Organous Crisis 7


12:30 a.m. Sounds off!
Ranma 1/2
Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing
Iria: Zieram the animaton
Armitage III
Cowboy Bebop
Tenchi Universe Season II
Organous Crisis 1
Organous Crisis 2
Organus Crisis 3
Organous Crisis 4
Organous Crisis 5
Organous Crisis 6
Organous Crisis 7
Organous Crisis 8
Organous Crisis 9
Organous conclusion
Anime K..C.. oh damn it that okie stuff where you sing

Enter subhead content here

As Lockheart and Shado enter the airship...
Blu:Hey I think I've figured out how the guns work...I can shoot them out of the sky!

Shado:Not now Blu...Lockheart we need to talk.

The two walk off.

Blu:What's with those two?

Gemini:That's what I want to know.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shado and Lockheart walk to his room and shut the door.
Lockheart "Sit down. Let me heal you now."
She touches his face as her hand starts to warm up.....her eyes glow a soft green blue as Shado's wounds start to heal.....his bones start to set again.

Sado wences alittle cause bones take alot of energy to heal.

Lockheart "Shado, what was with you? You use to be much more faster, and you use to your your special skills alot more."

Shado "I know.....but you remember that i promised to not use them any more."

Lockheart "But you already broke that promis. I felt it....That is why i had to find you. I thought that you were ready to embrace you inner power."

Shado "I don't think i am."

Lockheart "Look me in the eye and say that again Shado......"

Shado looks into Lockhearts eyes, and pauses.
He sees into her soul and she does it back.
It is something thay have done many times before. They could read each other like books.

Lockheart "I know that you made that promis to your mom only cause you were scaired of how powerful you really are. C' know that you can control know that you can fight better then you have been too."

Shado takes off his shirt and looks in the mirror at where his cuts were and wipes off the dried blood from his Healed wounds.

Shado "Your right.....i am still scaired of my strength....the out come is too unpredicatable."

Lockheart "Rrrrright, Shado.....since when have you been predictable. You did not even use the Tricks that you taught me, or any of the ones I taught you. You can't even heal your self anymore."

Shado looks down on the floor as he walks to his dresser and grabs another Red T-shirt.

Shado "I know.....if i tried i could....but i'm just to worried what might happen."

Lockheart walks over to Shado and puts her hand on his sholder.

Lockheart "Shado remember back.....remember when we trained together and we first became and i as a team could not be beat. It was when we had to seperate we bacame of us never could do the right thing. we had influenced each other so much. That is why we had to split up. To find ourselves, but it looks like all you have found is problems. You are worried about other people so much that you forgot about who you are. You see Shado i found myself, and along the way i saw who you will be. You need to be that person."

Shado "I know.....look I am glad your here.
((A tear has formed in his eye)).....I remember when i was the one helping you it looks like you are returning the favor to me. We have been so close but yet so distant.....but your here now......I'm so glad."

A tear also forms in Lockheart's eye the hug eachother.

Lockheart "I missed you Shado."
Shado "Me to.......Lockheart?"
Lockheart "Yeah?"
Shado "I think i'm ready....but i need to relearn everything."
Lockheart "Then we'll start when your ready."
Shado "alright"
Meanwhile in a remote corner of Japan...
She threw the gauntlet she was working on against the wall and it went off burning a small hole in the dry wall.

Woman: Damn it why do I still do just isn't the same without you...

Suddenly a small tv screen burst from the tool covered desk in front of her. "You have mail!"Exclaimed a cheery voice.

Woman: Display mail.

Voice:Hey Kaitlyn its been ages...anyway I thought you should see this.Its a video from the local news.

Kaitlyn:-Sigh-Display video.

A pretty reporter stands in front of a partially destroyed electronics store.

Reporter:...Officials still refuse to disclose the cause of all this destruction but its anyone guess.

Kaitlyn:Computer freeeze frame.Magnify image lower right corner magnify ten times.

And there in the corner she saw him the short man in the blue armor loading boxes into an old buick.

Kaitlyn (astounded):Kai!?!

She grabs a telephone from the cluttered desk.

Kaitlyn:Jeffrey?Yes get Hitomi ready and bring the car around...we need to take a trip.

Jeffrey:Right away Ms.Hiro

<The next thing Shado and Lockheart see is Dee busting into the room.>
Shado: Dee shouldn't you be making sure that the ship is alright?

Lockheart: Who is this guy? I saw him earlier and I well couldn't figure what he was then.

Dee: Let me introduce myself then, My name is Dee, Demon Second Class in the Armies of the Afterlife. Recently I was sent off of this mortal plane and sent back to the Afterlife which is why I am here. Shado, I ran into MarvelMan on my way back here. he is currently undergoing training to become a deity but the only way that he can come back to help in that tournament is if he gets summoned by one of those deity summoners. Now I know what he will be but the trouble is getting one of those summoners to help us get that guy- <Lockheart giggles> -Whats so funny?

Lockheart: I forgot introduce myself to you. My name is Lockheart and I am a sorceress with immense skills, one of which is the ability to summon deities but I won't summon that one. I think that we will have no problems summoning other ones but I will not summon the one that was formerly MarvelMan.

Dee: What? Why not, Marvel gave his life to destroy this jerk named Indystar and you are not going to get him here to help us out?

Lockheart: STRYFE once destroyed a village that was holding a member of the old World Congress and in order to make sure that they would be in power, they destroyed that village. Residing in that village at the time were my mother and father who both died in the attack. The one who led that attack was MarvelMan. I also know that MarvelMan exploited Shado by using Shado's power to further his greed. I do not wish to summon that man if he now has the power of a deity.

Dee: But that guy put everything on the line to make sure that Shado was safe and that no else was going to die against that jerk Indy. I got blown up real good trying to stop Indy and I want Marvel back so that we can have a chance at this tournament.

Lockheart: Did you say that MarvelMan died trying to save Shado?

Shado: Yes he did and I think that Marvel changed since the last time you saw him. In the time that all of us have been seperated, we all went through some loss. Do you remember Kimiko?

Lockheart: Why yes I do, I had heard what had happened but I realize now what happened.

Shado: Death affects us all in different ways. Marvel was a much different man when he joined us and at times you knew that he could be a good man. He was a soldier and that was his flaw. Though he did mention that he had a son, an elemental named...

