Organus Crisis 3


12:30 a.m. Sounds off!
Ranma 1/2
Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing
Iria: Zieram the animaton
Armitage III
Cowboy Bebop
Tenchi Universe Season II
Organous Crisis 1
Organous Crisis 2
Organus Crisis 3
Organous Crisis 4
Organous Crisis 5
Organous Crisis 6
Organous Crisis 7
Organous Crisis 8
Organous Crisis 9
Organous conclusion
Anime K..C.. oh damn it that okie stuff where you sing

It's time to bake the doughnuts... no wait that isn't right...

*Manda wakes up hooked to medical equipment and stapped to a bed*
Manda:What did you do to me?

Indy:Nothing,I just did some resurch on you,I didn't cut you open,But I found something very odd.


Indy:Well your genetic make up and powers are alot similar to they're both a perfect match,its like your both the same person! Nova is very good with genetics

Manda:What are going to do with me?

Indy:Nothing......I wouldn't want to harm the bait!!!

*Indy leaves Manda strapped to the bed*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Grey's footsteps can be heard behind the door. Though Indy has expressed negative feelings towards him, when he is near, he is afraid of what may happen to him. Grey opened the door ever so slightly.
Grey: "Have you finished with the girl, yet?"
Indy: "Yes, sir. The DNA is identical to that of Diamond's."
Grey: "Good. In that case, we have no need for her, anymore. You are to be commended for your good work, and even more for your good acting."
Indy: "Acting?"
Grey: "Nevermind. Proceed to your quarters. I will come to you later."
Indy: "Yes, sir."
Indy quickly ran out of the room, while Grey slowly advanced to Manda.
Grey: "Don't worry, Manda. Soon, your absence will become the key in a new era of human salvation.'
At that time, he checked for anyone around the room. Seeing no one, he returned to his last form.
Judge: "Our island temples are on the verge of completion, and when they are, you will be the most important girl history has ever known."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Manda concentrates thinking of Shado and the others,If there were only some way for her to contact her.......*

Dee "We got to help Manda!"

Nova "Didn't you hear what i said that she can help herself!"

Shado looks at Nova "Hey,look he is just worried about her, like the rest of us. I don't know your angle in all this but she is still a little girl. She might have the power to stop Indy but it seems like she may be to scaired to!"

Nova thinks about it, "That may be true but when and if it comes down to it she has the power to stop him."

Shado nods "I under stand, i just hope it won't come down to that. She is just a child and does not need that on her mind."

Dee "yeah, Nova! Shado is right we need to help Manda"

Zero "Look, Dee, I think that your right too.
let's get this show on the road."

*Shado starts to see black and the others run toward him asking if he is all right but he can't hear them........
Every thing goes black in Shado's head. He hears a voice, then another voice the darkness is filled with a loud quiet! Then stars appear with comets flying by.

Shado "Where am I?"

Shado sees a something it is a bit hazey but it clears up.

Shado "Manda?"

Manda "Hi Shado, how are you?"

Shado "Why are you asking about me, i should be there helping you like i did that night we first met. I'm sorry....

Manda "Don't be you showed me the compasion that is in your heart, your not cold to the world, you still have fellings as does Dee, BlueBeetle, and Zero."

Shado "Manda, thanks......but i'm not letting you down, Nova has infused you with massive power, but we still need to stop Indy also"

Manda "I know Shado, You can stop him, you also have great power, you can stop Indy cold you just have to find it IT IS IN YOU SHADO!"
I have to go now I'm hidded high and far away, find me, Shado."

Shado "Manda, I'll find you.....I promis you"
*a tear runs down Shado's cheek as Manda slowly fades away.....

*Shado wakes up to see Dee and BB getting ready to blast music in Shado's ears. "Ahem!"

Dee and BB stop and look at shado at point at each other..."IT WAS HIS IDEA!"

Shado "Guys we are going back to MOLETREE!"

Dee "for what?"

Shado "Your air ship!"

*Shado explains what happened to him in the blackout, and lets every body know Manda is fine.

Zero "let's stop INDY!"

Nova sences a greater evil out there and he knows Indy is nothing compaired to it!
he knows that this "JUDGE" person is a greater threat.
Dee "MoleTree is a good distance away."
Shado grins ,"Not to worry guys I got a little surprise back at my house!"

*The team of adventuers arrive at Shado's house and enter the Carhold!

Zero "so what is under the tarp?"

Shado "Our transportation!"

