Organous Crisis 5


12:30 a.m. Sounds off!
Ranma 1/2
Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing
Iria: Zieram the animaton
Armitage III
Cowboy Bebop
Tenchi Universe Season II
Organous Crisis 1
Organous Crisis 2
Organus Crisis 3
Organous Crisis 4
Organous Crisis 5
Organous Crisis 6
Organous Crisis 7
Organous Crisis 8
Organous Crisis 9
Organous conclusion
Anime K..C.. oh damn it that okie stuff where you sing

Despite what the story may say my 'true skills' do not lie in skateboard.

Shado makes his way down the Hall to run into a few gards ere and there...... Shado makes quick work of them.He follows his heart to the location and walks through a set of high security dorrs that are open......Shado pays on attention to the fact that thay should have been closed.
Shado sees Kimiko in the tube...he slowly walks over to Kimiko's cold body....he sees that she is breathing very slowly.
He kneels down to hold her and wraps her in his trench coat.

Kimiko "Shado....i....knew that i'd see you again."
Shado "yeah me too....i've missed you."
Kimiko "Thanks for trying to save me and my boyfriend."
Shado "Don't worry you'll be fine i just iwish that i could have saved both of you."
Kimiko " a greater cause....I know this because I've been watching you this whole time. You....Manda.....Dee......Indy......Blue.....Zero.....and Nova.......Chan.......and Manda's essence......Bring them back together....find yourself....."
Shado "Hush Kimiko, save your strengeth......Your going to need it....."

Kimiko "There is an evil me........I've been dying since that day.......They may have saved me by freezing me but it let the beast's poision flow through this vessel......"

Shado"No...don't go....i can save you...."
Kimiko "Shado you have an important roll in the world...and the balance of good and evil"

Shado "How do you know this?"

Kimiko "A messenger told me.....but now i have to friend.....Shado...if i had the chanc...I'd do it again............."

Shado "Goodbye........Kimiko........"

Shado's tear drops onto here head as he lifts her body and carries it out of the chamber.

Shado "Your body won't rest here....your coming with me."
*Indy gets up slowly to laugh at Ninja-Chan*
Chan:I don't want to fight......

Indy: Ofcourse you want to fight,the suit urges you and it powerful.....your a danger to all,fight me you know you want to!


*Chan stabs Indy right through the stomch revealving that Indys really a robot*


Robo-Indy#2:He left hours ago,he knew you were going to be here so he left....looks like you'll never get your revenge now!

*The robot lights on fire,Chan silently pulls out her sword and in anguish smashes everything,then her sword's wave hits Zero rendering unconsious*

*Meanwhile somewhere else on the ship*
*MarvelMan sits in his cell awaiting what he thinks is an execution. What he does not know is that he is being held so that he will test Shado. MiracleMan,recovering from the clown attack, comes in to his cell.*

Miracle: It is time for you to play your insignificant role brother. Grey wants you to fight Shado now.

MarvelMan:Fine if it keeps me alive for another few minutes then I'll do that.

*MarvelMan then thought to himself I am sorry Kimiko that I did not get to avenge your death but somehow someday I will do so he then proceeded to go to the room where everyone was fighting.*

*We now return to where everyone is fighting*

Shado sees Manda

Shado: Manda what is it?

Manda: Find MarvelMan he will help you in the quest
AS Shado looks at Manda closer he sees that it is a spritual projection. The real Manda is not on this ship, Shado wonders if he is protecting her or if she is protecting him...
but that thought passes quickly as the image fades and Shado looks down at Kimiko's body in his arms, she is growing colder, but he still remembers the fun in life they had.....
Kimiko and Shado are practicing in a dojo.
Shado with Nunchuks and Kimiko with her staff, they pause and Kimiko says,"Shado, if i die doing this, will you remember all the good times we had together?"

Shado pauses "Of course. Always!"


Shado, lost in thought aimsly walks down the hall.....

Chan kneels down and lifts Zero's head.

Chan "Zero, are ya still in there?"

Zero "Huh?....Anybody get the number of that wrecking crew?"

Chan Pulls out a short dagger and runs a slow cut on Zero's cheek....

Zero "Is...I....I thought you had a thing for Shado?"

Chan "Kinda'......but your strange and intresting, I usualy go for the strong fighter type who helps me out.....For once I get to help out the man.....It is Quite intresting."