Lockheart: Akira?

Shado: How did you know?

Lockheart: Recently I have been having the same dream of the future. In them you and your friends were there. Also there was great evil surrounding the area and at the end of the dream one word comes through like a whisper AKIRA.

Shado: I always envied you for that clairvoyance of yours.

Lockheart: Sometimes it is more a curse than a blessing but for now we need to find that boy and I will agree to summoning MarvelMan to this plane to assist us in your fight Shado.

<Blu yells from the gunnery> Hey I just realized that Dee's back! Want to watch some hentai man?

Dee: I'll get the VCR warmed up and you get the movies!

Before I summon Marvel,I'm going to help Shado.
What do you mean,he's already healed.

I know,I need to train him a bit.I hope you've been working on your meditation Shado.

Oh,so you want to do this astrally.

Of course,I've worked on my strength in the astral and I find it easy to train my students there.There are less interuptions.

I would think so.Wait a minute you've been raising students,since when?

Well,yes I have one now you should meet her sometime.

I guess we have some catching up to do.
Oh yeah,what was "koi" talking about.

well,it's kind of a long story.Let's just say that he was almost as close to me as you were,because we worked together on a mission.
He was my first influence that well,was'nt brotherly.It was more like love,first love.


Yes,we were raising money to save my little sister.We wanted to buy her out from her slavery.

But I thought..

That she was dead so did I,but that's another story all together.

Did you bounty hunt for money also?

I did for a little while,I could'nt keep up the heart for it.I eventually decided that training students was a better way to make money.

I can't picture you killing for money.

We all make mistakes.I tried to convince Koichi to stop hunting,but he said that he didn't have confidence in any of his other
skills.He promised to find me when he raised the money.Then we split up.


He knew that I wasn't comfortable with him killing for a living.He didn't want to hurt me,so he thought there was no other way.
<<a tear forms,though she tries to maintain a straight face.>>
That moron thought I'd be happier on my own.
He had no clue how much his leaving hurt me.
It was like my parents all over again.

<<pulls her into his brotherly embrace>>
It's ok,I'm here I can help you.You're not alone.

Thanks Shado,it's great to be back.
Zero is in his room, with his hand on the wall, he's staring at it, in disbelief over the recent events.
Chan, sitting on the bed, is in astonishmnet over the evnets also.
Chan: Who are you, really?
Zero: Zero. You know that, why ask such a question.
Chan: Then's who's Lt. Zechs?
Zero: ....., a name from the past, nothing more.
Chan: ....You're not going to tell me are you?
Zero: .....No.
The two grow quiet once again, each thinking about their lives
Shado: "Well, now that Koichi's gone, we need to get back to burying Kimiko. The longer we wait, the more restless her spirit must be."
Zero: "Okay. I know the perfect place where she can go."
Zero pulled out a map and gave it to Dee.
Zero: "All yours."
<A campsite in some woods somewhere. Koichi sits by the fire. His arm is in a cast and there is a bandage around his forehead. He's poking the fire with a stick. Kensuke stands farther away, looking off into the woods.>
Koichi: Hey...uhh, I guess I have to thank you for... helping me back there.

Kensuke: Sure, I only saved your life.

Voice: Again.

Koichi: Shuddup!

Kensuke: That 'key' of yours is right. To quote some old movie: "That's two ya' owe me, kid."

Koichi: Chirst. I don't owe you nothing. And I ain't no kid!!!

Kensuke: Only kid would challenge someone he knows he can't beat to a fight.

Koichi: What!?!?! Since when did you become a smart ass?

<There is a long pause. Kensuke can see he's not getting through to Koichi. Koichi throws the stick into the fire and a shower of sparks fly up into the sky. Koichi watches them, smiling.>

Kensuke: Alright, well, who are we going after next.

Koichi: No one.

Kensuke: ... Throwing in the towel after all this?

Koichi: We're not going after anyone. I'm going after Shado.

Kensuke: I knew you'd want to. You're still gonna need my help, though.

Koichi: No! <he stands up, glaring at Kensuke> I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!

Voice: Koichi, he could...

Koichi: Shuddup!!!

Kensuke: Alright, Koichi. I'm gone.

<Without another word, Kensuke walks off into the woods, quickly dissappearing into darkness. Koichi sits down and sighs. He picks up another stick and throws it into the fire. The sparks again fly up, but Koichi is staring at the ground.>

Koichi: Well, ****.

Voice: Koichi?

Koichi: Get some sleep. We're leaving at first light. We've gotta get to the tournament. I'm gonna kill that little punk, Shado.

<Koichi lays down and tries to get to sleep. He can't help but play his fight with Shado over and over in his mind.>

Koichi: <thinking> Lockheart... what do you see in this punk. What would make you betray our promise? I helped you. Why can't you help me?

Chapter 6: THE PARTS FALL IN......
At the cemitary that Kimiko's cloned body lies in rest. The group of heroes gather by Kimiko's grave.

Ninja Chan "Shado, why are we burying her near the clones grave?"

Shado looks up from the two TOMBSTONES. "Because, even though the one in the ground is a clone, she is still apart of her. They are still the same on some level."

Chan "I see." puts his hand on Shado's sholder."

Gemini walks up to Shado and looks at him.
She touchs his face.
"Are you going to be alright?"

Shado "i will be ,someday."
Shado lowers his head to the ground, and concentrates on all the good times.

Gemini kisses Shado on the forehead, and walks behind him towards the parked airship.

All the others leave to the airship and let Shado stand there....he wanted to be alone.
As he stands there it starts to rain. The wind is stiff and cold as his Trench blows in the wind.

Shado "Kimiko..I'm sorry. I lost you and your the only one left is your brother Akira." Shado turns his head "So lockheart, when are you going to summon Marvel?"

Lockheart appears out of thin air. "Not yet. you need to finish your training. you have yet to master your own ablities."

Shado "I mind is clouded with all the chaos that has happened. i lost the girl i loved 2 times in the last few months."

Lockheart looks Shado in his eyes.
"you know that somebody else cares about you alot right now."

Shado "I know.....I just don't feel like losng somebody else"

Lockheart "I know Shado."