Dee "SWEET!"

Shado "Introducing the classic 84' chevy Celebrety AKA: THE GHETTO MOBILE! that's right people a 308v8 Rear wheel drive 400hp
leather cow interior, 15inch wheels And it get 30miles a gallon."

Zero "yeah i think that will get us there!"

Dee "Bou remember, MoleTree is an Anit-Tech colony there is no way that car is getting in,but at least it will get us there!"



Zero " This is going to be a long trip!"
Meanwhile, back at the meeting room under the TV station, Grey is conducting another meeting, but now the only other person is Glass.
Grey: "Glass, you say you have some good news for me you could only show here?"
Glass: "That's right, sir. Your Digital Training World is complete!"
Grey: "Remarkable! I thought you were just 50% complete.
Glass: "I reminded the men what you did to the last failure, and they suddenly became very eager to work."
Grey: "Good. Has it been tested yet?"
Glass: "Unfortunately, no one has dared to. The moon and planet depend on each other, since the moon orbiting it also provides the program. There are very few who have improved work performance after they found out."
Grey: "That's why you shouldn't have told them that!"
Glass: "I'm sorry."
Grey: "Your mind exactly matches your name. Anyway, it needs to be tested by someone strong in both mind and body."
Grey raises his hand, and a strange symbol appears on the back of it. It showed an angel holding both a bloody sword and a golden shield.
Grey: "Green, respond"
Green: "Yes, Grey"
Grey: "Assign your second in command to take over the military. You will have a series of important tasks for some time."
Green: "After that battle in the streets, I thought so. He's been prepared since that time."
Grey: "Excellent. Your first task is to investigate the newly completed DTW. There will be technicians there to set the level for you."
Green: "At once."
The symbol disappears, and Grey wears a furious face.
Grey: "I can't have someone in my order who can't have his workers at constant effort. You will pay for your lack of leadership."
Grey raised up his left arm. Glass started to feel warmer by the second. He took off his labcoat to cool down, but it was not enough. Soon, he started to melt away like the glass his name was based on.
Grey pressed a button near his chair.
Grey: "Gold, Blue's busy, so I need you to alert Glass's crew that they need a new leader."
Gold: "Right away, sir."
Soon after, a strange hiss was made near Indy's door, and it could only mean one thing. There was a bright flash of light and Grey was soon in the doorway.
Grey: "Sorry for the long wait, Indy. But it gave you time to reflect on Mindy. I want a detailed report.
Indy:Well after studying Manda's blood and tissue,I have come up with 1 salution....Manda and Diamond are exactly the same!

Indy:Well they have the same power,DNA structure,its like Manda and Diamond are the same person!! The only difference is Manda is too young to control full power,maybe in 2 years but right now she would not only go insane but kill herself if she used 100% of the power

Grey:So in other words...

Indy:She's the perfect weapon!!!

*Indy leaves the room leaving Grey alone*

Grey:The perfect weapon....quite interesting..
*Manda wakes up in a formal restraunt dressed in the most expensive dress she's seen,Indy is sipping wine*
Indy:AAAAAHHHH your awake! I thought you would wake up later but no worries

*Manda tries to open the window*

Indy:I wouldn't do that If I were you,we're so High up that you'd die before you landed on the ground!

Manda:So,where are we you kidnapper

Indy:Why Molltree of course!!Well not there,were heading there!

Manda:Why Moltree?

Indy:Well other then your friends are going there,Your fathers fortune is in there and I need the combo!


Indy:Well You don't have to,The lock is activated by your finger prints!

Manda:Well you said Diamond was like me,why don't you use her!?

Indy:She may have the same powers and DNA Manda but she doesn't have your fingerprints.

*The server brings in a lobster,2 Steaks and lots of Sushi*

Indy:Now eat up,it maybe your last meal!
BB smiles from the passenger seat of the ghetto mobile as it thunders down the highway.
BB:So whats the big deal with Molletree anyhow?

Zero: (from the cramped backseat)I- h-eard thats were Manda's familykeeps their fortune...

BB smiles as an evil thought occurs to him.

BB:Shado pull us over.


They stop the car and BB hops out a small can in his hand,he empties the can into the gas tank and hops back in.

BB:This superunleadednitro gas will get us there in minutes...I have a plan.If we can get Dee and I into the safe with this (Lifts up a huge deivice that he bought at the store)Lock pick we can replace Manda's fortune with this!(Lifts up recolored monopoly money)


Shado:Uhhh are you sure Indy won't notice the difference?