Zero "What are we going to do about INDY?"

Dee and Bluebeetle are blasted backwards from one of Diamonds Blasts!

Diamond "So,CHAN, that wasn't Indy? Well looks like i'm going to find him before you do."

Protomanda "Not if i have anysay in that!"
Pmanda connects a solid blow to Diamonds Frohead and makes her stagger!

Pmanda "This ends now!"

Bluebeetle and Dee get back up and stand by Protomanda. Ninja Chan and Zero follow suit.


Bluebettel's armor golws white in the gaps in his armor and his gogles glow yellow,
"BLUE ROCKET" afterbruners come out of blue's back as he rockes towards Diamond, and smashes her in the belly!

Dee rushes towards her "UPPERCUT MASHER" big boxxing gloves appear on dee's hands as Diamond is clutching her stomach from the "Bule Rocket", Dee hammers away at her face! then hits her with the "SHO DEE KEN!" and blasts her face upwards, just in time for her to see ZERO coming at her!

"360 grinder/ Ollie flip Kick!" which koncks Diamond back against the hull of the ship!

Then Ninja Chan follows up, "SONIC X SLASH!"
Chan moves her Kitana in a "X" formation and launches the blast at diamond and smashes her into the wall again bou this time leaving a crater in the wall.......Diamond stagers.


Protomanda "NOT EXACTLY!"

Diamond charges up to give her ulitmate attack......

But Protomanda Jets towards Diamond......
The FIARY grabs Pmanda's back and they glow as the head toward DIAMOND........
Protomanda "LIFE FORM MERGE!"
Protomanda and The Fiary mirge together and form........"NEO MANDA" as they head straight for doamond with a two fisted attack that breaks her through the hull of the ship....

NeoManda holds Diamond by her neck as they fly out of the Base.

Diamond "SO are you going to kill me?"

NeoManda " can't kill what was never truly alive in the first place."

Diamond "GASP"

NeoManda grips her neck tighter and launched Diamond toward the sea.......never to be seen again because she can't fly.

Neo Manda flys back to the ship to see her friends standing there in shock.

SHADO has entered the room with Kimiko's body, "This is why i came here, I could feel Kimiko suffering, they are all going to regret this, I MUST STOP THERE PLANS!"
he looks down at Kimiko again, but first we must bury her."
BB is rubbing his armored head.
BB:Uhh what exactly just happened?I hit her and then ya'll hit her then everything got really wierd...By the way Manda I love the new look.

Shado thinks to himself MarvelMan why did he have to show up in my life again. I know the guy taught me everything I know now but he is a freaking nut and to think that I considered that man to be like a father to me. But then again it didnt help when he caught me sleeping with his daughter. Shado laughs to himself when he thinks of that last thought. You know, I would probably go nuts to if I caught my student sleeping with my daughter. Man, those were good days. Good bye Kimiko and I hope your father can forgive me. *
* Everyone is fighting Diamond. Out of nowhere two individuals that look like MarvelMan and MiracleMan but are bald and bulkier bust into the room. *

Cobalt: You and your gang of idiots are going nowhere Shado.

Iron: Yeah, time for you to show what you can do for Grey, boy.

* MiracleMan steps into the room. Everyone, except Shado and NC, thinks its MarvelMan but with an armor and hair color change. Shado and NC know differently and know that MiracleMan is the real nut case of the two. *

Dee: Hey look its MarvelMan and he decided to join up with us! Wazzup man!

* MiracleMan slams Dee into a wall *


* Everyone looks at MiracleMan like he is a nut. *

Dee: ow, that was painful. ill remember that next time.

Miracle: Diamond your presence is no longer required. I do believe that your father is with Grey at the temple so stick with us and maybe we might have some fun!

Diamond: Sounds like a plan. I'm game.

Miracle: That's good. Long time no see Shado, old friend. This is a long way from STRYFE for you to be but you dont seem to have that girl, what was her name oh yes, Kimiko hanging all over your every word. She was a pathetic relative but what do expect of a child coming from my brother. But I think that you met her clone and well here is the real one deciding to help us out.

