Organous Crisis 4


12:30 a.m. Sounds off!
Ranma 1/2
Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing
Iria: Zieram the animaton
Armitage III
Cowboy Bebop
Tenchi Universe Season II
Organous Crisis 1
Organous Crisis 2
Organus Crisis 3
Organous Crisis 4
Organous Crisis 5
Organous Crisis 6
Organous Crisis 7
Organous Crisis 8
Organous Crisis 9
Organous conclusion
Anime K..C.. oh damn it that okie stuff where you sing


Indy presses a button on his desk.
Indy: "Grey, I've thought up an idea for a new fighter, and it's already in progress. I call it Ninja-Chan, built specifically for fighting. We went all-out to make this deadly fighter, taking up all room in the program for a fighting style."
Grey: "Interesting. A fighter without magic?"
Indy: "I know, it's never been done, but I took some time to observe Shado's fighting style. He doesn't seem to use magic, so an all-out fighter would seem the perfect weapon."
Grey: "I guess so. Just keep one thing in mind, Indy."
Indy: "What?"
The following words made so much noise that Indy was blown away from his seat!
Indy took a small time to recover from the shock.
Indy: "Why not? He poses a great threat."
Grey: "He doesn't seem to have shown his full potential. I don't think he knows it himself, so I want to convert him to our side. Under my personal training, he could help us very well. It would be similar to Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine of the old time."
Indy couldn't believe what he just heard. First, Grey didn't want Shado's death, which Indy was working so hard to achieve. After he finally came to terms with that, he wondered just what this potential is that Grey speaks of. Last, he wondered what the deal was with him and space.
Grey: "Are you still there?"
Indy: "Yes, sir."
Grey: "Then make sure that Ninja-Chan is unable to kill, but make others unable to battle. I don't want to risk damaging our prize."
Indy balled up his fists, fighting back the awful things he wanted to say to Grey that could get him fired or killed.
Indy: (slightly mumbled) "Yes, sir"
At Grey's location, he prepared to depart to his Digital Training World.
Grey: (thouht) "Green hasn't returned from his test run. Something must be wrong. I should investigate this myself in case something went wrong."
The battle angel appeared on Grey's forehead.
Grey: "Pikachu, get my shuttle ready, then start cleaning the station's lavatories."
Pikachu: "Chu!"
Grey: "Talk that way to me again, and you'll find yourself with one less toe."
Pikachu gave a fearful scream and the sound of a racecar could be heard in the distance.
Grey's battle angel flashed red.
Blue: "Grey, my agents have reported that Protomanda is missing from the scene."
Grey then cleared his throat, closed his eyes for 2 seconds, then returned to his normal sanity.
Grey: "Thank you for that information. Continue to update me as needed."
Blue: "Yes, sir." And the battle angel faded away.
Grey: (thought) "Ninja-Chan, DTW, Protmanda 1. Oh, this keeps getting better and better."
*As Shado and CO. think of their next move,They hear a someone on the roof,Suddenly a young girl around Manda's age wearing black tights smashes through the window*
???:Where is the one call Shado?


???:Its none of your business

Nova:Let me make it our business!!!

*Nova,Zero,BB, and Dee attack the misterious stranger,The girl then attacked and after the smoke had cleared all of the heroes were asleep*

Shado:Who are you?

???:I am the the Darkness within,I am the Ju-

Shado:Darkness within? thats a stupid na-

*The girl kicks Shado in the stomch*

???:NEVER INTERUPT ME!! I as I was saying,I am the darkness within,I am the Justic within Hell,I am Indy's Cousin,But you may call me........NINJA-CHAN!

*Ninja-chan grabs her cell*

Indy:Change of plans,just kidnap Shado


*NJ crushes the cell,she then throws an extra Katana at Shado*


NJ:I challange you Shado,If I win you die but if you win......Ill help you find Indy

Shado: Ok.....this will be fun!

ZERO starts to wake up, the others are still asleep. *thinks to self* " Oh no, Shado's alone out there, I gotta help, and hopefully my new technique should do the trick!"
ZERO gets on his skateboard and rides toward NinjaChan, and unleashes his new move Hyper-Rocet Air Special! NinjaChan is sent flying, but gets up quickly, with her sword drawn.
Shado: ZERO, watch out!!
NinjaChan attacks with her sword but ZERO blocks it with his board.
ZERO: Titanium Edges, Baby, Let's GO!
NC and ZERO fight Sword vs. Board
Shado trys not laugh at the scene he's watching, but quickly gets it together and makes a fist and smashes NC which sends her far and away.
*Ninja-Chan gets up and acts like nothing happened*
NC:You didn't win,you needed a friend to help you!

*Ninja-Chan slices right through the board and blasts Zero with her sword*

Shado:is he dead?

NC:No,he's just paralized,he's ok,but you,meet me on the room!

*Shado and Ninja-Chan fly up the roof*

Shado and Ninja Chan stand onthe roof........
Chan "Shado, tell your friends that this will be a fair fight. No magic and no Guns.....Aggred?"

Shado nods his head......."Zero make sure that nobody else trys to help me."

Zero "But........(he pauses to think)....Fine"

Protomanda and the fiery wake up to see shado ready to do battel. Shado looks down at them through the roof.....they know what he is thinking and stand there....watching.

Shado turns towards Chan. He draws his sword.
He looks at the blade and checks the straightness of the weapon.

Shado "This is an intresting sword......a "Katana" is usualt made out of tempered steel, this one seems to be made of a Vanadium/carbon Mix. Very light weight and strong.....Good choice."

Ninja-Chan "Thanks Shado, Indy and I only choose the best." she draws her sword.

They both draw there weapons as a quiet runs over the rooftops. Only the sound of birds and airplains can be heard. As the sun starts to set it gleams over the blades causing the reflection to be cast on the ground.

A stiff wind starts to blow then stops as a white feather is seen falling to the ground, the two combatants watch it fall the fix there eyes on each others.


the two run at each other.....a flash of light is streaking behind them because of the reflection of the swords. "CHING!" metal clashes against metal. The two are at a stand still as there blads are locked together and rubbibg against each other.

The blades spark and heatup as they grind blade against blade........

Chan "Not bad"

Shado smiles "you either."

They push each other back as Chan throws a low kick to get Shado off balance but is only meet with a shin block. Chan Proforms a high kick series which is blocked by shado's Right hand and using his Left he hits her ankel with the hilt of the sword.

Only causing a bruse She gives an evil grin and slides on the ground and rools at Shado hitting his ankel with the butt end of her sword causing a bruse.

Now facing back to back both attack with the sword Shado doing a high back slash and Chan doing a low slash. The swords embrace once again.

Then they both do a powerful backwards high kick, in which case there feet meet and the power knocks them both on the ground.

They turn to look at each other..."That all you got Shado?"