*Shado looks at Zero and Nova with a blank look.*
Shado "They may be smart but sometimes they aren't too fast."

BB "Hey, trust me"


Zero rolls his eyes.

*Shado gets his ride in gear, and thunders down the road.........
Meanwhile Nova thinks to himself and wonders if this group is worthy of the path that they are on, but then just puts the thought in the back of his head.He also thins about Shado, he seems to be an eternal opitmus, this could be good or bad.
About Ten mins later Everybody sees signs for MoleTree. "ANTI-TECH community no electronict or modern devices allowed, THAT MEANS CARS TOO!"
Shado "allright guys we are getting close. Dee we need to disguise you so that you can sneek inside, BB you need to conceal that armor of yours, anybody now any good magic or have a desguise?"

BB "ARMOR BIO TRANSFORM" Bluebeetle's armor looks almost like a real beetle. "How is this?"

*Dee pulls out a can of blue spray paint and uses it on himself! "There on I'm a blue devel!"

Zero "This guy boilt an airship, are you sure?"

Dee "Once we get to the gates we have to prove that we have magic or look like something magical. Blue and me got that down you all will have to show your magic."


Shortly they pull up to the gates of Moletree. Alright here we go.

Guard "All who enter must state there name and powers."

*BB walks up to the guard and starts to fly.
"I have Magical Strength and lifts the guard in the air"

GUARD "Put me down and Enter"

Nova walks over and His eyes glow white.

Guard "enter I see your strength in magic"

ZERO "360 GRINDER!" zero performs the dreaded 360 grinder attack! The inhumanly impossible move!

Guard "Hmmm you are blessed with a Magical Skateboard? WOW! Please enter!"

Dee steps up.......the guard looks at him funny.

Guard "A blue devil? you related to a Yellow devel?"

Dee "Yeah that good for nothing Dee, he tries to buils junk whe our mom told him not to mess with that stuff......I'm here with my friends to get his junk from this lovely place."

Guard "Alright enter"

*Shado steps up.......

Guard "Well mister what can you do?"

Shado just looks at him.

Everybody starts to stair at Shado. Does shado have magic or is he just a fighter?

*Shado thinks to himself: I promised that i would never use my powers again, Mom, Manda needs me please........I'm sorry that i have to go back on it but it will only be a small display of it. I won't use it again....Only when it is really needed like you said.

Guard "Well?"

*Shado starts to crackel with energy as his body starts to sway in the motion and stance of a Dragon, Then Shado stops.

Shado "I'm no longer to permit you to see anymore."

Guard "........p...p...please....en...enter"

Shado "ThankYou."

Everybody just looks at Shado........
"C'mon guys we gotta get to Dee's house."

They all move foward.......

Guard mentally contacts somebody.......
"He is here...the one that was spoken of"
Dee- "Let's split up into two groups. Shado and I shall retrieve the airship and blu and Zero you look fo rthe safe."
Zero- "Why is he leading all of the sudden?"

Dee- "This is my territory and I know it better than any of you."
**Dee turns around and trips over a a piece of wood. Everyone looks and smile; they cheese at Dee.**

Blu- "You know your way around??????"

Shado- "Let's move out we can't stay here long."
**Indy w/Manda tied up, spies from the corner.**

Indy- "Hmm. They are spliting up I don't like that. I want to follow Zero, but I also want to follow Dee to his ship. I know..."
**Moments later**

Shado- "This where you lived, where would you build an airship???"
**Shado looked shocked at the tiny house that looked like it only had one room.**

Dee- "Here."
**Dee and Shado enter a basement where it looked it spanned for several miles.**

Dee- "Here it is. All I need to do is put these computer chips in the switch board. There!"
**The ship lights up and starts to hover.**
Shado- "Let's find the others."

Indy- "Not so fast. Thanks guard."
**Indy gave the gaurd a couple hundred dollars.**
Indy- "Hand over the ship."
Dee- "The hell I will, that's my life's work.
Shado "Where's Manda?!?! Answer me!!!"
Indy- "She is in a much need place."
**Dee and Shado looked at each other and thought to themselves~the safe~. How are they gonna warn Blu and Zero.**
Blu and Zero make their way through the small town.
BB:I was hoping Dee would come wih me to do this your kinda big...but oh well.

Zero:Well first we have to find the safe right?


Afew minutes later after it has been located...

BB:Okay this goes here and this should be here....Viola!Now don't close the door behind me understand?