Shado feels Lockhearts emotions and he knows her pain as well. The bond they han together is almost like that of twins.......but not quite. They have been through a lot together.
Brother and Sister, friends till the end.

Lockheart "Shado are you ready to open your mind?"

Shado looks at Kimiko's Stone and he relizes that he has been selfish. He has not done all that he could, but also knows that he did all he could at the time. The only way that he can move foward is if he stands.

Shado "I'm ready Lockheart"
Lockheart "yes you are."

The air starts to get warmer as the rain gets heaver. thunder roles in the background. As the lightning dances across the sky top.

Shado and Lockheart look into each others souls

Lockheart "Lets begin."

-Out in the woods, Kensuke walks around the peacful forest-
Kensuke- YAWN! Damn, I've been around this place for like 5 hours now. Wonder if Koichi will want me back...

-Thinks about it-

Kensuke- Naaaaa. He's got his own problems he's gatta fix.

-A slight noise is heard, rustling in the trees. He turns, but nothing is to be seen-

Kensuke- Aw hell, Ima freaking Ninja! I should'nt be startled by any...

-A sudden breeze just passed by, He turns around-

Kensuke- Crap....

-Kensuke gets knocked out by a dark figure, he carries him off to the woods....-

Kensuke quickly gets up, and draws his katana, but is to slow to stop the mystery man's arm which is now choking him.
Kensuke:.Gag....Can't.... breathe.... Who ..........are..... you..?
Mystery Man: What, you don't remember me?
Kensuke: NOVA!
Nova quickly smashes hKensuke's head against a tree, Kensuke slumps to the ground.
Nova: It's about time, I made my presence felt again....
Nova flies off into the dark sky.
Several miles from the cemetary...
A limo speeds up the street.

Jeffrey:Madam are you sure that it is around here?

Kaitlyn:I am telling you the locals saw the damn ship come down and according to the people in Moletree he is on board.

A young girl pokes her head out the window and then backi in.

Girl:Mommy look!

Kaitlyn looks out the window and can make out the shape of the airship about five miles away.

Kaitlyn:Hurry Jeffrey!!!

The air around Lockheart and Shado starts to heat up.
Lockheart: "Shado it has been a while since you have entered the Astral Plain. Your lack of doing so has withered your fighting sprit."

Shado "I know......I had too many distractions."

Lockheart "Well now is not the time to dwel on those. Clear your mind. Empty your mind.

Shado and Lockheart close there eyes as energy buils up in the air. A bolt of lightning strikes! The two vanish.

Inside the airship.....

Gemini looks out a window and sees what happens. She clinches one of Shado's Gloves as the two vanish.

Gemini "Good luck Shado."

Ninja Chan enters Shado's room then and looks at Gemini.

Chan "Gem? hey are you going to be alright?"

Gemini "I'll be alright......It is just too much has happened."

Chan "I know......I know that you like him too."

Gemini " shows that much?"

Chan puts her hand on her hip, and looks at Gemini.

Chan "I think the whole ship knows."

Gemini "well what should i do?"

Chan "Follow your heart"

<As Shado and Lockheart were training storm clouds began to appear out of nowhere.>
Lockheart: We are going to need to go inside to finish these exercises before we start to- ah!

<Lockheart starts to writhe in pain>

Shado: What is it Lockheart?

Lockheart: A・being with immense・magical ・owers is coming o our plane・of existence・very soon. I can't・tell if it is ・friend or foe. We be・prepared・for the worst.

<Lockheart passes out. Ninja-Chan comes out of Dee's airship with a shiny, new sword.>

NC: What is going on Shado? It was clear and all of a sudden some alarm went off in Dee's house.

Shado: I don't know. Lockheart said that someone with lots of magical abilities is coming here very soon and we need to be ready in case it is friend or foe.

<Storm is building in intensity. Everyone has come outside to see what is causing all the noise.>

Dee: <Is running out of breath as he comes from his ship> guys its my new <huff> magic detector<huff>need to catch my breath<huff>(breathes in deeply and is all right) Whew havent been back long enough to have my old stamina back. Ok shortly after I got back and we landed, I developed a new system of detection with Blu that allows us to know if anyone with a lot of magical ability is coming. Unfortunately, if that person isnt registered in our computers we wont know what is coming at us.

Shado<Gets his chi fired and is speaking in that three tone voice of his>: Okay then lets be ready for anything guys!

Zero: You know that this is really similar to when MarvelMan was doing that-

<A bolt of lightning strikes Zero and everyone is thrown back. When the smoke from the explosion clears we see someone who looks like the gangs old foe, Steel but minus any combat armor.>

Shado: Steel?! Hes back gang, get ready to-

OniRaiden: Hello friends it has been awhile since we last saw each other.

Blu: MarvelMan? But it cant be you died and we buried your ashes.

OniRaiden: Now I am the God of Thunder, BluBucket

Blu: He may be a thunder god but still he cant get one stinking name right.

<Ninja-Chan is the first to notice that Zero is missing.>

NC: Sensei, where is-

OniRaiden: Zero? He is inside of me. For now in order to complete my mission, I must have a host in order to house my power. Zero has a great power inside of him that he has yet to discover but until we find my son Akira I will have to inhabit the body of your lover for now.

Dee: But the employment guy told us that you needed to be summoned?

OniRaiden: That is what I thought as well but then I was given a mission to perform as my final step to achieving full deity status. I must vanquish the demon that has invaded this plane of existence.

Dee: Hey I am here legally! No one summoned me to this world without my Underworld License. <promptly shows his clearance to be on this world>

OniRaiden: I am not after you Dee but it is someone we all know, Indystar.


OniRaiden: I did kill him but when he died because he had not committed any acts of decency or justice he became a Demon General in the Army of the Great Darkness. I was spared this fate because of my own sacrifices and the love I had for my daughter. Indy was summoned here for evil purposes and at the moment has very little strength. I need to defeat him and send him back to the Underworld immediately or else he will extremely powerful and transform into his current status. I doubt the one who summoned him was aware of what became of Indy in the afterlife and has brought Indy here to aid an even greater evil coming to this world.

Shado: Marvel, who is this evil one that poses such a threat to our universe?