He just grins.They both stand up as Shado and Chan Charge each other and attack with a flury of sword slashes which this time are meet with Sparks and Skin. The two now have light slashes in there arms and legs....
Shado's trench coat is slashed to hel as he takes it off and throws it onto the ground.

Ninja Chan makes a mad dash acroos the roof and Proforms a dash and slash as Shado lifts the sword to block her Katana Shatters his Sword into shards......With only the hilt of his weapon left he grabs a phone wire and slashes it with the hit of the blade the ties it together......Creating a makeshift DRAGON FLY WHIP!

As Shado swings the whip around Chan comes back with a middel lunge in which case shado wraps the whip around her hands and pulls the sword out of her hands......He tosses the sword to the ground and releases the whip.
So far it is a draw........

*Ninja-Chan smiles at Shado,she gets up and slashes Shado's cheek with a small dagger*
Shado:Why did you do that?

NC:In my village slashing one's cheek means I surrender,Good-bye or....I love you

*Ninja-Chan kisses Shado for about a minute.Then they hear flashing*

BB:WHHHOOOO-HHHOOOOOOOO!! Hugh Hefner will give me $25 for this

NC:aaaaahhhhhh.....Ill help you find Indy's base,don't worry Unlike my evil cousin,Im not a evil assh0le.

*They go back in the house,Indy is watching using the earrings that he placed on DD*

Indy:Im an evil assh0le.....Well I can't wait for them to come....will we have fun Manda?

Shado thinks back to the events that have taken place.
"Guys I'll be back.....I got some things to take care of."
Chan "Where are you going hon."

Shado "out."

Chan "I'll be waiting"

Dee wlaks up to Shado "Are you al right?"

Shado "I'll be fine, I just need to think. het watch Protomanda and the fiery, make sure they are alright."

Dee nods.

Shado walks over to his carinside the airship. "Were to Shado?"
"I'll trive,thanks........."

Car "You seem distracted."
Shado "A little"
Car "What's bugging you"
Shado "Nothing..... and everything"
Car "One of those things"
Shado "So how did they program you personality?"
Car "I'm actually and A.I. with some magic i became tottaly aware of who i am and what i was......hell i even know about when you first bought me."

Shado grins.......10 minutes later.
They pull into a cematary.

Car "What are we doing here?"

Shado "You don't remember?"

as they pull up to a plot the moonlight is blocked by a large tree. The car's healights cast there lights on the stone.

Car "Your Girlfriend.......I'm sorry Shado, I forgot."

Shado "Well she wasn't my girlfriend a month before she died."

Shado gets out of his car and walks over to the plot and pulls out a black Onyx stone, and places on the haedstone.
"Hey it use to be your favorite. I just wondered why you came to me two nights before i first meet Manda?"

Shado rembers back two nights before his adventuer started........

The dream was dark, he remembers a girl in need a night long past.....a night where he was lost to the world. he used to be so full of hope. Of talent he had a girlfrien once. they were so happy together. Her name was Kimiko. Kimiko and Shado the closest two that ever were. They trained together for a day when the world would need them. They felt that it would happen, that one day that the fait of the world would rest on there small sholders. Then one day they parted for something long forgotten......maybe it was they way they dreamed the way they loved, or the paths they chose.....but Shado and Kimiko strayed from that path. Then a month later he got a call, more like a if her soul screamed for his. Shado Ran to his car and got there as soon as he could. when he got there the floors were stained with blood.
Shado saw a beast with his lost love, The same type of beast that attacked little Manda.

Shado fought the beast he used anything he could find as a weapon but nothing worked.
He found a broken mop stick on the floor, She must have been cleaning when the beast broke in and there was another body on the ground, that of a young man no older then Shado was at the time. The beas lunged at Shado as Tears filled his eyes and impaled the beas through the large mouth in it's torso!
It turned to dust The male was dead.....yet there was still life in Kimiko...Shado picked her up and looked her into he face her eyes opened slightly. "Shado, you still care...."
as she smiled and then life left her body.
Shado started to sob as tears rolled down his cheek......and the cops arrived. They took him away for doubbel homicide till the police found a servalience video showing the Beast killing the couple. When he was released he
a week later he had missed the furnarl. he went to the site and kneeled the same way he did before as he placed an Onyx stone on her tombstone he kneeled there and closed his eyes. He sat there for threedays before he pased out from exahustion. the he awoke in this room. Shado never remembered how he got there. Then Two days before Manda's rescue he saw Kiniko once again.........

The night air was stiff as Shado laid in bed as Kimiko's soul reached out for Shado.

Kimiko "Shado it is time for you to save the world.

Shado "Kimiko, how?"

Kimiko "It always starts out small then it will grow with your progress."

Shado "I don't under stand."

Kimiko "Shado, you will.....I know you will.
don't ask anyquestions just save her."

Shado "Who........alright"

Kimiko "Shado here......take this."

Shado recived a Staff with Onyx tips and a center twist which trans formed the Botana into a Nunchaku. These were the weapons that they use to train with and it was merged into one.

Shado "Thanks."
Kimiko"......yor is your time now....intwo days be ready."

Car "I remember all that now, Shado, she is right now is your time."

Shado "I remember."
Shado removes the staff out of the trunk of the car and opens the box then walks over to Kimiko's stone and touches it.

Shado "Kimiko, I'm ready...thanks for believing me. Come on car....let's go"

Shado walks to the car and the Onxy turns white and Shado starts the trip home, to his new friends and cause.

BB is hannging from the cieling installing survielance gear (and a few acams for personal use in NC's room).
Dee:Hey Blue whatca doing?

BB:Huh uh nothing...yeah nothing.

Dee (yelling):I wanna see!!!

BB:Ok ok quiet down geez you wanna wake up Zero?

Dee comes up and Blu has just finished with the Camera's.

Dee:Hey Blu why are do you have so many cams in NC's room?

BB:Huh? I wanna catch her talking too Indy..I don't trust her.She may have gotten too Shado but...

Dee:Uh huh

BB:I'm serious!

Dee(singing) Hentai! Hentai!

BB:Shut up!!!Hey wait a sec.

Dee:Whatnow nipplage?

bb:(ignoring him) No that flashing light is a bug scanner...I told you she was spying on us she has a direct line to Indy!

As Dee and BlueBeetle look at the monitors.
somebody comes up behind them and taps them on the sholder.
"So anything good on?"

Dee and BB freeze in place.......
"ummmmmmmmm"they both are stund then Blue speaks out.

BB "Oh hi Nova. We think that Ninja Chan has
a link to Indy!"

Dee "Yeah BB found somekind of streaming transmision."

Nova looks at the two and sees two intresting things.
Nova "So that modem conection and liknk up that you have running to that computer in your armor isn't recording it for your little Hentai site, is it?"

A sweat drop forms on his head
BB "um.....uh......NO."