Zero nods.


Blu walks into the safe and Zero waits patiently by the door until he see a familiar girl walk by.


Zero runs off allowing the door to shut and lock BB in the safe.

*Shado grins at Dee. And Dee knows that Shado has a plan.
Shado "So Indy ya got a me, But this time i'm coming for you."

Dee vanishes in a flash of Black and red.
Then Shado moves toward Indy.

Indy "I've been waiting for this for a long time. Your too cocky and there is only enough room for one cocky bastard in this plot,ME!"

Shado swings at Indy, Indy blocks It and smacks Shado to the ground. "hahahaha"

Indy "look at you Shado, On the ground like a common dog, NOW DIE!"

Indy burys his foot in the back of Shado's neck and a loud snap is heard.......Shado drops to the floor.

Indy "I thought there would be more to you then That!"

*The airship starts to lift off as large bay doors open.

Indy "Dee you can't escape me that easy"

a voice frome behind says "WANNA BET?"

Indy shock and confused sees Shado standing there.

Indy "I broke your neck?"

Shado "Nope that was my Shado skill that you fought and guess what that is what i am the real Shado is in the Ship escaping, You can't stop a shadow."


Indy "I'll get you yet Shado"

Indy Pushes off Shado's Clone off of him.

SHADO CLONE "Goodbye Indy......"and sticks his toung out as he fades in the light of day.

Inside the Airship....
Shado "Dee lets get over to BB, Nova, and ZERO!"

DEE "Right"

The airship lifts off!
*BB is able to open(make that destroy) the safe door*
Zero:So how is Manda

BB:She seems ok but she hasn't made any movement or spoke when i was in there

Indy:Manda,kick BB.

*Manda gets in a fighting pose and kicks BB into a wall*


Zero:Indy what did you do to her?

Indy:She's alright,she under a hypnotic drug. She will do anything I say,Manda blast them out of here

*Manda creates a large ball of energy and blasts BB and Zero right through the wall*

Indy:Now to see Shado,lets go Manda

Manda:yes sir......

*Indy and Manda enters the jet and flys to Dee's ship*

Zero:Man,we got to tell Shado!
*Indy and the hypotised Manda board the aircraft of Dee's,Dee attacks Indy unknownely that Manda is being controlled*

Dee:Let her go Indy or I swear!!

Indy:Hm...Its not like you have the guts!

*Dee grabs a blaster and blasts Indy right through some crates*

Dee:Manda are you ok

Manda:Im ok,now hold out your hand


Manda:Please do it(Dee puts out her hand,Manda grabs it)Now relax,this may sting

*Dee is hit with 1000 bolts rendering her unconious*

Shado:Whats happening her-Manda?

Indy on't try it Shado,She's under my control

Shado:Its me,Shado!


*Manda kicks Shado and starts fighting him*

Indy:Shado,are you willing to hit Manda to stop me from taking over this plane or will you let yourself get destroyed by the girl who you charish most!?

Suddenly the side of the craft explodes and a VERY po'ed BB is floating there.
BB: Manda!Don't do this...

Manda stares blankly at him.

BB: Come on I think we both know that theres no drug that could bend you to Indy's will. Block him out Manda.

Manda comes foreward and gives BB a hug sending the electricity flowing through his body.Suddenly she screeches something is wrong.

BB:Sorry to this Manda but...

BB hauls off and slaps her hard across the cheek as his suit absorbs the electricity.Suddenly the suit begins to squeal.

BB:Too much energy...have to vent it...

BB eyes Indy and charges him taking a U turn and forcing the two of them out of the craft. Before the others can see what is happening there is a loud explosion and after several seconds nothing happens.

Shado:Are they dead?

Manda:Oh god what happened!?!
*Indy floats up holding BB by his pants which is the only thing left of his costume*
Manda:Is he ok?