*KimikoBlack comes out of nowhere standing over the group. Shado doesnt know that she isnt the real Kimiko but is the clone.*

Miracle: Oh and to make this a real STRYFE reunion, we have with us your old mentor and commander, MarvelMan! Oh if you will notice the Synaptic Controlled-Automation Device on the top of his head you will realize that he is under our control. MarvelMan I want to you destroy Shado now and after that destroy all of his little friends except the ninja girl. Just incapacitate her so I can rape her later on this evening. Well, Kimiko, Diamond, and I have some errands to perform in India boys and girls so ta-ta for now. My friends, Cobalt and Iron will be staying here to make sure you fight my brother MarvelMan. Bye!

*MiracleMan and KimikoBlack leave the room. MarvelMan lurches towards Shado. MarvelMan does not seem to be thinking of his own accord and looks ready to kill every one. He speaks like he has no grasp of proper English (Think Dumb-as-a-brick Incredible Hulk).*


Shado: Not one of those Neuro controllers. STRYFE used those and they didnt work to well then and they probably dont work too well now.

BlueB: A what?

Shado: You see that thing on his head, you two?

Dee and BlueB: Yes

Shado: Well, MarvelMan cant think on his own right now and is following whatever orders MiracleMan comes up with like...

Dee: ...Kill everyone in the room?

Shado: Yeah. The only thing that is going to get rid of that thing is strong Electromagnetic pulse. Now if any of you could come up with something like that it would be a big help because MarvelMan is a lot like that old comic book character Superman. There is not much on this planet that stop him.

BlueB: Right on it boss. (Talking to Dee with backpack on ground) I need copper wire [looks in backpack] yep got that, need a AA Battery [looks in backpack] got that too, chewing gum [pulls wad out of mouth] here we go and [looks in backpack furiously] where is that duck tape? I know I had it somewhere, no thats my CD player made out old cheese and Nikes, that is some porn (better save that for later), roast beef and turkey sub (Im hungry so Ill eat that now),

For any one who is unfamiliar with this phrase for this kind of sandwich, it is those long sandwiches (also known as heroes, grinders, hoagies, and submarine sandwiches[or subs for short]) that Subway sells and are very delicious. Now back to our adventure

and here is my masking tape? This will have to do for now.

NC: Hurry up that guy looks pretty mad and I don't think he wants any of us to be living for much longer.

BlueB: Hey it takes three minutes at the max for me to finish an invention so shut your yap woman!

*NC is not to happy with that last statement but Shado holds her back*


* Shado thinks to himself I can sense so much power in that guy since our last time The only way to beat him now is if I use my magical abilities but I promised... NO this is a time where I need to use them. Sorry Mom

Shado: You want to fight you got one ******* ! Only this time I'll be using something that none of your flunkies know about Grey,

*Shado charges up DBZ style*

Shado: Come on MarvelMan, time for me to open up an industrial-sized can of whup ass on you!

As Blue beetle starts building his EMP, Shado
builds his chi...........
The new NEO Manda stands with the rest of the adventuers as they take Kimiko's body and put it down on the ground, They nod at Shado,...

Neo Manda "Shado do it we'll follow you in."

Shado "right"

As Shado's body courses with energy he starts to sway his hands in a circular motion......
his hands leave an ecoed image of his motions making it as if he has 6 hands.

Marvel throws a massive punch towards Shado, he parrys it and Motions the Hadoken move by hitting Marvel with three doubble palm punches.

Marvel does a rising knee kick, but Shado stops it and does a sweeping kick and floors Marvel, Marvel kicks Back wildly and ends up hitting Shado in the back......knocking him on the floor, Shado turns his head to see Kimiko's body again..............

A click in his head goes off.......
Marvel goes to stomp Shado's head "DIE SHADO! DIE FOREVER!"

Shado moves his leg under Marvel's foot and kicks up launching Marvel in the air! Shado leaps in the air after him, grabs him by his foot and swings him in a circle and releases him so that he hits Cobalt!

Iron "Nice moves there, but you attackes us now, so we'll stop you now."

Colbalt gets up and Marvel joins them.....

Cobalt "Shado, now we will test your power, The boss thinks your special, but we think that your nothing more then a backstreet brawler."

Shado lands back on the ground.

Shado "Blue, are you done with that EMP"

BB "Yup!"

Shado "Then use it, i don't want to hurt Marvel, he is innocent!"

Blue turns on the Bootleg EMP and Marvel falls to the ground.