Nova looks at him and grins "Right."

Nova "But more important is the real link, you were right about one Blue but the location of this one is in this room and not in Chan's, So i'd advise you to kill that transmission. Before Shado gets back."

Dee" where is the Bug?"

Nova tells Dee to put on these head phones that he picked up. and connects it to the scratched Disc man that BB picked up at the Discount store and puts a Barny the Dinosaur CD in it.

Dee "AAAAGGGGGHHHHH the Pain....make it stop!"

Nova "the bug is behind his ear. I wanted to see if Indy would find anything out about us of if he would make contact with anybody in the group. So far i think he has just been listening."

On the other side of the transmission at Indy's place.

Indy "What the hell are those more on listening too?!"

Transmission "I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME...."


Back at the Adventuers' place..........

BB "I got and Idea maybe we can Piggy back that Transmission to Indy, and i can Run that barny song on a constant loop at the same time!"

Nova "Good do it now"

BB "Transmitting NOW!"

Dee throws the headphones to the ground pulls out the bug and stepd on it.

Dee "Don't ever do that again!"

Ninja Chan shows up in a towl and sees what the guys are doing........

Chan "Is Shado back?"
all three cover the monitor where Ninja Chan's room was.

The Three "NOTHING."

Chan walks up to them. "Nothing....huh. Um they don't call me a NINJA for nothing."

Chan slaps all three of them at the same time A LA THREE STOOGES STYLE!

NC "don't underestimate me!" she turns and walks away.
As the 3 shake off Chan's slap,The little bug re-assebles and destroys the CD,a holigram of Indy appears from the bug*

BB:Well now we know that NC is working for you

Indy:WAS,Was working for me,but now you have a new friend!

Nova:Well we'll find you!

Indy:not bloody likely!,oh and have fun with my creatures

*As BB,Dee,and Nova turn around 12 huge robo-spiders jump out of the window,they hear a scream and look out the door to find Ninja-Chan being attacked by the robots*

Indy:Have fun!<indy's hologram disippears>

The techno-spiders charged toward Ninja-Chan, firing machine guns in her direction. NC was moving very fast with great agility, bouncing from building to building. Her pattern seemed like it was meant to have them all collide with each other, but could she keep up this pace?
Trunks: "I had no idea she could move that fast with melons that size!"
BB: "Huh? Oh, yeah, she's moving amazingly fast!"
Nova: "When you two get your minds out of the gutter, she obviously needs our help. She can't possibly take them all on!"
BlueBeetle and TrunksZero remain dazed in awe, but Nova refused to wait any longer. He leaped out toward one of the spiders with full force.
Nova: "Nova Strike!"
At that, he sped up and bright energy surged around him. He coiled up his arm to attack, and landed his blow on the spider before it could detect him. So much energy was focused on his attack that a ball of fire had erupted from the ground. After the smoke cleared, a large crater remained where the robo-spider once was.
NC: "Thanks a lot, Nova!"
Nova: "Don't try to make them collide, it would take too much time and energy. Just kick the cr@p out of them!"
NC: "Right!"
Immediately, NC knew that it was no use stalling for more time. At least Nova was willing to fight, and BB and Trunks would soon join. NC unsheated her sword an thrust it into the earth, leaping away to avoid fire from the guns.
Soon, a spark came up on the ground, zig-zagging toward a small group of the spiders. It hit one and severely damaged it, stripping it of its guns and 3 legs. The rest were sent flying to nearby buildings, bringing them down and forcing people to run outside.
NC: "Heh, always good to see some human suffering."
But NC's pause to observe this was her downfall. A spider took this moment to smack her with a powerful blow from its leg. She flew toward the house that was almost completely down, and she put up just enough resistance to stop from colliding.
Nova couldn't stand for this, and started charging for that spider.
Nova: "Nova Strike!"
But he was met by a surprise attack from a spider hiding in the crater. It jumped up and threw all its weight onto Nova, sending him skyward.
Nova: "AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa.........."
BB: "I can't take this! They got Ninja-Chan!"
BB turned to face Zero, but he wasn't there anymore. Instead, he heard mighty clashes of metal against metal.
Zero: "I hate using my board like this, but if it's for NC..."
Zero slammed his board with all his might against a spider. He took out the legs one by one and used them to block the fire. Soon, he was bashing away at the spider's body until it was totaled.
He immediately started to get another one and, using agility and his board, made his way to it. Once he got close enough, he tossed his board at another spider, bending up the guns. He picked up the spider he went for, shot up to the sky, the came crashing down to the ground, spider first. The shock form this was enough to send 3 more spiders to others, destroying 6 (9 totaled so far).
Of course, NC was watching, growing fonder of Zero. She soon shook it out, though, and got back into the battle.
NC: "Hey, don't think you can have all the fun, now."
She pulled her sword out of the ground, and it truly came from Hell. First off, it now had bright flames surrounding it, though she didn't mind so much. Second, it was covered with a thick, green slime and assorted varieties of insects, who weren't affected by the heat.
She dashed to the 10th spider and her ninja reflexes were really shown here. She saw each bullet coming at her and moved away from them accordingly. Once she had gotten to the spider, she disabled its gun system by holding the sword to them and letting the insects go right inside.
Within a matter of seconds, there was the sound of gunshots inside, a small explosion appeared on top, and it started oozing with black and green slime. It was just barely standing, but NC wanted total destruction.
She jumped over it, doing a dazzling spinning slash. She struck a vertical slash at the rear end and kicked the bug over to its back. Spider legs flailing, lights flashing, and noises wailing, she jumped straight forward while holding the sword below her.
It cut straight through it like a dissection knife on a dead frog, and it looked as such. The green slime now burst out of its cut and bugs shot up freely. Just barely holding on, the spider soon stopped moving, but the last attacking spider immediately fired on her.
Trunks kicked the other spider (the one whose guns were turned back) in front of the normal one. It was now receiving fire from both sides, and soon became a lifeless hunk of metal.
BB ran in front of the last spider, crouching so that both he and his tired friends were protected from gunshots. His armor was about to become swiss cheese when Nova came rocketing down.
Nova: "Ultra Nova strike!"
Fire erupted and the whole city seemed to be engulfed in the ball of flame. When the smoke cleared (1 hour later), Nova appeared, standing up without a scratch on him.
Nova: "What's wrong? You guys look like you were fighting ME."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Indy watches as the Heroes destroyed his robots,Indy checked from a salalite cam and see's only the house was destroyed*
Indy:How did those machine guns get in there? I put glue guns in those robots not machine moron!!!

Marvel:You called?

Indy:Marvel....when I told you to build those robots I said GLUE GUNS not Machine Guns

Marvel:Yeah but Glue guns are SO out of style,The classic machine guns gave them alot more danger in them!