Indy:Now only did the idiot try to kill me and himself,He got half the power blasted threw him,Now Manda check your neck

*Manda feels a metal divice on the back of her neck*

Shado:Ill get it off(Shado trys but gets blasted away)

Indy:Everytime you gain control Manda that little divice will inject you with the hypnotic drug

*Manda grabs her neck in pain,she then gets up,Shado's jaw drops as he see's Manda's eyes are souless*

Indy:Manda,get him

*Manda runs at Shado and puts the bearhug on him*

Indy:Manda is quite strong,but by now Shado you know that cause she's crushing your arms and ribs and back

Meanwhile, Grey is still in Indy's quarters, but right now he's wondering how anyone could put up with such bad decoration. The door is soon slammed open and a man in a blue cloak stands at the entrance.
Grey: "I'm sorry. I suppose you were expecting Indy. I'll just depart, then."
Blue spy: "No, you need to know this. I did an unsheduled check on the lab before heading to my post, and I found that, though the clone is complete, the real Mandy is gone. I've been searching every room, looking for her, in case someone couldn't afford a hooker or something."
Grey knows that only Indy could pull a stunt like this.
Grey: "I think you should have started here. Indy's famous for stunts."
Grey walked out of the room and headed toward the lab. He used the same trick used on Glass, not only to get Protomanda out, but the heat would wake her up. Not being a fool, he surrounded her with white chains for protection.
Back at the airship, the battle-ready angel appears on Indy's head.
Grey: "Indy, you are very lucky the banquet in you honor was already held. I can't transport Protomanda there because it would cause too much commotion among commoners. Get Manda out of there while I send Protomanda, escorted by a Green squad, to finish the job."
Indy hated this, of course. His big chance for glory was taken away from him, but maybe if Manda held on a little longer...
*As Indy waits in anticipation of the final doom of Shado, Indy can almost feel the pain that Shado is in and enjoys the sight so much.
Indy thinks to himself if I let her hold him allitle longer before Protomanda gets here this will be one less adventuer that i have to worry about! "CRUSH HIM MANDA!"

*Shado looks deepinto Manda's eyes, as he places his hands on Manda's cheeks.

Shado thinks back to the promis that he made to his mother........he knows that she would approve. "Manda i hope this works."
As Shado and Manda Look into eachothers eyes the room gets dark were only the two stand.

Shado "Manda you can speak freely now, I here."

Manda "Shado, you know that i would never hurt you, I just can't seem to control what is going on."

Shado "I under stand, Indy has messed with your mind and I know that this is not you.
Just remember that you are the little girl that I saved in the ally, free fo the problems that Indy has caused you."

Manda "Shado and I know who you are not a common have seen the darkness in mans hearts, but you always look for the light. You are going to be instremental in helping to save the world."

Shado "What are you talking about?"

Manda "Indy is not his own master, he is being used. There is a bigger force at work.
A dark force torn between Good and evil. Since you see both sides, you are the one you must attend to this matter."

Shado "This is funny, me save the world?"

Manda "You'll need the help of your friends too, you can't do it by your self, always remember your friends."

Shado "I understand"

Manda "My time grows short Shado, soon Indy's influence will take over my body........I have to defeat Indy's influence on my own, I'll join you soon Shado, tell everybody that i said HELLO."

Shado "........"

a tear runs down Manda's and Shado's cheek and it turns to blood. As the two fade back into reality Shado whipes the plood from his eye on Manda's cheek and Takes her blood and whipes it under his eye. There eyes glow. A small ball of light flots behind Shado's head.

GreenSquad Leader "Indy we are here, Take Manda back,Protomanda an us will clean up this mess."

Indy "........FINE.......make sure they suffer."

Green Squad "YES SIR!"

INDY "Manda releads that dog, and let's go"

*Shado drops to the ground as Manda and Indy are Teleported out of Dee's airship.

*Shado starts to stand as the rest of the adventuers go to Shado to see if he is alright. Nova sits in the back moving foward slowly to see what is going on with the mass of Green troops surrounding somebody in the middle.
Nova "hmmm...look at all the toy soldiers, i always broke my toys when i was little"

Nova starts to battle the Green Troops......
BlueB presses a button on his boxers and a new Beetle Armor surrounds him.

"I'm fighting too!" BB runs at the mass of troops and starts triping them. he flies into the air and and starts punching them in the face. "Taste the mighty fury of the beetle!
Hey anybody want salt with that?"

Dee "Shado are you alright and what is up with that little light around you?"

Light "Hello Dee.....It is me Manda, or at least part of me, This is a small projection of my energy that i gave to Shado, Right now we need to help him, I caused him pain and i need you to help him."

Shado "I'm alright....."

Zero "Are you sure?"

Shado "Yeah, just go and help them beat thoes toy soldiers."

Zero "alright,shado," nova gets on his board and Skates toaward the crowd. "360 GRINDER"
zero smacks into a large portion of the crowd.

Shado "Dee get this ship outta' here."

Dee "Right!"