Shado "Good, now we can really fight!"
Dee "We're coming too!"
Blue "My armor is ready for battle."
Zero "I'll fight this one too!"
Ninja Chan "This armor will be there defeat!"
Neo Manda "My powers are ready."

Shado "Let's school these freaks!"

Cobalt: Oh before my brother or I forget, we are very similar to Diamond. Both of us have the combined power of MarvelMan and MiracleMan along with a few minor adjustments.
Iron: Yeah like this!

*The two of them grab each others hand and a massive wave of energy overcomes them. Now where Cobalt and Iron standing were standing is a being that looks like MarvelMan but is twice as large and has white hair in the style of a Super Saiyan.*

NC: Who is that?

*MarvelMan gets up but is pretty groggy.*

Marvel: That's Steel. (falls down) Grey had all his top generals create clones of themselves. That's what Diamond was and that was what Cobalt and Iron were. But Glass made it so those two could become something alot more powerful than either me or MiracleMan. You need to use...

*MarvelMan passes out again*

Zero: You know that guy could be a big help since he seems to know an awful lot on that Grey fellow!

Dee: Who needs him he slammed me into a wall!

BlueB: I thought that was the other guy MiracleMan?

Dee: Oh yeah, I get those two confused. They look so much alike.

NC: I think that we have bigger problems than worrying (blocks a powerblast from Steel) about how MarvelMan and MiracleMan look the same.

Shado: We could use some help over here you three!

*Zero pulls out his board and goes to hit Steel with it but Steel throws him off his board and gets ready to use it on NC when Zero yells*


*Much like Thor's hammer Mjolnir, when Zero's board got repaired several modifications were made on it this was one of them. The board slams Steel in the head and he gets slammed into the wall as Zero gets his board back.*

Zero: Got to love that Blue Beetle craftsmenship!

*MarvelMan gets back up*

Marvel: Shado, you are going to need to find a way to get that thing into gamma rays Steel can't function under that kind of energy and is going to have to separate into Cobalt and Iron again.

Shado: Uh, BlueB you don't happen to uh-(blocks punch from Steel)

BlueB: That is going to take a lot more time than the EMP gun but just keep that lunkhead away from me and I can get it done in an hour!

NC: I thought it only took you three minutes to build an invention(flips over Steel and strikes his head with a hard kick)

BlueB: Heh,heh funny Ninja chick. Gamma rays are different. I have to find a way to shield not only the containment unit but myself and everyone else. That is gonna be difficult.

Marvel: Shado, the girl, that kid with the skateboard, and I should be able to provide the time you need Turtle.

BlueB: That's Blue Beetle buddy!

Marvel: Whatever.

Dee: I'll help BlueB, Shado.

Shado: Good that might make things go faster.

*The four go up to fight the behemoth. Ninja Chan goes to strike Steel with a sword but the sword breaks on Steel as soon as it hits him.*

NC: What those swords were supposed to be indestructable?!

Steel: Yeah they were but when you have a body that is four times tougher than MarvelMan and this is due to magic stronger than that on a cursed sword, then that cursed sword ain't gonna do much missy.

*Steel punches NC in stomach and then punts her out of the house.*

Steel: There is one less turd to worry about and now

*Steel hears the following*

Zero: Ninja Chan! Okay this jerk gets to be the one I test my new move on! 540 SPECIAL SPIN KICK!

*Steel caught off guard gets hit in the head 6 times*

Steel: That wasn't much either.
*Steel slams Zero into the ground knocking him unconcious*

BlueB :(looks up from his construction) Poor guy knocked out twice in the same week.

Dee:(slaps BlueB over the head) Have some sympathy for the man.

Marvel: Shado you are going to have to use that power of yours. Those gave their best but only you and I have the actual power to keep them occupied.

Shado: Great.

*MarvelMan pulls out his sword*

Marvel: Gods of Thunder I call upon your power to ignite my weapon so that I may defeat this foe!

*All of a sudden a thunderstorm comes out of nowhere and a lightning bolt strikes MarvelMan's Sword*

Marvel: Got any weapon stronger than a broken hockey stick, Shado?

Shado thinks to himself Kimiko the weapons you gave me might come in handy right now and pulls out the staff.

Shado: Man this feels like we are back in STRYFE, Marvel.

Marvel: I know, just don't go sleep with my daughter this time and I might let you live. Blue Cannonball how is that weapon coming?