*Indy blasts Marvel*


Marvel:If you didn't beat me up when the interview for being Grey's major scientist came up,I would be telling you to put machine guns in instead of lame glue!

Indy:....I got an Idea,if you can defeat Shado,I will let you have my job for 1 hour

Marvel:2 hours

Indy:1 and half

Marvel: Deal

*Marvel goes to fight*


*Indy watches the video of Nova*

BB looks at NinjaChan.

BB:Sorry for accusing you...

NC:Remove the camera's from my room and we'll call it even.

BB (looking at floor ashamed) :Ok

NC walks off and BB looks at Dee.

BB:She didn't to take the off the outside of the window
*Marvel has left Indy and is preparing for the fight against Shado but not in the way Indy expects*
Marvel: "That fool Indy will be the end of us all. Glue Guns? That turd BB could incinerate the empire using only a spatula and a wad of gum. Indy was supposed to spend time with the target and learn what he can and cannot accomplish. Now I am going to become involved.

That fool Indy he should have checked records when he rejoined us. He would have realized that he is now talking to a superior officer. I command Green and plan on using what I have to bring down Shado."

*Marvel arrives at his destination, Cold Storage Center 5*

Marvel: "Glass, how our the thawing procedures coming along?"

Glass: "We have completely sperated the two subjects, Operative Cobalt and Operative Iron, from ice. We are now beginning total sensory and nervous system reanimation. These two will be fully ready in the next seventy-two hours."

Marvel: "Blast, I can't wait that long. Prepare my combat armor. I am going to have to fight this one."

Glass: "But sir the last time you fought was... Ten years ago! Your one-on-one combat skills are nowhere hear the peak you had years ago."

Marvel: "Oh I have a feeling that you might be wrong. You see while most people will take their defeats as simply being a lesson, I take them as motivation for this time. I have not spent the last en years idle but rather learning the skills I need to become a better fighter."

*Marvel gets on his armor as he is talking. The armor covers every thing but his head and is similar to Saiyan armor. It is light and flexible but extremly durable. It bears on the left shoulder the word in bold STRYFE.*

"I will be ready to take down the one that defeated me last time. He will perish for stealing my Kimiko from me. Shado you will perish and it will be by my fist that you do so. Make sure that these two are ready in the next seventy two hours to finish the job."

Glass: "Finish the job, sir."

Marvel: "You see Glass I plan on putting the master's target to the full extent. We will see this hidden potential that he keeps talking about and see if the turd has learned anything since we left STRYFE. Make sure that these are ready."

Glass: "Yes sir."

*Marvel flies off as Grey watches from a vantage point.*

Grey: "Green you fool, letting your anger get the best of you. This imbalance between your anger and serenity will truly be your undoing. Watch yourself General."
*Indy enters Grey's office and grabs him by his tie*
Indy:That was smart to kill Shado's girlfriend, Man when he whoops your ass I want front seat!

Grey:I know,I have plans for the girl

Indy:what do you mean?

Grey:You see I didn't kill her,I cloned her body and she is right now cryonically frozen in the basement

*On the TV it shows Shado's girlfriend in a tube*

Indy:Well anyway he's going to kick your ass!

MarvelMan:AAAAAAHHH What do I do?

Indy:aaaaahhhhhhhhh........:thinking:....Beat up BB,Dee,Nova,Zero, capture Ninja-Chan, ProtoManda, and Fairy


*Indy teleports away while MarvelMan leaves*

Shado pulls up to his place to see BB, Dee, Nova, Zero, Ninja Chan, Protomanda, and the Fiery helping to paint the door to the CARHOLD.
Shado gets out of the car "hey, what are you doing?"
BB "we are just painting the place...."
Shado "I can see that. Why?"
Dee "To be honest.....there was a battel here."
Shado "What battel? is Protomanda and the Fiery alright?"
Chan "Hey what about me?"

Shado looks at her "I think that your skills would save you from anybattel."
Chan smiles and is impressed by his words.
As she turns to kiss him..he is already talking to Protomanda and the Fiery.

Pmanda "Yeah we're"
Fiery "Is something bugging you?"
Shado "Nothing that i haven't delt with before."

Shado walks over to the pile of trashed spider bots. He loks around.."So this is what youfought?"
Ninja Chan rushes up to him.
Chan "Yep, i trashed most of them."
Shado rubbs the cut on the side of his face from the battel he had with her. Chan looks up and sees him touching his face.
Chan "I'm sorry i did that but you proved that you are a great fighter."
Shado "How, we did three maybe four moves."
Chan "Shado, trust me you are a great fighter. and it is time i fufill my end of the bargain.
I'll tell you where INDY is."

Every body stops dead in there tracks, and turns to their attention.

Chan "Shado they want you!"
Shado "Who wants me."
Chan "Grey"
Shado "Why?"
Chan "Something about untapped power."
Chan "That is why Indy sent me, to see if i could stop you, and i was untill i saw your fighting sprit. I could see that you would never give up and you have great physical fighting ability. That is why i stoped and slashed you......I could not bear myself to kill a talented fighter."

*a tear rolls down Chan's eye. "Shado you are the only hope of stoping my cosin. He has done some evil things to me." Chan rises her shirt to her stomach and sees sword slashes on her belly.

Shado "You mean....those aren't battel scars."
Chan "No...but my skills were forced upon me and the moves that i know were formed from Malious. I'll never reach the the level that I need to to DEFEAT INDy unless i learn a new way."
Shado "I understand. I can teach you the new way.....Indy is very strong....but you do have a heart down under that hard extiror."
Chan smiles. She gives Shado a kiss on the cheek this time. Shado smiles.

Then from the sky above. a voice echoes in the sky. "HELLO SHADO! DID YOU MISS ME."

Shado looks up....."you"

BB. "Not another battel I was just about to wax my armor."

Marvel "Hello Shado, It was your fault that my belovid Kimiko died......I've waited for this moment."

Shado "Do you really belive it was me?"
Marvel "You probobly summoned that monster in the first place. She was my only Daughter!"
Shado "Look you aw the tape i tried to save her!"
Marvel "It was you who made her belive that you two could save this world. Your delayed
actions ended her life. NO MATTER WHAT I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!"

Shado "I understand then."

*As Marvel and Shado are ready to fight Indy's little hologram appears with Indy,Diamond and Manda sitting eating popcorn*
BB:What are you doing?

Indy:Would you believe....Cheering Shado on?!

Indy:well we are

Dee:Thats it?

*the Hologram expands to form a big superbowl type crowd,they do "The Wave"!*

Zero:.......Is pathedisad a word?

Fairy:no but it sure expresses Indy's lifestyle


Zero looks at Marvelman and wonders where he's seen him before. "Now I know! He's the guy who led the terrorist group STRYFE, before their defeat by some lone hero."
Slowly, As the the Two MarvelMan, and Shado put up there guards
Nova looks on nervously as if a million thoughts are running through his head over and over looks almost like hes about to start sweating...