Dee gets into the drivers seat, and hits the eletrostactic clutch and the ship flys away from Indy's craft.

the ship vanishes from the sight and scanners of all of Gray's and Indy's.

Indy "there gone........No matter i've got to see what Manda can do, and Grey is none the wiser of my true plot."

*Grey watches through a magic poratl....
"That's what you think Indy."

Back on the ship the battel rages on as the Adventuers takecare of the last of the Green Troops........
Then there is only Protomanda!

They all take a defencive stance.....
Nova,BlueBeetle,and Zero are ready to fight her.

Shado is holding a wall trying to gather his thoughts as Manda's Ferie floats by Shado.......and Dee is at The helm.

CHAPTER 3 Protomanda

Protomanda stands still with here green hair flowing in the wind from the balst hole on the side of the airship. She looks onwards at the team of adventuers.

Pmanda" So boys, looks like you gotta take me on. those green troops were just a little warm up for you. Are you ready for me?"

Protomanda takes a Snake stance, then motions for somebody to step foward. "C'mon boyz,who wants to get hurt first?"

Zero steps up. "Manda? is that you?"
Pmanda "Whay don't you find out Zero."
Zero "I don't want to hurt you."

Protomanda builds up a ball of green energy.
then lets it loose. Zero Ollies over the burst of energy. does a 360 spin in the air flipkicks his board in the air, grabs the board anf lunges toward Protomanda yelling "FLIP KICK SPECIAL!"

Protomanda moves like a snake and doges the attack then grabs zero by his sholder and sinks her two fingers in his arm. Stunning him......he is held there as she lifts him off the ground.

"poor little Zero, your first big assignment and you can't even hack it."

BlueBeetle charges up his armor and flies into the air shouting "IT's TIME TO MAKE THE DOUGHNUTS!" wait thats wrong.......
"BLUE STINGER" and fires a shot of blue energy at Manda but she moves Zero in its path. Zero falls to the ground.

Pmanda "Better work on that aim little blue boy." She throws the knocked out zero at Blue and the smack up agains the wall. Zero falls to the ground and Blue is stuck in the wall.

Blue "No mommy i don't want to go to school today." the he falls out of the wall.

Nova stands there with a determined look in his eyes. "........."

Protomanda "And you Nova, looks like you are the only one left to fight......poor little shado is still on his knees in the corner.
Your not so great and looks like your plan is going bust.....hahahahaha."

Nova "So you think...just keep beliving it."
Nova's eyes glow white.

They move toward each other very slowly and then start attacking Protomanda's golve has gems on the nuckles and on is glowing red and she get a hit on Nova.

Nova "i can't be hurt by red magic"
Nova hits Pmanda with a well placed kick.
she stumbles back.


Shado"I gotta help Nova..."

Ferry "Shado you can beat her, but she is a clone of me. I am a part of manda, i am the essence of her soul, only a part of it, I am your link to her."

Shado "I she all right?"
Ferry "Kind of but she needs your help, Part of her is traped in protomanda, and she needs your help."

Shado "All right I'll help her.....what do i need to do?"

Ferry "I know it is against what you think but you need to destroy her to release that part of Manda's essence."

Shado "But won't i hurt her?"

Ferry "A little, but there might be a way that you can seperate the two. Protomanda is just a killing program installed in a genetic clone of Manda and some of her life spark was placed into that clone. Just like me, i am a part of Manda."

Shado is a little puzzled by all this but can tell that she is telling the truth.


Nova and Protomanda are in a stale mate.
they are holding eachothers arms back.

Pmanda "hahahaha....give up nova you can't handel me!"

Nova " Don't be too cockie!"

Nova moves his hands in a blur and strikes her in the chest and knocks her back.
A small amount of blood pours out of her mouth and she licks it.

Pmanda "Good shot Nova, do it again!"

Nova strikes again "You will die at my hand CLONE!"

Pmanda "That's the plan!"

Nova Freezes "HuH?"


Nova stands still.......Protomanda charges all the gems on her hand to have a white gem glow on her hand "HOLY SUPERNOVA EXPLOSION!"

A flash of white energy throws Nova against the hull of the ship. Nova is on the ground then gets back up..... "How am I suppose to stop her?" Nova gets ready to fight her again. Untill Shado's hans stops his.

Shado "Nova, let me try, I think it is time to prove myself to you"

Nova looks at Shado "Fine,.....good luck."
Shado looks back at nova and nods in aggrement.