BlueB: That's Blue Beetle. Dee and I are almost done. (thinks to himself)Man MarvelMan is a jackass

MarvelMan thinking to himself I hope he can finish soon because Shado doesn't have much control over that tremendous amount of chi he's got there. But maybe that's what we need to defeat this monstrosity

Shado starts to trembel.....he has done this one other time before.......when he knows he has to deliver a killing move, but instead he focuses his power on the Onyx staff.
Shado "Marvel, lets go."

Marvel "Yeah, like the old days."

Shado moves the staff with ease as a white radience emits from the staff......

Steel strikes again missing Shado and Marvel, as they leap out of the way. Shado Moves behind Steel and strikes him in the back of the knees and the monolith drops to his knees.

Shado "Marvel now!"

Marvel moves in with his sword blazing. The Energy of the sword fills the air......
Marvel moves the sword in the pattern of a thunder bold and thrusts the sword Directly into Steel's chest.

The storm that brought the energy to Marvel's sword Pumps straight into Steel....

Steel "RRRRRAAAAAHHHHHHH......Now you'r making me mad!"

As marvel hols on to the sword he is taking direct attacks from steel and it is wearing him Stell continues his assult
Ninja Chan and Neo Manda cover Marvel by blocking his attacks!

Neo Manda "Shado Tap your power before you die!"

Shado surges with the power of his inner strength........"right!"

Steel "You puny little can't stop Steel!"

Shado leaps in the air behind Steel and TWISTS ANS PULLS the staff....forming the dreaded ONYX NUNCHAKU.....SHado lands on Steel's back and wraps the Black Chain around Steel's neck........"You time to expire and return to ash has come!"

Shado tightens the chain as his eye glow like Bright Embers.........An a white flame surrounds his body..........

Steel starts to Punch Shado and the hits start to phase him.......

Shado "RRRRAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! KIMIKO GIVE ME THE STRENGTH!" Shado glows brighter as the energy from his body, Marvel's, Chan's,and Neo Manda Merge together!

Dee "We're DONE!"

Blue "MOVE NOW!"

Marvel "Do it now Blue Grass!"


Bule Beetle hits the switch and turns on the device made frof gum, cheese, broken parts of the cursed sword, and on of his dirty mags!

Neo Manda, Chan, and MArvel move out of the way. But Shado can't.....Steel is holding him...

Steel "Your coming with me Shado!"

Shado "Do it Blue!"

Blue knows that Shado means it and Blasts them bothe with the gamma rays!

In a briliant flash of light and colors Steel is seperated into Colbalt and Iron! Shado is still standing and his Nunchaku is wraped around bothe of there wrists..........

SHado jumsp to the ground and grabs the end of his Nunchaku and swings both of the into the air.........They both fly towards thr Hull of the ship!

Shado twists the Staf back together and buts it behind his belt......
Then he digs his feet into the ground and builds his energy higher.......

energy crackles all oner the ship as it feeds Shado and builds up into a small dot of white light in the palm of his hands and does a RYU typ move to release it


All this was done while Colbalt and Iron still flew in the air.....

The massive evergy beam vaporizes the pair before they hit the wall! The Massive airship base starts to rummble.......

As shado pours the energy from his body, the beam grows dim and the white flame dies down....Shado falls to the ground.....and passes out.

Neo Manda "Shado?!"
she runs to Shado and lifts him did beat Steel.....

Shado opens his eyes..."We all did it.....I....can...can't...walk.....I'm too.....tired........passes out again"

Neo Manda "I got you Friend."

Marvel "We got to get out of her...that little display of power just trashed the ships systems and it is falling apart!"

Dee "Quick to the air ship!"

Neo Manda carries Shado, Ninja Chan lifts up
Zero and his board, Blue and Dee run like hell, and Marvel picks up the Body of Kimiko.