OniRaiden: For now Shado, refer to me as OniRaiden but the one that we are・h Zero wants his body back I will return shortly・

<OniRaiden shrinks back into Zero who is standing there kind of dumbfounded>

Zero: What just happened to me?
----Half hour later----
<Everything that has just happened in the last ten minutes is explained to Zero>

Zero: Great, I had enough problems with Kensuke coming back into my life but now I get to worry about having a lunatic possessing my body when ever he feels like it.

Lockheart: <She has been able to recover from the strain of having such a powerful being in the same area as her.> Well from what I can understand and what I know through my own training, it seems like MarvelMan, or OniRaiden, cant occupy your body for too long since you have not yet developed your own elemental abilities, Zero.

Zero: Im an elemental? I thought they had their kind of power since birth?

Lockheart: Well many elementals dont learn of their abilities till much later in their lives and some dont even know they have their abilities throughout their entire lives. You are lucky enough that you have that kind of ability and it was pointed out to you so we can use these powers to our advantage. First we need to know what elemental you are specifically then we can get you the right trainer to help you out.

Zero: I would have to be lightning since I am channeling MarvelMan, right?

Shado: Not exactly from what I have seen that isnt always the case. MiracleMan was once possessed by a fire demon and he is a water elemental.

Dee: What? How come he doesnt use his powers at all?

Shado: I dont know why he doesnt use those abilities. Marvel said it has to do with his pride and fighting spirit not wanting magic to interfere with a fight but we need to learn what kind of power that Zero has and what we can do with that.
Gray presses a button on his desk, and a prerecorded message plays throughout the base.
Gray: "Attention, everyone. Do not disturb my office until further notice. I don't care if another invader tries to destroy the world again (out of story note, this is not a reference to Alpha, just a regular joke), do not come within 1 floor of my office for your own safety."
Everyone evacuates the 3 floors within 5 minutes. Gray leaves a document file on the other side of his door, directing Darth to Gray's new office. Gray takes a small mine out of his drawer, activates it, then teleports just outside of Earth's atmosphere. The office is destroyed, but nothing else is damaged significantly.
Gray: (thought) "I have had too many intrusions. It is time I go back to my home. I just hope that construction of my office won't delay my appearance at the tournament. I want to give Shado a special introduction."
With that, he sped off to his home planet.
(story note: It won't take long, I'll make sure I'm there in time, and I won't take too much time on my home.)
Onboard the ship...
Blu:This sucks.


Blu:Well Shado seems all depressed and now Marvel is back he is still messing up my name...

Dee:So I was dead!!!!!

Blu:Yeah but you got better.

Gray flies to a small, purple planet. He projects the symbol of the battle angel to alert everyone of his arrival. On the surface, purple smurf-like people are in panic.
Person 1: "Oh, no! The great horror is back! Everyone, hide your wives and children! The Judge is back!"
The people are in panic. Many rush to their homes, locking the doors. Some fools stand there, wondering what it's all about.
P1: "He's here!"
Gray landed on the surface to a nearly desolate place. He looked at the one who alerted the others. He seemed to be the ruler here.
Gray: "Are you the leader of this planet?"
Ruler: "Y...yes...that would"
Gray: "Then why have the people fled?"
The ruler lost all restraint.
Gray: "Oh, yes. The ancients. They simply tried to control my power, and that was their mistake. Yours was mouthing off to me. Crimson whip!"
A red light appeared from Gray's right hand and he made a terrible mark on the ruler's body.
Gray: "Now, if you will help me, you will be rewarded. If you resist me, then things will become much more difficult for this planet."
Ruler: "You wouldn't! This place is your home! It's where you first were made!"
Gray scarred the ruler once more with his whip.
Gray: "Your feeble mind can't possibly know mine. Now, I have a task for you. I need a secure base of operations. My office back on Earth was too weak, people kept breaking in. Since you people are very good with technology, I want you to make a new office for me, and this entire planet as my security."
Ruler: "What?! You want us to give up our whole planet? None to us?"
A third scar was made with Gray's red whip.
Gray: "One more question of my authority, and I will find a new place to call home. I may need to use a time filter to keep you guys from being born, including your lovely wife..."
Gray did a psychic scan on his mind.
Gray: "Holly."
The ruler loved his wife very dearly, and would do anything to keep her here.
Ruler: "Very well. It shall be done."
Gray: "Good. Just to make sure it's done right, I'll supervise."
Back on Dee's airship
Shado looks at everybody on bord.
Shado "Well it looks as if the whole team is coming back together."

Shado starts to give a small smile.
Lockheart walks over towards Shado.

Lockheart "Shado it is Time that you start you traning."

Shado turns to Look at Lockheart again.
Shado "your right.....I'm sorry to cut this to an end guys....but Lockheart and i need to prepair."

Dee "Good luck Shado, your a good guy and i know you'll do just fine."

Chan "So me some of that Ninja Skill Shado."

BB "Go for it man."

Zero/Oin "You can do it."

Gemini " me who you really are...SHADO."

Shado and Lockheart walk out to the airhatch.
They stepout side again. The rain is cold once again.

Lockheart "Remember Shado we must embrace Natuer so that you can see who you really that you can gain back who you once were before the events of the past few years took place."

Shado nodes his head.
Shado "I know Lockheart......Thank you for coming back."

Lockheart "I always comeback for my friends."

Shado and Lockheart walk out to the cemitary once again. They stand in an open area as the rain pours down. The thunder rools in the air.

Shado and Lockheart sit on the ground as they close there eyes. There breathing starts to slow down. The air around them heats up as there bodies start to give off steam.

Lockheart "agline your sprit and mind,Shado. Become one with your body and all of its glory."

Shado and Lockheart almost stop breathing as There bodies Glow white.

That is when Lockheart and Shado open the gate to the ASTRAL PLANE. They start to vanish in an energy well of light and then......they vanish from this realm and enter the
-After having his head smashed against a tree, Kensuke now has a throbbing headaque thanks to Nova-

-He opens his eyes and finds little men surrounding him with big sticks, he looks around-

Kensuke-Midgets? Am I dreaming?

-The "tallest" of the tribe steps forward-






Kensuke- Listen, this is interesting and all, but I have to find a mentally disturbed man. See ya.

-Begins to leave but stopped by a herd of midgets, Kensuke turns-

Kensuke-...But if you want me to stay, what the hell.Heh Heh.....