As Shado walks toward Protomanda she sees him walkin along with the ferry that is part of Manda's essence. Then a few drops of sweat roll down her cheeks. She knows what that is and is slightly frightened by it.....and of Shado now because he knows what is going on.

Shado "Time to gome out Manda, I'm coming to save you."

Protomanda freezes "How"
she turns to Escape. A flash of light appears
and Nova is blocking her escape

Nova "I know now too....You will not leave!"

Protomanda turns back around to see Shado in her face.

Shado "Time to come out Manda"

Protomanda "NOOOOOO!"

She strikes Shado in the face as his lip starts to bleed and his face stays as still as a rock. She tries to strike again But shado Blocks it this time.

Shado grabs her other hand and Looks deepinto her eyes....."STAIRE OF PENNANCE" Protomanda feels all the pain that she has inflicked on the adventuers......then she screams!

As she screams her Shadow starts to move on it's own. as it shapes into The same type of Monster that first attacked Manda in the beggining of the story.

Nova sees the slobering beast and places his pointer finger and index finger together and huns his had into its back. Turning it into dust!

Shado drops to the ground, as he does so Does Protomanda's body. The ferry says to Protomanda, Manda come out Shado saved us again. Her eyes start to open and she crawls over to the exaughest Shado.

Protomanda and the Ferry speak insynck, "Shado you saved me again, and Nova destroyed the controll factor, that evil demon. Thankyou"

Shado "Are you manda?"

Pmanda "Only a part of her, we need to be reunited with her, but the keep using me as a weapon because of the true poewr of my soul that Nova tried to point out before. I'm not what everybody thinks Nova has an idea but you know in your heart."


Ferry " yes shado you know, but are not ready yet."

Protomanda and the Ferry move in close to Shado's face "Shado thanks, Right now we will be as these forms the Ferry and Protomanda, till we are reunited with the real Manda."

Shado " I...UNDR.....STAND."

Shado passes out as a tear from protomanda and one from the ferry falls on Shado's face and his body starts to heal from his injuries he had in battel.

Shado remains unconcsious for an uncertain time. During which time, he has a dream very much like what he experienced earlier, but with more to it.
He finds himself in a very dark place, but with some spots of light glittering the room. It almost looks like space, but it was far too dark for that.
A meteor made its way toward Shado, but not very fast. Just slow enough that he could make out all of the details while it moved.
Shado stepped out of the way, but the meteor changed course. "Scanning" it, Shado found the exact center.
Shado leapt up, though there was seemingly no ground, and aimed a firy kick at the meteor's center. The two forces accelerated towards each other, both now at a tremendous speed!
The two collided and Shado's foot had indeed hit the center. Instead of shattering, however, it simply stopped there and disintegrated.
As it did, a bright light started to shine from it, and female angel emerged from it. I need not describe it, since it very easily could match the most beautiful women you've seen. As she opened her mouth, her words where like a soothing mother's.
Angel: "Shado, you must work against him, no matter what he offers you."
Shado: "Work against who? What are you talking about? The Judge?"
Angel: "He seeks for balance within humanity, but all it can bring is disaster. Humans were not meant to have such strong links with both sides, and they could not handle it."
Shado: "Balance? (thought: She must not be talking about the Judge) Who is it that would be such pain?
But his question was left unanswered, because the light within the angel had started to fade away until she was no more.
Just then, a bright comet had flown a few meters in front of Shado. It hit a planet did Shado hadn't seen, and both were destroyed. A large, booming, flaming explosion occured, and out of the smoke came a truly evil-looking thing.
Its color consisted of only black and red, with the red down the middle of the torso and sides of the arms and legs. One of its two wings could fit 3 Fat B@$t@rd$ from Austin Powers. They were very thick, and their structure put conventional devils' wings to shame.
This creature had roared as it came out from the comet's mess, with sound so thunderous that even Shado was forced to plug his ears. It too spoke, but there was much harshness in his voice.
Devil: "This balance quest of his is the perfect way to bring us to our ultimate power! With people exercises evil so freely, we will at last satisfy our bloodlust! Entire countries would collapse through internal conflict, and politics will no longer be our prime weapon.
Shado: "If you crave destruction so much, how couldn't you be satisfied when President Bush started WWIII?"
Devil: "WWIII? None but the worst of our kind could be satisfied with such minor issues!"
Shado couldn't tolerate anymore of this evil. He charged up all of his energy, and rushed toward the devil to silence it, but light had erupted from it, first a glimmer, then a the place was soon filled with a radiant glow.
The light later dimmed down, and a jumbled voice was speaking all around him. It was the ultimate surround sound, for every angle had the same voice.
Voice: "jlkasdflkj...humans...kjoiuewqn...changed...oiutbfd...worse"
Shado had a very hard time understand so little as "humans...changed...worse."
Voice: "ytcviou...must...wqoeijndf...restore...nvcbcu...beginning"
Shado (thought): "Beginning?"
Voice: wevbciuyew,"
At that time, the voice stopped. Once again, Shado could hear cries of pain and rejoicing of victory. Shado still wondered what everything meant.
Shado: "Peace between good and evil? That's not possible, is it?
Shado paused to reflect on what the angel and devil had said. There was no balance, they both agreed. There would be chaos, that too they agreed on. It was decided in his mind that it must be right.
However, and should be most obviously, they were on very different sides. One had favored this and another wanted to prevent it. On another thing, who was this one who sought such balance, decieved into thinking it could happen? The Judge should be a possibility, since he had crosses (good) made out of bones (bad).
Shado: "I've got to find that Judge!"
Unfortunately, Shado's questions were again unanswered. Everything became absolutely dark. Then, a small sliver of light appeared in the middle of his view. It suddenly filled everything he could see. The light dimmed down, and he could distinguish shapes.
Dee: "I think he's coming out of it."
Shado starts to see better and sits up.
He scratches his head and looks around.
Shado looks at every body and sees Dee looking at him, Protomanda and the Fairy
holding him, Zero standing behind Dee, Nova is off in the background, and BlueBeetle is
building something.
Dee "hey, tuff guy are you alright?"
Shado "Yeah, I guess.......wait....THE JUDGE"
Zero "You mean that guy that Indy trashed the two days ago?"
Shado "yeah,hu? Two days......How long was i out for?"
Protomanda "Almost a day."
Zero "Was it a good nap?"
*Shado gives Zero a wierd look.