Chan: "Whats wrong Nova?
Dee: "Yea?"
BB: "..."

Nova gives a fake smile "Nothing."

Slowly the two competetors jump towards each other. Marvelman slowly takes out his sword as Shado does same

Shado: "NO I DIDN'T!!"

They clangs and bangs heard from swords over as the dust from the ground is picked up from the wind. There reflexes so fast to each other they keep fighting.


MarvelMan: "You killed her and I AM GONNA KILL YOU"

Slowly as the fight seems to be going for shado's favor Marvel man Pulls out a sharp dagger and he starts fighting dirty.

MarvelMan: "You don't deserve TO LIVE!!"

In the background Indys protocal hologram is watching the fight Nova steps on the thing that is showing it.. Back in Indys place all of a sudden his view screws up.

Indy: "WHAT!!"

MarvelMan all of a sudden deeply slashes Shados leg.. Shado falls down.

MarvelMan: Now I shall get my revenge..

Marvelman shoves the blade down to shado face... When he looks... Shado is nowhere to be seen... Nova is 3 feet away from the blade. It seems as if Nova's agillity he got shado outta there... Shado is off to the side...

Nova: "No... Shado didn't kill Kimiko.... In a way I did.."

Everybodys faces go stunned from that.


Nova: There is nothing I can do to bring her back... Back when I worked with Indy in the corporation you work for now.... I was a sceientific Engneerer.... The monster that kill Kimiko I created....

Marvel Man puts the dagger towards Nova's throat....

Nova takes a deep breath than continues, "But.... the creature that killed her... was under negative influnces... It was a race I made when I first made it... They looked beutiful like angels of some sort... But... Thats before negative influnces came... You see I never wanted to kill innocent people like you're Kimiko. After procisted attempts to stop Indy.. Indy capture me for his own usage... As you see me I am 17... In real life I may be 34, 46... Who knows... He used a machine he created to make me younger again.. Sadly my aging proccess is slow... It won't be for another 2 years I look like I am 18 or 19 to that fact... But back to the story..."

MarvelMan: "TELL ME!!"

Nova: "I had no control over those monsters after that... Indy controlled them and once he powered them with Negative Influences they morphed to what they were.... So all in all INDY and Grey killed Kimiko... But... My part was creating those monsters.... If you kill me... do it now.. But before I go... I will tell you just as I left... I heard a DNA project cloning going on.... Of Kimiko... She may be cloned if you hurry.. You will be back with her..."

MarvelMan Looks stunned He drops the dagger and flies off back to see if his daughter is alive.......

Nova Says slowly: "I can't forgive myself for what ive done... I atleast hope that will help you......."

As MarvelMan leaves and everybody looks at Nova. Nova looks like he embarresed and ashamed of himself. He slowly throws a capsule down and WHITE LIGHT appears everywhere and blinds them.. When it goes away Nova is gone...

Shado: "Where did he go..."
*MarvelMan busts into the office where Indy is.*
Marvel: Indy you bastard!

*Indy looks like he is ready to pee in his pants. Indy knows that MarvelMan is one of the most powerful entities in the universe and that when he is mad only two people can stop him.*

Indy: He-hello MarvelMan. Wh-what brings you to-to this ne-neck of the wo-woods?


*Indy looks at MarvelMan in confusion. He has no clue that Kimiko was MarvelMan's daughter*

Indy: Your daughter? What do you mean?

*Marvel pins Indy to the wall. He begins to senseless beat him. Indy is at the point of death. Grey enters.*

Grey: MarvelMan,I command you to stop before I am forced to unleash your brother, MiracleMan

Marvel: He killed my beloved Kimiko! She was my daughter and you two had her killed!

*Marvel starts flying at Grey with full force*

Grey: Very well you have made your choice MarvelMan. That is too bad you were an incredible ally but luckily I keep things in twos. Light and Dark. Good and Evil. Twins with different personalities. Like you and your brother, MiracleMan.

*Someone who looks exactly like MarvelMan but is in a different form of combat armor and has blond hair to MarvelMan's brown busts through the floor.*

Miracle: Hello brother long time no see. Too bad about my niece she was quite a dish. Though screwing that dolt Shado would have never done anything for her life. Aren't you glad that she left him for someone that could provide for her.

Marvel: You set up the monster and everything with Indy and Grey. She was family how could you let her die.

Miracle: She wasn't my kid. Besides she had no potential for the master. Shado on the otherhand is could be the most powerful entity to ever live, after Grey of course. Something had to get him to start on his quest.

Marvel: I can't believe you sold out your family for this- *MarvelMan flies towards MiralceMan but is stopped as KimikoBlack goes in front of MiracleMan*

Marvel: Kimiko?! *KimikoBlack hits MarvelMan with a force bolt that knocks him unconcious*

Grey: Take him and keep him shackled so he can't go bust out of his cell with that superstrength and speed of his. But don't kill MarvelMan. We will have use for him later when Shado comes to rescue his...girfriend. MiracleMan, you have your twin brother's old position as head of Green. It seems that Glass2 did a good job of turning that clone of his daughter into something worth spending money on. MiracleMan make sure that KimikoBlack here draws out Shado so we will finally see his true potential. And put Indy in a recuperation chamber for the next seventy two hours. I still need him for my plans.

*KimikoBlack and MiracleMan go to Glass2. There Cobalt and Iron are fully thawed out. Both are superstrong and can are essentially are for MarvelMan and MiracleMan what Diamond is to Indy*

Glass: What I can I do for you sir?

Miracle: Make sure that these two are ready for Shado's fight with my brother. They are going to make sure that thosetwo fight to the death. Of course since they were soldiers in STRYFE that will make things a little difficult. he, he, he,....
*Indy stand over MarvelMan*
Indy:Arn't I a great actor!Who do you think would be scared of YOU!

*Indy gets on his cellphone*

Indy:Yeah.........aahhhh my stocks are thru the roof eh? Perfect,If I can't take this company by force then Ill take it over Ecologicaly.
*Shado looks around at his friends....
Dee: The first warrior to join him.
Zero; the man sent to arrest Dee and has changed his mind"

Protomanda: a clone of Manda that uses part of her essence

The Fairy :Another incarnation of Manda

Ninja Chan: the cousion of Indy and now on a quest to stop him

BlueBettle: the aromered hero who joined the ranks.

Car :Shado's car and Magical AI built by Dee and BB

And now Nova is gone.....
Shado thinks to himself....."What is happening? Why is this happening, but in his heart he truly knows the answer.

Shado "Alright ladies and gentailmen, no more games. They have been bringing the fight to us now we need to bring it to them."

everybody looks onward to Shado.

