,My own daughter knows my attacks!CHERRY BLOSSOM CYCLONE!!!

*Diamond is surrounded by powerful wind,Indy throws his version of the P.O.ed Bomb into the wind to make a fire cyclone!*

Indy:That was quick


*Indy is hit with the energy from the combo of the Cyclone and P.O.ed Bomb,throwing him into an abanded building,the building collapses from Indy's impact*

Diamond:Who's next?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Slowly the whole team backs away from "Diamond". Slowly the realize her power.
Diamond: "Ha, Father was that all you had. You are to old for me."

Slowly Diamond walks to were she has thrown her father. The dust still flying everywhere. The wind starts picking up slowly. Slowly Diamond see's that her father is a bloody mess.

Diamond: "Comon, Father you were such a great figher.."

Indy: "Whh Whh...."
Diamond: "Ju...."

Diamond Slowly feels a force partially evil and partially good but she cannot decide if its a ally or not.

Diamond slowly turns to look up at one of the last remanding buildings. She see's the force she felt.

High ontop of the building a young man which appears of 17. His blond bangs from the top of his head that spread all over the sides of his head and to the tip they get white. The wind slowly blows back his hair.

Diamond: "WHO ARE YOU!! NOW BEFORE I DESTROY YOU!" She says slowly fear slightly in her voice.

Diamond: "IF YOU DO NOT SAY WHO YOU ARE THEN YOU SHALL BE NEXT!!!" She yells out at the top of the voice at the dark shadow ontop of a building.


She slowly forces a fire ball towards the building. As it his dust and debry flies everywhere making the building crumble fast

Diamond: "Ah, I like the fresh smell of b.rrngghhh"

Diamond slowly studders as a big red spot starts appearing to the team.

Shado: "Wait, shes been hit but by who. What was she yelling at?"

Slowly Diamond clenches her hip which is bleeding slightly. All of a sudden the team look behind her and there is a strange character with a well marked out sword. His long dark blue baggy jeans flutter the wind, So does his bangs. His shirt consists of a black t-shirt with barbwire going down the sides then under is a red long sleve shirt with the barbwire continously going down to the end.
The Stranger gives off a smirk.

Diamond: "Who...Who.. are you?" She says with fear in her voice.

Stranger?: "Heh, I am the only person around here that can kill people."

Diamond: "Ghhhhhhh TELL ME NOW!!" She yells at him.

The stranger slowly turns around. With a smirk.

Stranger: "If you really want to know I should atleast say it before I kill you... My name.... Well you can just call me Nova."

Diamond: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! FOOL I shall kill you later you may have saved them for now. But if you get in my way nextime Nova you shall learn something." She says laughing.

Slowly Diamond heals the cut. Then she casts a magic spell that blinds everybody


Nova: "Jesus!!" Nova covers his eyes with his arm.

Diamond slowly disspears gone...

Nova: "Damn.... Shes gone..." he says silently

Nova: He speaks to himself sounding like he is disiplining himself. "I shall not let that happen again..." He slowly puts his sword on his back and turns to look at the destroyed building where Indy lays uncouncious.

Nova speaks to the team "You better heal you're freind before he loses anymore blood!" He yells at them.

Shado: "Uh, Ok!" He says unsure what he just saw.

Slowly Nova checks any other buildings that had civilians in them
*Indy wakes up in a hospital bed with Manda at side*
Manda:morning Indy,I need to ask you something


Manda:Why would your own daughter attack you?

Indy:Well Unlike Darkstar,whe I created her genetically


Indy:Yep,Diamond was artificially made,She went mental so I freezed her to stop her.

Diamond:And for 5 years I was in cold hell!

*Indy is too slow due to injury,Diamond gets on his bed and chokes her father with her boot*

Diamond: Don't move Daddy,we wouldn't want you to flatline,And isn't that The girl?(Grabs Manda by the neck)
Don't move!(a huge anaconda slithers out Diamond's coat and wraps around Manda)
Now like Darkstar would say "I get to hit 2 birds with 1 stone
ZERO thinks to self; "Nova, where have I heard that name before? Oh yeah, he's the guy who worked for Boss, but then quit, cuz they disagreed or something.
ZERO: Hi Nova, my name's ZERO, and I work for Boss.
Nova: That idiot! Oh great, that means your my replacement, how sad.
ZERO: Hey!
ZERO then looks at Indy, who is severly injured. (thinks to self)"He's no good for Manda, I mean he puts her life in danger, cuz of his past enemies. Probably should let him die"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Suddenly the doorway is filled with a huge gun that seems to be slapped together from dvd players,truck grills,dinette sets,and other assorted junk.
BB:Drop Manda Frank-a-freak.

Diamond turns.

Diamond:WHat did you call me?

BB:Eat the digimon soundtrack!!!