Dee "So what about this Judge guy?"
Shado "The details are a little iffy, but
there is some kind of dusterbance in the
universe.......some kind of balance that is not natural to us.........Good and evil."

*Dee looks up at Zero "Did he hit his head herd when he fell?"

Fairy "Hush Dee, Shado did you have another vision?"

Shado "Yes that thing with the bone crosses,
that thing is call The Judge. We have to stop it. It is going to cause major problems.
But we might get some flack on the way."

Blue "hey, Shado i'm gald that your awake!
I got a major suprise for, Dee and I picked your car back up and brought it inside the airship, and we added a little stuff to it."

Shado ".....?"

Zero "I told them not to."

Shado "Wha'd you do?"

Dee "go talk to your car"

Shado "Hell old girl."

Car *in a girls voice "Hey Shado, I missed you."

Shado "Huh?"

Dee "I used magic and Tech."

BB "I used the spair parts from the airship,
those green troops, and some of thoes Items
from Your fight in the store."

Dee *in a gameshow voice "BUT THAT'S NOT ALL


Shado "Sure........"

Car "I can transform into your helper. Watch."

The car trans forms into a large feminan looking carbot.

Car "SO how do i look?"
Shado "Impressive!"
Car "Thanks Master"

Nova speaks up........" so Shado, looks like every thing is getting alittle mixed up now. So who do we go after first?"

Shado thinks about it for a moment.
Shado "First we need to get manda back to her trueself, Protomanda and the Fairy must mirge with Manda again, unless Indy made another clone with her essence.
Then we need to Stop Indy, find his base and destroy it. Then along the way save the world from this Judge he is......something that could end us all!"

Nova "So where do we find this Judge?"

Shado "I don't know but, Indy trashed him he may not be as tuff as i said he was.

*shado thinks to himself...(and maybe I'm a japinese fighter pilot.)
*Indy in his base is watches Shado and his friends*
Indy:Man,Dee never took off that earing? Well just 2 days and Ninja-Chan will be ready

*Indy's assistant gives him his lunch but Indy grabs her*

Indy:You know,the black tights are a great style NC

???:But the Navy is in style

Indy:So hows the Katana,is it Shado's big neck size?

???:I don't know.......I quit years ago

Indy:You owe me,fail and Grey will make sure your swimming with the fishes...

*Indy's assistant puts down the trey,she takes a 1 metre Katana and slashes Indy in on the cheek,Indy grabs the Katana and slashes her back*

???&Indy:Thank you

*Indy's Assistant leaves*

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