Shado "First things first,SAVE MANDA, and return Protomanda and the fairy to her so they can become one, and she'll turn back into a little girl.

Next Stop INDY! he needs to pay for his crimes against magic and natur.

Third find this Grey person then see what he knows about this JUDGE THING.

everybody looks into there own souls to see what they can become......we are much more then Cells and water. We have purpose and we must never forget that!

It's Showtime, people!"

END OF CHAPTER FOUR! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Shado walks into his Room and pulls out and old Creat with a black and red ribbion on it.
The red one was Kimiko's and his was the black. He opens the creat and pulls out a black tights made of kevlar and puts them on, then he pulls out a pair of Adimantium and Carbon Mythril Shain and Knee guards on. He puts on a pair of black wide leg jeans on and a 42in waist belt so it hangs down.

He tapes his hands with the Black and Red ribbions. He puts on a red T shirt and puts a Black hoodie on. but keeps the hood down. He picks up the Two swords that were used to fight NINJA CHAN the broken one he puts in a sheath in the Shin guards. The Good sword he puts behind his back. He colapisas the Weapon Kimiko's sprit entrusted him with in his jeans.

he wals over to a mirror and pulls out a cliper and cuts his hair a half inch from his head and buzzes threelines on each side of his head. He puts a set of special gogles on that BB and Dee made for him. He grabs a Black Lambskin Trench coat out of the Creat.....a coat made for him by Kimiko. It has a Puerto Rican flag on the back and a yin/yang on the collar.

He opens a pocket and finds his old pair of Shades in there. He puts them on.......
Before he leaves he picks up that old broken hockeystick that he defeated that Monster with, and buts it in his jeans by his other weapon.........

but before he leaves he stops and says
"Nova wherever you are i forgive you....I just pray that this is my second chance and i get to save Manda.......Thankx for letting me know. I always carried the guilt....but i hope that you forgive yourself."

Shado exits the room to be greated by his friends who look at him in disbelife.

Dee "Shado...that you?"

Shado "Yup."

Chan "Nice look, a girl could get used to it."

Shado "This is a last magic....just my fighting sprit"

Chan blushes......

Shado "Dee, get the airship ready, were going after Manda and we need to save her, and stop indy!"

Dee "yes."

As the heroes board the airship, it's powerful engines turn and combust as it starts to float skyard.

Shado "Manda, i won't let you down."
The screen fades to black as the viewers are finally jazzed about the big battle happening.
The scene now takes place on the Indian Ocean. A military helicopter is flying overhead, and we soon shift into the cargo hold. Manda is in a coma on a hospital bed, though there are no signs of a fight. Grey approaches with a strange sadness on his face.
Grey: "Oh, gifted child."
He brushes his hand through her hair.
Grey: "It is a pity that you were born to such terrible people. They might have been my end, and you might be, too. You have such a talent within you, yet you can't live because you could destroy my grand vision. If only you were my daughter, then we could be the rulers of a new Utopia."
Blue walks in with an equally sad face, having overheard him.
Blue: "Grey, we are approaching Tri-Temple 1."
Grey: "Finally."
Grey put his right hand up above Manda's face, and a soft, white mist appeared from his hand. Manda barely opened her eyes and regained consciousness.
Grey: "Manda, dear, we are near your 3rd to last destination. I've made sure it would be the good one, since good must come before evil."
Manda started to speak, but she still seemed to have some weakness.
Manda: "mmm... You... bastard... You... bigot... No matter... what you take from me,... you will never get... what you want."
Grey: "You only think that because you have been raised on only one side. I shall grant you a privilege your parents didn't have, though. You will live long enough to see some of the results."
We exit the helicopter, and get a view on the temple. At first, it looks like a dead whale. Once the helicopter shot it, the whale made a small explosion and was there no more. Bubbles started coming up, then we can see a small sun appearing from beneath.
As the temple comes up, it is a mixture of European churches, Roman structures, and Stonehenge all combined to make one superstructure. The sun on top lights up and a brilliant halo surrounds the temple. The helicopter lands on a helipad just outside the entrance. Grey, Manda, and Blue step out, though Manda doesn't have any restraints.
The pope comes out, welcoming Grey's long awaited arrival.
Pope: "Welcome to my new home. It is merely a small symbol of how much I love the Lord, but it is the greatest one on Earth."
Grey: "We thank you for your kind welcome, and hope that our works will please Him greatly."
The pope beckons the group to come inside. Grey and Blue enter with Manda following them.
When they are out of earshot, Blue asks Grey: "Why must you talk that way to him? He serves us, not vice versa."
Grey: "This is true, but I must be kind to him and give him the respect he deserves in order to keep good ties between us."
Blue: "But we don't need such good ties! have you forgotten about our true mission?"
Grey: "No, I have most certainly not forgotten, but even in total balance, there must be one pure representative of each side. I want him to be my representative of good."
Blue: "Even so, such a privilege must be reward enough."
Grey: "Let me clarify. If he is to represent good well, his master must be good to him as well. Yes, there will be those who do evil to him, but he can easily deal with the lesser ones. Harshness from me might ruin it."
Blue has more questions, but he thought it best to shut his trap, judging by Grey's tone.
Grey: (more to himself than others) "Indy has proven quite useful. I would have made him a good spy, but his apparant betrayal distracts any others who might interfere. Shado seems to be quite taken with you, Manda. Why is that?"
Manda does not answer.
Grey: "Well, answer me, witch!"
Manda: "I thought you only wanted my purification. I'm sticking to that."
Grey slapped Manda on the cheek.
Grey: "Regardless of how important you are, you're still a kid, so you'll act like one. I don't want any fake heroine stuff from you."
Pope: "Is there a problem?"
Everyone but Manda is surprised by the pope's sudden appearance.
Grey: "I... got angry with Manda, but I'll try not to in the future."
The pope did not answer to this(I don't know how he'd react to it). Instead he told them to wait for him. As he approached, Blue whispered to Grey.
Blue: "You'd better calm down a bit. You don't want anything to cloud your judgement during the ritual."
Grey: "Right. Thank you, Blue"
*Indy watches Grey viva earing cam on Manda*
Indy:Talk all toy want dick,without me your ass would be grass and Shado would of smoked it

*Indy enters a small room containing a warrior suit*

Nova:You wouldn't do that to your own cousin would you?

Indy:We're not blood related,I'd screw her if I wanted to

Nova:Chan doesn't deserve the family star suit

Indy:aaahhh yes,25 members of my family killed because of this cursed suit....fitting punishment for her...

Nova:Your sick,you know who ever wears that costume becomes a ruthless worrior!

Indy:Leave or ill call the guards and we both know our powers are cancelled in this room,you did built it didn't you?

*Nova leaves in the shadows while Indy thinks*

<Indy's thoughts:Ninja-Chan,get ready for your last fight>

*As the heroes fly in the air,they're ship is attacked by Indy*
Dee:Thats impossible!!! Its so high Indy wouldn't beable to breath!