They make it to the air ship and climb in...
Dee fires the External Thrusters and Jams it the hell outta there just as the massive Base explodes and falls towarsd the eart and crashes into the water below.
A small office:
Boss: It's Been a week and a half, and no word from Zero! Where is that idiot!, Oh Yeah, I'll call him on his cell phone!
The diner: The waitress answers the phone; "Hello?"
Boss: "Where's Zero!?"
Waitress: "Ummmm..., he gave me his cell phone! I don't know his new number, Bye!"
Boss: WHAT!!! That was a company phone!
Our heroes stand on the ships bridge on their chase for Manda, when Zero speaks up.
Zero: Man, I could go for a pizza. Now where's my phone...Oh man, I lost it! Boss'l kill me!
All of the heroes banter is being monitored by Grey.
Grey: Those fools really think they have a chance at stopping me from completing balence, well...At least they're amusing.
OCC: Just a quick interlude between chapters to lighten things up.
Back on DEE's ariship the tired hero's try to rest. Shado is still past out as NeoManda watches over him. Marvel enters the room to see how he is....and notices that he is still pasted out......

Marvel "Do you think that he will be awake anytime soon?"

Neo "It is hard to say...he has been out for a hour now....he should wake up soon."

Marvel"I hope so i have some catching up to do."
Marvel leaves the room as Neo Manda locks the door an slowly clutches the wall.....her energy fades a little as she stumbles over to Shado's bed and falls on to him.......

Shado puts his hand on her back...." know why your weak...."

Neo "Why....Shado....?"

Shado "your becoming your own.....person."

Neo "Oh......"
She passes out and Shado touches her head....and sees if he can sence manda in there...she is still there but is slowly fading...he wonders why.....but he falls back to sleep.


Ninja Chan and Zero are eating in the Mess hall....
Chan "Boy when Dee builds something he really builds something."

Zero "Ummm...Chan, what about that Armor is there anyway that i can help get it off of you?"

Chan "I'm trapped in this form forever...unless somebody else wants to take on the curs of this evil has to be passed on from e to the other person."

Zero "It can't be that bad then....."

Chan "Zero, you don't understand at all! Imagain not being able to touch another human for the rest of your life! That is my curse and i'll never place that dread on another being....I may be INDY's cousion...but i'm not heart less like that bastard!"

Zero "I'm sorry......Chan, I'll find a way to get that cursed armor off of you. If it is the last thing i'll ever do."

At that very moment, the Judge's ritual takes place in the holy temple. Strangely, it's not in a dark room filled with torches, but it is in a courtyard.
The courtyard has stones arranged in a simple circle. The circle is then inside another, until we see it is made target-like.
The entire area is filled with glorious sunlight, as there are no clouds above at this time.
Blue, Judge, Manda, and the Pope are inside the small center circle with just enough room for them all to move without hitting each other. Manda is in the direct center, Blue is on the west side, the Pope on the east, and the Judge on the south. There is an open spot on the north side.
The Judge gets on his knees, so do the others. The Judge speaks in a much kinder voice than we have heard.
Judge: "Mother, I have brought my chosen wife with me on this day. For her to match your graceful standards, I ask you to remove the light from her body and manifest it in a new form. Make this new being composed of nothing but light, deprived of the confines of skin, muscle, and bone."
A soft voice comes from above, as if the sun itself was alive.
Voice: "You are willing to live with her, despite her flaws, and allow her to improve on them? Do you both swear that you will not venture onto the path of darkness?
Manda: "I swear."
Judge: "Mother, I must have honesty, or say what I believe to be honest. Though we will have relations to the shadows, we will not live or visit them."
Voice: "You sound insincere, but I will allow you to make your own mistakes on this condition: You are bring her into the events of mortals."
With that, dark clouds began to form much faster than usual. The change was very easily apparant, and within seconds, only one dot of sky remained clear. This dot shone a single beam of light onto Manda, and she then fainted. About 5 minutes later, a new woman had appeared on the empty north side. Because she was only light, only the one who summoned her could see all features.
The light became so intense that even the dark clouds were destroyed from her radiance.
Judge: "Okay people, put on your special glasses."
Blue and the Pope put on new glasses made by (appropriately) Glass for this very occasion, and their vision was restored to the normal scene, but they could not see Holy Manda.
Judge: "Oh, my darling, allow me to escort you to your new room, where you can prepare for the big event."
Judge talked as if he were to marry her alone, but he had other plans. His wish was to bring the darkness out of Manda and make a true opposite of Holy Manda. By combining the two, he could have the perfect wife. He had more plans, but this was all that his mind was set on at the moment.
Everyone walked back to the helicopter, with Blue carrying Normal Manda. There was a special room prepared for both; one would keep out all light, regardless of intesity, and one would be to protect everyone from the now deformed Manda. The helicopter took off with the Judge's final words to the Pope.
Judge: "For your faithful service, you can keep your new home."
Zero has gone down to Blu's makeshift lab.
Zero: Blu...?
Blu: Yea, right here Zero.
Blu is surrounded by junk, working on a new invention.
Zero: I need to ask you a favor, Blu.
Blu: Sure, what is it?
Zero: I need you to help me get Chan's armor off.
Blu: offense but, what's in it for me, cuz it may take some time.
Zero: Well....whisper...whisper..hookers...whisper...hentai...whisper. That a good enough deal?
Blu: I'm working on it Now!
Zero smiles and leaves to go back and talk to Chan.
Shado wakes up again to see the light draining from Neo Manda's eyes......She starts to float in the air as her energy fades
Neo Manda "Shado....i can't feel the light from"