Turns a knob on the side of the gun and the Spice Girl's 'Wannabe' blasts out loud enough to shatter windows.

BB:Ooops wrong button.Anyway...Annoying Pokemon ripoff anime music attack!!!

Hits another button an begins firing rasor sharp cd's at Diamond who drops Manda and begins swatting them away...But he still cant turn off the spice girl's

ZERO runs in, and uses his Skateboard -to-head-attack.
Diamond: You fool, you think you ccan hurt ME!!
ZERO: Nope!, but the Spice Girls Can!!!!!!!
Blu turn up the music!!!!!!!
Diamond: GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!, turn it off!!!!
ZERO launches a flying kick to Diamond sending her out the window. But when ZERO looks out the window, she's gone........--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Indy hits Zero with a urinpan*
*Zero removes the snake off Manda*
Zero:What was that about Manda?
Indy:Ok,heres what I know. 1 iamond was sent to kill me 2:She is immortal and 3:Manda's a princess who was kidnapped and is now worth 50 million dollars
*Everyone looks at Manda*

*In The Hospital Shado is trying to get answers from Indy*
Shado: Ok,Tell us about Manda being a princess?

Indy:Alright,you asked for it.Have you heard the Royal Family asassination?


Indy:Well(points to Manda and holding a microphone) MEET THE DAUGHTER OF THE ROYAL FAMILY!!!!!!

Shado:But why was she kidnapped?

Indy:Well,I was having my supper near her castle when 3 guys in black(looks at the guy in the ally)...3 guys attacked her,unfortunely 1 guy dropped her and she hit the ground head first,she lost her memory!I heard the other guy say they needed her to get a special lock open but since she lost her memory they would kill her,thats when Kupless here entered

*Indy stares at the guy in the ally,hits the guy strait in the head with a urinalpan!*

Indy:I got him!!!(see's the others staring at him)What?
BB bows in front of Manda.
BB:Your majesty!
Suddenly, there is a dark shadow slipping through the window. It moves with a weaving pattern much like a snake, until it stops directly in front of Manda. With this new knowledge, Shado tries to grab the shadowsnake and pry it away from her.
Unfortunately, he passes right through it, stumbles, and lands face flat on the no longer clean floor.
The rest of the group watches as this snake finally stands upright. Then, spears of light stab at it at light's real speed. The snake is unhurt by it, and soon forms the shap of a man. The light then gathers in the center of this shadow, and a bright flash occurs with the sound of thunder!
Stranger: "That's right, she does have the power to open a very special lock."
When the light clears, a most horrid sight appears. It is like someone had really messed up in their art class. It has the wings of a heavenly being, but the head of Jerry Seinfeld. All over its clothes are crosses made out of bones.
Creature: "First, let me introduce myself to you. You may call me Judge. Your honor would suffice, as well."
Indy: "You're no judge! You're simply the hangman, and you don't have long to live yourse..."
Upon these words, Judge quickly raised his deformed arm and a reversed dog collar (spikes going in) appeared over Indy's head.
Judge: "You'd better watch what you say, pawn, or you'll become my new BLOODhound."
Now recovered from his fall, Shado launched himself at Judge, ready to lock onto his arm and put all weight forward.
Shado: "Practice what you preach..."
But his words were interrupted when he was suddenly hid something hard.
Shado: "2 crashes in one day? I'm getting rusty."
Judge barely held back his laughter.
Judge: "Surely, if someone looks as deformed as I, they must have some special power. Take this protective barrier, for example. Heaven's blessing protects me from such weak attacks."
The collar now lowered to Indy's neck.
Judge: "Anyway, I must get to the point. I desire this kid, but not for some lock. Her family was one that loved the dark arts."
BB: "Yeah, right. How could a dark mind be in such a cute little girl?"
Judge took some nearby band-aids and forced them to BB's mouth.
Judge: "Now, now. Don't you know it's rude to interrupt someone, especially me. Her parents had based their lives too much on one religion. They had spent all of their time trying to learn EVERYTHING it had. I wouldn't have attacked them, but they never learned when the books said something that so obviously was wrong."
Shado: "You made her an orphan?!"
Judge: "It was not my intent. I wanted to kill off the whole family, not just the parents. I would get her now, but I need to perform the ritual with her before stopping her family from ever resurfacing"
Dee: "You didn't like what they believed, so you killed them! You bigot, I'll show you better!"
Dee unsheathed his knife and prepared to slash Judge's way to hell.
Judge: "Don't be hasty, now. Remember what happened to Shado and what might happen to Indy? Things could get even worse for you."
Dee: "As long as your gavel hits for the last time, I don't care!"
Dee lunged at Judge, but he was instantly where Dee just was.
Judge: "If you really care so much about her, I do have a consolation. I plan to do some genetic testing on her before she dies. If you wish, I will make a copy for you in my lab, but she will never follow her parents' path."
At that, Judge used his hand opposite of the one that made the collar and white chains bound Mindy together.
Judge: "Let's go, Manda. If your friends plan on defying me, I suggest that the get themselves checked in the head, then get some rest. They've had a long series of battles."
The reverse of Judge's appearance happened to Judge, the chains, the collar, and Manda. The light had gone away, then the now very large snake slithered out the window. Shado raced to it and reached out.
BB:Mphhhhh Mamammomamdda
BB leaps up wings sprouting from is armor and makes a valiant heroic attempt to charge out the window...he hits the wall and falls to the floor the bandaids muffling his sudden screech of suprise.
*Indy pulls back on the chain to stop The Judge*
Indy:Nice try Judge,but She's mine

