Cowboy Bebop


12:30 a.m. Sounds off!
Ranma 1/2
Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing
Iria: Zieram the animaton
Armitage III
Cowboy Bebop
Tenchi Universe Season II
Organous Crisis 1
Organous Crisis 2
Organus Crisis 3
Organous Crisis 4
Organous Crisis 5
Organous Crisis 6
Organous Crisis 7
Organous Crisis 8
Organous Crisis 9
Organous conclusion
Anime K..C.. oh damn it that okie stuff where you sing

Pictures from Cowboy Bebop, one of my personal faves.


Mostly promo art... but very cool.

I admit it I'm a Faye fan.


Spike and Faye


Cool full cast pic


Spotlight on Ed.. or just hanging out on a streetcorner,You decide


Ready to kick some ass.

The perfect anime... and that's the watered down censored cartoon network crap. This show is amazing... I can't even describe just watch the damn thing and you'll see.

It has action, comedy (like the episode where Ed decided to see if mushroom's where safe to eat by testing them on everyone else first,resulting in a very stoned Jet discussing the meaning of life with his bonzai trees), suspense, and good old mystery.

I have to give it a perfect ten. Watch it. Do it. Now if you can.

See more kick ass Bebop pics, AND bigger versions of these at this site.