(thinks to himself)Kensuke-Damn, I hope the guys know i'm missing.....
<Lockheart and shadow are in an empty space,it appears to be outer space except no stars are present.With a wave of lockhearts hand the surroundings fill with lush greenery.They are in a simulated greek garden.>
Since you haven't been here for a while you have to go see your astral guide.We have to split up for a bit.After you get guiudence from him you'll know where to find me.

Why can't you be my guide?

You need to start off with your destined guide.He is really of your subconcious,he knows your true path.I'll wait for you out here,I'll welcome spirits that travel by and also defend them.It get good karma and it's something to do.

Ok then,where do I go?

<chuckles>Well I guess it has been a while.
Go through that arch.

<looking around>
What arch?

<still chuckling,she waves her hand and an arch appears in front of Shado>
That one.

Oh yeah,well I'll see you soon.
<hugs lockheart before he proceeds>

Sooner then you think,time passes quickly on the plane.

<Shado walks through the arch and dissapears>

When Shado steps through the gate, he is overrun by a series of security guards.
G1: "Hey, do you have a passport?"
G2: "ID?"
G3: "Traveling license?"
G4: "Spirit license?"
G5: "Marriage license?"
G6: "Fishing license?"
G7: "Patent?"
G8: "Parking tickets?"
G9: "Concert tickets?"
G10: "Pink slip?"
Well, we'll leave our hero to his legal problems in the astral plane.
Meanwhile, back on Gray's home planet, the little purple people are scrambling to construct the new base. Though very little, they are surprisingly fast and are building at a speed similar to what we see on Lego ads.
Gray: "Come on, come on! I haven't got all week!"
Finally, the place is finished. A single door leads downward to the office. Everywhere else, there's atom removal blasters for outer attacks, a forcefield satellite to envelop the planet in a protective shield, automated slicing and fighting drones for ground assaults, and artificially summoned dragons.
Gray: "It's too highly technological. I need people for magic defense."
Immediately, wizened, old wizards appeared before him.
Gray: "Defense is set, but you managed to overlook a landing pad for my most trusted servant. And WHERE THE HELL IS MY COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT?!"
Ruler: "But, sir, we have already given you the greatest defense and a place for your second to come to. Why would you need a communications area?"
Gray: "I have my own reasons. Just make sure that I have the best one possible. I want to be able to communicate in any form I please. Do you understand?"
Gray positioned his whip to the ruler's side, spelling "Holly".
Ruler: "Yes."
Gray: "And make it snappy. My special guest has not arrived for the tournament, yet, so I need to bring him there."

<Koichi is walking through the crowded streets. He's twiddling the Key of Fire between his fingers.>
Voice: Stop! You're making me dizzy!

Koichi: Wuss. <stops twirling the Key>

Voice: You know, Kensuke's gotten himself into quite a bit of trouble since you left.

Koichi: How would you... Aww, screw it! I don't care how you know. I don't care what happened to him! I don't need him!

Voice: He saved your life... twice!

Koichi: So! When has that ever mattered to me?

Voice: You're quite the hypocrite, you know that?

Koichi: Excuse me!?

Voice: You got so angry about Lockheart braking that promise with you, and yet you won't even honor a life debt!

Koichi: Goddamn it! You all-knowing, disrespectful, ungrateful, useless old key! What the hell do you know!?

Voice: Well, I know that you miss Lockheart more than you want to admit. <Koichi freezes.> I know you'd die for that rematch with Shado. And it's not to collect the bounty, either. It's to pull Lockheart away from him.

Koichi: <holding back a tear> SHUDDUP!

Voice: And I also know that you need Kensuke to help you finish this!


Voice: You need Kensuke, you need Lockheart,
and you need me.

Koichi: Let's get this straight, right now! I don't need another bounty hunter cramping my style. I don't need a chick hanging around so she can toy with my heart. And trust me, if there were another Key of Fire, one that didn't talk, you'de be gone in a heartbeat! I DON'T NEED ANYONE!!!

Voice: Right... you're the boss.

Koichi: Besides... Kensuke'll show up to help me whether I need him to or not.

Voice: He's not going to get here unless WE go find him.

Koichi: ..................

Voice: Life debt...

Koichi: ......................... fine. Where is the little creep?

As Shado walks towards the arch and is stoped by the small figuers. He looks down at them and then turns to Lockheart. She just motions him to go foward. He looks back at the arc and walks past the midgets and passes through the arch way.
As he walks through he enters a beach.......
Shado "huh, this is in my mind?"
The last time he saw a beach was when he was a little boy. Shado looks down and sees a child's footprints. he hears some the distance. He follows.......

As he gets closer her sees a small child with a staff.

Shado "Hi there Kid, what are you doing here?"

Kid "I've been expecting you."

Shado "Me?"

Kid "hee hee hee. Thats right Shado."

Shado "So you are the guide to myself. The one Lockheart was talking about."

Kid "Ho so you remember her?"

Shado "Ofcourse i do! Her and I are very close......I couldnever forget her."

Kid "That is true, but you seem to have forgoten yourself."

Shado looks down at the sandy ground, as he looks up again he sees the Kid staniding no the water. He walks on it as if it were concrete.

Kid "Come on Shado!"

Shado walks toward the water and falls through......Drenching himself again.

Kid "Looks like you are further gone then we thought."

Shado "We?"

Kid "I'm talking about you and I. You have lost your passion, eventhought you still held your Ideas close to your heart you seem to have lost the passion that gose along with them."

Shado ".........."

Kid "I think it is time to see althat has plagued must face yourself."

Shado "But aren't you a part of me?"

Kid "Just a so many. I am your guide because at the core of your being you are innocent, good natured, and faithful."

Shado Looks down into the water and sees himself. It looks dark, Distorted, and clouded. His eyes look blank as if there is no soul in him.

Kid "That is what is holding you back Shado. If you expect to even have a fighting chance against your final battle, the you must find out who you really are."


Shado "Who said that?"


Kid "That is what is driving you Shado. The Darkness of your heart, your evil shadow."


Shado "NO! Your not the reason I'm helping.........your.....not......."