*Indy grabs Manda and blasts The Judge into oblivion*

Shado:Thanks Indy that was gre-

*Indy raises a gun to Shado*

Indy:I might need the girl for a treasure hunt

*Indy pulls the trigger,The other's feet are frozen to the ground*

Shado:Can't move my legs!

*Indy takes Manda and uses a jet to fly away*

Dee:That bastard!
As indy is running to his jet with Manda a figure flies down with his sword out. All of a sudden a big flash goes right through the whole jet and it blows up
Indy: "HOLY SH*T!!"

The Figure walks to Indy and Indy starts noticing who it is..

Indy: "N..No...No..Nova"
Nova: "Yes Indy since you were still unconcious when I made you're daughter run you didn't see that I was still alive did you?"
Indy: "I.. I kille."

Nova cuts in while Indy saying something.

Nova: "You came close to killing me in the testing lab when I help made Diamond but I hate that I ever took you're DNA and geneticcaly copied it and put it into Her."

Indy: "Nova I can still beat you I am more powerful than yo.."

Nova gives off one of his smirks once again as the wind blows across them with Manda by his side.

Indy: "I have a civilian here and you won't kill none of you're pressuse civilians will you?"

Nova: "Indy... Poor Poor Indy.. If I am enough to make you're Daughter run away don't you ever learn"

Nova Blasts a black ball at Indy, Indy throws manda into it. Manda dissapears.

Nova: "Am I indy I have just transported her to a place I know and nobody else does

Indy: "AHHGG!!"

Indy tries to use his gun out and shoots Nova so he can't move.

Nova: "Aghhh can't Moovveee!!"


Nova looks scared.


A cyclone critically hits Nova.

Indy: "This is to easy Ha."

Indy throws a Ice ball turning the cyclone into pure ice with Nova trapped inside.


Slowly as Indy looks in Nova is not inside the freezing Ice sickle of death.
Indy: " AHHH"
Indy starts shooting everwhere.

All of a sudden Nova comes down with his sword and chops the gun in half.

Indy: "Eggh H..How??"

Nova gives off a smile. Nova slowly punches Indys gut sending him into another plane.

Indy: "AHGHGG"

Indy crashes into a plane. Indy gets up real fast.
Indy: "HAHAHAHA You wait Nova I will force my daugter and I shall absorb her Something you will not even have a chance again"

Nova:: "If you get there"

Nova tries to slice indy while running but Indy dissapears as his voice echos through the whole place

Indy: "I will have Manda soon"

Nova: "God DAMNIT!! To slow..."

Nova stands up straight. Then awaits for Shado and the rest of his team to come so he can tell where He has put Manda at.
*As the 5 gather Indy floats in the air*
Indy:Man Nova,As usually your predictible(raises Manda) next time,down hide her in a trashcan!

*Indy's daughter Kicks Nova in the back and Floats with Indy*

Indy:We shall leave and Ill become more richer then anything else!!!!

*Indy and Diamond disippear with Manda*

Slowly as Indy and his daughter dissapear.

Nova: "No he doesn't he just wants to surprise attack us, He has a fake android. Because I can only get into the place where Manda is put. Sadly I cannot tell any of you. Because as shown with Indy some of you shall break in."

Shado grabs Nova by the colar of his shirt.


Nova punches shados arm off his shirt.

Nova: "Don't worry she is safe, But as for Indy and Diamond they have a bomb that is gonna blow up in 3...2...1...."

All of a sudden a big explosian far away is heard slightly

Nova: "Now..."

All of shado's team looks extonish at Nova.

Nova: "Don't worry in due time I shall show you were Manda is because we cannot allow anybody to open the portal to which leads to the beast... And as for Diamond, Indy should just kill her because only both of us know her weaknesses and I was awake when we made her so I know more then he does..."

Shado: "If you betray us I WILL!!"

Nova gives off a smirk again.

Nova: "As of right now I have no truths with you I just do not want to destroy this planet... Yet"
*Indy is talking to Grey*



Grey:Nova!! Holy sh!t

Indy: Don't worry,I found the girl,I might beable to get there fast enough but I need LV's help

Grey:LV? you sure you can take him?