Chan:Me and Zero will stop him


*Zero slams his board over Indy's head,Indy's arm exstends and smashes Zero into the wall,Ninja-Chan slashes Indy's face and shows its a robot*

Chan:So,My cousin just made you!!

Robo-Indy:And just for you.....huh....

Chan:What do you mean!?

*The robot's chest cavity opens to revealve a black suit,it attack Chan*

Chan:Wha!? No it can't be!!!

Robo-Indy:Yes its the Star-suit!!

*Chan and The suit fuse together,Chan comes out wearing a colden armor with 2 swords and black suit* can't be......No!!! Indy you bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Chan destroys the robot and nearly chops off Zero's head,the swing of the 2 sword causes the glass-doors to shatter*


Chan:Ill tell you when...we land

*Chan leaves to her quarters*

Dee looks back at Shado.
Dee "what are we gonna' do about this?"
Shado "Hmmmmm.....let's keep on a path on Indy."

BlueB "Zero are you alright?"
Zero "Yeah board is bent again."
BlueB "I'll take care of it! Trust me."

Blue goes to the R&Droom in the lower decks and pulls out all the junk that he has found over the course of his adventuer. Now it is time to show my true skill.

On the upper Deck Protomanda talks to Shado.

PManda "Shado i can fell Manda's pressence. We are way off course."

Shado "I know."

PManda "Then why are we going this way?"

Shado "Something is beconing me to Find Grey's and Indy's base. I need to Find Marvel! I sence a familiar presence"


Shado "yeah i know i don't like it either, But you trusted me before Manda."

PManda "We still do."

Shado "First we finish Indy, destroy the base and there Genetic experiments. Then we Go after Gray and Manda, and who knows we might find Nova and Marvel on the way."

PManda "Aggred."

Dee "Shado I'm putting the Ship in stealth mode."

The ship goes translucient and the engines cooling stealth mode kicks in.

Dee "That handels the Technology end, but now for the magic end."

Dee's yellow body starts to float as his eyes tuen blue......"NIMO KAN ZEM HADO!" The ship vanishes from all exicitance. But they are still there.

Dee "After using all the data tracks left in Indy's various transmissions I've detected the transmission signal......and we are on his ARSE!"

Shado "Good"

As they approch his base thay see the vastness of his base......The ship is Cloked from all technology and and Magic!

Shado "Alright crew, Zero,Protomanda,Fairy,and Ninja Chan, lets go!"

shado walks to Chan's room "tellme when we get on the base.We need to use our ninja skills to enter stealthly."

Chan "Fine."

The heroes depart from the ship...and appera on the outside hull of Gray's air base.
Dee,BB,The Car stay on the airship cloaked just in case.

Shado "Chan, tell me what is wrong now?"

*Chan and shado enter her room,the room is destroyed and neerly everything in shreads*
Shado:.......Did you do this!?

Chan:yes and its the fault of this suit!!


Chan:200 years ago my ansestors bought the suit from a retired worrior,unfortunly the man wouldn't give his swords away so my anserstor killed him


Chan:before the worrior can die he placed a curse on this suit,now who ever wears this suit will not only be trapped in it forever but will become an unstoppible worrior,not even he or she can stop

Shado:Man,what a powerful suit!But how did Indy get hold of it

Chan:Well after my grandfather died thanks to this suit,Indy got by the please(takes out some armcuffs) put these on me untill we see Indy,I want to give him my vengence


*Shado puts the armcuffs on Chan making her arms are incapible*

Chan:Lets go...

*Chan leaves her room*

Shado:Man....Indy you'll pay...
Zero: Guys, I've got an idea. I'm gonna go first, and distract the guards, which will allow you guys to get in, hopefully they'll just capture me for info, but if not..."
Zero kisses Chan on the lips, and runs off.
Chan: "..."
*Indy watches The team split to find him and Manda*
Indy:Well,looks like its time to play elimination!

*As Zero runs into a room the doors locks, he turns around to see a larger version of the robo-spiders*

Zero:Well no machine gun can get me

*Zero jumps out of the way cause the spider sprayed sulpheric Acid*

Zero: Oh great!

*Back with the others Ninja-Chan can hear Indy's laughter*

Chan:I got to go<she breaks the armcuffs>

Dee:You could of broken out of those cuffs??

*Chan fallows the laughter to a red room,Indy is holding a similar Katana as Chan*

Indy:well,its the final battle,but it will take you as long as it did to get here just to get to Grey!

*Indy throws a switch with turns off the gravity,Indy flies into Chan.Chan and Indy's swords collide with a loud CHING*

Chan:You maybe family but I will kill you for what you did to me!

Blu and Dee make their way down one of the halls...
BB o you ever get the idea that they don't take us seriously?

Dee:What do you mean?

BB:I mean they treat us like sidekicks...It sucks.

Dee:Well aren't we?I mean we are tiny bald guys that come in wierd colors.

BB:Hey speak for yourself I have plenty of hair!

Suddenly behind them is there is a tapping and BB turns to see a giant robot clown.

BB (completely deadpan):See!?!

Zero blocks the acid with his board, and it's not even damaged. "God bless you, BB!"
"360 Grinder!" and the robo-spider is destroyed. Zero sees Marvelman. Hey, you!
Miracleman: Huh? me?
Zero: Yeah, you!
Miracleman: Oh, you have me mistaken me for my brother, Marvelman, I'm Miracleman.
Zero: No difference, you're still scum to me!
Zero attacks with a Japan Air, but Miracleman sidesteps and kicks Zero into the wall. 20 guards arrive.
Miracleman: Put him in a cell, we'll quetion him later. What's that?, the others have confronted Indy?! This should be quite interesting."
*As The no gravity fight continued it shows that Indy and Cahn equal!*
Chan thinking<How come Indy is able to block my attacks,with the suit I should be more better,no don't think that way NC,I'll let the suit take over>
Indy:Your wondering why I can block your attacks? Well you'll find out

*Indy attacks but Chan hit Indy,Chan rips off Indy's clothes*

Chan<oh my god,he's naked!>

*As Chan looks she see's Indy is wearing a worrior suit same as hers*

Chan:What the f--k!?

Indy:Well,time for the truth,there were 2 suits actually!! Think of it,me controlling the world!!

*Chan jabs but doesn't hit anything*

Chan:I rather be the most cursed Ninja in the world then be your partner!!

*Chan jabs again but gets her sword gets stuck in the wall.Indy jumps on the sword and trys a kick to the jaw but misses Chan*

Chan:Im not going to fall for that one again!