Kid "You see Shado, as pure as your intentions are you have always have had this darkness in your heart. You don't want to save the you heart you want revenge on a world that has taken alot from you, and anything that is evil. You want to stop the evil in the world because it is a refelection of your soul."


Shado looks down at the twisted side of himself.

Shado "Your the cause of all my problems!"

The Kid and Evil Shado speak at the same time "NO, we are not the problem you are."

Kid "You let me slip away."


Shado frezzes in silence......

Kid "You can become the one in charge of your own destany again."

Shado "How?"

Kid "Remember who you were...remember you friends......remember Lockheart.......remember yourself."

Shado starts to think. H ethinks about the lessons the school, but it is foggy.


The dark hands pull him down into the water. Shado holds his breath.


Shado tries to breath under the water, but fills his lungs with saltwater.


Shado sinks as he strugles to clear his lungs.....but only more water fills them. He starts to drif off into an eternal sleep........The images race through his mind. Of Lockheart when they were kids, of Kimiko as his love, of Manda as her protector, as the healer he once was. Then it floods his mind as it did his lungs.

Shado's thought's <Thats right it is all so simple. i need to be who i am. Not the person with all the weight on his sholders, but the person who has a mission in his life. The person who stands by his friends, his family, but never by himself. Yes i have people depending on me, but i must now start to depend on myself and them........>

Shado takes a breath. This time there is no water to breath in there is nothing at all. There is no air, no need to breath. Shado rises to the surface of the Ocean and finds himself in the center. No shore line to end just the limitlessness of the ocean and him self.

Kid "It looks like you did it."


Shado "yes, i am ready. I'm ready to embrace my wrongs and my rights. I'm ready to see that you two are not just parts but a sum of who i am. We are one. My darkness and my light. Who i was, am, and will be. It is time that we become one."

All Three of them join hands as thay mirge into one. The True person Shado was and will be.

Shado "I am Shadboxxer, master of my path and destany!"

The beach shatters into shards of glass and fall into nothingness. Shado waves his hans across the air and it turns into the field again as flowers rise out of the ground and the Arch appears again. Shado passes through it.........

The limo screeches to a stop just beside the ship and Kaitlyn runs out pounding on the hatch Dee opens and stops staring at the beautifull soaking wet woman.
Kaitlyn:Where is Kai?


Blu steps out of the Galley.

Blu:Hey Dee whats up?Avon saleswoman?

Kaitlyn: Kai!!!!

She pushes Dee aside an knocks Blu over hugging him closely.

Blu:What the!?!

Kaitlyn:Kai why didn't you tell me ten years of thinking you were dead..Ther's so much to talk about...

Blu:Who are you?

Kaitlyn:Oh were right the nueral phase proccessors in the suit...(starts crying)Oh Kai...

Blu:Kai?My name is Blu...

Kaitlyn:Of course it is thats the suits name.

Kaitlyn hits a latch in the back and pulls off the helmet so she can see Blu's face.

Kaitlyn:You told me to strengthen those damn things...

Blu:Hey give me back my helmet!

Kaitlyn:Soon..If you want it back but now we need to talk.

She drags blu out to the limo leaving a bewildered Dee.

<Lockheart senses a souls approach.she goes to welcome it and Koichi appears before her.>
<slaps the key of fire>I knew Kensuke wouldn't be here.

Heh he so did I,but I knew that she would.

<Looks up at lockheart.>Well hello,how have you been.

<in shock>

Turn on any old friends lately?

<shakes off her shock and hugs Koichi>
I'm sorry,he needed my help.

<A tear of happiness is about to form due to the embrace.>
Is that so.....
<pulls himself away from the priestess>
Perhaps I needed your help also.

<her face becomes stern>
I could not help you kill my best friend.

He means more to you then me?

if your life was in danger,I would have protected you.The fight was your choice.
There is no way I would let him kill you.

you seem happy with him,why don't you go rush into his arms.Oh yeah,he isn't here and I'm his substitute right?
I almost forgot.

Look me and Shado are'nt like that........

<shado emerges from an arch that appears between the two>

<takes a defensive stance in front of Lockheart>What are you doing here?!

Shado he means no harm,we are talking.

i don't know what I'm doing here,but I guess you're meeting your love.Have a ball you two.


Do you think I'm blind?

Koi you're taking this the wrong're my only love,I swear.

Oh I know I'm your only love,when Shado isn't around that is.

I do love lockheart and she loves me,like syblings.She holds greater love for you.
However,I can't see why.

Stop trying to hide it,once I get rid of you there won't be a problem.I have to go now,I don't want to see you two get all mushy.

Koi wait,he isn't lying........
<a tear falls from her cheek>

We'll see.
<vanishes to the mortal plane>

Try anything like that again and you'll be sorry.

Ok ok,I'll take you to Kensuke now.

<The scene is a desert landscape. The sand is bright and illuminated as if it were day time, yet the sky is dark and filled with stars. Koichi appears on top of a sand dune.>
Koichi: Where the hell...?

Voice: This is where we'll find Kensuke.

Koichi:... and where is that?

Voice: Inside his mind.

Koichi: This is the inside of Kensuke's mind? I figured there'd be more.... clowns.

Voice: No, just lot's of sand, a handful of stars, oh, and them.

<Koichi looks up and sees Kensuke being herded along by a bunch of midgets.>

Koichi: What the hell?

Voice: Kensuke's been knocked unconsious. That's why he's trapped in his own mind.

Koichi: And who are those little guys?

Voice: Got me. All I know is they're leading him away from himself. If they get where they're going, Kensuke'll die.

Koichi: Good.

Voice: Good?!

Koichi: Now I can pay off one of those life debts. <Koichi lifts his Key above his head.> Key of Fire! BATTLE SPEAR!!! <The Key turns to spear form and Koichi charges into the mix of midgets.>

Kensuke: <looking up> Koichi? HEY! KOICHI! GOOD TO SEE YA!

<Koichi dives into the group and slashes the spear around in a full arc. Kensuke jumps back to avoid the strike. Koichi jumps straight up and looks down. Most of the midgets have fallen, their heads sitting besides them.>

Koichi: Hmm, three left standing.