Shado "......."

She starts crying as Shado hold her.
"<sniff>....I now? I'm not the person i was......I still have the Genes that are in Diamond....and the Power that Indy and Nova gave me. But is that all i am, Shado?"

Shado ""

Shado picks up her chin and looks deepint her eyes. For the first time he sees fear, the fear of not having a past to hold on to.....Memories that were not here own. Shado sees a soul deep in her one that was there and begged to escape the unknown, and reach out to something/someone that could give her the grip on reality that she needs.

"Shado,...<sniff>...who am i.....what am i?"

Shado "you are more then what you are not the sum of your parts of Manda and Diamond. You have your own soul now. You are new to this world because your new spirit has awakin. You don't need Their will to have your own. When you Mirged with Manda's Light you started on the path of recreation........."

"then who am i Shado?"

Shado looks at her looking for an explination, trying to find something....and it is right under his nose...and he sees it

Shado "You are a part of Diamond in her power....and also a part of Manda in her Genes...They are in a fashion your Mothers.
You are their Child....You have Manda's Memories and her are are their CHILD."

She looks up at Shado...."I don't want to be called Manda, Protomanda, or Neo Manda..... treated me like a sister and you helped me to change from Protomanda to who i am now......But i need a new name.....since i've just been reborn."

Shado thinks to himself.......

'Alright the little sister how does, Gemini sound?"

She looks at Shado...."Why that name?"

Shado "You are bonded together by two beings to become one you have the views and ablities of two other people.......thats why"

"She Smiles.....alright Shado<a tear rolls down her eye> I'm GEMINI from now on!"

Gemini hugs Shado and Shado hugs her bac and kisses her on the forehead. "I'll watch over you as if you were my little sister."

Gemini "Thanks Shado."

Shado rushes over to catch Neo Manda as she falls out of the air.
The helicopter arrives at Gray's main base.
Gray: "Now to check up on what has happened in my absence."
Gray and Blue enter the base, and the great hall is decorated in black. Many people are on their knees, mourning the loss of friends and relatives.
Blue: "Oh, no! What happened?"
When they hear him, everyone turns to see Blue and Gray, who wear very puzzled looks. Some people just turn back and mind their own business. Some sob uncontrollably. Some actually have a small smirk on their face. One of the crying mourners ran up to Gray, and she could only keep her voice down because she knew others didn't need to hear the tale again.
Widow: "Oh, Gray, it was terrible! We heard it all from Frost. Indy took control of the air base and shut down most security systems."
Gray: (thought) "Who could he be waiting for?"
Widow: "There apparantly were invaders. They arrived in an airship, completely undetected. They walked in and tried to destroy it!"
Gray: (thought) "Oh, no! This couldn't be good! Either the base was destroyed or the invaders killed many troops."
Widow: "They were held back by Indy, though. He had his best servants on the base and they fought bravely. Unfortunately, they lost to the invaders. The enemies left them for dead and proceeded to destroy the whole base!
Transmissions from the base told us that some pods escaped and are heading here, but we don't think many survived. My husband was on that ship! He was going to return and help care for my baby, but..."
Gray: "Shhh. You have suffered enough already. You don't need to say anymore. I share your loss. I had a lot of good technology on that base and the finest crew available. When did this happen?"
Widow: "Just yesterday."
Gray: "Thank you. Why don't we both pray for your departed husband. Blue, tell Frost to make an announcement to console the people and raise their spirits."
Blue: "At once, sir."
Blue walked off to Frost's quarters. Gray followed the widow back to where she prayed, and Gray joined in silent prayer.

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