Zero is thrown into a cell.
Miracleman: See this screen, here Zero?
Zero looks at the screen, it turns on, and shows the battle between Indy and Chan.
Zero: Chan!
Miracleman: Enjoy watching your friends die, Zero.
Miracleman snickers as he walks away
BB is being is being squashed under the giant floppy shoe of the evil robot clown.

Dee is leaping all over dodging gun fire and basically getting large holes shot into everything.

BB ee!You thinking what I'm thinking?

Dee:No way this thing is that stupid.

BB:We won't know unless we try!

Dee runs in a circle around the robot as it keeps firing and tehn the floor begins to creak and finally gives way.BB and the robot fall through the floor but BB activates his
wings and flutters back up.

Dee:Indystar has one wierd sense of humor.

BB:You're tellin' me I'm the one it stepped on.

Dee:Where do you think it landed?

Far below...

Miracleman looks up.

Miracleman:Oh S#!+!!!

The clown lands on Miracleman, which knock the keys out his hands while he was leaving.
Zero: Gotta...Reach....those....damn....
keys......GOT THEM!
Zero unlocks his cell and goes over to Miracleman who was knocked unconcious. Zero finds his keycard and takes it.
Zero walks over to a computer terminal.
"Now to find Manda" Zero runs the keycard through the slot and activates the comp.
A map appears, Zero types find Manda
the computer shows her cell, which is quite far away, he prints the map, and realizes it's way to guarded to get there alone, so he heads to the battle above.
*As Indy and Chan continue to fight,smoke seeps from the ground*
Chan:What is that?

Indy:<sniff>...Its Sleeping powder!! and very strong stuff!!

Chan:Indy,you trying to put me to sleep backfired

Indy:I didn't do this! If I had a trap for you,I would be in another room!!

Grey UH Indy,I planned it,now to make you 2 useful

Indy:...can' bitch....Grey!!

*Indy and Chan fall uncounsious,Diamond enters the room to pick Chan and Indy up*

Diamond:Now the real fun begins father...HAHAHAHAHA!

Zero makes it up to the battle, to see Chan and Indy being picked up by Diamond.
Zero: What the..., I thought Diamond worked for Indy? Well, it doesn't matter, I'm gonna save Chan!
Zero leaps forward, but is stopped by Shado.
Shado: You don't stand a chance against Diamond, so don't fight her, you'll only get killed.
Pmanda: Shado, you and I can defeat Diamond if we work together.
Shado: ALright, lets end this here and now!
Shado and Pmanda leap forward for battle while the rest look on.
Zero: Shado, i found Manda's cell. It is on the upper decks of the ship."
Shado: "Then thats where we'll head next."

Protomanda "First we need to take care of Diamond. Shado I have been givin great power over magic and i can cast a spectrem of colored attacks. If we are gonna save Chan then we better stop her now!"

Shado "Protomanda, can you sence Manda's pressence on this ship?"

Pmanda "No...thats strange....cause Zero said that she was here.....! WAIT....I FEEL HER...she is not on this ship at all!"

Zero "Huh? where is she then?"

Pmanda "At some kinda' shrine...i sence no maloius in the place a goodness is around her...she is safe for now."

Shado "Then what is the trouble that i fell in my heart....something familiar in this blasted ship? I'll have to worry about that later."

As Diamond starts to exit the room Protomanda stands in front of the door blocking the way of Her escape. Diamond stands there with a grin on her face.

Diamond "You were made by Indy to replace me. He gave you my strength and power. Yet you hang with this group of pathetic adventuers?
There is no way that you shaire the same genitic code with me!"

Diamond drops Indy and Ninja Chan on the ground........."YOUR MINE NOW WITCH!"

As Pmanda gets ready for Diamonds blow Shado appears out of nowhere.

Shado "They don't call me shado for nothing."

As he is talking Diamond is flying at them With a fierce punch, and slams Shado in the jaw!........But his face does not move he looks directly into Diomands eyes........ She stagers back as if almost affraid of him. She has never in her life seen a warrior stand after a blow like that.

Yet Shado starts to bleed a little out of his mouth. Protomanda is even in shock as Shado whipes the blood from his lip.

Shado "Nice punch, but you still lack disicpline!"

Dimond "How did you?"

Shado "Ya see I'm not as weak as you think.....Kimiko and I trained for this, until yeaserday when i went to her grave i started to relize that this was the moment that we trained for......We beat our bodies so that we would not beat are arms in the wind aimlessly, like a man trying to grab air,,,,,we trained so that we could master our selves and i am only now starting to belive that."

Shado moves his head to the side as Protomanda lets loose with a Green energy shot that catches Diamond off guard......pushing her back. Shado runs in pursuit and runs up her chest and delivers a kick to her face!

Protomanda follows up with a Red fire pillar that engulfs Diamond.

Diamond "You think that will stop me?"

Diamond slips past Shado and Grabs Pmanda and throws her into Shado as they slam into a wall and break a Liquid nitrogen generator.......

The lights start to slowly flash in the room.

Protomanda gets back up and builds up a yellow sand blast and launches it at Diamond Shado once again appears behind Diamond and pushes her into the blast.

Blue Bettle and Dee finaly make it to the room to see Shado and Protomanda taking on Diamond at the same time.

Blue and Dee "What the...?"

as Diamond is relling back from the Yellow sand blast Shado follows it in and attacks with a furry of Punches whic each on id Blocked by Diamond, however each blow that is blocked still inflects some kind of damage to her hands and forarms.

the gages are starting to warm up...the liquid nitrogen that cooled the tubes is starting to dissapate. The Tube that held Kimiko is starting to thaw and her mind is starting to function again........her eyes move, "SSSHHHHAAAADO." as a tear freezes on her cheek.


Shado and Protomanda are taking out the trash as Dimaond starts to waver......

Diamond "You think that you can keep me at bay....?"
Diamond trys to punch Shado again this time he throws her arm to the side and shoves her back.

Shado "Looks like i can keep you back."

Then Shado hears it "SSSHHHHAADO." He stops he attack and stops Then Diamond strikes and pummels him. Not stoping hitting as the sound of herd flesh bounding tender meat is heard....

Protomanda "Shado I'm coming", Protomanda grabs Diamond and Suplexis Her on the ground and Picks up Shado...

Pmanda "You still with us?"
Shado "I....'m still here and so is she....."
Pmanda "Who?"
Shado "Kimiko!"
Pmanda ".......?"
Shado "Hold Diamond off I need to go to her"
Pmanda "Fine,but I'll need Bluebeetle, Dee, Zero and The Fairy to give me a hand i think that with our combined power that we could win!"

Shado "Do it! I was sent here for a reason........I must Find Kimiko to see if it truly is her."

Shado runs down the hall and the warriors start to battel again.
Zero grabs Chan and moves her away from the battle.
Zero: Stay down you're hurt.
Chan: You're back...
Zero: I know..stay here and don't move.
Zero races back to fight, more determined than ever.

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