Indy: Do I have a f--king choice?

Grey:Guess not(click)Blue,get LV on the line!
Slowly as the breeze passes through shado and Nova stand facing each other
Shado: "So bring me to her!!"

Nova looks down.

Nova: "Just so you know I had to do something to protect her."

Shado: "WHAT!!"

Nova: "You will see just wait."

Slowly a black whole with electricity slowly forms around Nova and he is swallon into it.

Shado: "What??!?!"

The whole team looks around feircely.

All of a sudden a new portal opens up with Nova walking out with a a female companion that looks like about 15 or 16 to 17 or 18. She giggles.

Nova: "As you see to protect Manda I used partially some of my magic to change her age... And some other things which some of you may have notice already."

The new manda scratches her light green hair.

Manda: "Hi Guys!"

Sweatdrops form on all of there heads.


Nova: "I did it for simple reasons because Indy won't recongize her as easily and now she can protect herself. I have gave her a increase of magic abillity I should also added that she could atleast take out Diamond with only a little help... Magic Wise... I did this for the soley purpose of keeping her safe and when she dies... The lock shall be broken for all enternity and more monsters as we've seen will keep appearing.. But if you ever raise you're voice at me once again I shall haft to punch you."

All of Shado's group gazes as Manda.

Nova: "Don't worry shes still the same. But she is taller then she once was and is more powerful."

Nova slowly thinks to himself "Heh, This shall confuse and screw up Greys plans for right now... As I think right now they are probably crying to themselves... I just hope they don't get Lord Veg.... Hmmm better not think of the worst."

Nova slowly sighs looking at the team gazing at the new and improved Manda...

Nova: "Looks like they took a shining to you already." Nova smiles

Manda: "Hehe, Guess so!"
*Indy appears from the ground*
Indy:Congrads Nova,Your aging experiment worked!

Nova:What the!? How the hell did you get here?

Indy:Why Nova we worked together!! I couldn't spend 2 years with you in a labritory without learning your tricks!

*Indy studies the new Manda*

Indy:Pitiful power,Nova I would of thought you would give her the power to atleast crush a bus but a bicycle? That is pathedic but the hair is sexy

Manda:Buzz off creep!

Indy:Well arn't we touchy!(slaps Manda down)

*Shado kicks Indy in the back*


Indy:Well lets see Shado,can you take me on!? Or will you be like the other 30 people who felt my wrath!?

Shado:we'll see!
Nova thinks to himself knowing that Indy does realize Manda's power but he does not want to try his luck.
Nova: "Don't worry Indy, You can send my words back to Grey because he will souly be destroyed with you and you're daughter along with them."

Indy: "HAHAHAH BY YOU!?!?!?"

Indy: "You think we deleted you're files from our data banks? We know just like you how to change the stats of a person genetically and magicly."

Nova's face starts getting serious.

Nova: "No!!! That is to dangerous for regular people to do!!!"

Indy: "Ha soon Nova you shall meet you're death!!"

All of a sudden Diamond attacks Nova from behind and kick him down on the cement hard.

Indy laughs and Diamond laughs as they fade away

Shado and Team: "YOU OK!!"
Nova to himself: "Bring it on Indy you will soon learn that my expiremnets and sceince procedures are more dangerous than they seem..."
Nova stands up straight again.

Nova: "Yes I am ok"

Shado: "Ok freind."

Nova: "Theres only two people I trust Me, and the other is not you. But I shall help you as far as I see you need it."

Nova stands there thinking about how dangerous this situation can possibly get.

*As the others wonder what to do Indy grabs Manda my the hand and lifts her into the air*
Indy:Well,Looks like I won!!!!

Manda:LET ME GO!!

*Manda uses her freed hand to blast Indy in the face,Indy is bleeding from the forehead*

Indy:you BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!

Shado:Why you!!

*Indy takes out a needle and puts it to Manda's neck*


*BB,Dee,Zero,Shado and Nova stay still*

Indy:good(enters a jet)bye(Flys off)


Nova:sorry,it isn't

Shado: "What about her?"
Nova: Theres nothing I can do. But just god hopes Indy doesn't get her mad"
Shado: "Why?"
Nova: "Nevermind. And you are a fool to think That Virus could hurt her. Just like Diamond no Virus can hurt her."
Everybody looks astonish.

Nova: "Don't worry I know where Indy is going... It won't take to long before he realizes hes falling into a trap a very cleaver trap... Something that can only hurt him."

Nova smiles once again.

Nova thinking to himself: "Indy if you knew what you were doing you wouldn't be doing it."

Nova to everybody: "Lets get the the building inless you would like for it to blow up?"

Everybody: "Ok!!"

Nova and Shado and the Rest of the team run to where Indy is heading.

What will happen to poor Manda?