<Koichi drops back down, crushing one under the blunt side of the spear. He then jabs the spear forward into the heart of another. The third takes a single step backwards in fear. Koichi turns his eyes towards him, the spear still in the midget's heart. The remain midget freezes.>

Koichi: Don't worry, kid. If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead. Go back to how ever sent you and tell 'em if anyone's gonna kill Kensuke, it's gonna be me!

<The midget runs off, screaming. Kensuke storms back to where Koichi is removing the spear from a dead midget.>

Kensuke: What the hell was that!?

Koichi: Trust me, I just saved your life.

Kensuke: WHat!?

Voice: Quiet, Kensuke. He's right. Now c'mon, or you two will be late for the tournament.

Koichi: WHAT!?!?! Kensuke, if I miss this tourney cause I was saving your ass, you are sooo dead!

Kensuke: Right right, I know. Well, glad you finnally came to your senses. Let's go.

<Koichi and Kensuke leave Kensuke's mind. They return to where Koichi left for the astral plane, in a dark alley near the street.>

Koichi: Great! Shado is probably already there! C'mon!!!

<The two run down the street, heading for the tournament.>
The little purple people had been working for days on end, but the communications area and landing pad were now complete.
Gray: "You guys really are slow, but I must admit, you get the job done."
Ruler: "We pride ourselves on our efficiency."
Gray: "I have no more time to waste with useless blabber. I have all the best equipment available, right?"
Ruler: "Would we settle for anything less?"
Gray: "You do seem to have settled for little bodies, but I'll take that to mean that I do."
Ruler: "Just one thing, it's all powered by magic."
Gray: "What?"
Ruler: "Well, we have precious few resources, save for the planet's ore, and we need to make do."
Gray gave a small chuckle.
Gray: "You really are a modest folk, aren't you? I can't believe I forgot this. For your kindness to me then and now, I shall use my magic to increase the size of this planet."
Ruler: "Are you sure you have enough?"
Gray: "Sure. I just have to teleport this place somewhere away from stars, then fill it with magical energy. First, though, I must send my 'message' to Shado."
Gray teleported over to the comm area and activated the controls.
Gray: "Locate: Shadoboxxer. Proceed to deliver a messenger hologram and a fighting hologram."
At the astral plane, both had appeared in front of Shado and Lockheart.
This scene is occurring back when Shado was fighting Koichi on Dee's airship
A man is walking through the streets of what was once Calcutta. He sees children playing in the streets and wishes things were better than they are now. The man goes into a small bar.
???: I'll have a Jack Daniels and Ginger Ale.

Bartender: Sure thing

???: (Flashes a picture of Koichi) Have you seen this man? ever?

Bartender: Yes he comes here every now and then. Goes by the name of Koichi. He has a sidekick that is kinda goofy name of Kensuke.

???: Thank you for that information. When was he in here last?

Bartender: Well he was in here about two hours ago but he heard something about shadows and left in a flash. Strangest thing I have seen in awhile, sir. (Gives drink to ???)

???: Thanks for the drink. (Shoots bartender in the head.)

<Everyone in the bar gets up and either pulls out a gun or starts to charge up their chi>

???: I wouldn't do that if I were any of you folk

<The customers get up and start to charge the man but he just pulls out a single gun that stops them in their tracks. On the gun is a symbol of a serpintine dragon. These men know that this man is a bounty hunter that they have no desire to get on his bad side.>

Customer 1: That isn't the Worm is it man?

Customer 2: That has to be? no one could have pulled out a gun that fast and -

<Customers look and see the bounty hunter leave. They look at his seat and see a neutron detonator, the only scientific thing that can punch through magical shields. The timer has hit 00:00 and the bar is destroyed. Out of the destruction of the bar comes The Worm unscathed.>

Worm: Looks like you and I have a date with your maker Koichi.

<The Worm walks off and lights a cigarette like nothing has just happened>
<End Interlude>
A small bar several miles from the airship...
Blu sits at the bar an almost empty bottle of scotch in front of him.The helmet and his backpack sit off to the side and he is wearing a trenchcoat over his armor.Dee comes in and after a moment recognises him,more by his height than anything else.

Dee:Hey Blu what happened man?

Blu(to the bartender,ignoring Dee): More Scotch!

Bartender(too Dee):You know this clown? Get him out of here...He's causing all sorts of problems.

Dee pulls Blu off the stool steadying him and picks upthe helmet and backpack,a picture falls out Kai and Kaitlyn Hiro.

Dee:So you actually know her?

Blu:She's my wife....I think...THis damn helmet keeps trying to overpower my mind replace it with its own...I'm remebering now...I...I...I have a wife...and a daughter I've never even met...hell I'm a billionaire and I can't remember how it happened.

Dee:That's harsh...Damn !


Dee:You have a daughter...I guess that means no more hentai parties...

Blu (falls over laughing):Well I'll leave it all to you Dee.

Dee:So what are you going to do?

Blu:Well I was thinking of adding a grotto to the house, just got to see it you know..

Dee:No I meant about leaving?

Blu:I plan on sticking around..if Shado doesn't mind me bringing Kaitlyn we have alot of catching up to do...hell ten years worth

Dee:Well come on man lets head back to the airship and we can work something out.

Blu:Yeah...I'm too drunk to (passes out)

In the corner of the bar, a man sat alone at a table, drink in one hand, cigarette in the other. His hat was pulled down low, hiding most of his face from view.....
Worm laughed a short laugh, then threw down some money for the drink. He was close, and he knew it.

Bartender: (picking up money) Hey, this isn't enough.....

Worm: Oh, I think it'll be plenty. (Takes out a card. On it is a serpentine dragon, the symbol of Doctor Worm.)

Bartender: (stammering) Y-y-yeah, it'll be just fine, sir. In fact, here, here's your money back. On the house.

Worm: That's a good man. Now, if you want to survive, tell me who that man was who walked out with the short one.

Bartender: Th-th-that guy's name......Blu-something. I'm n-n-not sure.

Worm: Maybe this'll jog it. (Pulls a small detenator and places it on the bar.
The bartender turns very pale and starts to sweat.)

Bartender: Look, I don't know who he is, swear to God, but I know he stays on some ship. Right now, they're at the docks. Please, I'm begging for mercy, I've got a wife, kids.......

Worm: (Putting away the detenator.) You're a lucky man. You can make a damn good drink. Since I'm in a good mood from the drink, I'll let you and everyone else live. Besides, I want to keep a low profile.
(He turns and walks away, leaving the bartender shaking and about to vomit.)

Outside, Worm pulles his coat closer to protect him from the eyes of the passer-bys.His destination: The tournament. He knew they'd be there. The man in the suit was with them, that was a fact. He's seen the ship before, seen the crew. He knew he was close, so close he could already taste revenge. Revenge for what Koichi did.
All of them, Koichi, Kensuke, Trunks. All of them would have to pay for their sins. Their sins against the Doctor.

After Dee has managed to get Blu back up and conscious.
Dee:Man you really were hitting that scotch pretty good weren't you?

Blu:Yeah I... (sees Worm in the corner of his eye not quite sure where he has seen this guy before)

Dee:Whats up?

Blu:That guy in the coat..I recognise him but I can't quite remember him...

The hologram of Gray stands infront of Lockheart and Shado.

Shado Lockheart move back......

Lockheart What .....i see...he doesnt belong here does he?

Gray Great diduction Missy. So how might you be?

Lockheart All you need to know is that im Shados friend.

Gray Fine, we can leave it at that......Im only intrested in you Shado.

Lockheart has a blank look on her face. She undrestands who he is now. He is the one that has added all the trouble to Shados life.

Shado So you must be Gray...... Where is MANDA?!

Gray So i see you are still concerned with her....well she is safe for now. However if you want to see her you must attend the tournament.


Lockheart Why should we belive you.

Gray Because i do not lie.


Gray I also know that you have been doing some soul searching and that you are weak right now. So i am inclined to test you to see if you are worthy.

Lockheart You leave Shado alone. He is more then a match for you. Shado and I are from the same school and there are more to us then meets the eye.

In the Time that Shado and Lockheart spent together they learned secret fighting styles, ones that the world never knew exicted. In the battle field they are truly equals. How ever there are two major diffrences....... Shado is more experienced in using Battle Magic and is a minor in Summons. He Heals with his summons. Lockheart is a master summoner and minors in battle Magic.

The two have a common root.
Shado and lockheart are the children of SUISEI or Mecury
Shado is the master of a hidden fighting style called SHADOOBOKUSHINGU or Shadoboxxing
A style that no school could never teach or a teacher could teach him.......only one person could help him with that skill and it is Lockheart. Only because they share SUISEI.

Lockheart is the master of her skill MESNIADSU or Summon and she has developed this skill since she was younger and it was brought out by shado. The two learned together.
But Shado has lost touch with his MENSNIADSU and she must help him.

Shado So Gray what do you have in mind....for your your little TEST?

Gray starts to grin..... A little fight here and now! Just a warm up before the tournament to see if you can make it to me.

Lockheart puts her hand on Shados sholder Shado i got your back.....just remember your traning

Shado nods.
Lockheart steps back.
Shado taps his foot on the ground as lockheart waves her hand across the sky and it turns into a grassy medow with a slight wind.

Shado Bring it Gray.

Gray: "Not with me, but with a little friend of mine. This creation is derived from the side of evil, death, hell, shadows. He has all of the traits of combat, since that is his prime purpose, but enough of this introduction. I give you... Setano."
A cloud of smoke enveloped Gray, covering his disappearance. Shado summoned his magical energy and moved into his fighting stance. As he moved, it was like there were three bodies.
Lockheart summoned a protective shield in front of her and a brilliant aura glowed around her.
Once these preparations had finished, Setano lunged out of the smoke straight toward Shado. Shado was stunned not by the blow that soon followed, but by the fact that he had definitely seen this thing before. He saw it in his dream after the air base was destroyed; it was exactly like the dark being that appeared after the angel!
Lockheart: "Shado!"
Setano sidekicked Lockheart, but she blocked it with her shield. Setano continued to attack with various punches, kicks, knees, and elbows. Lockheart blocked these attacks with difficulty, because they were so fast, and one actually made it.
Whether he knew him or know, Shado wouldn't let anything harm Lockheart. Shado charged over to Setano and started making a flurry of punches, all damage multiplied by 3 because he had three selves.
Setano finally recovered from the shock and transported out of the attack up in the air. Of course, in the astral plane, people can fly, so this was no advantage to the demon. Shado bolted to it, with Lockheart just behind him.
Fire came forth from Setano's body, and his eyes glowed a bright red. The wind began to blow all around him, and he becan to summon a bright ball of energy. Shado and Lockheart slowed down so that they might possibly dodge this attack if they had to.

The airship:
Zero and NC are eating some pastries.
NC: Do you want some cinnamon?
Zero: Sure.
NC goes to put some cinnamon on Zero's pastry, when a little bit of it flies up and gets Zero in the nose.
Zero: Ahhh..Ahh...CHOO!!!!
Suddenly, a flash of energy happens, and a bewildered Oni is sitting in Zero's place.
Oni: Huh?
NC: Zero? Why'd you replace Zero again?
Oni: I didn't mean too..
Oni bumps the table and more cinnamon flies up, causing Oni to sneeze.
A flash of energy and Zero has reappeared.
Zero: This is just great...My sneezes turn me into a demi-god who takes over my body!
NC is just sitting there, rubbing her eyes over what has just happened.
Dee and a dunken Blu walk in and witness the sneeze thing.
Blu:Whoah!!!Give me one of those cinnabuns!!!!
Blu picked up one of the cinnabuns.
Blu: Looks good. Did you bake these, NC?

As Blu was about to eat the cinnabun, the bun flies out of his hand. Someone shot it. Everyone turns to the source of the bullet.
In the doorway is Doctor Worm.

Worm: Well, well, well. If it isn't Zero. Remember me?

Zero: I'll be damned........

Blu: You! You were at the bar! You seem familiar, though I can't place it.......

Zero: It's him, Blu. Doctor Worm.

Blu: I thought he was dead, though.

Worm: Ahh, that's the mystery now, isn't it?
(Worm pulls out a card with his symbol on it. He throws on the table.)
If Koichi or Kensuke comes here, tell them I was here. I've got unfinished business with them.

(Worm throws a flash greanade, blinding everyone temporailly. When they can see again, he's gone....)
Blu:This is bad very bad...about an 11 on the badness scale...and that only goes to 5...
NC:Who is he?


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